Australian Prime Minister defines woman. Trans mob LOSES IT!

Australian Prime Minister defines woman. Trans mob LOSES IT!


Get your delicious Coffee Brand Coffee! ?? Use coupon code 'BEARING' for 10% off! Australian Prime Minister defines woman. Trans mob LOSES IT! Regards, ???? ??? Bearing @ BitChute Bearing @ Odysee Bearing @ Parler Bearing @ Minds Support @ SubscribeStar Support @ Patreon Support @ PayPal Bearing Merch Bearing's music @ Bandcamp Bearing's music @ Spotify ??? Fair use. This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has been for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitutes 'fair use' under section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright. ??? Background music by DJ Quads Outro music by No Credit Business enquiries sales[at] Bearing enquiries bearing.australia[at]




@kungfudavie Says:
We are so impressed yet they have world leaders falling over themselves of fear they will offend the ABCs 😂 yeh super opressed
@stevensilvainus6084 Says:
What about mares and cows? They are adult females, but they aren't women, they aren't even human.
@olafelsberry420 Says:
Since we’re at it I’m a petty purdy princess with a penis.
@Tailstraw_xD Says:
@FinnaGetCozy Says:
Love you bro
@jeffzeiler346 Says:
Wait, how is the PM of Oz so based? Izzat a joke? If he's for real, he deserves some Coffee Brand Coffee! (And some for Posie too)
@WanArk86 Says:
That's is the most childish question I've heard and yeah, the answer IS an adult female. No need to over analyse it through a microscope. Keep it simple, simpleton.
@kevinroberts4124 Says:
Sugar Nuts.😎
@lamalamalex Says:
Biologist here. A woman is an adult human female. A man is an adult human male. Male and female correspond to the organism with the potential to make sperm or eggs respectively. Sorry is the smaller gamete. And egg is the large gamete.
@cartooncrazy9433 Says:
How utterly, f*cking ludicrous.
@zoel86 Says:
oopsie no no… bruh! 😆
@ADVyperMk1 Says:
That cowardly politician from New Zealand is disgusting.
@VTClips_PreshaOrion Says:
yooooo you're repping Jeremy's coffee. Can confirm the tea is great also. It's so fun seeing two people I follow collaborating and supporting each other.
@daikansanchez7674 Says:
What I find more dangerous is that the question that was asked to the New Zealand PM was: How do you and how does this government define a 'woman'? I would answer with another question: Do you really want the government defining what a woman is and is not? Because the opinion of the PM is one thing, but the statement made by a government is on another level. Governments should not go there.
@Whiskeyshoots15 Says:
“I did not have a pre-formulated response…” yes you did. It’s the knowledge you developed as a very small child that became part of your foundation for all you know. What you mean is didn’t have a politically-vetted and woke-appropriate response workshopped to please a very small and VERY vocal demographic of the Twitter element, most of whom are not eligible to vote for you. You know it’s “adult human female” because you’ve known that your whole life, just as everyone alive knew it their whole life up until very recently when a small collection of ding dongs decided on behalf of everyone that a definition that has remained static for everyone for all of human history was suddenly incorrect and everyone needed to be bullied into agreeing.
@fromunderthekilt6310 Says:
Imagine a war broke out……all the invading army would need to do was say “If you fight back, you’re a bigot” War won. Fucking hell.
@alfredgarrett5065 Says:
You roasted all of Australia in this video. All i heard is the Australian prime Minister has to go to the uk for coronation. Hahaha
@jasa9707 Says:
So Albanese has finally watched Kindergarten Cop.
@cameronsylvester8934 Says:
You can feel the anger out of your he puss lol😂 you almost made me spit out my drink how dare you be funny
@aclevername7613 Says:
A woman is a adult human biological female in the more simple sense.
@CaptainB1994 Says:
Sturgeon wasn't PM of Scotland she was First Minister.
@johnblack9582 Says:
@szeredaiakos Says:
Grown biological female, or someone who acts like one. Simple addendum, but works. It has been in language since the dawn of humanity. You "throw like a woman" or you "move like grandma", I call my team "ladies" sometimes. The only remaining thing to do is to partially remove it from the derogatory category. Which is doable. Examples: homo', gay, trans.
@Michael-cs3uj Says:
Take your time…😂😂😂
@andrewclune3266 Says:
A woman is an adult human female.
@bushturkey798 Says:
I'm certain the reason we *have* to vote here, is no one would if given the choice.
@bsabruzzo Says:
Trans people cannot exist unless men and women exist in absolutes. Without men and women being fixed definitions, what would trans people be transitioning to or from?
@CloudyBogdan Says:
A woman has a VAGINA, a UTERUS, EGGS, BREASTS, wider hips and higher voice. I look at my mom, my babushkas, they're women. Clearly. There NEVER was a debate about something so OBVIOUS.
@oldschooldude7729 Says:
Do you know what an equivocation fallacy is in philosophy? It's when one word is used within the premises of an argument and then of course a final conclusion is reached. Here is an example of equivocation: #1 "Noisy children are a real headache. Two aspirin will make a headache go away. Therefore, two aspirin will make noisy children go away." #2 "Sure philosophy helps you argue better, but do we really need to encourage people to argue? There's enough hostility in this world." Do you spot the differences? In #1, headache has two different meanings in each of the two different premises before the conclusion. In #2, argue is the word that is equivocated upon. Therefore the arguments are not only invalid, but also unsound. Now observe the following: 1. Sally (XX) is a woman. 2. John (XY) is a woman. 3. Sally and John are both women. In premise 1, woman is a biological term. In premise 2, woman is a gender term. The only way out of this is to throw biology out the window and rewrite the argument in only gender terms. 1. Sally is a woman. 2. John is a woman. 