Meteorologists Bombarded With Death Threats From Hurricane Conspiracists
Meteorologists Bombarded With Death Threats From Hurricane Conspiracists



@kibbyvoom Says:
Um why do people always blame God for all the bad crap in the world, if you stop and think about it there's a evil guy called the devil or Satan he should be more to blame than God .
@lorymarie6371 Says:
I watched T.Rump tell a throng of supporters: “ Oh, I love ya… I just love the under-educated!” And they erupted in cheers… they had no understanding, no comprehension of how he insulted them…they clap and cheer… 😢
@junkerzn7312 Says:
Urm. No, it is not "more likely" to have come from the lab. Where the heck did you get that from? The overwhelming evidence has always pointed to the wet market as the source, from an animal evolution, not a lab. No new evidence has ever been presented to support the lab theory. None. Zero. Maybe you got confused by the chaos of opinions, or perhaps you thought that emails discussing the possibility translate to "more likely". Viruses hop between species all the time. But that wouldn't be true either... of course any virologist worth his salt is going to consider the possibility... that very fact doesn't mean anything. Just quoting such emails is not proof or even make the topic being discussed "more likely", not in the least. So this is yet another great example of how conspiracy theorists can take any old regular discussion of a possibility and hold it out as "proof" of X, Y, or Z. -Matt
@phineascromwell Says:
That is the problem with skewered thinking. Alleged death threats and alleged misinformation (politicized as an excuse to violate The First Amendment) have NOTHING to do with the reality of weather modification technology. It is a pathetic trick attempted by propagandists. 🤠
@rmrzsa97 Says:
US2003/0085296A1 That’s the patent number for controlling and directing hurricanes and tornadoes.
@jm5390 Says:
As someone with a degree in geography and a passion for earth sciences and meteorology, all this misinformation about hurricanes Helene and Milton drives me crazy. How can anybody believe that humans can control a hurricane but not affect the climate slowly over time through emissions. We have a serious education and critical thinking problem in this country.
@freedom4mealways Says:
"No, cloud seeding did not cause the 2019 flooding in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), but it did contribute to heavier rainfall. The UAE National Center of Meteorology & Seismology (NCM) has linked the cloud seeding operations to the heavier rainfall, but says it was not the cause of the flooding. The flooding was due to inadequate drainage systems that could not handle the volume of water."-Wikipedia The problem is why these unprecedented floods?
@freedom4mealways Says:
I think climate change is a greater conspiracy theory!
@CeciliaO20 Says:
You are giving some of these conspiracy believers too much credit... Most just aren't that intelligent or capable are true critical thinking. Another portion just like being nasty and harassing people and lashing out because they need somewhere to place their personal frustrations.
@kitkatbar3871 Says:
After years of public service where you went along with defunding public education and ignoring educators calls for fundamental change, to now be surprised that a lot of people believe in craziness is wild to me
@nystagmus Says:
There is some degree of control of weather: Silver iodide Bubbling of bottom sea cold water
@alfonsoduran6910 Says:
Weather modification, primarily through cloud seeding, is currently used in countries like China, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Saudi Arabia, the United States, South Africa, Thailand, Mexico, and India; with China having one of the most extensive and publicized weather modification programs, often aimed at increasing rainfall in drought-prone areas. Key points about weather modification in these countries: China: Considered a leader in weather modification, with widespread use of cloud seeding across the country, including in major cities to manage air pollution. United Arab Emirates: Actively uses cloud seeding as part of its strategy to secure water supply due to its arid climate. United States: Primarily conducts research and smaller scale cloud seeding operations, particularly in mountainous regions. Concerns: While many countries use weather modification, there are concerns about its effectiveness, potential environmental impacts, and the possibility of international tensions arising from its use.
@new2dayuser151 Says:
Weather patterns have an immediate impact upon human behavior. Let's be real, everything and everybody has become questionable since Covid. You as professional meteorologists have your opinions about the weather. In my humble opinion, the behavior of people ieffects the weather!!!
@lucypeace6132 Says:
This is what you get when you defund education and fail to teach critical thinking skills in primary school. School is used to train future factory and office workers how to follow instructions and bells. Critical thinking isn’t taught until university. Republicans in particular don’t want and educated population because when people have critical thinking skills they tend to go left. It’s too late for this generation. And considering most factory and office jobs are about to be lost to AI, automation and robots the modern education system is under serving the next generation as well. Education needs to be completely overhauled at a fundamental level.
