These States Are Rolling Back Child Labor Laws

These States Are Rolling Back Child Labor Laws


How big business is pushing legislatures to roll back child labor laws. Ana Kasparian discusses on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Watch more HERE: *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230405__TA03ChildLabor




@anthonyeugenewilliamsjr7549 Says:
We might as well lower the voting age so these kids can be properly informed and represented in this country since they will be our new tax payers. This country is sick.
@NateDavis-u2t Says:
How can this be for whites only when those who come from a 2 parent home teach there children how drive tractors on the farm.not for American children just the one who really need it
@chairde Says:
Corporations will take advantage of children and it will be dangerous. A deep fryer is dangerous and they won’t get overtime or pensions or any healthcare.
@mikeswan9832 Says:
Im black and I'm starting to realize I'm Republican... I see nothing wrong with kids working. Id love to see a 14 yr old electrician. Tired of seeing 50 year old grass cutters.....
@user-di8hm2jl2u Says:
This also is added income that will disqualify families from receiving federal and state benefits. This is a war against the poor.
@themajesticmagnificent386 Says:
Not Education but exploitation..Keep the young dumb and down all their life..This really is the pits…And that’s where most will end up soon to work..
@classicmatt6155 Says:
Can’t afford to pay people to live, failed as leaders, let’s just make kids work, so they can stay rich
@Islandspice305 Says:
They don't care about our children. 🤦🤦🤦 Education is what our children need and deserve. Disgusting!
@Patty-lb3sl Says:
Republican so concerned about our children but take away school lunches
@Patty-lb3sl Says:
The corrupt republicans are taking this country back 200 yrs. They have done nothing to better this country.
@jesehadwen4567 Says:
Sexual harassment is a normal part of working in a restaurant. Parents can force their kids to get jobs. I got groped almost everyday when I was forced to work as a waitress when I was 15. People are assuming that parents are going to do the right thing.
@totalstrangerthing7419 Says:
US: Protect our kids Also US: Hire kids to do adult jobs
@jascam1 Says:
This is nothing more than a loop-hole to exploit children now that the avenues to cheap Mexican labor is disappearing, plain and simple.
@You-dn9lq Says:
This women is an evil person, not in this particular cast but I’ve seen her in another video that’s just disturbing
@Chrissmth Says:
Yeah let’s pay our adult workers more. Not hire kids
@rhenderson9862 Says:
The "political scheme" of the U.S. is cheap labor...Democrats or Republicans. The lack of a cohesive immigration policy is not political conflict, it is a continuation of corporate America valuing cheap (illegal immigrant) labor availability within the U.S. Child labor laws as they currently stand in the U.S., are not enforced because corporate America wants cheap labor.
@clydapowers3987 Says:
Well you're wrong about one thing the books that they say photographic are they read them out loud at school beating their books I would never let my kids have
@Siranoxz Says:
Child abuse is brought back in America i see.
@mikee6571 Says:
The bosses know these children situation. Certain children came from households that is below the poverty line. Parents and guardians are trying to make ends meet. These household's are desperate for money. When these children finish their work. The bosses ain't paying the children.
@reframeservices Says:
I would never live in the US, and I'm from the Balkans. I earn 45k a year, crime rate is almost non existing in my country and city, food is really good and cheap from local manufacturers, not big corporations like in US. My expenses are low, for example one bed apartment rent for me is $225 monthly, utilities around $100 with internet, daycare for a child is around $250 monthly, the climate is mild and Mediterranean on the south. Life is good. My point is my grandfather worked as child from age 14-18 but that was 90 years ago. This shouldn't be happening in any western country in 21 century, sickening.
@alexsia0208 Says:
Why are we not focusing on the evil that was just recently exposed of all the child labor under the current president? But NO!!!!! Why should we do that, we always shift the the narrative and blame on the republicans so we don’t hold the president accountable for such evil against our foreign children.
@dayasharma6397 Says:
All talk no action. The problem with all these news / opinion outlets is that they never do anything to arm the citizenry on what can they do to combat this systemic corruption. At most they will say write to you senators or legislators, as if that has proven to work in the favor of general public. And here is the insidious part, these outlets due to certain FCC regulations cannot nudge us viewers/listeners to demonstrate or cause civil disobedience to get our voices heard. Coz if they do so they will be promptly shutdown by FCC and charged with inciting rebellion against the state. So all these news/opinion outlets do is whine, whine and whine more focusing on the negative, they won't even look for someone on the other end of the spectrum acting as a counter force to such bills. So much for balanced news and so much for democracy. Oh wait .... I meant facade of democracy.
@genesisnelson3036 Says:
If you guys allow this law to pushed this will open the door to age of consent being lowered and children will no longer be protected from pedophiles ,sexual abuse etc
@Awperan Says:
Stupid rednecks 😂
@massdistractions Says:
Gotta love the GOP, puttin them kids to work to stick more money in their pockets. Education isn't needed, gettin that tax money is important!!! Get them into that low paying job, that's what matters to the GOP!!!! The cowardly pedophile Nazi's have truly taken over the Republican party.
@matt3024 Says:
Not surprisingly all red (neck) states.
@rochellevanderboegh2122 Says:
We already have child labor laws. They need enforced. A 14 year old does not have the knowledge, understanding to run big machines. That's why they are not allowed to drive cars until 16, and then only with an adult. The "roll back" is evil to use kids for cheap labor, and keep adults from getting jobs. They have some thing else in mind.
@TS-1267 Says:
... " THEY TOOK A'RR JOB'S " ... 😢
@sda2093707 Says:
I wish I could have found a job at 14. Money and learning finacial responsibility.. omg how awful
@meko3089 Says:
They are using them as a new form of slavery so the rich republicans can stay Rich
@meko3089 Says:
AI will take our jobs then these kids will take the rest at lower wages . The system is after all of us