3. Sally and John are both women. The problem is, in gender terms, what does "woman" even mean if there is no biological connotation? Or even "lesbian" for example. "A lesbian is someone who identifies as one." The word "one" is a pronoun. Okay, let's do some substitution. "A lesbian is someone who identifies as a lesbian" or "A woman is someone who identifies as a woman." This is a circular definition and thus also a fallacy. It's illogical to have a words in its own definition. That's not how language works. We know for example that a table is a flat piece of wood held up by three or more legs nailed to it underneath. We know about the thing-ness of a table, or what it takes to have or make a table. We know it's attributes. We don't get that with "woman" as a gender term. Nobody can explain what it is. But bringing biology back solves that issue. Despite the fallacy of equivocation going on, I wonder if an objectivist philosopher who reads Ayn Rand may say that these trans people are committing the fallacy of the stolen concept. For example, philosophers correctly claim that skepticism or universal skepticism is self refuting. It's impossible to deny the truth of everything, because in order to claim that all statements are relative, that in itself is a claim of objectivity. It's self contradictory. Just like when a person who claims to deny the principle of causality or the uniformity of nature, but still uses language which rests on that very premise, and still lives their life according to it, they would be accused of committing the fallacy of the stolen concept. You can't bite the hand that feeds to so speak. They have stolen the biological concept of woman, wedged in gender, and are now attempting the final stage of removing biological connotations all together. And they do it by first sharing a space with biology (equivocation fallacy), then trying to push out biology all together and just leave gender in there where it becomes a free for all with no standards or boundaries. And they do this by dressing up in drag or taking hormones. "Well look I present as a man." So by deepening your voice, and cutting off your breasts and forcing a beard to grow and getting bigger muscles, you are presenting as a BIOLOGICAL MAN IN APPEARANCE, but you're still claiming use of the term "man" or "woman" in a non biological context since you love gender so much. You can't throw biology out the window, and then adjust your physical appearance to look like a biological man that was allowed to develop naturally, and then claim "man" as gender term instead of biology term. For if biology is irrelevant, YOU COULD JUST CALL YOURSELF A MAN LOOKING LIKE A YOUNG CINDY CRAWFORD. And yet nobody does that. Hmmm. Interesting. "No you don't understand oldschool. They need to make those outer changes to feel better to look like the gender they feel like." And there's the stolen concept fallacy again. You can't pretend biology is irrelevant but then change your body to look like such a way that ONLY A BIOLOGICAL MAN THAT DEVELOPS NATURALLY COULD. In other words, it's a one-two combination of equivocation and the stolen concept fallacy. Man I should write a paper on that. LOL. In other words, these people want respect for violating the rules of science and philosophy. Nope. Never going to happen.
@Dreddpool82 Says:
He just got some brownie points in my book.
@pineappleparty1624 Says:
No, I will not be buying that overpriced rebranded coffee. If I want the best coffee possible, I could just roast my own beans and grind them on the spot. Anyone can!
@gooner72 Says:
Why are Posey Parker's opinions abhorrent? Why is it mate, that normal Australians are similar to us Brits but New Zealand folk (who I assumed were like us) seem to elect poncy, left wing apologist wanker politicians??
@gooner72 Says:
Fancy someone saying that a woman is an adult female......... the nerve!!!!😂
@chickenbonelives Says:
Damn I haven't seen bearing in ages
@MrCdnBeef Says:
Shapiro & Walsh conferences are great. A Bearing conference would be so frickin' amazing
@talpark8796 Says:
@tannehill91 Says:
My Scottish ancestors. Used to be a hearty stock of people I guess most of them now vote for. Gay socialists?
@justinallen122 Says:
A woman is also people who drink Budweiser
@AnnoyedDragon Says:
When world leaders are afraid to describe demonstrable tangible reality, we're in trouble. The 1984 lot have too much influence right now.
@GatorsNest Says:
Its like a test. Will they say all the "right words". Will they remember their new programming! Or will they slip up and speak truth, meaning they havent fully drunk the koolaid and need to be canceled as a demonstration of what will happen if the next person forgets their new programming.
@germanicelt Says:
First they attack the definition of marriage, than when they got their way, they immediately attack the definition of gender. I warned all you people like almost a decade ago, that if they change the marriage act they will not stop there.
@germanicelt Says:
Omg, New Zealand is so pussy whipped.
@germanicelt Says:
Albo, proving he passed infant school. What an amazing achievement for an Australian prime minister.
@panther1457 Says:
Time for Putin to push the reset button
@Hamrik_Oswald Says:
"I haven't had enough time to formulate an answer" Translation Geth: we are still forming a consensus, please try again later. This guy is a robot.
@PureSniperWolf Says:
So past tired of MEN being the ones who define what a woman is, and if a woman does that she's told to shut up and go sit in the corner. Didn't think in my life I'd have MY existence denied! 😡
@michaelmartin8285 Says:
If they say there are no genders, how are they transgendered? They’re own definitions are self refuting.
@lobohunter4909 Says:
Why do these politicians dance around the question? Why are they so scared,the woke community is a small percentage of people but they act like they have all the power.
@timm2428 Says:
You are from Oz,your voice always sounds like a wood chipper,what with you spending so much time screaming for your life fighting off dropbears.
@LakituKoopa Says:
It is so fucking simple: Women are adult female humans with XX chromosomes and original genitals like vaginas and breasts. That is a woman. Gender dysphorics are no women. Those are just men with crippled penises and crippled minds with rainbow glue in their heads.

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