The Strongest Militia in the Middle East
The Strongest Militia in the Middle East



@johnnyharris Says:
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@1996djaber Says:
I was a firm believer in your way of doing unbiased research and crafting credible stories told in a neutral way! It’s kindda sad and to be honest, bitterly said, “disappointed” to see this one! Especially that after clicking on the thumbnail I clicked the bell to receive an alert every time you post something The way you told the story is very much the opposite of what you were promoting to your sponsor!
@joerustamov8846 Says:
Sad to see Jews and Christians fighting or I should say Christians suffers as well humanity suffers as well 😔😔
@exluvrx Says:
@hermaeusmora2945 Says:
If you're going to continually talk about "Hezbollah's sponsor, Iran" you may as well include the Israeli bagman, the United States.
@dankonzman5566 Says:
Israel bombed Iran’s embassy in Syria. Iran wasn’t responding to “attacks on its proxies”, but to a direct attack on their diplomatic site, technically Iranian sovereign territory, as all embassies are regarded. 11:56
@Oscargaus Says:
Johnny, when I subbed to you, I liked your channel because you seemed to make fair and authentic videos, but I have noticed all of this has changed. I don't know if the FBI is paying you a crazy amount to switch up like this, but you sound very biased and packing up Israel and Ukraine whenever you get the chance. I'm very disappointed in you, mate, you're very misleading I thought I was the only one but I looked at the comments and a lot of people agree. What a shame unsubed.
@rollingdownfalling Says:
Israel wants to drag both US and Iran into this war. Israel had successfully done so, by escalating and prolonging the war. You see when US interest and Israel's interest doesn't align, Israel comes first, because there is the US election and the lobbyists. This is why democrats in your country are deeply divided over the middle east conflict. If this continues, guess who will win the election?
@mattstephen7494 Says:
I sadly feel compelled to leave a downvote, my first for this channel. This video should be removed and an hour long one with far better research to replace it.
@DonJTR Says:
His videos have become worrysome since the famous deleted short.
@azeeze1391 Says:
Your narration is biased. Does not show the whole truth.
@thamsanqancube2888 Says:
I will be unfollowing . Very misleading information
@zaiKongsi Says:
so the problem started by the west afterall, once a warmonger forever a warmonger
@Tylru Says:
I resubscribed recently as it seemed you had repaired your approach to sources. I had chosen to unsubscribe because you failed to source your claims in older videos and I was impressed that you had taken efforts to correct this. Now, it seems, these videos are conveniently skipping over a lot of context, both current and historical, which allows this video to paint Iran and Hezbollah as uniquely at fault, while Israel and the West are simply spectators and/or retaliators, not instigators. Sadly, it is clear that this video, while subtle, is oversimplifying a deadly and unjust conflict in the Middle East, which is suspiciously falling on the side of Israel, a genocidal state. I will unsubscribe, as I do not condone, nor support, the terrorist state of Israel and it's unjust aims in the region.
@flextensioncord Says:
@Mrjmaxted0291 Says:
The production values are exceptional as always - its just a shame you never seem to present the history in an even handed way. The story that you've spun here is exceptionally charitable to the US and the Israeli occupation and the things you've chosen to leave on the cutting room floor in your telling of this chapter of history demands serious inquiry; for example, why did you choose to present Iran's retaliation against the embassy bombing in Lebanon as a belligerent act and not as a reaction to an assault from the Israelis? You repeatedly cite that "most people" blame Hezbollah for the assassination of Rafic Hariri, yet this doesn't seem to be backed up by any sources on your part to justify this statement; meanwhile a simple google search on this issue will reveal that the UN's special tribunal for Lebanon found that Hezbollah's leadership had no role in this assassination. There is no way a man with your level of attention to detail would miss these facts, so why do you choose to omit them altogether?
@benigogo Says:
Lazy, lazy work
@RizHail Says:
It is spelled Shia not Shitte.
@JahidulIslam-qg1yl Says:
full of shit, misleading. you are losing your credibility
@FillipeBunchOfNumbers3210 Says:
Wow, even throwing sand at the lebanese christians. Intentionally misleading video. Pure hasbara. 5000 good goyim credits has been added to your account.
@LoneBuffalo12 Says:
ashkanaxi youtuber ?
@CroatiainPeru Says:
Johnny Harris you stick your nose in very tricky thematics in which you are not informed enogh to talk about, rather continue with McDonalds ice cream machine issues...
