U.N: Israel Is DELIBERATELY Destroying Gaza's Health System
U.N: Israel Is DELIBERATELY Destroying Gaza's Health System



@damirjalali Says:
I would like to thank you for your interest in Trying to save humanity what's left of humanity. I have lost my faith in our species. If you look at our history on Earth 🌎, 99% of our history shows one thing and one thing alone, which shows the Satan and his followers have been winning and destroying everything. . Strong minds discuss ideas Average minds discuss events Weak minds discuss people -'Socrates
@suedavenport8208 Says:
The solution is idiotic in its simplicity! You turn off the money to Israel - every single cent of it - and you stop this illegal supply - knowing full well it’s going to a genocidal nation to kill people - of weaponry. A 5yr old could understand it. Are you REALLY in such depths of thrall to the almighty dollar or have you a moral soul somewhere in there screaming to get out? Get your damned act together or you’ll be ostracised like Israel is being and will be for the future!
@JuliusWafi Says:
Terrorist funded reporter....highly paid professional machines at work
@tworiversmeet Says:
Where were you when Hamas built tunnels and made bombs? When they were teaching children to carry belt bombs? Why weep now?
@Reds-Card-Case Says:
Is it really only 26 million a year to isreal? That seems like nothing. Curious to know how much aid palestine recieves frim the US.
@jlhcnursing Says:
@copperdragon9041 Says:
Blah blah blah, the healthcare was shit in gaza because HAMAS spent the money on tools of terror. You are so fing bought by terrorist propaganda.
@jlhcnursing Says:
Please don’t blame Americans due to actions of the American government, as you should not blame Palestinians for the actions of Hamas, or blame the Jewish people for the actions of the Israeli government.
@jlhcnursing Says:
I never hade a firm opinion about who was at fault between Israel and Palestine as I was not knowledgeable enough , UNTIL NOW! I am disgusted, appalled, and outraged by what is being done to the Palestinian people. I am no longer on the fence, I now have a very firm opinion. I am 100% for Palestine and all Palestinian people. The government of Israel is a terrorist organization! When I vote, it will be dependent on what candidate supports Palestine!
@blazebartoli5887 Says:
Shame on the USA
@saltbae784 Says:
Palestines aren't animals
@princehector5843 Says:
J’s are sick people
@thedude9014 Says:
American bombs destroyed Gaza’s health care , well that actually makes sense
@BMP613 Says:
Israel: The only country in history that feeds and vaccinates a population they are “Genociding”. The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that carries the refugee title generation to generation. The only group of refugees that grow year over year. Israel: The only country in history that has to constantly prove to the world that it has a right to exist. The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that claim their rights to a country that never existed. Israel: The only country in history that has never started a war, has fought many, and has also never lost one. The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that votes for terrorists and then claims victimhood. Israel: The only country in history that is accused of apartheid even though the people they are allegedly persecuting have representatives in parliament and every other part of their society. The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that can record atrocities with a GoPro and then claim it didn’t happen. Israel: The only country in history that spends more resources trying to avoid civilian casualties than the actual government of those civilians. The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that can state clearly that they want to kill every member of a group and then be told by the world that they really just want peace. Israel: The only country in history that is told to retaliate proportionally when its people are massacred and raped at scale. The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that were given a state multiple times, rejected it each time, and then proceeded to yell how they want a state. Israel: The only country in history that is smaller than New Jersey yet leads the way in technology and is still accused of ruining the world. The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that openly and overwhelmingly support terror and are still perceived as peaceful people. Israel: The only country in history that fought seven armies (Multiple times) who attacked them for no reason whatsoever and are still called the aggressor. The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that stole the name of a country that was the exact country they are now claiming stole their land. (Palestine was Israel before 1948. There was never an Arab Palestine in history.) Israel: The only country in history that performs life saving surgery on a person who has and continues to threaten its existence (Israel saved Sinwar’s life. He had a brain tumor. Yes, for real.) The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that stole billions of dollars of aid to build terror tunnels and to whom the world wants to send more aid. Israel: The only country in history that has archeological evidence of a nation living there, a nation that is now told that they are not indigenous to the land. The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that has been caught red handed sharing fake propaganda videos and casualty numbers that are then quoted by otherwise reliable sources. Israel: The only country in history that is the recipient of unprecedented global hatred and is still believed to control the banks, the media, and the western world. The Palestinians: The only group of people in history that states clearly in writing what it wants, and is still told, despite its own admission, that all they want is to live in peace. Israel: The only country in history that would tolerate tens of thousands of missiles from the north and the south, both orchestrated by an evil regime, and not totally obliterate the source, all the while still being called the aggressor. Listen, I can go on for hours. The reality is that the Israel story is so preposterous, that if I walked into a movie production company with the script, they’d tell me to come back with a more realistic script. When it comes to Israel and the Jews, all logic, reason, and critical thinking goes out the window. The good news is, we’ve been down this road before and we know how it ends. Hint: How many Babylonians do you know? How about Byzantines? Crusaders? Assyrians? Exactly. They’re gone and the Jews are here and stronger than ever. Am Yisrael Chai is not just an empty phrase. It’s a historical reality. 🇮🇱💪✡️🙏❤️🔥
@paultoseland9524 Says:
It's war You don't win a war by being nice to the enemy
@masrathbegum1722 Says:
But UNO doing nothing what netenyahu 😈evil is doing in Gaza killing children and civilians schools hospital why UNO not doing anything arrest netenyahu now
@exposethewar-mongers Says:
@theodoreplume4861 Says:
This is as much the blame of the US as it is Israel’s fault. In other words if Biden/and Harris are paying Israel then Biden/Harris are murderers.
