David Suzuki, Peter Mansbridge demand more climate alarmism from CBC
David Suzuki, Peter Mansbridge demand more climate alarmism from CBC



@RebelNewsOnline Says:
Tell the Trudeau Liberals Canada doesn't need a so-called "green reset" of our economy! Sign our petition at http://www.NoGreenReset.com
@jeromebouffard Says:
Best way to lose even more listeners !
@pbreedu Says:
I care about the climate, which is why I plan to clean my rain gutters, dig out my warm clothes for winter, and keep an extension cord handy to plug in the block heater for my car when it gets to -20°C or colder. I have to do these things every year to prepare for a winter that’s still too damn cold.
@dang2226 Says:
I only like Toyotas and Hondas
@thomaseusebio7724 Says:
Don’t watch CBC. Haven’t for 10 years
@lagrenouille21 Says:
Ça fait trop longtemps qu'il ment aux gens avec ces fausse bonne manière de faire !!! Toute dans le paraître et pas grand chose dans l'être !!! 🤔🙄🤪😵‍💫🤯 Aussi excellent boulot Mr Levant !!! 👏🤘💚👍👌🫶✌️🐸 De Gatineau Québec Canada !!!
@nathanadrian7797 Says:
David Suzuki=Canada's biggest huckster!
@91rss Says:
If only Noah paid more taxes, he wouldnt have to build that arc............
@johnnyraven4217 Says:
I can’t stand Suzuki any more. And Mansfred (Don Cherry thank you) , you had your time as anchor . Now just stay quiet. Or not. But connecting yourself to the CBC is not going to do you much good .
@ricraida Says:
I used to know a guy that retired from the UN. He said Suzuki was the rudest most foul mouthed person he ever met.
@Sarando1 Says:
Suzuki is a traitor to Canada.
@James-bv4pw Says:
David And Peter Should Return all the Money they were over payed by poor Canadians!!
@pjfan173 Says:
David Suzuki being questioned and failing https://youtu.be/Z4SaIFsyxgA?si=n0EVhVQGIUx5juZD
@chrislachapelle2248 Says:
Can we stop sharing opinions and start backing things up with facts. News needs to go back to facts
@frankdevries6962 Says:
Two of Canadas worst journalists. As long as there's a cheque attached it's a fact
@dski9030 Says:
David Suzuki a man that calls for pipe lines to be 💥 and then coastal gaslink bc attack, happened. ?
@kumaroadking1580 Says:
he's been a flake since day one.
@iansoper3453 Says:
I think most Canadians have had enough of the CBC and the green scam. Let it go.
@virnagalli2164 Says:
If he's so concerned why doesnt he start by selling one of his 4 seaside mansions. Sick of these pathetic hypocrites.
@JohnDoe1999-lg7mh Says:
Lost any respect I had for Peter and David many, many years ago. Mother nature has the control. Only the braindead and those with egos think that you change how mother nature does things by taxing and such. What will they do when the next ice age comes around. Are they selling their water front property or building huge walls to protect them. Plants need co2 to help make their food and in turn give us o2. Plain, simple truth from science.
@gailg2327 Says:
Amazing! Thank you very much, agreed!
@WesWoychyshyn Says:
Defund and dismantle the proproganda CBC!🤡🤡🤡🤡 Total waste of taxpayers money!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@NoOne-ze7fv Says:
Climate changes,yup,and as humans have done for centuries we adapt, we can’t change the climate. There is a lot of other pollution that we could control much better than we do! By the way how did CO2,one of main things all life needs,become a pollutant?
@nordsturm3698 Says:
Suzuki is a GD hypocrite. FULL STOP!
@vociferon-heraldofthewinte7763 Says:
All signed in the comfort of their second homes on the lake?
@123lou4444 Says:
Climate concern VS Climate crazy crisis.... Fear is the best way to control people...