@ghalmanemohamed6131 Says:
Very filtered so disappointed
@AbdulKarim-hq1fs Says:
Misleading video
@tyrant6832 Says:
Bro Syria war is a CIA regime change attempt
@TheGeekyAmreeki Says:
You are way too generous about what the Brits started and what the IDF and US have made so much worse. I'm a former Air Force medic who has lived over here since 2009 and served over here a lot before that. People never see anything from the MENA regions perspective. It's pretty shitty.
@pigeon-fd5zq Says:
Why Shia support Sunni Palestine people when they cannot say single word for Imam Hussain and Karbala ?
@muhammadumar9753 Says:
Johnny, I’m beyond disappointed. I used to consider you one of the most trustworthy and unbiased journalists, but this video completely destroyed that belief. You ignored the thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians killed by Israeli occupation, left out key details about the bombings before Hezbollah even existed, and conveniently skipped over Israel’s provocations that led to Iran’s retaliation. Your selective storytelling is shocking, and I can’t support such biased content anymore. I’m unsubscribing from your channel.
@alldayeveryJA Says:
We are in the final days of being able to discern the real videos and news from AI created, adversary planted, indicernable videos of countries leadership saying/doing anything.....hit this button to mark this for your future self to look back on when it was still clear what was and wasn't
@AvihuTurzion Says:
Resisting Israel gives them legitimacy because it’s something the Lebanese government is too weak to do? Are you even listening to yourself? If it weren’t for those militias being hosted in Lebanon we’d have had peace with Lebanon like we have with Egypt and Jordan.
@lottoman1 Says:
This guy is pro zionist. Not objective at all
@Bushmaster17 Says:
Very one sided video Johnny. Was blatant propaganda one of your goals when making this video?
@MDShamim-rv4fc Says:
Why did you just ignored the gaza invasion part?
@arnoldmbuthia2687 Says:
The geopolitics of the Middle East is clearly traceable to Britain, the USA and France.
@IsmaelPoteau Says:
Damn! So gross, I am unsubscribing.🤮🤢🤮
@tyrant6832 Says:
Iran didn't pick a group, they created it. Hezbollah is iranian made.
@DanMalak Says:
First ever dislike on a Johnny Harris video. 0 actual research was done.. Ironic how you introd ground news as a source that shares which stories have political bias etc. And then go on to be fully biased and talk for 10 mins (minus the intro) on a topic which you clearly need to be educated on.
@Tarquin2718 Says:
Slava Israel
@antho87 Says:
As a Lebanese Christian, I really appreciated this video—it’s very accurate, but I have a couple of points to add. First, you mentioned that the Shiites were defending their existence, but in reality, no one was attacking them. They forced their way into the Lebanese government, gaining the largest political influence through illegal weapons and armed protests on the streets, all under the banner of 'we need to free Palestine'—a conflict that Lebanon has no involvement in, yet we are the ones paying the price. The greatest evil here, and the 'Hitler' of the 21st century, is Iran. All the civil wars and casualties in Lebanon, Syria, and Israel are backed by Iran, while none of these conflicts have touched Iranian soil. Iran has rejected every offer of peace while claiming to seek it. Most Middle Eastern countries that have made peace with Israel, like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, enjoy stability and thriving economies. Meanwhile, countries allied with Iran—such as Syria and Lebanon (not officially, but with Hezbollah holding the greatest political power and recognizing Iran as its leader)—suffer from poverty and struggling economies.
@RichReportcom Says:
Appreciate the work Johnny puts into these.
how many times does Johnny change the title in his videos?
@__aythami Says:
How much are they paying you?
@Jingwushow Says:
This subject deserves a serious 14-hour documentary, not just 14 minutes. What you have here is way too shallow, smh.
@iamfour Says:
@sneakykidugo Says:
A gen Z trying to explain the middle east conflict 😂😂
@personofsomething6205 Says:
I used to like Johnny for his objective analysis regarding almost all the topics before. However, he is getting more and more biased. I think either them or money got to him
@princekabmile8830 Says:
nothing beats Mr. Johnny Harris' accurate and unfiltered details of realities on grounds...... good one
@calebk1841 Says:
When Johnny makes videos on russia or other parts of the world, yall attack him that he is intentionally avoiding the middle east vs Israel situation. When he does makes videos on the topic(Which the comment section shows is not his strong point especially for a 15 min video), He is accused of being biased and inaccurate and too surface-level. This is why private unbiassed Journalism isn't sustainable. If you just pick a side you can't be accused of hypocrisy
@Retly_Ai Says:
Just a bunch of overgrown children fighting over ego.
@ShafayatFahim Says:
Unsubscribing Johnny Harris. Zionist-backed narration.

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