War on Israel: There Is No Moral Equivalence | PragerU
War on Israel: There Is No Moral Equivalence | PragerU



@PragerU Says:
Join us by signing this petition to stand with Israel and condemn Hamas ➡ https://l.prageru.com/4eLETf1
@vinonavortex5582 Says:
Read blood in the water by Joan mellen about how cia counterintelligence chief angleton plotted with mossad chief meir Amit for israel to attack ship uss liberty during six day war murder all the sailors and sink it to the bottom of the sea blame the attack on Egypt and use this as a pretext for USA to attack Egypt and topple nasser fortunately the ship got off a distress signal and stayed afloat foiling this treasonous plot. And probably averting world war three. Cia deputy director for intelligence Robert armory described angleton as a cooped Israeli agent god bless you joan
@theokrueger6286 Says:
Ummm, is that what war is, both sides want the other to die? Nothing new about war.
@peterward9446 Says:
The British did not fulfill *"The Sacred Trust"* enshrined within their 'Class A' Mandate endowed by the L-of-N ... viz. the Balfour Declaration to create a Jewish homeland. Instead, to reward the Hashemite clan for its assistance during the war, Winston Churchill severed Eastern Palestine from its western sector to establish the Emirate of Transjordan (later the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) & install one of the family’s leaders, Abdullah, as its ruler. The British fcuked-up *BIG TIME* ... that does not - however - change the incontrovertible facts of the matter - as per: 1) The Allies *DEFEATED* the defunct Ottoman Empire - of which 'Bilad al-Sham' was *Ottoman - NOT "palestinian"* sovereign territory. 2) The creation of a Jewish Homeland within the British Mandate was & is a matter of *INTERNATIONAL LAW* ... not a matter of the whims & preferences of the *DEFEATED* Ottoman subjects then residing on Ottoman territory - ie. mainly ethnic arabs - who regarded themselves as residents of 'Bilad al-Sham' - *NOT* of 'Palestine'. 3) The Rashidun Arabs *THIEVED* the entire Levant by Invasion & Subjugation circa 634 to 637CE ... *INCLUDING* the Holy Lands of the Judaic Nation ... *_I simply fail to see - on the basis of both logic & 'natural law' - any reason why said Judaic Nation is not entitled to *RECLAIM* their stolen Holy Lands - from the *THIEVES* who stole it.
@TickedOffPriest Says:
Muslims just want to kill.
@wookbook6957 Says:
Hamas killed 0.01% of Israelis. In retaliation, Israel killed 1% of Gazans. That's equal? That's justified? That's war? F%$K WAR If Israel can't shoot down all the rockets coming over their border, they can be better at causing civilian casualties. What if the American Government became evil and caused terror and tried to conquer Canada and Mexico? And in retaliation to try to stop our government, other nations invaded and killed 300,000 Americans as collateral damage, would you be OK with that?
@johnharrison6745 Says:
What *GOOD* is *EITHER* side in this conflict to the *UNITED STATES?*
@НатальяОрлова-э4ф4ь Says:
Иордания находится на территории Палестины.Часть Египта тоже находится на территории Палестины и только Израиль обвиняют в аккупации Палестины!Где логика?
@videos_iwonderwhy Says:
There is moral equivalence. Both sides want the other side dead. And one side is ten times more lethal than the other.
@tuckerarcand3968 Says:
arab world is sick…. we stand with Israël !
@divineantiwokegangster Says:
they think the jews are supposed to serve the Gazlighting Palestinians like slaves that want free stuff from the Jews. The Palestinians are supposed to be the Pharaohs of the Jews.
@Divocwax Says:
I meet people with PhDs here in Brisbane who deny there was even a need for a homeland for Jews after the Holocaust.😮 "They stole Palestinians land" 😡is heard too. Be strong Israel. Universities turn out some rough types.
@salomondahan8270 Says:
Well spoken❤
@meziembamara4004 Says:
Pray for victims 🇳🇬 🙏 🇵🇸
@briancarson552 Says:
America first not Israel. Let them pay for their own wars
@qw2ps4 Says:
What you're witnessing is a rise of the caliphate! 100 years ago after WW1, the caliphate was forced to disband! The atrocities they committed during the war made the allies insist they disband. They're now back, and we see this attack on Western societies! Societies built on Christian principles! What we are witnessing is the rise of the .... ""Beast with the fatal scar!""
