SpaceX's Starship Exploded Shortly After Launch

SpaceX's Starship Exploded Shortly After Launch


SpaceX's Starship exploded soon after launch. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "SpaceX's giant new rocket exploded minutes after blasting off Thursday on it first test flight and crashed into the Gulf of Mexico. Elon Musk's company was aiming to send the nearly 400-foot (120-meter) Starship rocket on a round-the-world trip from the southern tip of Texas, near the Mexican border. It carried no people or satellites."* *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230420__BE02MusksSpaceXEPICFAIL




@AnonymousBelieber Says:
They just cought it!! what now TYT?
@ThavaMaths Says:
Nothing about the latest test flight. Wonder why?
@Recon777x Says:
No bitching about the recent launch, I see. lol Bunch of fuckwits, these guys. When will they learn that nobody buys their nonsense?
@keepernod2888 Says:
So much ignorance in this video, cringe.
@sadenb Says:
Your business is built on technology that was because of space technology.
@aadityachourasia2124 Says:
I prefer spacex
@Mastermind12358 Says:
Extracting resources from space is at least decades away, Elon is over fifty now. He's not doing this space business to become extremely wealthy from space resources, if you think that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. If everything he did was purely from making money he would never have started a space company to begin with. Both automotive and aerospace are extremely risky things. There are a lot lot lot lot easier ways to make money.
@earleaccount Says:
@groundtruth4442 Says:
Do know how difficult it is to build a vehicle as large as Starship and have it survive max-q? Y'all have to remember, yes musk is funding this rocket to make money, of course, but the fact that we are able to extract resources from the cosmos is a good thing for everyone. and you have to remember that Musk did not go outside and build this thing himself. Many people were paid very well, in a very poor community to build this rocket. The People who built that thing are celebrating that they built the largest rocket ever and it made it through max-q with no issue with 5 or 6 engines out, and tumbled for many miles and didn't break up, that is crazy. The Twitter thing is insanity though. Cenk, harvesting materials from a comet coming at us in a movie is different than harvesting materials from other worlds that pose no threat. Come on my guy.
@groundtruth4442 Says:
Except no one said that God himself couldn't RUD Starship. And many other things, your take on this is way off. I get your beef with Musk sure. But that rocket was built by men and women from all over the world, and those workers were led by people from all over the world. It's not just Musk's rocket.
@ultramaximusreviews Says:
You two are such horrid insufferable hateful people. You can just smell the smug and disdain in your voice and off your faces... chodes
@randygeyer7673 Says:
What were the government subsidies?
@MillionsofMax.s Says:
Killing the environment and trashing my state is not a success. Elon musk is an idiot.
@midnigth_fluvsies Says:
@nman2563 Says:
To understand why this was a success, you only have to watch the development process of Falcon 9. For years they lost rocket after rocket as they tried to land them on barges. Now Falcon 9 lands like clockwork and has revolutionized the space industry in terms of rocket reusability. I am not a fan of Musk, and I question the sense of trying to colonize Mars, but your take is more than a bit embarrassing.
@codonbyte Says:
TYT, I love you guys, but your knowledge about science and technology is seriously lacking at times. This is an important milestone on the road to a successful launch. The outcome was expected. The launch worked, which is what they were testing.
@18661873 Says:
Using TYT logic, Thomas Edison was a complete idiot because he failed more times than he succeeded.
@DarkesLuk Says:
Lmao are we really gonna trust corporations to disclose any thing they find that may be life
@Rizky06 Says:
So far Elon you made history's largest bottle rocket. Back to the drawing board.
@PennyNelson Says:
Does SpaceX clean up the debris?
@kingo_friver Says:
Congrats, successful failure has been successfully failed in successless success!
@BTM866 Says:
Even TyT fans must cringe at how stupid they come off in this segment.
@frankthespank Says:
How about the opinion of AN ACTUAL ASTRONAUT!? Yeah… 🙄
@SystemsGoSolutions Says:
@franklegarda6510 Says:
These people are idiots three astronauts were burned alive during an Apollo testflight including Gus grissom this was an unmanned test flight no humans were harmed it was a successful test 11 were killed during NASA testflight no one killed now I think that's pretty good
@cropsey7 Says:
I stopped watching these two a long time ago.
@bigfarting Says:
Stupid roaches
@BonesFPV Says:
This is video is dripping with something I just don't want to get on myself... Cya!
@beatle7809 Says:
TYT and others laughing at this don’t know this is a common occurrence in research for anything space related. Plus even a “failure” like this provides space x with tons of useful data.
@grizzlyadamblack Says:
If anyone watches u guys for serious news are retarded. A canadian person who ran international space station said it was successful. But no no no i have to listen to ppl who know nothing about anything and have them sit here and laugh as if they dunked on someone. Perfect example of a clapping seal.
@bugggggggggg Says:
i love these guys, 100%, but they are completely and utterly wrong on this. And it sucks, because i can't sit down with them and explain why. I honestly don't see a way. Idk, maybe i can do a 100 dollar super chat sometime. 🚀
