The Left is Wrong. There is No Gender Wage Gap | Short Clips | PragerU
The Left is Wrong. There is No Gender Wage Gap | Short Clips | PragerU



@bryanfick6895 Says:
Thank you for making these videos, the sad thing is they're still needed. I can't believe this lie of the gender wage gap still persists after a decade of being debunked.
@gustavoguimaraes3524 Says:
@blackrock1961 Says:
Median and average are not the same thing. Median is the value in the middle of the population. Average, or mean, is the sum of the values in the population divided by the number of members in the population. It is possible for the median to be higher, or lower, than the mean.
@nealHunt-r7h Says:
It has been a federal crime to pay a woman less for the same job in the USA since 1963. How do people not know this? If you know a woman who is being paid less (and you don't), then call the FBI.
@carnakthemagnificent336 Says:
Proving Dr. Sowell's work. Thank you.
@bfe954 Says:
I love the format of the video. PragerU if you’re keeping track of comments and consumer data please make more videos in this style of Left Claim followed by data and logical conclusion. Thanks
@ReasonablySkeptic Says:
Social media IS RIDDLED, JUST DRIPPING with countless women complaining about their jobs, and video of young women showing themselves slacking off at work. Maybe don't post your BS online people, it makes the rest of us not belive you.
@DonTruman Says:
It's incredible anyone still believes men are paid more for doing the same thing. It was debunked like 30+ years ago! Even without any studies it's obvious: if an employer could hire nothing but women to run his company he'd save an enormous amount on his labor costs, while producing the same. He'd completely dominate the market and wipe out the "sexist" competition! Even if it were just a 5% difference he'd be nuts to hire any men. Employers don't do that, because they know it's 100% bunk.
@Nordic_Sky Says:
If there actually was a gender wage gap, businesses would only hire women in order to make more money. They don't, therefore there isn't.
@Razear Says:
The fact that they included an Asian woman in the clip is hilarious when they statistically outearn white men. "Want to close the wage gap? Change your major from feminist dance therapy to electrical engineering." —Christina Hoff Sommers
@jeff0125 Says:
"Have you met any women?" is a telling response about the left's tendency to rely on anecdotal evidence rather than actual data.
@roharatube Says:
Wen you observe the "wage gap" what you are observing are women making choices that women, and by extension society, do not allow men to have.
@LucidDreamer54321 Says:
The left is wrong about everything. The official motto of the Democratic Party is "We are wrong."
@RascalCatify Says:
As always, the devil is in the details...
@carcucov Says:
The question is: if women do the same for less, why is it that we are still hiring men?
@alliesmom2946 Says:
If the “patriarchy” could save 30% AND “oppress” women (because that’s their goal, right?) ALL men would be out of a job. 😂
@FROG2000 Says:
Gender wage gap is like the difference between what PragerU says is time of this video and the actual time of the video.
@caballeinsan1535 Says:
@JohnDoe-qw4gc Says:
I've worked in a profession dominated by women for most of my adult life. Almost every boss I've ever had has been a woman. I guarantee you that the only time I've made more money than counterparts is when I've been willing to work longer, worse hours, which is most of the time. My female counterparts place more of a value on their time with their families and not stressing themselves out than I do in almost every situation. They're not willing to work themselves into an early grave, but I am. They're also pickier about the work they do, whereas I take whatever they'll give me. And in my field, working more and harder doesn't get me promoted any faster.
@skyleen Says:
I am a retired woman, nearing 70 years old. I have worked quite a few different jobs over the years. I have NEVER been paid less than a man doing the same job.
@courtneypuzzo2502 Says:
a regular NBA season is 82 Games while a WNBA season is 40 Games
@martinvho Says:
The lies women tell themselves to justify feeling the victim is amazing.
@dkail08 Says:
There is actually a pay gap. Women get paid more. At least until you factor all the time off the women take.
@BloodyHeck Says:
If women were truly paid more for the same job at the same company, there would be massive lawsuits, companies would be driven into bankruptcy and people would possibly be jailed. So which companies are doing this? With that big of a gap, you’d think every company in the country is paying women less but we never see actual examples. No, the reason for the gap can be explained by this example. A few years ago, my wife and I were making virtually the same amount per hour, I made only about 25cents more than her, yet my paycheck was almost double what hers was. Why? Because while she usually worked 38-40 hours a week, I averaged 60-70, with everything over 40 being overtime. But feminists don’t look at those details. They would have only been looking at the fact that my paycheck was double what hers was and cry discrimination. Fine, show me the company where discrimination can be proven, because you can’t.