@dans8857 Says:
I don't have a horse in this race. Stop sending them money! Let them figure it out themselves
@nyyotam4057 Says:
@Infarlock Says:
Arabs in Israel live better than arabs in most of the arab countries, just go ask them Israel is the light in the middle east
@OpinionGuy-cq8hp Says:
The thing is that while Hamas has targeted thousands of civilians, Israel has KILLED thousands of civilians
@bothered-kk7dk Says:
Great explanation of the fact.
@qouop1 Says:
You should remember that the jews are illegally occupying palastine. Thats the big issue here
@blablabla-dq5ch Says:
Dont forget to add Florida ... God sent us Milton as a sign of His blessings
@CarlHungus-du2zb Says:
That’s putting it lightly.
@tonycommisso4096 Says:
All Christians have been displaced in Middle East except in Israel
@HenryBaggins-rz7mq Says:
Netanyahu is a genocidal maniac.
@chadsensei-ue6jn Says:
@carlharmeling512 Says:
Nice try Dennis but no cigar for you this time. Too many very eloquent and forceful words of Jews like yourself have been heard and expound an entirely different narrative of when the Arabs were robbed of their land and murdered just for being in the land of their birth. Your moral high ground is sinking fast and your selective history is a screeching disaster.
@Tal_Shamayim Says:
Those university professor has no life wisdom. If you put them on the street they are the ones who get easily scammed.
@notoriousprocrastorious Says:
Only muslims and communists hate israel
@theocean3364 Says:
This is such a crock of shit.
@kumar1400 Says:
Bharat going through same conflict and world should not surprise if there will be a Civil war in future. As people are asking if there are Christan country, Muslim country then why not Hindu country. Minority Hindu already low in number in most of Bharat neighbouring countries, where they should go in such a situation? Thats why Hindu always stand with Israel and its state as Jew country
@DNRoss305 Says:
Who’s this old white guy? I’m sure the Jews got him on tape
@DNRoss305 Says:
The Jews from Europe are terrorizing the world
@samsalin Says:
One side has another in a cage, no matter how much you cry reality and history says otherwise
@rockycassiano4756 Says:
It is sad....
@ulala9729 Says:
Islam have islamic state within USA , which is Dearborn Michigan
@kaisernord5752 Says:
Western Europe and America are breathing their cultural death rattle while these people have the audacity to convince us to help them because they are the victim. The chutzpah. Go take care of it yourself and leave USA out of it.
@NN-sj9fg Says:
If the Arabs stop fighting, there will peace If Israel stops fighting, there will be no Israel.
@marksteiger2014 Says:
Israel is a settler colonial project. Zionism is immoral. Google Palestine Colonial Trust. Read Herzl's diaries...p.88...the intention was always to discriminate against and disenfranchise the non-Jewish population. Go to primary sources for your information and see if you still trust Prager.
@marksteiger2014 Says:
57 Arab and Muslim countries guaranteed Israel's security if it agrees to a two state solution. Their resistance is to Israel as a settler colonial project and its expansionist ideology. Even Hamas has made it clear that their resistance is to Zionism, not Jews. In the revised Hamas Charter they state that they are open to a two state solution. Netanyahu is not open to a two state solution. Netanyahu and extreme Zionists like Smotrich want to expand Israel's borders through war and ethnic cleansing. There is no moral equivalence. Palestinians are resisting settler colonialism. Zionism is an existential threat to neighboring countries. https://youtube.com/shorts/jlDZCyEFNfE?si=KdEzrNFVC2gZsU5S
@everythingandmore5537 Says:
PragerU should know that at least 41k civilians were killed in Gaza and 60% of buildings were totally destroyed in Gaza etc. No amount of gymnastics on IDF as the most moral army in the world can sway minds. It's better not to say israel as the most army in the world but say these things happen during a war. Stop talking about moral, it highlights the issue.
@Mcmacpaddywack Says:
Christ is King. Christianity and Judaism are diametrically opposed to each other.
@purpleflame334 Says:
Thank you for your tireless work! Am Israel Chai vekayam 🇮🇱!
@OmarBaassiri-wd6wc Says:
This channel is ass. Reported
@Speed-ku6jx Says:
But is there really only one Jewish state? Seams like if you look at the top officials of just about any western state and the top of most western companies you find a Jewish individual in charge.
@nefriedel Says:
Mr. Prager, it is sad to hear your report about a professor of Jewish studies (at UCLA) who opposes Israel. Sadly, he is not alone: another such professor (Holocaust studies, at Brown University) also opposes Israel. Why ?

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