Poilievre pledges to 'ban the terrorists' if elected — much to the Trudeau Liberals' chagrin
Poilievre pledges to 'ban the terrorists' if elected — much to the Trudeau Liberals' chagrin



@RebelNewsOnline Says:
Tell the Trudeau Liberals Canada doesn't need any more refugees from Gaza! Sign our petition at http://www.NoGazaRefugees.com
@soakupthesunman Says:
Justin is not a Canadian prime minister. He is a globalist agent trying to deliver Canada to globalist rule. For some reason, globalists favor Is_lamists every time the issue appears.
@TroySaccary Says:
During Covid lockdowns PM Justin Trudeau Liberals passed legislation to immigrate ISIS fighters into Canada.
@unhingednonsense Says:
Deport deport deport
@AndyFURLONG Says:
See how it works ? See the uni-party in action ? Zionists push multiculturalism onto the country, then use the inevitable terrorist attacks as reason to clamp down on Free Speech. We cannot allow the public decrying the terrorist State of Isreal. We must censor and arrest old ladies, truckers, and kids.The problem is not out of control immigration pushed by innumerable Zionist NGO;s, . How could the source of most every govt plan to destroy the cultural institutions come from the zionists when they are the ones whose money buys elections ? lol. Just kidding.
@unhingednonsense Says:
Liberals love criminals because they are criminals
@Cossack123 Says:
The government and police are supporting these intruders and traitors to our country over our own citizens! Really?? In the words of a truly great Canadian Don Cherry What is wrong with you people? I'm afraid it's too late for the Canada we used to know.. I cry for my children.
@polarlab113 Says:
How was Trudeau allowed to bring this down on this once great nation.it’s only a matter of time before they start bombing the streets.Be prepared because it’s coming if something isn’t done.An election can’t happen soon enough
@Fthesystem69 Says:
Hey rebel news, if you hate terrorists so much, maybe you should start reporting on the biggest terrorist organization Israel honestly instead of shilling for them. Your own former colleague Jeremy Loffredo gets beaten and tortured and detained for 4 days for practicing journalism and not a peep out of you people huh? No, instead you'd rather delete every single one of my comments on your videos calling you out for it. You guys are PATHETIC
@billthomas478 Says:
They ALL have to go home!!
@angusmackaskill3035 Says:
Who decides who the terrorists are?
@pedrochip Says:
anyone who says death to canada should be deported , so sad
@MB-to5gl Says:
This present Canadian government will punish anyone who disagrees or questions the Liberal policy. On the other side of the same coin, terrorist supporters burning Canadian flags and chanting death to Canada are complimented with coffee and donuts, albeit from Tim Hortons.
@MB-to5gl Says:
When, not if, Pierre.
@SevenSixTwo2012 Says:
That's Trudeau's Canada in 2024. *Votes have consequences. Vote accordingly.*
@davelindsay9736 Says:
DEPORT THEM IMMEDIATELY ! Too much money for Policing Costs ! Money could be better spent on Homeless Canadians . PP4PM MCGA ! Greetings from Cooking Lake , Alberta. (I'm the guy with the Big "F*CK TRUDEAU" sign next to the Gas Station on Highway 14)
@abyssallord2139 Says:
Should be ban and DEPORT terrorists....
@daspoohmunich7235 Says:
we're full go away
@joelpaquin6397 Says:
Don’t care about their pass too much of them already get them out of Canada Quebec
@indicapot4874 Says:
Pierre needs to have security because of these radical terrorists in our country, may attack him now that he spoke out against them. Let’s hope that does not happen.
@TagusMan Says:
@slowgynman1234. Says:
Thank the good Lord that they’re still honest, rebel news, and handful of normal people left 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
@missrohannerivers9194 Says:
Those people yelling death to Canada shouldn't be here.
