2020 Election-Denier Mike Johnson Elected As New House Speaker
2020 Election-Denier Mike Johnson Elected As New House Speaker



@hareth3911 Says:
The problem it’s a mood , if someone you don’t like him you call him far right, andhe is probably a moderate right .
@joshntn37111 Says:
Why isnt the left strong enough to do this to their party? But instead they get their asses kicked and give up.
@clifford2.068 Says:
Cenk and Anna --- Please share your thoughts on HUFFPOST'S reporting about Mike Johnson's horrible wife comparing being gay to bestiality and incest!
@noigelskram2435 Says:
Nancy Pelosi is an election denier. Care to mention the details, TYT?
@fasteddyet Says:
Religion is a vampire
@BadMattOfficial Says:
What a bunch of cowards not answering that question, because they KNOW they're full of shit! The republican party is one big circle jerk.
@BadMattOfficial Says:
Get that religious nutjob out of there! WE MUST KEEP THIS COUNTRY SECULAR!
@hezekiahramirez6965 Says:
I knew it was a mistake to watch this video. Why can't Rayvanna get thru two sentences without giggling like a little girl on too much caffeine? What is so funny about "Mike Johnson?" Just the name "Johnson?" Does she guffaw every time she hears it IRL too? It's a very very common name. I guess they're kind of hurting for contributors nowadays but come on. This woman is entirely incapable of taking anything seriously or articulating a complete sentence without stopping two or three times to get her giggles out. I can't take her seriously as long as she behaves like this. I'm sorry but it's annoying and extremely unprofessional. I don't know what she finds so rip roaringly hilarious all the time
@RonSinclair-gh5qy Says:
Sounds like Mike Johnson is a great pick then, and Emerr gone..for alm those reason...we dont want another sellout as speaker..
@RonSinclair-gh5qy Says:
The clown car is the TYT and CNN calling themselves real news...just a bunch of clowns on both sides of the reporting of TYT and CNN
@BlvkColossus Says:
Amerikkka so pathetic
@mwmulv Says:
Cenk yogurt sucks almost as bad as Nina Turner
@jamesgavin5269 Says:
Mandates and your democracy go together like ass and holes.
@dariowalker6665 Says:
Wait what kind of propaganda shit show is this? 😂 I was just trying to get to know Mike Johnson...
@liljace1721 Says:
Russia Russia Russia 😂😂😂
@MarthaRoseMoore415 Says:
I am glad Tapper saves his top-shelf gravitas for things that matter.
@Patrickjwalsh1976 Says:
Himmler vibes. Not going to lie.
@cecekeepingitreal3531 Says:
Ok that’s fine Then give me back every penny I’ve paid into Soical Security with interest!! Jimmy old boy
@dragonfly4water Says:
So one of Mike Johnson's main solutions to our national debt issue is not to rein in corporate profits or military spending but to eliminate Medicare, stating how the private sector can do it so much better. However, our military spending is bloated because of private contracting and hospitals and doctors offices are ending contracts with private Medicare insurance companies because they won't pay and they steal all the money. Maybe if we went to universal healthcare the Medicare issue wouldn't be such a big ordeal. And maybe if we got rid of private contracting in our military it wouldn't be such a big ordeal. Maybe we'd have more money for all of us instead of just the contractors, CEOs and politicians.
@jamesgodfrey4211 Says:
Are you stupid... Dumb question I know but still thought I'd ask...
@citizen2x Says:
@noigelskram2435 Says:
Nancy Pelosi is an election denier.
@stevenelson197 Says:
What's the matter pussys, are you scared your going to be red pulled. Suck it Bitcth!!
@Trendsetic Says:
I get the feeling history will show this as a calculated power grab. When will our country finally tire of these sneering troublemaker insurrectionists and strip them of office and title?
@tflg3257 Says:
Trump won the 2020 election.
@fastbuzzardo4204 Says:
These people are Idiots . Yes total BS here! Mike Johnson ALL THE WAY!!!!! This is the most one sided news and this is whats wrong with america.
@marklayman8452 Says:
There has to be some serious dark secrets this a- hole is hiding ..