@peterbutz642 Says:
David Suzuki is world biggest hypocrite
@mikebarbeau8569 Says:
Suzuki and Mansbridge are both WEF stooges... And Bilderbergers... Not good guys at all...
@evenhitters2259 Says:
Suzuki is a grifter and should go back to studying fruit flies.
@goosey235 Says:
Will someone please ask David Suzuki - to his face - how he can lecture everyone when he owns 5 houses (maybe 4?), one of which is in Australia? As a child I loved this man, how disappointing.
@jebidiahkorn Says:
red star? more like the _unread_ star
@monicapushkin3274 Says:
Mansbridge and Suzuki are the LAST people in the world that I want to hear from right now. The ultimate establishment shills.
@user3-3204 Says:
David Suzuki spouted overpopulation back in the 70’s, and many baby boomers believed him. He made me feel guilty because we had four kids, until the day I learned he had five. What a hypocrite. I never believed another word he ever said.
@larryglowacki5312 Says:
Un can kiss my ass
@Dma712 Says:
David Suzuki is a scam. 😮
@robertwilliamson922 Says:
Ezra, you’re confusing Ice Ages with Glacial Periods. We are living in an Ice Age right now, and have been for about 2.6 million years. What we came out of beginning about 21,000 years ago is the last Glacial Period. We are living in an Interglacial Period, between Glacial Periods, during the current Ice Age…. The current Ice Age is the Quaternary/Pleistocene Glaciation Ice Age. Take care…and best wishes to Rebel News.
@johnandersonjjr Says:
So if CBC increases it’s (hysterical)coverage of clim te change to say 60 percent.Will First Nations not complain that they’re being short changed and will have to make due with only 40 percent of CBC time to air grievances about “systemic racism “.
A couple of blatant hypocrites.
@tcz7742 Says:
Suzuki's daughter, getting The show is no different than Trudeau getting to be Prime Minister, is it? It's all in the name.
@Alfonso-gp9mk Says:
I will believe those clowns when I will see them protesting by hundreds thousands against china and india as the responsible for over 50% of the global emission alone. Pathetic hypocrites.
@saintmike7709 Says:
Drill baby drill
@joeknox2108 Says:
Wonder how much polution Suzuki puts in the atmosphere heating his mansions?
@dzawalick9804 Says:
Hahahaha hahaha, Suzuki just as much carbon. He is a hypocrite!
@larryferguson6495 Says:
Dr Fruit Fly & Mans-warming -fridge reporting that summer arctic ice will gone by 2013 all part of the climate con. It's a glow-bullist's ruse just like the recent magic germ
@chrisrichardson7217 Says:
I believe this is why the globalist are switching to a threat of viruses and sickness. People are starting to catch on that the threat of climate change is bullshit
@louislebrun1790 Says:
Please please Ezra each of your video should start with a countdown tobwhe Polievre defund the CBC.
@frankvuletin8700 Says:
The Climate hypocrite with a “ carbon footprint “ larger than 20 regular families who has made millions off climate alarmism thinks we need more climate alarmism. Shocking
@basketthound2133 Says:
Ezra, My man, I can`t believe those two. Apparently they never went to school? The Artic and Antarctica were once JUNGLES. Proof climate change has been happening for millions of years. Surprise, surprise we are still here? They are using their BS to make money simple! And, I am a BOOMER, who doesn`t care about their BS.
@rontyler1234 Says:
CO2 makes up less than 4% of the spectrum of so called greenhouse gases. Anthropogenic CO2 is 0.3% of that. Both figures are insignificant. The two degree rise in global temperature over the last 130 years. Is well within the expected range for a planet still warming from the little ice age of some 6000 years ago. Carbon is required for photosynthesis, the true greening of the earth..That's a far more important function than what's served by these politicized hacks. Sensationalism only works on the stupid, crack a book.
@cynthiacools-lartigue5297 Says:
Suzuki might think about selling his big houses….

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