Louisiana Politicians Give Themselves A Raise Then Kill Minimum Wage Hike

Louisiana Politicians Give Themselves A Raise Then Kill Minimum Wage Hike


Louisiana lawmakers move to raise their own pay after killing a minimum wage hike. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.theadvertiser.com/story/news/2023/05/03/louisiana-rejects-minimum-wage-hike-but-advances-bill-raising-lawmaker-pay/70178192007/ "Louisiana lawmakers on Wednesday rejected an annual effort to raise the minimum wage one day after advancing a bill that would more than double legislators' pay in a state where one in five people live below the poverty rate. Democratic Alexandria Rep. Ed Larvadain's House Bill 374 would have established a state minimum wage of $10 per hour beginning in 2024 before gradually raising it to $14 in 2028, but opponents argued it would be a hardship on businesses and create job losses."* *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ? http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ? http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ? http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ? http://www.twitch.com/tyt ???? Merch: http://shoptyt.com ? Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go ???? Website: https://www.tyt.com ????App: http://www.tyt.com/app ???? Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ? https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ? https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ? https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ? https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230504__TA04Louisiana




@Santa-504 Says:
They want to poach the he gulf
@Santa-504 Says:
They are trying to keep you poor so you cant buy land. They want to sell land to corporations
@glenlloyd8913 Says:
Louisiana is and has been for many many years ran by old rich politicians in office who don't want to change anything or help anyone except themselves and their rich buddies.
@TheDaexiled1 Says:
As a furniture moving truck driver, I pay my helpers a healthy $27-$32 per hour and usually finish in 8 hours that day. The rethuglikicans especially in my state of Louisiana are full of it, they get a raise and not everyone else? Vote them out, unfortunately my state has too many stup1d voters in the rural parishes
@workstationmark4103 Says:
With the 13star flagellation act
@sandpast Says:
Minimum wage is now at least 20/hr easily. We also need to redefine the middle class. 100k/yr should be the beginner of middle class
@XonURhed1970 Says:
I love TYT but 1 criticism I have is there is not a lot of reporting on the Meth Crisis in this country. There is a lot to discuss there so... Can we have more meaningful discussions about this huge issue in the states?>
@steveochry4047 Says:
Oh yes there goes Jake's usual narrative everybody's corrupt Jake why don't you just keep playing this over and over cuz that's all you say you do know research you just cast broad brushes and get your usual yogasm by dissing our president you're a fraud
@stephanie-iy9xg Says:
You can't even get a babysitter for $10 an hour???
@Yourdeadmeat69 Says:
@glenlloyd8913 Says:
These guys are all corporate nob gobblers and members of "the good ol' boys club". They could give two poops about the people of louisiana, yet we keep voting them into office. I guess one day we will wake up.
@stefansnellgrove Says:
Progressive Democrats need to take control of the Presidency House and Senate for anything to actually get done Corporate Democrats and Republicans have done nothing when they say they’re going to. If we were in Bernie second term we could actually have healthcare and higher education without breaking the bank higher wages (taxes would only be raised for people who make $400,000 or more a year) most Americas don’t even make that much in multiple years let alone a single year. Right now middle class and poor Americans are paying MORE taxes than the elite rich and they know it and wanna keep it that way that’s why they should “communist” “radical” etc when Bernie would be center to center left in every other developed country.
@thedullohanvids Says:
If most people don't make minimum wage, then why is it a problem to raise it?
