Honoring Grit and Our 2nd Amendment | Parent Alert | PragerU Kids
Honoring Grit and Our 2nd Amendment | Parent Alert | PragerU Kids



@johnosborne1873 Says:
The guest is a complete stud
@johnosborne1873 Says:
Love PragerU!!
@quercusrubra777 Says:
Modern homeschooling movement started in the 1970s with the help of Dr. Raymond Moore and his wife. We learned to use phonics to help our children read properly. The public educational system had been on a long campaign of teaching children to read using the sight method, which is like learning to read hieroglyphics. That is a horrible way to teach reading. I am dyslexic along with many others who were subject to sight reading method dreamed up by the Marxist, John Dewey.
@rochellecaffee1417 Says:
I am ALL FOR “BOY POWER”, and FATHERS AND SONS TO HAVE GOOD MAN-FRIEND RELATIONSHIPS!!! Even little girls need STRONG DADDIES to love them with respect for hopefully, being a FUTURE WOMAN with integrity.
@rochellecaffee1417 Says:
The problem with Marxists is that THEY use a tactic from a thing called “FLUIDITY’, where DEFINITIONS are not the same definitions of words that you have, and are not made “common” to most people but they change them to que Marxists nearby to support the Marxism more, and move their “ball forward” and when they think that you understand their definition, they will CHANGE the meaning/definition if necessary BECAUSE THEY DON”T WANT TO HAVE COMMON UNDERSTANDING, THEY WANT “CONFUSION, CHAOS, AND LOT’S OF CONFLICT”. Marxists, Facists, Socialists, Communists, and Globalists do not want to encourage anything GOOD, but are out to STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY, AMERICA and our FUTURE. thanks Marissa, and John. God bless you.
@rochellecaffee1417 Says:
They will gain “self esteem” and a proud feeling of COMPETENCE which will HELP THEM to understand the difficulties of others from their own CHALLENGES in THEIR OWN LIVES. Teaching them from the very beginning: “YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN A BODY TO TAKE CARE OF”, and teach them how to and why they should learn to take charge of themselves as much as possible. Lettuce is not produced at the “GROCERY STORE”. It comes from a garden. REALITY TRAINING. Regarding our Constitution and those who say it’s over, and why vote: (1) purposed wickedness, (2) IGNORANCE, (3)IMMATURITY….one or all, or a combination of any different human-nature determinations, that cause us to not use it.
@rochellecaffee1417 Says:
Chores and discipline.
@rochellecaffee1417 Says:
@rochellecaffee1417 Says:
You should not keep encouraging any kind of “GROUP THINK”, but help your children learn the value, responsibility and benefits of BEING AN INDIVIDUAL!! The NEA, and the FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION are doing everything they can to indoctrinate them to BE COMPLIANT to a FUTURE AGENDA by a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT, (and we need more understanding as parents that we are actually teaching our kids to be spoiled brats and political activists, and ENTITLED to things that’s are NOT GOOD FOR THEM, by allowing these people to railroad Parents out of their children’s lives, as well as the kids, knowing that Having one or even a few “common beliefs” is normal, but removing every kind of personal view, opinion, creativeness from a child’s own ideas expressing him or herself, alone, in a little school “project” or “art project” from their own imagination, is a good thing to be celebrated as an “individual creation”, in artistic or even in many other areas, like creative “problem-solving” to grow up and mature, being responsible for your own life, and to learn how to deal life’s many challenges, WITHOUT BEING MADE TO LEARN DEPENDENCY ON SOME “ANOINTED ELITE” OR “expert”, taking all possible appreciation for being a reliable, responsible person, AWAY FROM OUR CHILDREN, and we should encourage them in things or subjects to help them develop their own “data” gathering, for their own personal interests and encouraging them to THINK FREELY, ABOUT THE FACTS THEY ARE LEARNING IN A SUBJECT WITHIN GUIDELINES OF REALITY THAT WE HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN AND RESPECTED, OR ANYTHING LEARNING that helps a child appreciate that he IS SEPARATE in his INDIVIDUALITY, FROM OTHERS, IAND DOES NOT HAVE TO APPROVE OR AGREE WITH EVERYONE OR ANYONE THAT HE OR SHE DOES NOT WANT TO. GET RID OF SOCIAL ENGINEERING AND DEI, SEL, CRT, BLM, 1619 Project, LGBTQ, which turns into ESG FOR THE “BIG KIDS”, THAT ARE BEING FORCED INTO COMPLIANCY, on WALL STREET!!! This is killing our American freedom, and hope for our future. And our children have been paying the cost, and are continuing to do so. THIS IS NOT FREEDOM.
