Is Honking Your Car Horn Protected Free Speech?

Is Honking Your Car Horn Protected Free Speech?


A panel of California judges have ruled that honking your car horn is NOT free speech. Adrienne Lawrence, Alonzo Bodden and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "Part of the soundtrack of Los Angeles is the sound of the myriad vehicles that make their way through the city every day � the hum of the engines, the music blaring from the radios and, of course, the honking of horns, often used to convey anger, approval and numerous other emotions. But according to a ruling by a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, blaring a horn, whether in frustration when the 405 turns into a parking lot or in support of a group of demonstrators standing along a roadway, is not protected free speech."* *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230421__BE01HonkingVsFreeSpeech




@hobofoshitsho8999 Says:
You used the word "literally " for absolutely no reason. It didn't add anything to the sentence except make you sound ignorant and easily influenced.
@FFVison Says:
Didn't they say that Darrell Issa was behind this? He's against people setting off their horns outside his office? What about setting off their car alarm? What if said car alarm was that one where it says please step away from the vehicle... You know, the one that is literally a recording of Issa's voice? What if you do use one of those handheld air horns? What if you wrap said air horn in a dollar?
@camb6245 Says:
This is super dumb for sure it doesn't matter at all free speech gets away with murdering us that's the truth
@nullnull7495 Says:
I disagree. Having been on a picket line
@nullnull7495 Says:
America is wild
@putridcobra Says:
I don't have an opinion on this, however, lots of things aren't only used for their originally intended purpose.
@RockU2Death5150 Says:
Ordering handheld air horns right now. Thanks!
@lovera3878 Says:
Honking is obnoxious
@etopsch369 Says:
as a european i think its crazy how americans always get hyped about their free speech, where as when I come to america I always have to say to myself "be careful what you say". Arnt you the ony contry that bleeps out words your not supposed to say on TV. Hillarious
@virginiachris80 Says:
When workers go on strike it' not uncommon to signs like "Honk if you support teachers" where the horn acts as speech.
@chocomojo9552 Says:
If the airhorn is mounted on a véhicule, then it's part of driving, Hence it's a REGULATED a tivity..
@fidelmadrid3478 Says:
A guy got shot in front of a local walmart for honking on the car in the front.
@TheTechnoPilot Says:
🙄 like this is the important free speech issue in the US right now…not the book bans and burning.
@TheLastLineLive Says:
Hope they appeal and take it higher up. It’s free speech.
@jakebrandon7632 Says:
Glad to know this is more newsworthy than riots and assaults in Chicago.
@zizimugen4470 Says:
If you haven’t driven in a vehicle without a horn, and you couldn’t honk to too others, “you’re about to kill us,” be quiet. If you’ve never been behind someone who stopped in a round-about to let someone in, be quiet. I need mine every single day among this stupid species. The horn is to get attention. Toot toot, honk, hold it, the message is different in each situation. But noise-making just to make noise, no. Toot toot, sure. Go for it.
@patdaley9098 Says:
She must have done a lot of honking! A single honk would be pretty hard to prove!
@CyntharaDiane Says:
Have honked in support of striking workers. Also a short tap for people stopped at a red light on their phone and the light turns green and their head is still down looking at their phone.
@supernovaaust Says:
I'm going to place loud speakers all over the country and play non stop messaging which promotes my ideology and call it free speech.
@stecky87 Says:
I'm gonna be blunt here: if you think honking your horn is a free speech right, you're an idiot. It is for emergency uses only, otherwise it's a noise disturbance. Also, a campaign contribution isn't equivalent: itdoesn't wake you up in the middle of the night cuz your neighbor is an asshole
@bigboi3512 Says:
the youtube channel is so bias 👀
@Anne-xs2jf Says:
@jackhammer0925 Says:
Why did you guys call yourselves the young Turks? Considering the young Turks are the ones responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Armenians.
@damionsmith5444 Says:
So can I honk every time I see a cop to warn people of the extreme danger situation of an armed thug who is completely above the law waiting by the road to steal from working class people?
@179rich Says:
Why do so many Americans hate freedom?
@aaronknight1430 Says:
May be a short ones when you go past but keep it for what thing was built for don't go making a overtop sound across street angry local people
@davidszakacs6888 Says:
Just install a loudspeaker behind the car’s grille and connect it to an amp and microphone inside the car then make all the free speech you want
