Bernie's Pressure Gets Rail Workers A Huge Win...But There's A Catch

Bernie's Pressure Gets Rail Workers A Huge Win...But There's A Catch


The rail companies have relented and finally given rail workers paid sick days...but there is a very important catch. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "US freight rail companies nearly spurred a nationwide railroad strike last fall by refusing to grant paid sick days, but in a surprise move welcomed by workers, those railroads have recently granted paid sick days to almost half their workforce. After being roundly criticized for not offering paid sick days, the leading rail companies � BNSF, CSX, Norfolk Southern and Union Pacific � have granted many of their 93,000 workers four paid sick days a year through labor negotiations, with an option of taking three more paid sick days from personal days."* *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Damage Report ? Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey ? Watchlist with Jayar Jackson ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230502__TA02RailroadRECUT




@ObiShawnKenobi1 Says:
America's form of capitalism is out of control
@TimHebb-fi7zn Says:
Can't get the train out of town WITHOUT the Carman!!!!!! Do your research before you open your mouth. 25 year Carman
@peterharris38 Says:
Man I love Bernie Sanders he is a man who cares deeply for the working class we need so many more like him
@KatDoyle_Focus Says:
Railroads just lie. I worked under a program that gave us one day of paid leave for every six months we worked every one of our five/six day per week assignments. The thing is, whenever I requested a 'safety day" off, it was declined. They would only let us have the paid day if they could fill our assignment without paying time-and-a-half. They don't have enough enough employees to fill assignments for straight time. There is no one available to work an extra day at straight time. Railroad says we get an extra day off every six months. Reality is we weren't allowed to take an extra day off every six months. Much of their safety programs work like that. All words, no action.
@irishlady30 Says:
These supposed "private" companies wouldn't be doing so well if taxpayers weren't giving them handouts, socialism for some, rugged individualism for the rest of us...
@ghesoonkarim602 Says:
Its horrible
@waldowallace9102 Says:
I very much agree that Biden is making a play for prez. credit. Not at all surprised that the major companies are, once again, refusing to give time off to the people who really need it.
@Cycling_Arizona Says:
Railroad workers average pay is$170,000. The rest of the USA averages $50,000
@ashleymarie6682 Says:
They work 100+ hours per week… they are home less than 24 hours every 3 days. Also no telling when that small stretch of time at home will be due to train lineups moving forward and backward up to 36 hours within minutes. The lineups are like a gameshow. You never know when you’re going to work or coming home. Them get about 16-20 hours at home and the phone rings again. Can’t call in even if there is a legit family emergency even if you dont even have proper notice you’re going to be called, or you go straight to investigation and get disciplined. You might show tomorrow 8am and lineup moves up 14 hours and you get called to work at 6 or 7 pm and that all happens in seconds, no warning. You can never just sit down and have dinner with your family. There are no weekends, no set days off ever. The railroad owns the workers’ work life and personal life and on a seniority system, as conditions have deteriorated so much over the years, the most experienced safe employees are beyond exhausted, completely stressed, feel trapped and mentally and emotionally traumatized and unable to leave or risk putting their whole family out on the streets or they just quit and do whatever it takes to run away from this industry. Alcoholism and mental illness are so common it’s just something that is synonymous with being a railroader. The increase in serious train accidents coinciding with sheer disregard for human life of workers is not surprising unfortunately. Still not relief for train crews. They make about $80k per year to be gone from home about 100-120 hours per week. About $11/hr This isnt even close to adequate. Its a slap in the face to workers. The ones that work on call 24/7/365 were not included in the deal yet are the ones most fatigued and unable to participate in their own lives without being fired. ​ You cant even call in sick at all or you get fired. My husband went to work with meningitis due to strict attendance policy because he had a horrible headache and if he went to ER and it wasn’t a serious health condition he would be in trouble. He went to work sick as a dog and couldve died. It’s not about getting paid sick days, its about having days at all, any time at all to devote to just your personal life health and family. They dont get sick dwys but also dont get weekends or any other pre planned regular days off period. There is no schedule. On call 24/7/365. Railroaders have died because they couldn’t go see a doctor because there are no set days off. You now can see a doctor only on Tuesdays, Wednesday or Thursday and only 3 appointments per year and only it approved minimum 30 days in advance. That covers doctor dentist eye doctor everything. If you actually need a follow up for anything you have to give up something like teeth or glasses or you go to investigation and receive formal discipline. I can’t make this up because its how it works on the railroad. Everything is written in blood. So workers go to work not feeling well and end up dying while at work of heart disease they essentially werent allowed time to see a doctor about. They rave about their amazing insurance but most of the time employees aren’t allowed time to even use it. Its nothing for my husband to go a year or two without any medical appointments unless his hearing and vision test shows he needs new glasses. And also please note that those vision and hearing tests are required yearly by railroad carriers, and attendance points ARE docked for taking time to make a hearing and vision check appointment that they REQUIRE. Yes. You read that right, they tell you you must do something to keep your job but then tell you you’re a bad employee for doing it. Thats how the railroad is in all aspects of everything they do. They contradict everything they are, do and say and it all falls on the workers to take the blame each time. So you must use one of your 3 yearly personal appointment days for the carriers’ purposes. The vision test isnt at an optometrist thats a separate appointment. So essentially none of these “deals” did anything but add more salt to the wound.
