Do You Agree This is What Keeps Africa From Developing?
Do You Agree This is What Keeps Africa From Developing?



@UtubeH8tr Says:
Africa keeps africa from developing.
@EmeraldVindicator7 Says:
People go to war over land and resources. Africans don't own their own. Imagine if the British still took billions from America and asking why 🇺🇸 haven't developed yet?
@vinagerie427 Says:
As well, Society has been well-groomed to immediately reject even the notion of Anarchial Society...of tax-free Empires...of Co-Operation vs. Corporation. lol...Quite a pic of "intelligence", indeed.
@ahhcmon9604 Says:
Corruption is why America is failing right now and it's getting worse by the day. I can't tell you how many cops are corrupt I'm pro police it's a difficult job but almost none of them know the constitution, it should be memorized and on hand for all cops
@autopsychograph Says:
Absolutely 💯. Tribalism, a political love for marxism, and extortionate corruption from top to bottom.
@thecove4770 Says:
My dad was from Cameroon. He had a better education in the 1960s than I did in Michigan in the 80s. Government corruption is rampant and it’s hard to start businesses. People are educated with nowhere to go, unless they can get out.
@JBplumbing12 Says:
Individuals comprise nations, not visa-versa. Systemic corruption results from collective individual corruptions.
@velzinha Says:
Exactly what Magatte Wade always says. She is amazing, btw. Everyone should check her videos.
@voicecrynout Says:
Humans are humans everywhere. Evil knows no race, gender, culture or creed.
@voicecrynout Says:
I'm a Nigerian American and can tell you how the US brands corrupt practices with nice terms thereby making them appear hypocritically pious as they point the finger at African countries. Bribery is aptly called "lobbying" here. America is all about branding.....ozigabuyaya! The more the you look, the less you see. I have friends in this country that have experienced extreme corruption in the civil service they work with and how for the sake of their lives, they've had to quit their jobs or else be killed for trying to impede these acts of corruption. It's disgusting!!
@voicecrynout Says:
It's sad that Dennis acts ignorant of the impact the West has had on Africa and the resulting corruption in Africa leaders. For all of your who blindly drink what he's said hook, line and sinker, you all need to read " the confessions of an economic hitman". The West has destroyed and continues to destroy Africa for to their sheer greed and corruption.
@voicecrynout Says:
It is the corruption of the West that has filtered into Nigeria and fostered an environment where corruption grows unchecked in Africa. The West eliminated Africa leaders who want to lead their countries for the good of their people and helps install and protect corrupt African leaders who will do the bidding of the West in their greed to usurp and steal the riches of Africa.
@claudinebrown4668 Says:
Where there is corruption there is no law or morals.
@racegts Says:
The same corruption could be seen here when you drive up next to the IRS building
@goldenhazeduster Says:
Although corruption is likely a major problem in Africa, It is not the biggest problem with respect to the development of the continent. Topography is a much bigger hurdle. I have read that it is easier to sail to the port of Minneapolis than it is to all but 7 ports in Africa. This has to do with the number of waterfalls on African rivers. It is the same reason why the USA is as great as it is.
@motzoh Says:
South Africa is the perfect example.
@michaelcarney6280 Says:
Corrupt governments is the problem with Africa countries send billions ever year and the people never see it.
@bishopakpan2284 Says:
@robertpeers3742 Says:
It's everywhere and called payola
@oldman4803 Says:
We have that same type of corruption in this country on a slightly lower scale. It's called civil asset forfeture. Where the cops stop you and confiscate (streal) your property or money on the assumption that it is guilty of some crime and you need to sue them in a remote attempt to prove that your property is innocent so you can recover it.
@stanleyshannon4408 Says:
'I know a delightful African' The epitaph of western civilization.
@1smallstep Says:
So what drives the corruption? Might it not be tribalism? In Africa, isn't the tribe and clan more important than the nation state? And so comes the desire to take care of you and yours at the expense of they and theirs because they are others.
@JustinsGarage Says:
I’d also argue that all the successful people coming to America takes away their wealth from the economy.
@Poppi-G Says:
Come on really?lol. The same reason you don’t go to Jackson Mississippi. Lmao stupidass question.
@hannahkroon5233 Says:
@ryanchad8384 Says:
I honestly thought he’d say laziness. I work with 6 Nigerians, coincidentally the 6 laziest employees happen to all be Nigerian
@lazydaisee3997 Says:
But the population of Africa has increased from 350m to 1.4bn since 1970 No western country would have been able to sustain that kind of population build 4x the schools, housing, food production, water, power in just 2 generations...and to do it at a developed level ... just impossible.... most western countries right now are cracking under population growth and unskilled migration a fraction of that level. Africa is being destroyed by the culture...and the first thing that has to happen is that African women are given access to birth control.