@sambishop9567 Says:
Chunks rocket explodes every time he sees an animal……
@DrachonaTheWolf Says:
Basically highlighting the fact that TYT, and other outlets laughing about this, has no idea what it takes to accomplish something meaningful. Every scientific breakthrough and advancement you take advantage of right now didn't start with a miraculous success on the first try. You're standing on the shoulders of giants and pissing all over them.
@gman87x48 Says:
That wasn't a rocket they shut up... it was a snowflake. They should call it the world's weakest integrity built rocket.😂😂😂
@Rekaert Says:
This has to be one of the worst examples of TYT celebrating ignorance and clapping themselves on the back for how uninformed they are. Anything past the launch-pad was a success, and gathered massive amounts of data. That's the point of the test flight - to gather as much flight data as possible. By all means, go as far as you can go with it, but they fully expected it to go awry at some point. They even telegraphed that this would be the case before the launch. TYT really should check out Spacex's vid on youtube tirled "How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster". And as for Cenk's obsession with rocket shapes. Good lord, they're that shape because it's aerodynamically viable. The same way that if you take a 747 and chop the wings off, it's the same shape as a rocket turned 90°. That design decision isn't arbitrary. It's because it works. I realise TYT's politics don't align with Musk or whatever, but to let that hatred blind you to what's actually happening isn't a good look.
@INTJulius Says:
I would just like to say that the rocket exploding wasn't a failure, the goal was to get it past the launch pad. It may not seem like much, but that rocket was so big, some of them didn't think it would be able to do it.
@chevroletgt Says:
The only successful failure when it comes to space was Apollo 13 because they made it back
@strongandco Says:
I think the Young Turks might need a science correspondent. 🤣
@user-qjvqfjv Says:
Why is Cenk so obsessed with male genitals? Almost as obsessed as he is with zoophilia. These are bitter losers envious of someone else's success.
@colormedubious4747 Says:
It didn't explode by accident, you untalented hacks. It was intentionally blown up because it was damaged during the launch and becoming uncontrollable. This often happens when testing rockets, which you'd know if you possessed any basic reading ability. It's termed a success because the entire point of the launch was to identify problems with their systems, which they undeniably successfully did.
@jayallen81 Says:
OMG, TYT are so dumb.
@gimzod76 Says:
Chunky does know about a little think called Aerodynamics right?
@gianttheworldender914 Says:
I too expect perfection when testing a prototype, retards.
@peterdeklerk7454 Says:
The Young Turks are pathetic, it's a pleasure to downvote these idiots. At this point 2.5k upvotes, 3.1k downvotes - nice ratio!
@Erulin68 Says:
Just think about it. At least Elizabeth Holms wasn't using close to a billion dollars in taxpayer money via the FAA and 15.3 billion in taxpayer money via the Government to play 'Fake It, Till Ya Make It' We've been calling out his bull for close to a decade and noone's listening. His FSD was 6 month away in 2014. And he was supposed to land on Mars... LAST YEAR... He's a bullcrap artist who is playing 'Fake It, Till Ya Make It' just like Elizabeth Holms. The Saturn rocket had 14 test launches and all 14 went flawless... BEFORE WE WERE BORN
@080gina080 Says:
Ive been very disappointed in Elon lately, like really disappointed, but what the people down at SpaceX did with this launch actually was history making for the space industry. It's a marvel it launched at all for the first test. And it diddn't blow up, SpaceX detonated it when it wasn't nominal anymore which is correct protocol for rocket testing 👍 They blew up many rockets developing the self landing reusable Falcon 9 rocket that now almost weekly or twice weekly is launching. First US astronauts on US soil in decades, supply runs to the ISS not just starlink. Just because Elon has become a bit of a d*CK lately, let's not take it out on and ignore the hard work SpaceX is doing.
@lazylonewolf Says:
People like this babbling about politics and "Elon bad" while actual history is being made. One day when we're all dead and spaceships docking/launching became an everyday thing, everyone will remember Elon/SpaceX. These are the same type of people laughing at The Wright Brothers. No one remembers those who laughed.
@tacitus6384 Says:
Only those celebrating their own stupidity could think that the recent launch was anything other than an amazing engineering achievement. SpaceX's team managed to get off the ground the largest ship ever, the thing was a veritable skyscraper, and they managed to get it into the atmosphere. The data these launches provide allows them to improve and refine even further. You'd know that, or acknowledge it, if you weren't so blinded by your stupid political contrarianism. Elon's works are giving us electric cars and taking us to space. Progressives are putting men into womens bathrooms.
@Antony_Jenner Says:
These twats on TYT are a positive lot are they not? It's a test flight, there headline says failed to launch but it did and the self destruct button was pushed so it didn't just explode. these guys should stick to wining about Trump.
@d.francescovalls9321 Says:
It's in many ways more powerful than the Saturn 5; but still not remotely as big. Edit: my mistake; I was thinking of the difference between the Saturn 5 and NASA's Falcon heavy. I don't really keep track of Musk's messes.

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