@Max-fn2et Says:
Death to canada ?????? Why are the cops doing nothing there ? And why the mainstream media in Quebec are not showing ANY of that 🤬
@francoistraversy4604 Says:
Il se croit Superman😂😂😂😂😂mais c’est un arrogant et baveux 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Bloc Québécois 😎
@austin2245psn Says:
He’s just a simple shabbos goy from the praries He will only care about anti semitism He won’t care about churches burning he won’t care about hate towards white people He’s gonna bring in millions more people from India Enjoy your Trudeau lite …
@D33Lux Says:
We don't need any more immigrants. There are Canadians who are homeless, the food banks are being depleted by these unwanted foreigners, our healthcare is being tied up with people who don't belong here, our military veterans are being neglected, seniors pensions are a pittance, the disabled are struggling. Enough! Canada for Canadians first!
@JewpocalypseNow Says:
Wouldn’t that mean expelling all the satanic Jews?
@NoOne-ze7fv Says:
How many arrests, should have been thousands rounded up and deported!
@MojoRisenesq Says:
Is he banning the IDF? What will definition be, people we don’t like or people that commit terrorist acts?
@VitoAnthonyD.-ow7oo Says:
Any assembly whose participants directly wishes death upon our home, our neighbouring friends, allies or Israel should be deported.
@myaccount-jk3tx Says:
Ok but then they have to ban The Church with a 1000+ year record of r_pe, tort_re, murd_r and endless other crimes 👏
@janetcohen9190 Says:
How about interviewing, people such as, Rabbi Dovid Weiss and others!!! Will the biggest tierrorists please stand up in order of their agendas, policies, financiers, suppliers, practises, deeds to be recognised? Any reports on the 40,000+ people, children, women, elderly etc killed by idf along with massive destruction in Gaza?
@rf7869 Says:
CANADIANS have a CHOICE. It is called Democracy.
@rf7869 Says:
Pierre KNOWS that Terrorists won't VOTE for Him
@rf7869 Says:
Justin KNOWS that Terrorists will VOTE for him.
@xaviermoreno2248 Says:
The women with the microphone and her organization based in canda should go to jail for terrorist and burning the Canadian flag in Vancouver downtown .police is busy chasing people with water-guns instead of the real menace to this country . Wake up Canada 🇨🇦
@ramalama9030 Says:
Liberals worship at the feet of “terrorists”……..they can do no wrong according to Trudeau! Bring all these “ Afghans, Palestinians and build them homes, right in Ottawa.
@hardrock1826 Says:
Listen to what Pierre DIDN'T say. When asked if we should be welcoming in more Gaza residents. He went on about vetting people. Those from Gaza celebrated Oct 7. They cheered when 9/11 happened. Should we take more in?
@deepthoughts8393 Says:
I’m gonna be carrying bacon fat everywhere I go
@lornestein7248 Says:
The Pride of Israel was vandalized by a terrorist sympathizer on June 29th. To the best of my knowledge.. No arrests have been made for this crime.
@johnmckenny2903 Says:
I am sick and tired of these BS Middle East protests that speak of violence. Time to get this GARBAGE OFF CANADIAN STREETS
@Hugo-nw2su Says:
Pierre cannot come into power soon enough. Trudeau is going to do as much devastation as possible this year.
@Hugo-nw2su Says:
America is going to start banning Canadians because this country is so dangerous and full of ISIS plotters.
@Thunderstick-y8h Says:
Trudeau wants to replace European Canadians with foreigners.
@GerryCrake-tf4le Says:
David our dominion is not so great anymore my friend
@gordoncarpenter4620 Says:
Love this country? Not me! The first chance I can get, I will be going state-side for a deep red western state. I see this country as going 3rd world and dangerous at that - and I'm not even a Jew!
@Nortonsnorton Says:
Why bother bringing in (Cults) that will never assimilate and intend to harm you? 🥷🏽
@cindysavoie7260 Says:
The R.C.M.P are protecting them not us Canadians.

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