Why does the US spend so much on its military?
Why does the US spend so much on its military?



@johnnyharris Says:
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@damien2305 Says:
weil die russen, chinesen und anderen autokraten ansonsten machen was sie wollen.
@sarthakbhutani2536 Says:
20:37 I was wondering where the map was this time round.!!😂
@milkoil Says:
He only seen them launch 4 jasms. The big bird drops 20 plus. . . 😅 Dragonfire...
@kevingondwe Says:
This is the cost of being the “top flight security of the world”. Lol
@bensonboys6609 Says:
I like that you point out that it’s the system that’s the problem rather than the individual politician. Sure, we would like all our politicians to be 100% moral upstanding members of society, but if the system incentivizes corruption, and morals are at a great disadvantage, than we shouldn’t be surprised when the selective pressures leave us politicians with the worst morals. It’s natural selection. We, however, don’t hear all that much about potential ideas to fix the broken system. I’m all ears to hear ideas, new and old, that address the shortcomings of our current political system.
@robertkeane2163 Says:
They forgot to include a few hundred million for funding extremist groups and toppling foreign governments...oh that's right..that would be in the CIA budget.
@devilstaste3624 Says:
Also hurricane cus yall dont wanna make it hurricane proof so yall can spend that cc like an amime 😂😂😂
@devilstaste3624 Says:
@unknownvariable6927 Says:
As someone who works for the military, it all boils down to one word: incompetence. But, it's not their money they're spending, so nobody cares to fix it, and nobody is auditing it. The "fraud, waste, and abuse" hotline is a running joke. Calling it corruption is giving them too much credit. They're just lazy and willfully ignorant.
@shubashuba9209 Says:
Holy shit, Johnny Harris is horrible at analogies. The US military budget is as big as Amazon and Google's revenue combined. That's a more intuitive comparison than Switzerland.
@prajwaljoseph2351 Says:
27:02 needs no mention if Americans were smart
@brookvillekansas90 Says:
We are 36 Trillion in debt. 24 years ago we had a surplus.6 election cycles later; 3 Republican and 3 Democrat administration terms. All roads leads to the same place it seems.
@KarsonNow Says:
O wow..i was dare to make a comment - it was deleted in between of seconds. It was a normal comment. Nothing bad or something... Thumbs down.
@aussiefan354 Says:
Wow, it is so corrupt!! No way America needs 1000 military bases
@fuxtnegrx Says:
The US doesn't spend that much based on its GDP. Israel beats the US in GDP spending.
@wayneloadsman3364 Says:
@ricardoeliecerreyes5901 Says:
La Korea del Partido de los Trabajadores 💞 🇰🇵 es el pueblo más honorable (amén de los Gazatíes). Gracias a la República Popular Democrática Irán fortalece su defensa estratégica y su apoyo a la lucha contra la alianza genocida. Gracias a la noble y heroica asistencia de Korea la Federación Rusa se decantará con mayor compromiso por Hamas, Hezbolá, Ansarolá, Siria y las milicias iraquíes. También la geopolítica con Turquía, Egipto y Arabia. Y por allí la discreta proactiva China!! 💞🇰🇵🇯🇴🇱🇧🇾🇪🇮🇷🇷🇺🇨🇳🚀🎊
@josuemontalvo221 Says:
Imagine having a budget of $805B yet we have so many homeless veterans.
@bayokoebi9351 Says:
Capitalism is killing Americans
@bayokoebi9351 Says:
That's why I love Putin Russia
@AldoAceituno-n7p Says:
Please don’t advertise for Rocket*. They are predatory as a corporation. FR.
@squidwardtentacles2701 Says:
The U.S spent around 1.4 trillion alone on Social Security in 2023 and is only set to be increasing, which does surpass the Military Budget.
@GetIrked Says:
Ukraine.... Israel.... ?
@Marc-uy7hp Says:
This video could be five minutes long.
