Where Your 2022 Tax Dollars Went...SPOILER ALERT Defense Contractors

Where Your 2022 Tax Dollars Went...SPOILER ALERT Defense Contractors


The average American taxpayer gave over $1,000 to defense contractors in 2022. Ana Kasparian discusses on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.commondreams.org/news/global-military-spending "An annual analysis published Monday revealed that global military spending rose to an all-time high of over $2.2 trillion last year, driven largely by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the Western response, as well as the steadily increasing Pentagon budget in the United States. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute's (SIPRI) annual report showed a 3.7% overall increase in worldwide military expenditures to $2.24 trillion in 2022, including a 13% rise in Europe�the continent's sharpest increase in three decades�amid Russia's war on Ukraine."* *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ? http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ? http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ? http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ? http://www.twitch.com/tyt ???? Merch: http://shoptyt.com ? Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go ???? Website: https://www.tyt.com ????App: http://www.tyt.com/app ???? Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ? https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ? https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ? https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ? https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230426__TA04Taxpayers




@hash8169 Says:
stop being literal unwitting stooges for russian propaganda, love yall but this aint it
3:30 Irony is that the government considers prison a solution to homelessness!
@shadowminor Says:
Yes the major contractors get a bulk of the money but there are hundreds if not thousands of small contractors that get that money too. Tens of thousands of people employed by them.
@tauIrrydah Says:
Not to mention those mental health and drug rehabilitation services being needed by veterans, but sure pay the Lockheed tax.
@johndefalque5061 Says:
I have heard this from so many cons and libertarians that the only acceptable public espense is the military=all else should be private. Somaliland America.
@johndefalque5061 Says:
@andor8635 Says:
This shows you how much they wast in tax dollars. I work all my life paying thousands of tax dollars and get screwed. They are going to cut are social Security in a few years. Working people are getting screwed over and they wonder why people don't want to work no more.
@RedeyedJedi00 Says:
With the blatant disregard for the best interests of the American majority, our elected officials count on your votes knowing they will turn their backs on you the moment they are affirmed. With this in mind, why are we still allowing these corrupt scumbags (government officials) to pass legislation, render verdicts and make decisions that 'We The People' do not agree with? It is completely redundant and illogical for Americans to vote not on specific outcomes, but instead on a 'representative' who will then vote on those outcomes in our stead. We need to cut out the corrupt 'middle men' and take the power back to the people! With today's technology, American citizens could collectively be making our own societal decisions by voting directly on laws and policies through a 'Public Government' app on our phones / computers. First step: People would be free to upload a bill / legislation proposal in an online presentation (written or video format). The presentations with the most 'likes' (highest approval rating) would go through a public review process where citizens could leave comments and suggestions. Elected, knowledgeable experts would provide counseling, advice and guidance in the form of recorded discussions and debates on the issues and topics discussed in the bill's proposal. Second step: Once the bill's contents are completed and worthy of a public vote, an official 'final draft' proposal would be drawn up by elected legislators / attorneys. Final step: The finalized, official bill would be posted for 3 days while the public would vote on it. If the majority of voters say yes, then guess what?... The bill passes and the people win! And if the majority vote no, then guess what?... The bill fails and 'We The People' still win! Court decisions should be decided by American citizens as well. Why would we ever give biased judges the power to decide important outcomes rather than a jury? A judge should be no more than a referee / debate mediator. All decisions in a court should be made by a jury of randomly selected Americans. How can we continue to sit idly by while the Supreme Court strips away our rights and freedoms with decisions such as the overturning of Roe V Wade? SCOTUS knew that roughly 70%-75% of Americans wanted the original decision to remain intact and yet they overturned it anyway! That is a blatant middle finger to the people! They spat in the face of Americans and said, "We don't give a fawk what you peasants want, we decide what is good for you." Everyday we witness a tsunami of corruption and criminal actions on the part of the Courts, Dept Of In-Justice and Law Enforcement. They have been given the freedom and authority to make and break laws with no one in place to hold them accountable. These judges, prosecutors and police officers have anointed themselves above the law. Approved without our input or consent- Qualified, Prosecutorial and Judicial Immunity allows these public servants to blatantly break the law and their oaths to uphold the constitution free of any consequences. The Supreme Court literally answers to NOBODY! The U.S. has become the country 'Of The Wealthy, By The Wealthy, For The Wealthy.' It is common knowledge that filthy rich campaign donors and lobbyists purchase pocket politicians who pass legislation on their behalf. Laws which siphon the freedoms and wealth from the bottom 99% to give to the top 1% of the population… So why do we still allow it? Unfortunately, most Americans are gullible, arrogant, stubborn and ignorant. This corrupt United States oligarchy has perfected the ability to distract the majority of Americans by dividing them into a 2 party, tribalistic society. You add all the finger pointing, racism, classism, hate etc and you see the result- People are too busy blaming and fighting each other to realize that we all share the same enemy- The lying, conniving government officials across the aisle. The concept of a 2 party government that splits people into two 'Types' is so obviously divisive, irrational and counterproductive. It makes absolutely no sense, and yet so many struggling Americans are ready to fist fight, if not kill each other for their perceived tribe. This is incredibly depressing and deflating considering both parties work for filthy rich billionaires and neither give a single fawk about you and I. It is time to disband this entire 2 party government all together- republicans, democrats, judges, senate, congress governors, city councilors, lobbyists, etc, banish them all to a remote island and let them cannibalize each other. They are completely unnecessary and will not stop until they have completely stripped us of the little freedoms and money we have left. As for you young phone application creators, GET TO WORK!... Gather a team of intelligent experts in government operations and create an online governing structure. Be that genius who invents a program / application to circumvent the process of electing politicians by inventing 'The People's Government' app where communities vote on issues, not phony politicians. It is no exaggeration to say that you could possibly go down in history as the most important and influential person of all time! The genius who saved an entire country, even the world from corrupt politics. Start with a small sample size, maybe a city district or township. Then work your way up to the state level and finally roll out nationally. If I had the computer knowledge or the wealth to invest, I would be doing it myself. Quick hint for voters: If you want to spot the most corrupt politician in an election, just point out the most popular candidate with the best, most expensive campaign… That 'top notch' campaign is a purchased investment made by wealthy donors who have paid for a return of service. That candidate is already a marionette bought and paid for by the power and money hoarders of America. Unless you are one of those greedy elite donors, your vote is virtually meaningless. That puppet you voted for will never enact changes that benefit or improve your life. Wake the fawk up! They don't work for you.
