Adam Conover Ruins CNN Exec on CNN

Adam Conover Ruins CNN Exec on CNN


Adam Conover brilliantly blasts CNN's CEO while on a CNN show. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "CNN's Sara Sidner interviewed comedian and TV writer Adam Conover about the ongoing Hollywood writers' strike, which into effect early Tuesday morning. 'Host of Adam Ruins Everything. Adam Conover Since you're known for ruining everything, is this your fault?' Sidner began with a joke."* *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230504__TB02WriterStrike




@vikingjnixed Says:
Remember when this douche got ruined in the joe Rogan show
@brew-whun Says:
Maybe it will open up opportunities for more writers.
@V9incent Says:
It's inarguble... until you learn about California taxes... and then learn that without the studio CEO the writers are useless.
@kennyt7780 Says:
Do people know that Conover is worth millions?
@johndwashburn9582 Says:
Maybe develop skills in something else if you want more money, derps 🙄
@rafbo457 Says:
Thank you Adam
@gaykosmos8456 Says:
Everyone, regardless of who they are or what work they do, deserves to be paid a fair, living wage for that work. That having been said, the entire concept of residuals is ridiculous and very anti-capitalistic. In literally EVERY other industry, the very idea that someone would expect or even suggest that they continue to be paid for work that was completed months to years ago would not get them laughed out of the room, it would get them laughed out of existence. Imagine that I as a computer repair tech sent my customers bills under the claim that because their computer that I repaired last year is still running, they need to send me more money, and continue to do so every month. If I did that my customers would be so outraged that not only would they NEVER use my services again, not only would they see to it that I NEVER got another new customer, but also they would sue me out of business, and with good reason. Don't get me wrong, if I could do that it would be wonderful... for me. Only for me. Everyone else on Earth is required to save and invest to plan for retirement, except for those in the entertainment industry. Why society condones this behavior in the entertainment industry and ONLY in the entertainment industry I simply cannot fathom.
@jamesblevins5088 Says:
Adam Conover is a tool. He is the most smug unjustly confident moron I've ever seen.
@officialnoquestion Says:
Greed amongst ppl with power and top positions is at an all time high in this world. Its pretty messed up.
@JohnTorres1987 Says:
The apprentice did not get made because of the writer’s strike of 2007. It started in 2004. Get your facts straight.
@axkamen3429 Says:
Still ruining for the greater good
@Catspeaksart4College Says:
Exploitation culture has normalized the expectation that employers shouldn’t feel embarrassed about how the people working for their companies feel about working there. What kind of “leaders” these smh can’t respect you if your team don’t. Wouldn’t bet on you in a battle ur troops hate you like that 🫡🫢 barf
@opmules2574 Says:
I highly recommend his podcast, I miss the edutainment genre and his series tend to crack down on so many of our misconceptions.
@tonybrown9208 Says:
whats the "writer's room" for? What is this and why does he need it on every show?
@Godric_71 Says:
Adam Conover is awesome.
@jordsmords Says:
lol this guy sucks
@jovangarcia-reyes17 Says:
Someone didnt do their homework about Adam. Lmao
@emg910728 Says:
I don't begrudge the CEO making more than me. I couldn't do their job. But it isn't worth 300% more than my work.
@calumhouston3308 Says:
People in the comments are why unions are getting destroyed. Pathetic.
@owenisconfused5835 Says:
im a simple person, i see a video either with or about adam conover and i immediately watch that video
@NU-us9od Says:
Do Cenk next….
@Fifthelement203 Says:
The dumb arguments in the comment are hilarious. And explains why corporations are able to destroy unions across the country and pay the majority of the country peanuts. You guys don’t know what’s good for you even when it should be so obvious😊
@Souls4Roca Says:
We also demand better writing but we don't see it happening...
@donfunk6613 Says:
I think you’re missing the fact that there are tons of content available and on tap with streaming services. You can shut down the production of all new programming other than news and I don’t know if that would make anything like The dent it would’ve in the past for corporations. in the short run it will probably mean bigger profits for streaming services.
@c0r3s4v3 Says:
@deanbobar4988 Says:
You make some good points. But that was a spurious argument related to Trump. One thing does not necessarily follow from the other.
@debrakbaylinson6787 Says:
Then the writers and actors etc can start their own collective company with profit sharing
@Lord.Kiltridge Says:
As you all know, payroll is a 100% deductible business expense. Government should add two new tax brackets on income over 5 and 10 million topping out at 65% *_AND_* reduce the deductibility of individual wages in excess of $10 million to 75% and over $25 million to 50%.
@seakelp3508 Says:
I've watched young master Conover for the past several years. I don't recall him ever claiming to be smarter than the next person. I do know that he is concerned about truth and does the greatest job at research I have ever witnessed. In short, "Adam Conover in 2024!". Seriously, he is brilliant.
@emefreeman1905 Says:
Adam had a name and career calling bullsh*t before he got to CNN, so there's that
@OdinsSage Says:
I LOVE seeing Adam unleashed. So glad he's keeping his voice out there.
@mkl5448 Says:
Here's the cold of this whole situation. If there were no writers for TV, with the world still go on without a problem? Of course it would. They would just end up hiring cheaper younger versions, and everything would be fine. Let's face it, 80% of what's on TV is garbage, unnecessary, and unwatchable. The writing is so watered down, lazy, and unoriginal. Here's what's going to happen, they will get some of what they are asking for and this will be a blip on the radar screen, kind of like the last one and future one after this. If you don't like it, go find a real job that might make an impact on this world. Shows like Adam ruins everything, John Oliver's HBO show, and documentaries are all we need on TV. Facts brought to you in an entertaining way.
@palmereldritch_6669 Says:
Goddammit, I'm 42 years old, I've been waiting my entire life for things to get less shitty, for people to wake up. But no. Instead we got 2 bullshit wars, intermittent government shutdowns, Fox News nonsense becoming mainstream, worsening quality of life, worsening life expectancy, NOTHING done about climate change, Roe overturned, and my parents' and sister all share views more in common with nazis than me and my wife. And now AI is going to be weaponized by foreign countries to further rot the brains of Americans, take people's jobs, and steal other people's intellectual property. The internet was going to save humanity, and now it's overrun with like 5 monopolistic evil entities like Google and Meta. And STILL people vote GOP. If I didn't have kids, I'd say humanity deserves the future it seems hell bent on ruining. Alas, I guess I'll just keep hoping against hope that the world will change one dead Boomer at. time, and that it does so before the climate apocalypse.
@heckensteiner4713 Says:
The math here isn't quite adding up. A quick google search shows that the average WGA writer's salary is $260,000 which only covers about 100 workers if that CEO were to give up his entire salary. I'm not sure how accurate that average is and that's obviously not the full story. I'm guessing a few writers get paid MUCH more than others which skews the average higher. But I wonder how many are truly being paid under a livable wage. I'm not saying they don't deserve a fair pay raise, but there are many other jobs in the industry that do not have the benefit of above-the-line residuals.
@SerenaBalejaSocialitePR Says:
Ruining things is hot
@michaelwardle7633 Says:
Owners will always try to fuck over workers. It’s that simple. Whether you write melodramas or do electrical wiring. Having a dignified living requires solidarity among anybody who labors to produce.
@omicdog Says:
Adam Ruins Mattresses.
@Two_Socks88 Says:
They made writers strike about Donald Trump.
@whatsgoingon07 Says:
I’ll bet my life the executives are already using chat GPT to outsource these writers
@omgahandlelol Says:
its funny that these studios think they have a product without writing.
@jordangerm Says:
There is a big difference between a joke that talks about trans issues... and an anti trans joke. I thought we cared about free speech?
@kght222 Says:
amazon doesn't make their money from selling consumer goods (they break even as of 2015). they make their money by selling industrial computer services. if you have a website even if you didn't buy it from amazon it is probably running on amazon servers. that is their cash cow. but there are also compute services and storage services that amazon sells, they make their money off of the companies that want to make money. they just happen to have a huge storefront.
@hoodeye Says:
Welcome to capitalism only the ties get paid well.
@bdewitt49 Says:
ALL news media has some sort of bias. It really cant be avoided in the current media settings. When I was young anyone in the "news" industry had a constant fear of being fired for showing emotion or implying their own views into a brocast. Todays Media is much more relaxed about both of those issues. Here is how I know I am not watching a cable news broadcast when I watch TYT. At 6:19 into this video a graphic was put up on screen showing market adjustments for the companies listed in the graphic. This is a very typical thing for news media. At 6:40 into this video Ana said the market as a whole was down. Implying that there may or may not be a correlation. In other words, do your own homework to find out if the graphic was caused by the story they were reporting on, or not. My absolute standing applause to Ana and all of TYT for including this small tidbit that no cable news outlet provides. I can't proclaim this video was fair and balanced, but I will fight in the streets to say at the very least they provide the whole facts when they provide content.
@0hermitworm Says:
Anna said it. If the writers hadn't had to go on strike or if the studios had been reasonable and _quickly_ negotiated with them to make things more fair, Trump may never have been famous enough to win the presidency. If this goes on too long, I may cancel my streaming subscriptions and leave them all a comment about treating their writers more fairly.
@Wrexxal Says:
Adam is just a badass, lol. I've loved his content since CH, amd it looks as though I'm going to continue loving his content for the foreseeable future!
@stefansnellgrove Says:
Funny I wanna act and sing and the contract ends on my 28th birthday.
@stefansnellgrove Says:
Wonder who her actor friend is
@MsTommyP Says:
Oh yeah, Adam ruins everything, drops 🎤 and DARES you to say something. Hilarious, on point read everytime
@davidfreeman5966 Says:
I've always thought Adam is an interesting guy. I'd love to hear more about his actual personal take on a lot of issues. You guys should see if he'd be willing to come on to do a tyt segment at some point.

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