@thrombus1857 Says:
I just did a travel assignment in houma louisiana last year. I was making 44 an hour as a traveler, while my coworkers were making MUCH less
@workstationmark4103 Says:
Am I dreaming sounds like an evil movie
@MadMage1993 Says:
Louisiana is the #2 Poverty State here. We're drowning trying to live paycheck to paycheck. People lose their homes and then those homes are left to rot. We have a terrible drug issue due to all this struggle. I know a lot of people in the drug circles and they either deal it just to provide or they take it to kill the inner pain they can't claw out of. Children are robbed of their parents as it takes two to work just to meet rent, pay bills, and maybe some groceries. Our politicians lie to us for votes and then screw us over to line their own pockets. It's sad because I see the potential for this state if allowed to thrive, yet we are robbed of opportunities just because we can't make enough for things like Healthcare, rent, or bills. And before you spit that annoying line of, "Well just quit the drugs and don't buy nonsense and you'll get out of it." You are delusional. It's not that simple when no matter what road you choose you get screwed unless you just HAPPEN to know the right people. Raising the minimum wage would help so many people down here. There is no downside to it.
@gregallen4272 Says:
Wage slavery is the cheapest way to make the rich people the ultra rich donor class of people who pay for political prostitutes to make them richer it is the same reason we don't have high speed trains that are efficient in the unUnited states because if people could easily leave there state and find out how much better they can live and work thay would be gone and the ultra rich donor class of people would be just rich people
@ericoxner8333 Says:
All I can say is I glad I do not live in that state.All I have to say get the heck out of that state.Get your family out of there.
@lexieq420 Says:
You think the minimum wage is bad? In Louisiana somehow law allows for waitresses to be paid less than 3.00 an hour.
@jjlivepattern Says:
…Real inflation adjusted monetary units of income has remained the same or has decreased for middle and lower pay scale workers and employees since the the late 70’s and early 80’s. Corporate CEO, CFO, upper management and board director pay has increased by over 1,000 % in comparison. I’m a free mkt person but evil and corruption is evil and corruption. And I’m not a thrilled Democrat but gop, you are false and corrupt..not to mention bigoted insurrectionist traitors.
@christinewilhelm4407 Says:
And yet... Their constituents will keep voting for them because they watch Fox and OAN news for their facts.
@peterandrews955 Says:
Are you Freaking kidding me 😂 !
@warlockpaladin2261 Says:
Who here remembers that scene in Mel Brooks' "History of the World: Part I"?
@westabsupplyebay4093 Says:
One of the reasons i quit one of my last jobs, they were acting like 15 something an hour is a big deal. Ok boomer, meanwhile that 15 something feels like 10 dollars an hour after taxes and inflation. The main reason? Increasing work load, no help and an overall sense of only cheap talk from management. Places like that I'm learie of now when job hunting, it has helped me steer clear.
@nandisaand5287 Says:
Living in LA, I can say: none of this matters. Folks here are generally low-information, so they'll continue to vote against their own interests, and we have a bizarre jungle primary system that favors incumbents. Nothing will change.
@bosnose Says:
We need for Americans to get livable wadge.. minimum wage needs to go up..
@JasonLee-si1yj Says:
$10 an hours is peanuts it should start a 15 work up to 20 isn't that if you work not missing a day you make more money right or wrong keeping a good Tendencies record
@kirbiliusclausius Says:
You're asking people who are progressive enough to hold these values to be as vicious as the people who hate these values
@user-fd9sz8er1r Says:
It should be mandatory they get a raise. it should not be left up to a human being to decide 🤔
@justaguy6100 Says:
Louisiana has a surprisingly big economy with a lot of natural resources that DO generate a lot of wealth, it just gravitates to the top. THIS is a very good assessment of how and why Louisiana has such an outrageous wealth gap by Together Louisiana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWTic9btP38
@user-fd9sz8er1r Says:
Keep messing with people money and then it won't be nobody working these crappy jobs. 🧑‍⚖️
@darrylhicks3363 Says:
Ana,Cenk,love your content, and informative News , but we are tired 😩 of the American citizens in these states crying, and knowing, and accepting, but not giving a SHIT enough to do anything about it 🤔 and we've been telling them what to do, and we have their backs, and still they complain,stand on the sidelines and do NOTHING ✨🤔🤭 except bitch and complain,we other states citizens, will fight and vote their ASS'S out of office, because the ONLY way they're gonna get change is if those corrupt politicians are put in the unemployment line, and have to find a REAL job 🤔🤭 They have to put in their OWN work, like we did 🤔 GUARANTEED plain and simple TRUTH and FACTS 💯
@RedeyedJedi00 Says:
Our elected representatives blatantly disregard the interests of the American majority... So why are we still allowing these corrupt scumbags (government officials) to pass legislation, render verdicts and make decisions that 'We The People' do not agree with? It is completely redundant and illogical for us to vote on a 'representative' who will vote/make decisions against our best interests. Why aren't we voting directly on those decisions ourselves. We need to cut out the corrupt 'middle men' and take the power back to the people! With today's technology, American citizens could collectively be making our own governmental/societal decisions by voting on policies directly through a 'Public Government' app on our phones/computers. Rather than electing corrupt representatives (who almost never pass legislation that benefits the 99%), we could all have an actual say in a 'hands on' governmental process. Through a 'People's Government App', any American would be allowed to propose law changes that would improve society. First step: You would upload your presentation online in written or video format. Those presentations with the most 'likes' (highest approval rating) would go through a public refining process with elected, knowledgeable experts counseling, providing advice and guidance in the form of discussions and debates on the issues and topics discussed in the bill's proposal. Second step: Once the bill's contents are completed and worthy of a vote, an official 'final draft' proposal would be drawn up by elected legislators/attorneys. Final step: The bill would be posted for 3 days while we would all vote on it. If the majority of Americans say yes, then guess what?... The bill passes and the people win! And if the majority of us vote no, then guess what?... The bill fails and we the people still win! Same goes for court rulings. Why would we ever give biased judges the power to decide important outcomes rather than a jury? A judge should be no more than a referee/debate mediator. Every and all decisions in a court should be made by a jury of randomly selected Americans. Why do we sit idly by while the Supreme Court strips away our rights/freedoms by overturning Roe V Wade while knowing the overwhelming majority of Americans? Roughly 70%-75% of Americans disagreed with the decision! That is a blatant Fawk You to the people! They literally said, "We don't give a fawk what Americans want, we decide what is good for you." Why do we still allow the Supreme Court, Dept Of In-Justice and law enforcement to police itself, never being held accountable? They have been given the authority to make laws against the will of the people as well as break the law with no consequences. Written into law without our consent, these judges, prosecutors and police officers have anointed themselves immune from prosecution. Even in cases where they have blatantly broken the law and their oaths to the Constitution… Qualified, Prosecutorial and Judicial Immunity puts all of them above the law. The Supreme Court literally answers to NOBODY! The U.S. has become the country 'Of The Wealthy, By The Wealthy, For The Wealthy.' It is common knowledge that filthy rich campaign donors and lobbyists purchase pocket politicians who pass legislation on their behalf. Laws which siphon the freedoms and wealth from the bottom 99% to give to the top 1% of the population… So why do we still allow it? Unfortunately, most Americans are gullible and ignorant. This corrupt United States oligarchy has perfected the ability to distract the majority of Americans by dividing them into a 2 party, tribalistic society. You add all the finger pointing, racism, classism, hate etc and you see the result- People are too busy blaming and fighting each other to realize that we all share the same enemy- The lying, conniving government officials across the aisle. The entire concept of a 2 party government is so obviously divisive, irrational and counterproductive. Yet so many struggling Americans are ready to fist fight, if not kill each other for their perceived tribe. It's incredibly depressing and deflating considering both parties work for filthy rich billionaires. It is time to disband this entire 2 party government all together- republicans, democrats, judges, senate, congress governors, city councilors, lobbyists, etc, banish them all to a remote island and let them cannibalize each other. They are completely unnecessary and will not stop until they have completely stripped us of the little freedoms and money we have left. As for you young phone application creators, GET TO WORK!... Gather a team of intelligent experts in government operations and create an online governing structure. Be that genius who invents a program/application to circumvent the process of electing politicians by inventing 'The People's Government' app where communities vote on issues, not phony politicians. It is no exaggeration to say that you could possibly go down in history as the most important and influential person of all time! The genius who saved an entire country, even the world from corrupt politics. Start with a small township, work your way up to state level and finally roll out nationally. If I had the computer knowledge or the wealth to invest, I would be doing it myself. Quick hint for voters: If you want to spot the most corrupt politician in an election, just point out the most popular candidate with the best, most expensive campaign… That 'top notch' campaign is a purchased investment made by wealthy donors who have paid for a return of service. That candidate is already a marionette bought and paid for by the power/money hoarders of America. Unless you are one of those greedy elite donors, your vote is virtually meaningless. That puppet you voted for will never enact changes that improve your life.