@mattbosley3531 Says:
But we have to keep the country safe! Obviously if we didn't give all that money to defense contractors someone would attack us. It's the same reason the NRA people all want to own and carry a bunch of guns.
@nikolaig1 Says:
I work in a meth clinic. We get no funding. Literally o. We get paid nothing. Its insane. We are overrworked and way under paid for what we do.
@mirokresonja8383 Says:
They should combine military and veterans benefits. It's all military-related. And add the energy departments budget for nukes in there as well (about 20bn/yeah, I think)
@donovanfoto3263 Says:
I have seen this first hand. It is despicable. I want to see more money for THE PEOPLE and less money for corporations and the RICH. A majority of MILITARY SPENDING is for civilian contractors like Blackwater and Dinacorp. Get rid of civilian contractors and 70% of the military budget goes away.
@claymenefee6999 Says:
Republicans: We need small government and guns guns guns! So then you want less military funding right? You know, the thing they need to enforce large government and the reason you think you need guns? You know, so can actually fight against a tyrannical government? Republicans: huh? No. We need lots of military!
@the_bait_shop Says:
LOL. . I have one issue with those "Average" numbers. . . I earn enough , but I certainly didn't pay that much in taxes for the year. . not even close.
@globalwarming382 Says:
Seriously doubt that congress had No Idea that the Pentagon was pissing tax $$$$ away. Hell they where getting their kick backs from the Fraud waste and abuse.
@ryanmathis8286 Says:
How does TYT report these articles and still in the same breath want more government?
@divineboi97 Says:
Nah we need defense and security, maybe the homeless would be better off if we didn’t give them clean needles and a safe medical supervised location to shoot up at and gave them a job and real help
@milycome Says:
Hello, people. It's a labeling problem. Defense spending is Not allowed to be Labeled as welfare for Military contractors. The wealthy and super wealthy receiving tax breaks are Not allowed to be described as receiving welfare. However, any tax revenues that go towards social programs can CERTAINLY be described as a welfare program. It's all in the Labeling, stupid !!
@brucesegerdahl7892 Says:
Barreling I'm totally in love with you put some clothes on I'll be your captive forever
@johnsyler8580 Says:
I witnessed this fraud waste and abuse while deployed to Afghanistan in 2011. There was probably 10 contractors for every service member there. The lowest paid contractor was around 100K. There was so much stuff in Sealand containers that they had no idea of who it belonged to.
@mathematicalmuscleman Says:
It's all about the Military Machine.
@aerostaraircraftsanctuary604 Says:
Crazy waste of taxpayers' money. Wouldn't it be better to prevent conflicts in the first place? Funding renewable energy would help prevent fighting over oil (not to mention paying other countries for crude). Rather stupid of congress, but they do need thousands of dollars per day to stay in office.
@irishlady30 Says:
And they dont even pay taxes .
@irishlady30 Says:
Its all wasted money , and a big slush fund for political power and corruption that it buys....
@yourenotmarywelcome8693 Says:
In other news, water was found to be wet.
@yishnir Says:
And, to be clear, the DOD failed it's audit, AGAIN. We are being robbed.
@vannevels6758 Says:
And who says AmeriKKKa isn't a socialist country
@LJ_nowandalways Says:
It's not the Pentagon. It's Margaritaville.
@marissagerena8329 Says:
Why we considered see ,all American also see they also sleep in the streets , got beggars also .
@marissagerena8329 Says:
For the 26,2 , taxes we pay deduct to all our bank for insurance, why it's not deduct to all country that they needed assistance for their country .
@marissagerena8329 Says:
America is not charity we can help only , as government cut all our taxes on our SSS .