@sar4x474 Says:
Re: John’s talking point on the 2A, I would add that a good response to Americans who think the 2A is outdated and no longer needed is to ask them to consider that Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot and others liked them, all disarmed their populace before they conducted mass murders of their own people; 100,000,000+ combined.
@Ticky66MN Says:
So good to see John with PragerU!
@whousa642 Says:
John why do most American Christians hate Jews?
@ytsi7505 Says:
14:57 About feeding pets if memory serves it's an obligation to feed them before eating themselves that's why it's not an interruption to say feed the pet between the blessing on bread for example and eating so how does that work with this idea of full responsibility of pets on children?
@MSG1776 Says:
My wife and I home schooled our 4 kids from day one. All four have graduated from our local community College with AAS degrees before they were 15 yo. Three of my kids, have there BS degrees - my two daughters graduated from Liberty University two years ago and my youngest son graduated from Shenandoah University just under 4 years ago ( Shenandoah is the second oldest university in Virginia), and now he is in graduate school at Ashland University in Ohio, which is one of the top 5 schools training in supply chain management. My oldest son is a Journeyman electrician, working towards his masters electrician level making over 6 figures. I don't believe my kids would have been as successful if they had gone to public schools, and VA have some of the best in the Nation. The fact that we could focus traditional learning with them and not waste time as the public schools do, we used that extra time to have them help on our farm, they raised chickens (both meat and layers), pigs, goats(learned how to milk the goats) - learned how to butcher the animals. Also learned to garden veggies etc. Electronics were NOT a thing in our house, yes we had them and we did allow them limited time on them for fun, we did use them for learning. And as John noted I tended to be the reinforcement, because I was a US Marine and deployed quite a bit, and then was a CIA officer and also deployed quite a bit - I would love to have helped more but my work gave us the freedom to do what we did and I have a very close relationship with all of my kids despite my long deployment - quality over quantity! NO REGRETS and would NOT have changed anything if I went back to the beginning. HOME SCHOOLING is freedom and the best way to save our country and maintain our Liberty...
@notme3184 Says:
I’m tired of this lie that the second amendment is about self defense. It’s not about protecting yourself, target shooting, gun collecting, competitive shooting, hunting, etc. It’s about keeping the government in check. At the end of the day, if you support any gun law, you are pro-oppression. I’m tired of people thinking it’s ok for the government to be able to own arms that civilians can’t own. As if the government is in a higher moral standard. As if the government has never committed an atrocity before.
@mattwilliams3427 Says:
John Lovell? Great choice. His channel is fantastic and needed. His rebuttal to Colbert was awesome. His dad jokes are on point as well…most importantly.
@tejumo7 Says:
This interview needs to be mandatory viewing curriculum for all.
@whousa642 Says:
He runs great classes Say hello to Paul and Josh
@oliviatennant208 Says:
LETS GO!! John Lovell is AWESOME
@joecola6487 Says:
John making 🍑 Ga proud . WE THE PEOPLE🗝 2024 🇺🇸
@ji8044 Says:
At the time of the Constitution, handguns were virtually unknown in private hands, because they were terribly inaccurate, could not be concealed, and were essentially extremely short range canons. (forget the Mel Gibson movie) Not one single person at the Constitutional convention could have ever dreamed of the extremely accurate, double action, easily affordable, 13 round plus magazine, concealable handguns we have today.
@steveguti6452 Says:
Keep believing even when it's hard all things are possible with God praise God praying for everyone Everyday God bless you all....
@steveguti6452 Says:
Urgent emergency please join me in prayer for all those affected families children animals massive devastation hurricane in Florida Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee continue suffering many people missing power outages homeless hungry they desperately need Your prayers please pray for them God bless you all....
@steveguti6452 Says:
Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was Buried and he rose Again the third day praise God praying for everyone Everyday God bless you All.
@gregorykobb2420 Says:
Harriet Tubman and "The Underground Railroad" was: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Harriet Tubman and "The Underground Railroad" should be the face of the Second Amendment, because sometime Governments are Rogue. "Lock and Load Harriet"
@merlinwizard1000 Says:
1st, 10 October 2024

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