@Anonymous-bi5pv Says:
the minimum wage should be 30, no exceptions. you cannot pay rent in modern day america with anything less
@gregghill2059 Says:
Wouldn't it be great if Sanders had the balls of an FDR. But he doesn't. Right ideas, wrong character. No wonder he's called a sheepdog.
@ericeckert7596 Says:
And still they keep voting in these losers and charlatans.. To much lead in the water down there and religious stupidity! Good luck killing your woman too,with no health care! Pretty soon your sister - wife gonna need it!
@James-fh6ft Says:
And what have the demonrats done for the average people
@wordvango7643 Says:
Well, they did good according to their corporate owners, right?
@itscthuwu5125 Says:
The low pay from "legislation" is not their primary source of income, most likely surviving off of inherited wealth, or are financially supported by through marriage. The legislature giving themselves more money is actually ethically worse than presented here. It would be bad if they were surviving off the legislative pay, but the majority if not all of them are not making it even more egregious.
@billfuentes7989 Says:
Lol stupid red necks
@robertpendergrass7996 Says:
43years 1980-2023 of Reaganomics Republican and moderate democrats failed tax break giveaways to the richest 1% and corporate America. Over 52 tillion dollars plus corporate America taxpayer baiouts. At the expense of American infrastructure rebuilding blue collar middle class workers and the working class poor. Minimum wage over this 43 year 1980-2023 period only 7.25hr. Who do American legislators work for ? Truth + Wisdom = Peace ✌ 🙏 🙌 👏.
@hunnybunny814 Says:
Well, one day, perhaps the voters will wake up.
@armandolarade7861 Says:
Up here in Canada our average minimum wage is 16.25 an hour. It's pretty good when compared to 7.25 which is below the poverty line and that's also a guarantee that these folks don't have any health care or any other basic safety nets. America doesn't take care of its people. For example, a section of our federal employees were on strike demanding 12.5% pay raise on 3 years, the ended with what they wanted but in a 4 year period, still, a very good raise...unions are good for the the country and need to remain strong.
@edwardkelly3280 Says:
Louisiana absolutely sucks and I hate living over here
@donaldcharlton2569 Says:
That doesn't work look at Congress majority of them are millionaires and they still take as many payoffs as possible 🤬💩🕳️!!!
@leekosmen2771 Says:
Self important ass holes. What have they done to make Loisisinians better, safer and happier? Absolutely nothing. Loisiana, this is what you get and deserve for electing barbaric self serving Republicans to office. You get what you vote for. Now suck it up and enjoy being screwed over.
@johngrissom9147 Says:
This is SICKENINGLY PATHETIC THAT our employees over double their pay while flipping the middle finger at everyone else to get a living wage !!!! BAD MATH !!!!
@TheGoofy1932 Says:
😏 Well, if these southern states would quit voting Republican they'd be able to get the minimum wage increased. 🤨 Sorry, but it's Very Hard to feel sorry for people who continue to Vote these people in and then want to complain that their lives don't ever change for the better. 🤨 Yeah, it's Shocking 🤯 that Republicans are Not going to help the average person. 😏🤦‍♀️
@billhecht5291 Says:
More southern voters getting a better understanding of who they vote for😂
@ldwankenobi5618 Says:
the ppl do not need politicians to represent them anymore.

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