@Kennedy749 Says:
85,000 immigrant children go missing in the last 4 years and now legislatures want to push back child labor laws???
@brianbell9817 Says:
This evil legislation is another part of the WAR against our children. Opportunities? Opportunities for whom? Its not for the children. Many people including myself at times keep asking "What is going on to this country? This country is unfamiliar to us now." Well,the answer is obvious to believers of the GOSPEL. We are not fighting flesh and blood but principalities in high places. I dont know how to tell you this more than i can write this. If we dont turn and face our GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we will not be able to turn this evil around. We are in the last age of humanity and we were warned by GOD that evil would take over and it has shown its face with an extreme force as it moves forward stronger and stronger every day, hour,and minute. OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY ANSWER TO THIS EVIL. AMEN.
@DavidD6969 Says:
How about kids that want to make money and learn different skills
@roryhilburn2911 Says:
Wow. I would much rather have teenagers working and doing something practical with their life than out on the streets. I personally started working on a large farm in Oregon at 14 and worked an average week over 100 hours all summer. I got to drive big tractors, combines, trucks and I was so lucky to have such opportunity that helped me all throughout my life. This lady is very misplaced in her thinking. There are no jobs for teens and I feel bad for them. No real opportunity to be someone in life. She probably means we'll yet is way off base.
@beth6181 Says:
This reporter hasn’t ever worked a day in her life dumb blonde white supremist isn’t she?
@beth6181 Says:
Red states ? You idiot democrat shut up
@jefferykeith4527 Says:
they want labor period the 20 somethings are lazy good for nothings and want hand outs from the goverment. also i dont see a teen working in a bar im sorry seems your the one fear mongering here. as for the teens in dangerous jobs no actually what it is called is a trade school and the bussiness is willing to train them in hopes they will come back when of age and work for them. do some bloody research here lady.
@dotconnector1418 Says:
NOW THE RATS ARE TURNING ON THEIR OWN. WHICH I REALLY HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH! This broad doesn’t have 1,2, or even 3 fronts she is willing to put her energy into. She’s pissed about so many things dare I say everything as many of her supporters use the word EVERY when railing against Republicans. As if democrats have 0 faults 😂 As in war fighting on 3 or 4 fronts is not productive. You win the battle on 1 front then you go to the next important front and so on. Who do you think fuels yours and the other fires your angry about? IT’S THE MEDIA. OH WAIT A MINUTE YOU ARE PART OF THE MEDIA. Tucker, Lemon, Joe coffee head, The View wind bags. Left or Right if everyone is blaming and pointing fingers at each other. Absolutely nothing, zero, zip, nada will ever get resolved. Where the fuck does it stop? Eventually republicans or democrats will threaten the other with atomic’s. You make say bullshit but look at Russia vs Ukraine North vs South Korea and so on. All because they can’t or won’t talk because they know they are right and the others are wrong. We’re so right that we’ll show you with missiles. Fuck all that. Level your pride and get to talking and resolving problems. Ez pz!
@codyhill2311 Says:
BS pure BS like your really going to put children to work when their's really no more jobs that can actually be worked. What manufacturing? That's gone to China.
@codyhill2311 Says:
BS pure BS like your really going to put children to work when their's really no more jobs that can actually be worked. What manufacturing? That's gone to China.
@annabolster6906 Says:
What are these companies doing cant hire kids they need school
@BlazinNSoul Says:
Republicans have lost their f*** minds!! What's next legalizing human trafficking as may as well. As they kind of go hand in hand here. This is what happenes when crazy conspiracy nutjubs like Taylor Green. Which are put into positions of power. Along with her minions from hell which is where she is going when judgement day comes!! Republicans need the fear of god put back into their worthless ranks. As they follow a path of unrighteousness as do the LGBTQ Democrats!! Both parties are as worthlesss as s*** & need a course correction before things get any worse then they already are. Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. Matthew 5:16
@pamelawing5747 Says:
They are rolling back the ages so that there will be no issues when it's found out that they are working 14 year old kids, and most of those kids will be migrants, hopefully migrants with no parents in the country. They will just let the 9 year olds slip by. I picked beans and strawberries in the summer when I was 9 and 10. My mom went too most often. It was in the early 50's in Salem, Oregon. There were a lot of farms and canneries, my grandfather owned the largest cannery in the Pacific Northwest, at that time. The farmers depended on kids to pick, not a lot of migrants in those days and all kinds of people picked to make some money in the summer. We could come an go as we pleased, it was piece work. Beans paid by the big canvas bag and strawberries by the lug. We'd pick a few days a week and then not, but I got some pocket change and my dad, who worked for my grandfather, thought my brother and I should learn the value of a dollar. It didn't kill us but that was nothing to compare with the hideous garbage going on today. THAT is criminal.
@donnaabrams2570 Says:
Iowa passed this child labor law rollback at 5:00 this morning. If they weren’t embarrassed, why the early hour? And isn’t this the same state that told its residents it was illegal to cross Iowa border for an abortion?
@AkeJay02 Says:
I'm an Iowan, and this story is a hilarious level of nonsense. That being said, what, exactly, would be the issue? If the kids are old enough to decide to physically alter their body to match the gender they know they are, why wouldn't they be able to enter the labor market by consent?
@renardleblanc5556 Says:
Children working in meat processing plants? I *already* don't want to know what goes into a hotdog, this makes it sooo much worse.
@graceful.wings.1 Says:
@danielroth8738 Says:
Bout time. Kids wanna work, let them work. They earn money and prepare for life as an adult!
@notafaker Says:
Add in inflated economy even more when companies realize they can make more money due to added income into homes.

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