@GuyGuy-rq3te Says:
When biden say this, means it's the truth.
@anitaminassian353 Says:
If you aren’t controlling it go outside and look at the airplanes releasing white cloud not commercial planes cloud seeding!
@cynthg9547 Says:
My friend from Ashland and said he got no help . He had his friend on a helicopter pick him up . He lost everything and Fema sitting around doing nothing . Hes also a Democrat and said he might be voting Trump this time
@cynthg9547 Says:
Why Kamala Harris who was in North Carolina saying that FEMA running out of funds 😂
@RaoulDukes Says:
they want to keep people dumb..... by they i mean republicans mostly.. probably some dems too.
@brittneymurchie8467 Says:
we can affect the weather morons
@haitileblanc3075 Says:
@walterlichtenberg9846 Says:
Idiocracy 2.0 and beyond......
@Scott2122232425 Says:
this dose not happen in Canada. at all.......unless AB
@sluggo819 Says:
Pains me to say this... but I predicted this years ago (not hurricane nonsense lol)... But before all this misinformation started.. I would tell everyone in my circle... "the greatest thing ever created, the internet... will destroy us all in the end"... .my internal crystal ball saw this coming. It will probably get worse if it even ever gets better 😢
@Dubsouljahmusic Says:
HAARP machine and weather modification is real. But is the US government using it on purpose to create hurricanes to deliberately destroy cities and towns? I don’t think so.
@philippamcdoom Says:
They are not only stupid also wicked and evil 😂
@justinmiller1118 Says:
This is nice classic TYT
@Stijn5 Says:
Social media has destroyed humans.
@SnarkyMalarkey-n4p Says:
TYT sucks
@devinlor8176 Says:
What kind of straight jacket 🤔 do they get ? Mine is furry 😅
@Robert_Douglass Says:
@Robert_Douglass Says:
The Right have made mention of programmes like Operation Popeye and HAARP (High-frequency Aurora Altitude Radar Projection -- at least that's what I think it stands for)
@Martinmr07 Says:
Green’s level of stupidity should be punishable…… jail.
@dustyrider8021 Says:
Mtg is a cockroach...
@dobs862 Says:
Lets face it millions and millions of americans are dumb .
@ellaharvey7597 Says:
Another vile leftie lying and losing it! Again!. Keep on giving 'em shit to eat Donald! 😅😂😅😂😅😂 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@jjlivepattern Says:
There are some very stupid people commenting below. We just got back to our state after working with an evacuee shelter in St Pete / Tampa FL before, during and after Milton hit. Everyone there could give a flip about other’s crazy beliefs or one’s political alignment.
@MikoFX5820 Says:
Cenk believes Israel controls the weather
@nicholasagnew2792 Says:
Imagine being so insane that you think not only people are destroying their own homes by making extreme weather events, but that they can actually steer a hurricane like a drone. These are the people who think you can "hack" into a boat.
@viper2148 Says:
Liberals NOW: we cannot control the weather Liberals THEN: Climate Change is real and we’re causing it.
@mathematicalmuscleman Says:
The bulk majority of Nobel Prizes have been won by Americans, yet the bulk majority of the public - the lay people are a bunch of absolute idiot(s).
@philliphessel6788 Says:
“We are in danger of producing an educated proletariat,” announced Reagan advisor Roger A. Freeman during a press conference on Oct. 29, 1970. Freeman, an economics professor at Stanford, was also an advisor to President Richard Nixon. “We have to be selective on who we allow to go through [higher education],” Freeman added. In the more than half-century since, the Republican agenda has extended to encompass sabotage of primary and secondary education.
@antenna_prolly Says:
1:25 - I agree. Oil barons responsible for climate scientists' silence over a century ago...
@danielh8569 Says:
@pvtpain66k Says:
"now they're trying to murder the weather man?" They threatened hospitals during COVID, meteorologists are a surprise?
@brendakruger2597 Says:
The Corona Virus was leaked from the Wuhan Lab.
@brendakruger2597 Says:
Politicians are corrupt.
@pelicanhill3251 Says:
I'm sure Ana will say there are both sides to this.
@brendakruger2597 Says:
Cenk is a comedian 😂
@brendakruger2597 Says:
I loathe Marjorie Taylor Green 🤮

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