@vishnuwho Says:
Why we will never have peace.. an excellent video. You may turn on captions
@woodworkbycross Says:
Bro! You sold out to rocket money? You should do an episode on them. Lots of juicy stuff there. Since you are really good at what you do, I’m guessing you already know. Thanks for the tip but I won’t be using them, ever.
@大福大福-f7t Says:
The United States can reduce defense spending and even maintain only a small number of armed forces to defend the country, but I hope you can accept that the purchasing power of the dollar will drop to an unacceptable level.
@大福大福-f7t Says:
It seems that many people don’t know why the purchasing power of the US dollar is so strong
@user-hw6nb1vw8v Says:
AI-Driven Defense for the USA: Securing Borders with Citizen Reservists and Saving $400-$600 Billion Annually Overview of the Plan This enhanced proposal describes how the U.S. can secure its borders and critical infrastructure through AI, automation, and active citizen participation. The plan calls for closing foreign military bases, eliminating foreign aid, and reallocating resources to domestic security. With AI-driven defenses and citizen reservists trained in high school, the U.S. will maintain an efficient, defensive military structure while saving $400-$600 billion annually on a $200 billion budget. This system will truly be run by the people, for the people. Key Elements of the Proposal Securing All Borders and Critical Infrastructure with AI and Automation The U.S. can implement a fully automated national defense network that includes: AI-Powered Technologies: Drones, surveillance systems, and automated border patrols will detect and respond to threats in real time. Smart Walls and Sensors: These will intercept unauthorized movements along the borders. Cyber-Defense Systems: Protecting the country from hacking or electronic threats. Robotic Vehicles and Air Defense: Systems designed for instant response to airborne threats. These systems will operate 24/7 on autopilot, requiring minimal human involvement for monitoring and maintenance. Integrating a Citizen-Reservist Program through High Schools To ensure backup in case of AI system malfunctions, cyber-attacks, or emergencies, every U.S. state will maintain a local militia of trained reservists. Mandatory Defense Training: A course will teach students how to operate defense systems, drones, surveillance equipment, and emergency protocols. Physical Fitness and Martial Arts: Students will engage in physical training to ensure they remain fit and disciplined. This training will also foster respect for authority and a sense of citizenship. Competitions and Team Building: Schools will host military simulation exercises similar to traditional sports, where students can participate in paintball and war games, enhancing teamwork and engagement. Reservist Status: Graduates will become reservists in their local militia, ready to serve during emergencies. This creates a nationwide pool of capable citizen-reservists who can mobilize quickly if AI systems are compromised or physical forces are needed. Citizen Responsibilities: Each reservist will be required to stay within their designated districts, ensuring local defense and accountability. Nuclear Deterrence for Defense, Not Offense The U.S. will maintain a credible nuclear response doctrine to discourage any attack: Policy Declaration: Any attack on U.S. territory will trigger immediate nuclear retaliation. This nuclear deterrent allows the U.S. to downsize conventional forces and focus entirely on defense, not offense. Bringing Troops Home and Ending Foreign Military Engagements Close Foreign Military Bases: All 750+ foreign military bases will be shut down, and unnecessary overseas missions will be ended. Redirect Funds: Stop foreign military aid to focus resources on domestic defense priorities. Maintain a lean crew of military engineers, AI technicians, and operators to run the automated systems at home. Consolidating Military and Public Services for Efficiency Merge VA Hospitals: Integrate with the public healthcare system to provide better care to both veterans and civilians. Military Schools: Incorporate into the public education system, enhancing educational standards for all students. This will eliminate redundancies and free up additional resources for defense and public programs. Optimizing Personnel with AI and Automation By relying on AI, automated systems, and citizen-reservists, the U.S. can reduce military personnel from 1.3 million to 50,000-75,000 full-time staff: AI-Operated Defense: Operations will run automatically with minimal human supervision. Maintenance by Military Engineers: A small team will handle system maintenance, while citizen-reservists will provide additional manpower when needed. Budget Breakdown Initial Investment in AI and Automation: $200-300 billion over 5-10 years to develop defensive AI systems, drones, and border infrastructure. Annual Operating Costs: $100-150 billion to maintain and update systems, with AI technicians and support staff. Savings from Personnel Reduction and Base Closures: Overseas base closures: $100-200 billion saved. Military personnel cuts: $200 billion saved annually. Foreign aid cuts: $50-100 billion saved per year. Projected Savings and Impact Current Annual Defense Budget: $850 billion New Automated Defense Budget: $200 billion Total Savings: $400-$600 billion annually This plan ensures comprehensive domestic security with AI-powered defenses, local militia support, and a nuclear deterrent policy. It eliminates the need for costly overseas operations while leveraging citizen participation to maintain national resilience. By integrating military services into public healthcare and education systems, the proposal also enhances public services and eliminates wasteful spending. The result is a defensive-oriented military structure that is efficient, secure, and affordable, embodying the spirit of being run by the people, for the people.