@Kroh13 Says:
The next argument is being a stay at home mom is under valued by everyone .. if you choose to raise your own kids . You wont ever make a fraction to what the father makes .. thats the truth ..society also looks down on women choosing family over career .. your damned if you do and damned if you don’t as a mother when it comes to earning wages that are livable after kids ..
@rachealballiu9260 Says:
I try to tell people this all the time. No one listens.
@ConservativeBrotherDaily Says:
Good breakdown, also women overall tend to be more agreeable and aren’t as aggressive at salary negotiation and more likely then men to settle for the first offer, which is contributing factor as well, just the honest unfortunate truth for not all but many women in the workforce.
@airfiero4772 Says:
Common sense? It doesn't work well when you have political garbage to push.
@mikewviolin Says:
I haven't gotten a prsgerU video recommended in a long while. DJT and Republicans getting into office ; all the tech companies are scrambling to change their leftist policies, hence we get balanced feeds now lol
@humantacos9800 Says:
I only hire trans women for my construction crew. 70% of the pay, twice the strength.
@Kid_Charlemagne76 Says:
The only reason why it seems like men get paid more than women, is because the average woman takes more time off work and works shorter hours than the average man. Oh and let's not forget the jobs that require physical labor almost entirely have all male workers
@capotegabriel Says:
Every conservative is homossexual.
@jongreen9171 Says:
A woman's work is never done - that's why the gender paygap exists 😀
@rickintexas1584 Says:
Ms. Sommers is absolutely correct. There is no gender wage gap.
@anthonyraines5951 Says:
Im hiring all women from now on!
@Plathismo Says:
It’s sad that we have to keep debunking this over and over and over ad nauseum. But the left will never give up on the idea that our choices are meaningless and only accidents of birth matter—the most pernicious philosophy imaginable.
@morganptah3266 Says:
Men are just beasts🤠
@kenham6742 Says:
How long they do it and what they do. Gender, Race, has nothing to do with it.
@HistoryandHeadlines Says:
Do you think you are paid a fair amount?
@Teksura Says:
Never forget that when Hillary Clinton was campaigning on the gender pay gap myth, it came out that within her own campaign staff, Hillary was paying female staffers significantly less than male staffers for no apparent reason other than her dislike of other women and jealousy towards them.
@Individual_Lives_Matter Says:
The fact that these “activists” are comparing aggregate pay numbers, by gender and ethnicity group, indicates they are either stupid or dishonest.
@imashaman-ei9ie Says:
BOEM !! and MEN pay alsow for the woman.. because the think its supposed to be .. well .. then get on your knee to then and make daddy happy
@mrridikilis Says:
i've heard several women complain that they're being penalized at the workplace for having had children. and i'm like, well yes! it's not the HAVING children that penalizes, but the choice to take yourself out of the workplace for an extended period. then, they complain that it's sexist. i counter with the fact that if a man took himself out of the workplace for a similar time period (for childcare, elder care, around-the-world bike trip, etc.) he would ALSO be penalized. the penalization is not sexist if it treats people making the same choices equally. more women do INDEED make this choice (to raise kids, that is) but how is that the employer's fault? or the government's?? if you want to have kids but NOT be the primary parent, marry someone who wants to be the primary parent, or get a nanny.
@omrialmagor4059 Says:
this is a knee deep analysis. you keep saying "Choices" but say nothing about what's behind them. And what is? raising children, which falls mostly on women. Both you and the leftist video you're criticizing, are picking and choosing the facts you want to use. There is a pay gap, not as big as those dollar-rippers make it to be, but still exists and originates from socially accepted gender roles.
@Schnaubau Says:
Christina is awesome
@stan6273 Says:
Isn't this a line of crap I remember complaining about my wife making more money in me all the time it's basically how well your educated you can't believe this crap
@ChuChuBelo Says:
So the video says there’s a 6.6% wage gap, but the title says there’s no wage gap. Which is it?
@einat1622 Says:
1:18 Isn't "full time" job is considered as such, based on hours?
@Octovisuals Says:
Correct. Well, in socialist countries like Spain, politicans, the State, steals more than half (50 %) of our salary to everyone... except to politicians themselves of course! Socialism is the single worst thing to ever happen to humanity. Literally. Thank you.
@thecoffeesloth Says:
And to coin a phrase used mostly by left-wing feminists "That guy gives me the ick"

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