@IndyAvocadoKid Says:
If Biden gets voted in again then getting his presidency accepted by republicans WILL BE SO MUCH FUN in 2024, may we live in interesting times…🤔🙄🤨
@billmeece9781 Says:
These two people are stupid
@thebrazilianguy4652 Says:
Sucks to be a libtarededdeepshit! U about to eat shitpie for the next 2 years! 😂😂😂
@honda116969 Says:
I 💕 the Big TURDS
@honda116969 Says:
Thank God we got a Christian house speaker that can stand up for the morals and values of this country that it was founded upon and stopped these demonic liberals
@CheekClappa302 Says:
The 2020 election was in fact rigged. It had been proven, and then swept under the rug.
@intillanes Says:
Do you remember Hillary Clinton? She is the master of election deniers. Do you have something to say about her and laugh like a pig the same way you do when you talk about the speaker?
@PrivateerCrew Says:
These Clowns are Rtarded 😂😂😂 Look at Pennsylvania 10 to 1 New Republicans to DemCommunists , And Radical ???? RADICAL ???? You have Squad Terrorists in the Dem Party , All the Rest are Just Diversity Hires and America Knows that ....Either way though the Next President will be a Republican because thats the way its gonna go from now on mark my words 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@intillanes Says:
You are the real clowns! All the caos in the world is happening because of sh!t like you work for a woke media. You have this country upside down. Why don't you talk about the 200k Biden got from his brother, who got it from China. You are the real enemy this country is facing. And you F@T GIRL ARE SO DESPICABLE. YOU LAUGH AND IS LIKE VOMIT IN MY SHOES.
@joyrichards6127 Says:
You are so biased you are no journalist totally unprofessionalm
@AyeCarumba221 Says:
Undoubtedly no republicans voted against johnson because they got death threats.
@billblue3159 Says:
Republicans are lazy money grubbing traitors! TRAITORS!!
@charles9215 Says:
The clowns are the ones who are running the country. Joe Biden has been a clown his whole life. What’s wrong you leftist. Scared of a conservative. Really frightening
@liquidpatriot4480 Says:
Speaking of election deniers, where's Hillary? 😏
@williamcortelyou9072 Says:
The people who will take control of Gaza are exactly what you are complaining about, except worse. You complain about the women being murdered protesting the scarf, but HAMAS would be even worse. They honestly already are. The things they do to every day people in Gaza is nightmare fuel.
@lilajtblue Says:
House of Fools, i like the headline. Thugs ,want to be's! That older woman white hair saying shut up? DJT puppets? They think that shows dignity. Why are you'll afraid of Gay's? Do they knock on your doors and tell you who you can love?
@baldrickscunningplan6154 Says:
Hakeem Jeffries denied Trumps election several times and its on video, but according to Jeffries. Mike Johnson is an election denier? Lol.
@lilajtblue Says:
Mike Johnson does not represent my State. He's a side of DJT. He doesn't Represent me and other Independents/Democrats. Louisiana I was born here but doesn't represent how I feel. His views follows Trump and everything I do not agree with and NEVER WILL. GOD created all. Its in the Bible. But I'm sure you want to rewrite the Bible which it was after 1400 AD. Here we go again, another MTG in a suit. How many hate speeches will we hear in the coming weeks? He's already spewing get rid of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. I hope you live in a 30,000 sq ft home because all that depends on these checks btw we paid in ourself from the sweat of our brows. We all will be homeless. You just think that's something you think we don't need, watch and see what happens. We will let you take care of us. Get that Trump mentality out of your brain. Because you won't be holding that job very long. You'll be number 3. And you will be outta here!!! Stop trying to change what's lawfully ours and concentrate on real issues. Climate change, better highways & interstates. How many Speakers of the House will come and go? You'll be number 3. We're waiting for you to speak wrongly towards Americans. Your instructor will bash you if you go on your you know. You're his puppet, all of the Republicans are, what has gotten your values to the extreme putting out hate? Aren't you tired? Aren't you tired of being next to frames of hatred? Its tiring to hear. Vore Blue for Truth. Vote out Speaker of the House. He'll be gone in 3 months. NEXT,,,,,,
@jackburton4892 Says:
The only election denier I can remember is Killary.
@albertcosta2343 Says:
Everytime i get paid, for 4 decades, the government takes some of that money for social security. The Republicans now want to end social security. Ok. Give me all the money back! Or vote Democrat in 2024.
@waynemoody2759 Says:
RAY, your laugh is becoming weird.
@norasalazar5474 Says:
You are not in tune with real people.. get out of fake news
@4idhero798 Says:
Putin's people. Putin hates a free press also. Act like adults, Republiturds.

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