@MmasterWOWWOD Says:
I love Johnny analyzes , and bit worried about you. you exposing Big money corruption for big companies, and as you showed that they willing to spend milions of dollars to "infulnce"(corrupt) election they will do so to shut you down or silence you, which really worries me, jornalist like you must be protected by all cost.
@xXDoUbLeDDXx38 Says:
The US government has been saying "this is the most dangerous times we've ever been living in!" for damn near 250 years in a row now.
@ARQtoBR Says:
GOD BLESS AMERICA !!!🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
@rahulshelby Says:
Subscribe rocket money to save from subscription 😂
@dkbros1592 Says:
Its over prise Kick back and corruption Dor 500$ product they will sell to 50000$ amd that money goes to official pocket
@prashanthc22 Says:
Now i understand how they were able to manipulate almost the entire world behind the scenes!
@cliftonmobile123 Says:
F-35 do not breakdown 😏STOP 🛑 THE CAP 🎓
@Costin_Gaming Says:
The massive elephant in the room you didn't address here is WHY anything related to procurement, including spare parts, food etc. is so expensive. It's because every single member of Congress is elected, above all else, to bring federal money to their district/state, every single one, if you ain't doing it you aren't in Congress. The Pentagon and Military Industrial Complex have both learned the hard way, the very hard way, what happens when they don't ensure that their contracts are going to as many districts and states as possible. Hence why things like the F-35 which use parts built in 48 different US states, 48! The amount of money lost on doing that alone is insane. But it has protected the program in Congress, a program that will work out despite the major initial issues caused by this system of procurement.
@nukestrom5719 Says:
Its depressing that we have to pay for this while we can't afford basic necessities. But I don't blame these politicians because our dumbasses called voters elect them. Even those who comment here against this insane spending will end up voting these same dogs on Nov 5th.
@nicholascazmay2126 Says:
This is the root of evil in this country. It’s not the fact that there are rich people - it’s that there are too few competitors in any respective industry in the country. It’s capitalism gone bad, all over the country. It’s not just the military, and it’s not just inflation - hell it’s probably not even mostly inflation.
@onerom_evad Says:
@andrewalarca4435 Says:
@johnnyharris what do you think aside from all that budget do you think there’s a black budget or is this just a conspiracy?
@chailatecookies7341 Says:
It’s cos they know they’re going to invade somewhere someday, very soon if I may say!
@Igey-John Says:
Satans throne is here
@DanDeGaston Says:
I didn't watch the video, Does Johnny mention that military is #4 expense in the budget after medicare/Medicaid, Social security, and Interest on current debt?
@djbombba Says:
Military Industrial Complex should be the title, Eisenhower warned the Americans about this
@ianbryanbryan2138 Says:
Your videos are so informative
@MrDsmessel Says:
Globalization and the global economy as we know it, would not exist without our military. Still we should direct the IRS to help the DOD to be audited every year. Full AUDIT.
@EMan-cu5zo Says:
This happens in all different forms of business. Every department is run like this.
@SimKunaknana Says:
Money laundering so congress can let their stocks go up.

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