@srikarraoboinepalli3216 Says:
Good Video
@mike-gv2ol Says:
One more reason to not live in the shthole commiefornia
@stonedsasquatch Says:
So holding a bullhorn in your car is ok but using the horn is not? This is why the country HATES lawyers
@stonedsasquatch Says:
Are we seriously busting people for honking a fugging horn? Smdmfh, youve gotta be a hardcore bootlicker to say honking your horn is illegal. We can seperate loud music from excessive then the same thing can happen to the horn. This cuntry is lost
@collingraf606 Says:
No different than a bullhorn in my opinion. It's free speech, but don't use it to become a public nuisance or disturb the peace.
@jussayinmipeece1069 Says:
depends. IF its categorically proven that the honk was in support of something that's protected constitutionally then YES! If its a willy nilly honking such as there is in freakin india then they get the gallows.
@SnoopCatts Says:
We do need people like that! Who would fight for this to be considered as free speech... I disagree with the ninth circuit because all the instances where people honk their horns are not limited to the emergency use. And that's just the fact of human response and human nature with respect to use of devices. To ignore those other instances when officers are present yet do not cite drivers for their use of the horn is placidly encouraging the use of the horn and Non-Emergency situations and by default makes it permissible. If police officers saw 400 cars driving over the speed limit in a certain stretch of highway and never did anything to cite, penalize, or otherwise prevent the ongoing breaking of the speed regulation, would it or would it not be considered TACIT ACCEPTANCE of the rejection of this law by law enforcement and ultimately Society and refusal to enforce it? I say yes. This is how marijuana eventually got regulated down piecemeal to being accepted legally per state
@waynerowe3062 Says:
I’ll honk my horn whenever I damn well please.
@andreaslamers9535 Says:
in my birth country it's clearly regulated in the traffic law if you use the horn without a reason you get a fine, other in Italy, Greece or Turkey (last one I never drive a car) they use the horn for everything (but is against the law general also)
@nolanhunder1122 Says:
I wonder how this judge feels about trucker convoy in Ottawa last year
@jilliancopeland6825 Says:
Money is highly regulated too..
@KristianKumpula Says:
I've noticed that there is some confusion about what vehicle horns are used for. A lot of people seem to think that they are used primarily to express one's annoyance with another road user, even though they are meant only for warning others about something. Perhaps it's for this reason that a lot of people also seem to take offence when a horn is used. There's this personal anecdote I heard where someone tried to be helpful to someone by letting them know about something wrong with their vehicle or about something that fell off their vehicle (I don't remember the details) and they tried to get the other person's attention by honking, to which the other person reacted by flipping them the bird and then ignoring them. Just goes to show that we should get rid of this part of driving culture where the horn is used for expressing our feelings.
@rosy111 Says:
and it's not to say hi to people okay? stop your honking!
@rb239rtr Says:
Likely this woman had a torrent of toots at the protest that triggered the ticket- it likely was not a single toot
@Randy-jz9ox Says:
@elbagofcarp Says:
Isnt driving a privilage not a right?
@krampusx9784 Says:
As someone with a minor handicap which includes hyperreflexia (overreactive muscles that are susceptible to jump-scares), I've thought for a long time that honking a horn should constitute assault.
@JohnSmith-il7jn Says:
It depends on the context. Are you honking at a politician or you honking to keep your neighbor up at 3am in the night? Context.
@redpapa859 Says:
Fun fact technology doesn't have freedom as long as humans exist
@arnodobler1096 Says:
Donation to politicians and parties falls under free speech in the US. Shooting ppl soon too?
@davidanderson-22 Says:
The court could have also pointed out that use of a vehicle, driving or otherwise, is a privilege and is not a right.
@nanlars2323 Says:
The law is that the horn is only to be used as an emergency tool while you are driving thru traffic It is not to be used for any other porpoise This is not a freedom of speech violation But just an American plying the free speech card on court I wish people would use their car horns for traffic emergency and not to honk to a sign or a group of people or to your friend to come down or for you girlfriend or boyfriend that you are waiting in the car etc etc etc PEOPLE THE HORN IS FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY
@LJohnson88 Says:
I mean if billions in cash is free speech, why not? We are already in the Idiocracy timeline

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