@KevinsBirthday Says:
I like Cenk and Ramesh together on this. It's like good cop bad cop or icy hot
@mightymates08 Says:
You are a pathetic man that trying to justify the terrorist movement
@Wileysmiley Says:
Cenk has Israel Derangement Sydrome
@Hawlkeye-e9p Says:
Gaza is done. Within the next year it wont exist. You guys need to a grip on reality.
@Jose-hs4vk Says:
USA + Israel = Evil
@Terrythunderpants Says:
The world needs to stop Israel because the U.S. sick government won’t
@CharlieHP1 Says:
I still support Israel and not ashamed at all. Cenk has been wrong about every single event in this war, going back to the first week of the war when Cenk and the Hamas doctors at Al Ahli hospital said that "Israel bombed our parking lot and murdered 500 people". The Hamas doctors put on their white lab coats and piled up fake bodies 2 stories high saying that they were absolutely sure it was Israel who bombed their hospital, and that 500 people were killed. Within weeks, every organization in the world was confirming that it was Hamas who bombed the hospital and that more like 50 people were killed. And then the Hamas doctors lied and said that "the IDF is invading our hospitals" and Cenk lapped it all up uncritically, even as Hamas themselves were posting on their own telegram channels videos of their fighters shooting from the windows of the hospitals and using the hospitals as bases. Then the hamas doctors lied and said that Israel was starving gaza and that there was no food, and Cenk went on an on about the starvation in gaza for over a month, even as there was zero evidence, until the UN came out and confirmed that there was not and had never been starvation in gaza. And now, out of nowhere, the Hamas doctors are claiming that the whole war, Israel has been making sport out of shooting Palestinian children in the head. Keep in mind, for the past year, Cenk and his ilk were claiming that "the IDF are cowards, they're not even fighting, they just hide in their bunkers while the air force carpet bombs civilians". Now he's making a complete 180* and saying, "actually they haven't been hiding in their bunkers for the past year as I've been screaming and crying until I make myself hoarse every night, actually they've been very aggressive on the battlefield constantly face to face with Palestinians such that they are apparently sniping all these children". Well which is it, are the Israelis cowards in their bunkers or aggressive psychopaths out hunting children? And if you're reversing your whole story and the Israelis are actually aggressively hunting Palestinians on the street, then where is Hamas to fight them, because this whole time you've been saying that the IDF is hiding from hamas because they're scared of actual fighters and only want to carpet bomb, and that if the IDF actually went into gaza they'd face stiff resistance from Hamas. So where is Hamas while the IDF is allegedly headshotting all these children? Where are your glorious freedom fighters Cenk, I thought they would be making life real miserable for Israel if only Israeli cowards left their bunkers? It's all bs. And Cenk knows it, he just has identified with an independent Palestine his whole political life, and he's a very sad boy that Oct 7 was probably the death knell for palestinian sovereignty, and I'm sure it hurts the most that the Palestinians did it to themselves, which is what the Jews have always been telling Cenk, and which Cenk never believed, but the truth is undeniable now so all Cenk can do is scream and cry and try to ignore reality.
@Fightthepower365 Says:
A black guy did a documentary on Arab people. And they are racist people that don't like Blacks.… black people need to stay out of because the Arabic people racist people
@davidlink2720 Says:
Must be exhausting having to pretend to care about Palestinians, while also still trying to sheep herd your audience into voting for the one enabling what’s happening to them.
@kevinoverhead Says:
Netanyau is using the Israeli people as human shields
@ottotjihumino7716 Says:
I guess Hamas is part of the Gaza Health Ministry?
@Thaumiel10 Says:
Dont vote period then
@CstleTW Says:
Israel is a threat to every single person on the planet. That's not an exaggeration. We all need to do our part to stop these demented morons. How any religious person can possibly believe assisting Satan in bringing about the end of the world not a satanic act is pure insanity to me. People need to learn the lessons that Jesus Christ himself taught us. They are good lessons. Some seem to have forgotten.
@sanny-sg8fp Says:
Muslims defended their way from Saudi Arabia to Jerusalem, Spain and even Pakistan. Muslims have always presented themselves as victims from day one. How much land area have Jews conquered compared to Muslims?
@KrikorHadidian Says:
@shaurya890 Says:
Why is TYT quiet about UN being attacked?
@christopherroberts3277 Says:
Fuck Israel.
@rogerforsythe5310 Says:
It's a war dummies
@sj4632 Says:
Cenk, how about your fellow Turks...
@jonheimusicacademy Says:
Zenk is deeply mad now!!
@dankafuba Says:
Oh no who would have seen this coming? Why do u attack a country who just wants u to do shit do that they can attack
@johncreighton1194 Says:
When do you think Gazans will rise up and overthrow Hamas and live in peace?
@pinz4738 Says:
@LAlonely Says:
Such propaganda. Watch when 10% of jews in Penn vote for Trump and he wins.. Then let's see you complain about America
@BlackCat-dm7se Says:
usa and Israel, the two biggest terrorist nations on the planet
@powerplay8355 Says:
😂😂who the hell are these people who think they have credibility to tell us what is right or wrong?
@amirkhan1328 Says:
Israel is the big terror nobody knew
@Mickimoss Says:
The over attention to gaza is so disgusting , wake up it's time to leave the plasticine pity party and mind your own problems in your country.
@Lucy-s2q3i Says:
@nishthaneelabh8389 Says:
ok Israel definitely didnt want oct 7 to happen at the scale it did happen even if they did want it to happen and thats a big if they still wouldnt risk thee lives of thousands of israeli
@PositivePete-vj8te Says:
Israel can do whatever they want . No one can deny this they are an unstoppable force.

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