@ddc163264 Says:
Corruption first, foreign aid second. Because it feeds the first. But your story isn't far from what I saw when I lived in Louisiana, near New Orleans. Both the cops and the parish officials are regularly on the take. Where do you think all that money that was sent before Katrina for levy, drainage, and pump improvements, that were either NEVER done or poorly done went to? It was only now that the U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers took direct control did anything get done since.
@blueyellow3621 Says:
Corruption and the US humanitarian aid are keeping Africa from developing.
@marclawyer2789 Says:
Parasites can ONLY be successful on a healthy organism...once the host 'dies', they die, if it shrinks they shrink...the parasite CANNOT 'help' the host. A symbiotic relationship, however, means both sides profit...
@leetrollope Says:
And fear prevents change
@brodyhagemeier9356 Says:
Corruption will diminish when people become less dependent on government.
@thatstrami Says:
Corruption I agree but that is not the main cause I would think the main cause would be the culture. Same thing for blacks in the United States. Culture.
@Lucaso111 Says:
“Africa is just a grave for Africans.”
@MatthewLoom Says:
As a white South African I can tell you that black Africans LOVE the idea of socialism and communism. Any reason to be lazy and they will vote it into power.
@lilianoliveira6660 Says:
The same in South American countries. Corruption hides under bureaucracy. Countries with lots of bureaucracy are trying to forge a track of paperwork to hide the real problem. Brazil is pure corruption, it’s embedded in the culture, you are actually ridiculed if you miss “an opportunity” (which means taking advantage of a situation that leads to a loss to someone else).
@rheamiller148 Says:
We have to drain the swamp!
@claudiocorreia6096 Says:
Illiteracy Stage one thinking Communist propaganda Big government Corruption It is very difficult to break it
@tomlaureys1734 Says:
I saw that happen in Costa Rica. African countries are not the only ones were this kind of corruption holds them back. My Costa Rican friends told me that that's how things work here.
@fpc3017 Says:
I know. It was the end of european imperialism. When even America decised africans would be better independent rather than being part of european countries. My country Portugal was developing Angola pretty well. Even today a lot of people from Angola recognize after their independence their countries stopped developing.
@dmarcornwall3681 Says:
And in all the third world country too. It also becomes a part of their culture.
@foristrothbert568 Says:
Yes, there is one reason and one reason alone: Africans.
@buitlbybear1580 Says:
In America we call that "TOLLS".
@zachariahrich3354 Says:
@anthonymorris5084 our thread has been mesed with
@flyo7789 Says:
Geography has also always been an obstacle to African development. The center of Africa is mountainous, so it has no navigable rivers that run from the coast deep into the continent. All the rivers have high falls that make them impassable. Africa has nothing like the Danube or the flat Mississippi with many navigable tributaries to facilitate the flow of people, goods, ideas & progress. It's also difficult to build roads & other infrastructure. Also, they have way too many wars.
@thomasmaloney843 Says:
You tube documentary titled empire of dust says it all
@gorkygill11 Says:
I love Prager U and appreciate what you guys do, but, What you’re observing comes down to a lack of conscientiousness in certain populations, which may stem from environmental or cultural causes. Even with a perfect government and flawless execution of instructions, these societies often remain stagnant. To evaluate a group, look at small, everyday behaviors—whether people return shopping trolleys, how they treat children, the vulnerable, or animals. These actions reveal the moral fabric of a society and its capacity for productivity. It’s not about serious crimes like murder but about what people are allowed to get away with legally. If a society tolerates exploitation or lacks a strong sense of right and wrong, it will reflect in what they produce. Without constant oversight, such societies struggle to uphold ethical or conscientious
@gorkygill11 Says:
I disagree, Dennis. This is a sociological issue. In Asia and Africa, people are simply not as productive as those in the West. In fact, productivity in several regions is hindered by a mindset focused on scarcity. The dominant discourse often revolves around the division of existing resources, rather than the idea that wealth can be created and everyone can progress without taking from others. These principles of productivity, innovation, and individual advancement—where success isn’t a zero-sum game—are uniquely Western, particularly American, ideas. Without this mindset, what we often see is a cycle of individuals or groups trying to take from one another rather than producing anything of value. Even the intellectuals, like schoolteachers, tend to encourage students to “study hard, become a civil servant,” and rise to positions of power. The goal is frequently to dominate others and exploit that power, rather than to innovate or create something meaningful. This perspective stems from my personal experiences and observations.
@praywithpio6028 Says:
Empire of Dust documentary
@scottsmith4612 Says:
Excellent book: "Out of America, A Black Man Confronts Africa," by Keith B. Richburg.

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