@marissagerena8329 Says:
Yeah I know america , the military is no 1 for us ,the mother of earth 🌎. But the other problem ,for another country , why we have to included all.
@BobMuskFan Says:
Good, America needs a strong military to police the world, imagine the mess the world would be without America
@hunternedib1119 Says:
I'd much rather spend my money on a Trident Missile or Israeli F-18s so Isreal can continue to carpet bomb Palestine vs giving it to some lazy, fat-ass welfare MoFo.
@mof5490 Says:
Europeans would be screwed if not for US military 😂
@mof5490 Says:
Libtards think no military equals peace and safety😂
@mof5490 Says:
Libtard: “I pay taxes” *gets tax return
@richardholland4533 Says:
Can you find out the amount of money the GOP spent on infrastructure during Trumps time in office. Thanks for what you do.
@glenndrach1139 Says:
How would it improve our lives if US men and women were dying in Poland or in Taiwan? US is now on the forefront of a fight for freedom and independence in Europe by supporting our ally, Ukraine. Sometimes, you get get it wrong and this particular episode is nothing more than gaslighting.
@johngrissom9147 Says:
Billions of dollars to kill people and just a couple of dollars to save people !!!! BAD MATH !!! If all AMERICANS had a great life to look forward to instead of this GREEDY NIGHTMARE THAT WE ARE LIVING IN NOW , I WOULD BET THERE WOULD BE 2/3 OR MORE FEWER OVER DOSES !!!!
@tichaedwards5184 Says:
100 million of American tax payers dollars spent on ensuring they keep on getting billions 😂
@lalapo5304 Says:
Military welfare.
@Dominikmj Says:
I am not sure if TyT is just naïve, or stupid or if they are gaslighting their audience purposely! Of course defense is crazy expensive - especially in the US! Of course spending in nuclear weapons is huge - even if you would just maintain the weapons (advisable) it would be so- and you still have got (cold war or not) the nuclear deterrence which you cannot just quit! The only rational to bring up the numbers is, to stop conservatives to consistently talk about their pet peeve that the IS cannot afford any social policies & support programs! Even progressive have to see the threat of the reemergence of international aggressions (at this point Russia - but probably soon China), and that the US military (and all militaries) have to be prepared. As huge human losses of one Western country is no longer a justifiable option, an high tech advantage is needed - which cost a lot of money. Don’t be Fox News for the left, which is misleading the audience. As you don’t even do a lot of journalistic work, at least discuss those topics with specialists (in this case people who know about military)!
@chech5774 Says:
@sheepolished1249 Says:
Thank you I am so damn tired of this greedy country
@adampkalb Says:
This is madness! This is *taxation without representation!* Everybody who pays taxes to the U.S. government and did not know their tax dollars were funneled private military contractors, should have a say in how to reprioritize their tax dollars to pay for institutions of our health, like the CDC, substance abuse, and refugee assistance. The Top 5 military contractors should not have to matter this much because of Ukraine. People who neither contract nor fight for the military should have a free choice in how their tax dollars *really* need to be spent, and explaining this does not make me a communist! This makes me a socialist, because I genuinely believe that the regulation of economic resources by individual people instead of the state can only be a good thing, so I know what the definitions of those words mean. Most U.S. taxpayers did not choose to pay for stuff that happens outside of their country anyway. Ordinary citizens need to help their nation's government get their priorities straight and show why they should have a bigger voice than private military contractors, and why their voice is more important than the private military contractors, *especially* if those contractors are not even the people who pay the most taxes regardless of how much they spend on political campaigns, which should be less important than who actually pays their taxes. Whomever chose the tax system to be this way, or more importantly, the current people who continue to run it this way, need to get their head out of the barrel of their military tanks, touch grass and just gain some common sense to realize that millions of tax-paying United States citizens with basic human needs exist outside of their own bubble of militia, and why the Pentagon and weapons developers to whom they funnel money are neither the most important nor the biggest group of people to help in the United States. 😢Stop the wars! None of us want to be killed in World War 3. How is pushing more tax money towards destroying each other's nations important to the US and China and Russia governments? What do _they_ get out of killing each other's soldiers? 2 weeks ago, you put out another video related to this news in which Jon Stewart calls out the corruption and the irresponsibility of the Pentagon to not account for 800 billion or 850 billion dollars. If they failed those 5 audits, then they absolutely do not deserve any more of our tax dollars because they have proven five times that they do not deserve to be trusted with them. The Problem With Jon Stewart also touched upon _the other issue_ with U.S. tax codes last October. Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and many other nations who believe in basic social services and social safety nets for their tax dollars have a higher tax rate than the US's 8%, so I think you know the rest of the story from here. April 28, 2023, 2:59am
@timmy-wj2hc Says:
And yet TYT is a US proxy war Cheerleader in Ukraine.
@blueocean-me1ns Says:
Back in the day Dick Chaney made a crap load of money from the Golf war.
@kod5660 Says:
That debt is owed mostly to your reserve bank Ana and all of it is in USD just print some and pay off foreign debtors
@hunternedib1119 Says:
I would rather pay for a Trident Missile than a lazy Crackhead living in the ghetto.

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