@LGW27 Says:
🤔What makes the wealthy so afraid of scarcity? They're so afraid that they've lost all humanity. They've lost the appearance of being humas as well.
@PaulEleftheriou-we7vr Says:
The rail industry, are a absolute joke, the CEO getting such enormous pay packages! I think its bad in UK, with our privatised rail, but we don't have derailments and environmental damage, that the USA gets But with both the UK and USA it's just out Of control blatent profiteering, which only benifts the CEOs!
@survivinginflation8579 Says:
Bernie already endorsed Biden. I used to think this guy had common sense at least.
@gordontall2441 Says:
I just can't feel sorry for the rail workers because my experience working for them was so terrible. Just horrible people who would piss on you as soon as talk to you. You were left to figure it all out on your own which is scary because those trains are millions of tons and they are flying down the tracks and you have to monitor the speed and you have no idea what you are doing. You could pull the wrong thing and it would all blow up. And I was there doing that after working there one whole week. Sometimes I just said fuck it and just watched the gauges and hoped it would work out. I know that is what happened with the derailings.
@Terri-Sue Says:
My Husband is a retired Union Pacific Railroad Conductor. ... Thank you, SENATOR BERNIE Sanders!😢💙💝💙💟 I am a very young boomer, almost Gen X and Bernie has carried the same message for 40 years.He fights for the working people
@donaldrayprine5153 Says:
Sanders/ Biden still get it done,Trump would have told you a lie
@vmm6941 Says:
great analysis
@Spiral.Dynamics Says:
I can’t even watch the young TERFS anymore. Their hypocrisy is cringe.
@bigbaddawg101 Says:
If doing this became even slightly difficult, Bernie would have immediately given up.
@noswayjose Says:
@henrikravn6050 Says:
I just can't understand that you don't have paid sick days... Here in Denmark we have 120 paid sick days a year, before a company can fire you.
@bovinityleak2066 Says:
@bovinityleak2066 Says:
These people are so important to keeping the business moving and making the corporation billions yet they are treated like they are lower than garbage and unworthy of compensation for their contribution to the massive profits generated.
@spanky7277 Says:
In most cases they will say the train derailed because the operator was on drugs ?
@spanky7277 Says:
They don't want to hire extra workers to Run the Trains . New York City transit has extra workers so they have someone to fill in for the sick . It is too dangerous to have a person who is sick and operate a train .
@asleepawake3645 Says:
So many trolls went after Bernie, wonder who keeps funding them
@asleepawake3645 Says:
They should go after the board members, executives and stockholder activists who even propose stock buybacks.
@thomasd2471 Says:
A train WILL NOT run without a Carman doing his/her job.
@YakBat Says:
That's disgusting. We get 40 hours a year right off the bat. And you accrue more each paycheck, and I just work from home. It's even more disgusting that we don't focus enough on the fact that the government can make certain strikes illegal.
@teddycheong Says:
Oh look bunch of Democrats parasites want to get paid without working, Democrats gonna Democrats.
@W1ZY Says:
In exchange for endorsing Biden, Bernie was thanked by Biden and the rail executives by giving rail workers a few sick days after Biden busted their strike.
@mattbebe2555 Says:
Biden and Bernie refused to listen to the railway union's safety concerns. Biden told them to kick rocks
@mattbebe2555 Says:
Bernie endorsed Biden's 2024 run. The man is a clown 😅
@boballman1860 Says:
We got screwed because if used a sick leave it goes against attendees policy.
@GX328382 Says:
Hahahahaha yeah right
@debrasmith4675 Says:
E pluribus unum! Unity makes life better.
@dankafuba Says:
I wanna know what her stand is on that
@DerekDominoes Says:
Bernie didn't get the rail workers a damn thing; unless we're talking about Bernie helping Biden to rail the railroad workers.
@eddielopez5708 Says:
Here's an idea: the employees (workers) own the railroads (railroad companies)?
@judyluvrevolution6314 Says:
It's shocking are greedy these railroad companies are thet have billions of profits but that's not enough they need to squeeze as much as possible from their own workers this is so pathetic
@GrunarG Says:
3 trillions lost in Trump reighn....
@sicknado Says:
Sanders/Warren 2024 !
@Patriot-hz8xk Says:
There is always a "catch" with the socialism! Lol 😆
@richardglynn7357 Says:
those staff are probably paid less
@rickylegendesq.514 Says:
Still inadequate. People don't take care of themselves because they're more loyal to their jobs than their physical & mental well-being and get sick or feel under the weather a lot more than they admit. One job interview I was asked "how often should someone call out sick in a year?" I answered 2 or 3 because I was scared to say I feel like garbage once a month because of all the things I live with that I had no choice in. I only worked there for about 6 months after medical issues necessitated extended time off that the company did not provide PTO for. Even non-PTO wasn't OK. Emery found another rep to take over my clients & accounts. Some that had followed me to that company from my previous employer in another part of the country.
@pickletoes8612 Says:
It's about time this absolute disappointment of a human being did something...anything, at all...just something 😢
@TriggerSnowflake Says:
OH This Totally REMINDS me of Angry BlaQue Woman St. Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner who was GIVEN Permanent SICK Leave effective June 1, 2023...This inept, incompetent George Soros Funded Diversity Hire announced that she was RESIGNING her position BECAUSE she was too dumb to do her job.
@ursaltydog Says:
Other major industries offer paid time off.... they accrue time to take off.
@dailyrider2975 Says:
Add 100,000 train workers at I'm guessing 100k each would be another 10 Billion in cost. Things add up quick. Of course as of 2014 when 235,000 workers were in train industry the profit per employee was a mere $330,000 so of course they had to reduce the number of employees.
@thunderbiltstormcrow9542 Says:
those negotiaions seem totally usual. ever been to a market in Tijuana? shop owner asks double, you counter with half.
@xelasomar4614 Says:
Time to dismantle the *SHAREHOLDERS* system of Capitalism and move to *STAKEHOLDER* capitalism.

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