NAKED Romanian Politician Accidentally Zooms Into Meeting

NAKED Romanian Politician Accidentally Zooms Into Meeting


A government official in Romania accidentally turned on his camera while he was getting out of the shower during a zoom meeting. Rayyvana, Cenk Uygur, and Mark Thompson discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "A council meeting in Romania descended into hysterics on Friday after one councilor�supposedly 'working' from home�turned his camera on while in the shower. The chairperson of the meeting was calling for attendance when Social Democratic (PSD) councilor Alberto-Iosif Caraian appeared on screen undressed in his shower. The soggy official was asked to turn his video feed off as colleagues could be heard cracking up. 'But I can't hang up,' Caraian said as he scrambled to turn the camera off. 'I can't hang up, I apologize profusely. I have a bad cold, but I don't know how to hang up.' He later rejoined the meeting with his clothes on." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230224__BE02RomanianCouncilorWFHMTGVsBeingNaked




@IanChristopherson-t9v Says:
unrelated, but you need some lip balm. Take care of those things while you are young.
@heyokaempath9515 Says:
@mothersgauri4137 Says:
Those little perks of Zoom no one thought of......🤣😂😂😂😂
@rayleighsilvers4770 Says:
Anyone else watching this in the shower? Just me?
@ar4203 Says:
Well luckily it only showed his face& shoulders-ish area lol, it could have been way worse hahaha
@nomorebushz Says:
At least he's motivated to listen to the conference call, as well as positive hygiene!
@S1lverarrow Says:
its his girl friend's shower cam, she has a part time job xD
@DJB0X3R Says:
My laptop has a built-in camera blocker.
@Sincerealise Says:
@ehenri1438 Says:
Zelenky in his zoom meeting with NATO
@dobidobitv3737 Says:
hayatın olağan akışı,
@zeenohaquo7970 Says:
Rub a dub dub
@maxpatrickhaynes2194 Says:
“That’s a lot. That’s a lot” !! 😂😂😂😂😂
@michaeld4861 Says:
I don't even understand. Why would you put your phone or computer in the shower with you pointed right at you? If I'm supposed to be in a meeting in 4 seconds I'm not going to hop in the shower. I may take my phone into the bathroom to check the time afterwards but not taking a shower selfie with it.
@adamlopez3186 Says:
This shows how perverted companies or agencies can be, who have the ability to control the cameras on our phones.
@coreyslater2801 Says:
tee-hee.... so silly naked ness. Lets do a story on this. But the fact that the US bombed a pipeline of another country. Actually committed an act of war, without congress approval. We don't talk about that. But Tee-hee someone was naked... \ FU TYT. FU. so disappointing.
@TheWanderingFire Says:
Someone needs to tell him about the benefits of post it notes.
@TheLastLineLive Says:
I’d vote for this guy.
@Gqdancer Says:
😆Poor guy... if it was me... I would jump out of a bridge, sooo sorry dude!!! 🤭🤭🥴🥴😭😭
@tomsawyer2x Says:
You should find the zoom mtg where a guy didn’t realize what was going on grabbed some lotion and tissues…
@ayannafit2441 Says:
I know people say they have nightmares about going to school without their pants. In my opinion that's a bit unrealistic, however, this ... 😅😅😅
@mk......... Says:
That's how you win your next election.
@Loverules269 Says:
The Romanian George Castanza! Lmao!
@lovelydaye6640 Says:
Stupid as this is, it was done on purpose. Been on too many zooms for this
@ourphilosophyis9119 Says:
He was humiliated, but you played the clip on your show anyway while laughing. We need to honestly ask ourselves: would TYT have done this if this had been a female politician?
@qbee6098 Says:
🤣🤣🤣 with all the nonsense happening, it is always good the find a video that has your team in stitches
@skinwalker3953 Says:
That absolute look of *DEER IN THE HEADLAMPS* kind of fear in that mans eyes -- Oh his soul left his body that moment. <3
@bozodeclown67 Says:
I keep a piece of masking tape on my camera phone "just in case".... Peel it off only when needed, then put it right back on when done.
@scottandrewhutchins Says:
At least he wasn't playing with himself in the shower.
@scottandrewhutchins Says:
I have a physical switch on my laptop camera, but I often forget to use it. I don't even like to come on camera in my pajamas.
@sidneysnyder922 Says:
Most beautiful eyes 😍
@kenknudsen675 Says:
I disagree with Cenk's not guilty verdict. When you're expecting to go on a Zoom call in the next few minutes, you shouldn't be taking a shower. Put it in your day planner - Zoom meeting: 2 - 3pm, Shower: Literally ANY OTHER TIME. To have these activities ever conflict, you need to either be a bozo, or you're doing it on purpose.
@fightwithonefilms Says:
@fightwithonefilms Says:
Raylin, people, why are you bathing while occupied doing something else...
@fightwithonefilms Says:
Ya have to ask, is it truly that hard to just be even a little prepared....
@adrienneroxanne9833 Says:
@antenna_prolly Says:
Cenk Uyger: "I'm always careful when I'm on camera" Kyle Kulinski: "I'm sick today, so I'm in my underwear"
@antenna_prolly Says:
nudify the means of production
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Says:
The camera image came on and off. I think he was panicking, and kept inadvertently turning it back on.
@colintaylor8130 Says:
Honestly, some hot politician should NEVER do this on purpose. There's NO way this could work out for them. Has anyone ever gone from porn to politics?
@mariomazzi7894 Says:
Why are you showing this? You should be ashamed of yourselves!
@mariomazzi7894 Says:
This silly-looking girl is talking about her "heart going out to him" while laughing stupidly!
@Urizen61 Says:
It could happen to anyone.
@erictaylor5462 Says:
I actually use a camera cover.
@erictaylor5462 Says:
We have all had that dream of going into work/class... unprepared. I'm sure people have had that dream for as long as nudity has been taboo in our culture, and we will be having it in the future as well
@calmandreadyforvrej Says:
so you cant cover Artsakh blockade but can sit there cenk find some armenian last name politician to make fun off and you call this news worthy ? DISGUSTING ! 76 days Artsakh in blockade your progressive so called asss hasnt said a word. you dont get to pick and choose what to be progressive about. You either racist or your not there is no middle line . You either progressive or your not.
@JustMe-01 Says:
lol, there was a vid circulating like a year ago of a woman that propped up her phone in the bathroom, then pulled down her pants to pee, then freaked. too funny😂😆😅
@lindagibbs428 Says:
How embarrassing for him.
@rebeccad.6248 Says:
Wow, just read that he resigned after this!!
@JCA51698 Says:
Reminds me of Spaceballs. “I thought I told you never call me on this wall! This is an unlisted wall!”

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