Donor PAID TUITION For Clarence Thomas' Kid! Tucker & Trump TEAMING Up AGAINST Fox??

Donor PAID TUITION For Clarence Thomas' Kid! Tucker & Trump TEAMING Up AGAINST Fox??


Clarence Thomas had a child in private school. Harlan Crow paid the tuition. Investigation uncovers two 10-year-olds working at Kentucky McDonald's. Louisiana rejects raising minimum wage a day after advancing bill to raise lawmaker pay. Ex-Proud Boys leader Tarrio guilty of Jan. 6 sedition plot. Republicans are mad that Biden is sending troops to the border. "A quarter of a billion dollars!" CNN guest blasts pay of network's parent company CEO in defense of striking writers. Tucker Carlson reportedly is in talks with Trump to host the GOP forum as Trump plans to snub Fox News. A billionaire donor gave $535,200 to Herschel Walker for his senate campaign, but it went to his personal company instead. Scoop: Biden to send Sean Patrick Maloney to Paris as OECD ambassador. German court: Naked landlord doesn't justify lower rent. Be The Change #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch:




@mf568 Says:
I always think of Nelly's song "#1" "What does it take to be #1? Because 2 is not a winner and 3 nobody remembers." Which is why mainstream media that is far left has to act like Trumplican biased media, and spew propaganda to their base to make them look advantageous.
@Edenraysmommie Says:
The state legislators should also get paid enough that they do not need another job, if they do then that makes it so you have to be well off to run the first place.
@impressiveprogressive7343 Says:
Our government and SCOTUS is a criminal organization, they make Tamanny hall look like chior boys.
@impressiveprogressive7343 Says:
The court is deligitimizing itself. They're effing corrupt.
@impressiveprogressive7343 Says:
Ana is absolutely correct! If he so GD passionate about helping at risk youth then pay YOUR EFFING TAXES! OMFG! What the hell is wrong everyone they can't see this obvious BS. Crowe is carrying favor with Justice Thomas he dont give 2 shots about at risk youth, except those that pay divends in the form of influence.
@impressiveprogressive7343 Says:
So completely sure that mega donor was "just doing that out of the goodness of his EFFING HEART"!
@impressiveprogressive7343 Says:
This BS coming out of the SCOTUS is straight up grifting and influence peddling of the highest order. These AHs are supposed to police themselves. So how is paying the tuition for a justices family member NOT CONSIDERED EFFING CORRUPTION! F CLARENCE THOMAS, #impeachthomas #expandthecourt or #abortthecourt
@dennistaylor-lr3oi Says:
Pull these McDonald's operating licenses away.
@rosshole Says:
2:03:24 Regarding the fentanyl epidemic, the latest problem/complication is that (just as Narcan [Naloxone] is FINALLY being widely distributed & made available, THANKFULLY) the fentanyl supply, nationwide, is now being 'cut' with xylazine (aka "tranq"). Thing is, xylazine is NOT an opioid, and Narcan DOES NOT reverse it's effects. --- Thus, what WAS a truly miraculous life-saver (Narcan) is now, effectively, a half-measure, as long as xylazine is 'in the mix.' --- Very sad.
@yuruannyhilario3552 Says:
Tucker it’s gonna become Trumps Vice on the ticket
@tomwilson1584 Says:
Not supprised by the corruption in this Supreme Court, Trumpets handy work for all to see
@rosshole Says:
Carlson calling Trump "a demonic force" I think was meant as a term of endearment. (Just a thought.)
@rosshole Says:
1:24:22 Maybe ChatGPT can write the jokes from now on. ("Take. My. Wife. Please.") ugh :(
@rosshole Says:
1:06:47 Is that "'The Phish Dancer' (P H, not F ?) gifted two"? --If so, that's AWWESOME, and makes sense!✌️
@kristenbaker1597 Says:
I would love a discount on my rent for any random reason. However, being honest I would never ask for that over a nude neighbor. I don't care if everyone walked around nude...doesn't bother me...not interested...and don't give 2 fucks about that! Maybe because I am a massage therapist naked bodies just ain't a thing unless I am sexually involved with the specific person. And if my partner was distracted by the neighbor then great there is my loyalty answer and he or she can have the neighbor 🤣. And regarding my children...normalizing instead of sexualizing body parts for children is healthy so that is what I would do with the situation. All around not a big deal in my needs to come with confidence about nakedness 🤗!
@audreymuzingo933 Says:
To this day I think everyone misinterpreted Trump's "Stand back and stand by" utterance at that debate. Don't get me wrong; I think he absolutely wanted people to riot for him, and not just if he lost the election but at ANY time, he would LOVE to see people behaving on passion for him. I'm sure he was jealous of George Floyd and anyone else people have turned out in the streets for, without a doubt. HOWEVER, if you watch the debate clip, Chris Wallace starts out by talking about if he will tell white supremacists to "stand down" ...then they go back and forth a while, and Trump clearly wants to keep it about Leftists but then realizes he _has to_ do the thing he doesn't want to. So then, rather than pretend he genuinely agrees, he childishly ask Wallace what names to say, like what groups, to _show_ that he won't really mean what he's about to say, simply go through the motions of saying it. THEN I believe he forgot Wallace's phrase "stand down" and tried to other versions of "stand -" because he's a moron with a childlike vocabulary. He even kinda said "Stand bwack" showing he didn't know which words to say. And I guarantee he couldn't explain the _difference_ between stand down, stand back, and stand by. And to this day, I suspect he STILL doesn't know what was wrong with saying "stand by" only knows that everyone freaked out about it. But again this is Trump we're talking about, so he could never, EVER, admit that he didn't know, or even say he misspoke. He doesn't even truly correct himself when he knows he misspoke in real time, just adds: "and _____ (the word he meant to say the first time)" as if it was _all_ intentional.
@thefisherking78 Says:
If this doesn't take him down, what will?
@rosshole Says:
hash tag GET THE F OUT OF IOWA & IDAHO!!!!
@cappiece3786 Says:
Get rid of every one in congress and senate and presidency over 65. This old insanity has gone far enough on both sides
@menudobucket9837 Says:
If these companies are allowed to get away with child labor, they’ll be able to make adults take pay cuts, saying that if the adults don’t want to work for less, then they’ll just hire children who’ll work for nothing!
@natmeyy7590 Says:
No hes calling the kid at risk because the kids living with two corrupt, thieves that both abuse their positions of power ,will lie on a daily basis and hinder justice and endanger other people lives .
@menudobucket9837 Says:
When Thomas claims that he ‘didn’t know’ he was supposed to make certain disclosures, he insults our intelligence. How can a SCOTUS Justice NOT know what the law says ?
@menudobucket9837 Says:
If they don’t want to face criticism, why don’t they avoid doing things that are worthy of being criticized? They’re supposed to be above reproach. That’s why they don’t have an ethics code. Evidently, they’re NOT above reproach and are, therefore, in NEED of an ethics code.
@menudobucket9837 Says:
Crow never even met Thomas until AFTER Thomas was seated on the Bench. I wonder how good friends they’d be if Thomas ever made the “wrong” ruling? This claim of being such good friends is just pure woolen nonsense.. baa 🐑 baa 🐑
@iMatti00 Says:
🧠🗳 ~ Why doesnt TYT cconstantly remind your viewers that no matter how bad you think Democrats are, they’re twice as good as Republicans? You can believe that based on policy or you can primarily believe it based on them respecting the democratic process of voting, like I do. I could agree with the Republicans 100% on policy and still vote for Democrats completely because you can’t try to take away people’s vote in the sneaky way that Republicans are doing. And this is exactly what you’re doing, TYT. You are discouraging people who watch your show and you make them less likely to vote for a Democrat that’s not considered progressive. You need to remind your viewers during EVERY SEGMENT that Democrats are at least twice as good as Republicans on XY&Z. If you don’t do this than you’re literally just eating away Democratic votes. And you can say that’s the Democrats fault, but that doesn’t help when Trump is reelected, he pardons everybody from January 6 which makes future political violence much more likely, more democratic votes are disenfranchised, none of the policies you want our past, and much worse. So I know you want all of your audience to trust you only, and let us say you’re 100% correct on that part, you still need to protect the country and not incorrectly disillusioned people thereby hurting your own position even worse.
@ThailandWithMonchai Says:
What about TYT hosting its own town hall and debate????? 🤔 🇺🇸
@elizabethalexander6528 Says:
I know of boarding school in Wisconsin. St Johns Military was 60 grand a year back in 1998. That did not count all the extras that they had to have, This is crazy.
@elizabethalexander6528 Says:
Thomas did not make enough to send his nephew to school by him self?
@catherinewhitman8333 Says:
Will we ever be done with trump's BS?????
@jazzysophie9943 Says:
Let the sick-o's join forces. In the end they both will lose. They're all LOSERS!! They all will go down with the ship!!
@ZachPetersen Says:
Idohiowa is where people get confused 39:30
@albertfiscaletti520 Says:
Vote Blue. Stop the screw.
@dang9668 Says:
Lmao he did say pink people 😂😂😂😂
@robertriteman3227 Says:
This ethical crisis at the Supreme Court just keeps getting worse… We don’t yet know the full extent of Justice Thomas’ ethical violations, but the existing evidence of a corrupt relationship is overwhelming and should alarm every American. Congress must hold this Court in check and restore public trust in the justice system by conducting a thorough investigation into Thomas’ financial dealings with Crow and finally passing a code of ethics for the Supreme Court. The American people should have confidence that their highest court is free from corruption.

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