Premier Smith discusses 'hate speech provision' after Rebel News hit with human rights complaint
Premier Smith discusses 'hate speech provision' after Rebel News hit with human rights complaint



@fernandosamf1185 Says:
B.C. lets vote to join Florida
@orderdivinewarrior Says:
@johnmckenny2903 Says:
Free speech okay. FJT
@piratexpress1369a Says:
Awesome reporting Rebel news and Ezra...stand strong everyone....
@CarlingOV Says:
Danielle, when do we get the Federal quote on our CCP! You know that they will delay and low ball Alberta. We must proceed with bringing our Pension home to Alberta. The Fed's cannot be trusted.
@PennyDickson-bn6mk Says:
stand strong amen ❤❤❤❤
@jackpontiac52 Says:
Ein's ist vote for PP ! PP4PM MCGA ! DS4PA MAGA ! HONK HONK from Cooking Lake, Alberta.
@theastronomer5800 Says:
If you read the Quran (Q5:33), the religion of peace has a vague definition against anyone who "causes corruption in the land", which can mean anything from not agreeing with Islam, criticizing it, insulting it in ANY way, trying to convert Muslims to another religion, with anything in between that they don't like. Punishment? Crucifixion or death, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such laws are VERY dangerous as they can be interpreted in so many ways. Today people who criticize the bad ideas in the Quran can get arrested in Western countries, which only benefits Muslims as they use the laws to their advantage. We're shooting ourselves in the foot.
@theastronomer5800 Says:
How about read out the Quran?! Here are some heart-warming verses: Q2:191 "And kiII them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out..." Q9:5 "And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush." Q9:29 "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." Q48:29 " "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are forceful/hard/strong/firm against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other." Q8:55 "Verily, The worst of moving (living) creatures before Allah are those who disbelieve" Q9:73 "O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell" Q98:6 "Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Quran and Prophet Muhammad) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures."
@roadrage1212 Says:
Hate speech is what every lyebrial hears when you say shit they don’t want to hear
@DavidBrendan7799 Says:
Hate like anger is only useful when focused! I think, feel and believe. NO ONE, can take this from ME! My rights are God given!
@toaster3822 Says:
Hate speech does NOT exist
@ElvinJewel Says:
Like to know why these radical protest groups calling for death to Canada, the USA and Israel have not been arrested under "hate speech? Literally calling for the death of Canadians on our own soil!! Burning OUR flag and yet they are not arrested? But if I say anything against them (in BC) I can be jailed (for life I am hearing they want to bring in that type of penalty). What the he**? Let's send Trudope to live in one of those countries please. Permanently. Don't think he would survive too long with his alphabet community views. We are being destroyed from within.
@johnbedbrook1358 Says:
Danielle keep up the good work
@johnodonnell4152 Says:
Nobody’s HATED more than CAUCASIANS.
@waynemoores Says:
Hate speech: any and every idea that the left even slightly disagrees with.
@darylhodkinson5369 Says:
15 min Cites coming to Alberta ,,,, enjoy ...
@lessharratt8719 Says:
Oh Yeah. I like it.
@haileysmom2358 Says:
Trudeau is doing nothing about the hate speech spewed on the streets of Canada yet continues to go after Rebel News. What a feckless PM
@paulipuhakka8788 Says:
Is that law being applied, and enforced to the extremist groups that, today, in Vancouver, just threaten every Canadian citizen???? Any attempt to undermine and arrest those responsible for their threatening statements???? Probably not!!!!!!
@grndiesel Says:
Danielle Smith gets it. I hope she continues to serve Alberta for many years to come. A fine example for the rest of Canada.
@teejay7510 Says:
Ezra is the man,keep making trouble for Trudeau.
@vstrom9586 Says:
hate speech = anything my silly little mind doesn't like
@Justiceone88 Says:
Zionist rebel news!!
@crticalthinking Says:
Well if that's the law, why is CBC allowed to show politicians speaking. The minute I see them, I have total contempt.
@fredflintstone5356 Says:
Somehow people saying they want freedom is hateful, yet pro Hamas infestations like in Vancouver says “death to cananda” and they aren’t even born Canadians saying that, and yet that’s not hate speech?
@RobinKirk-v8e Says:
She is a true blue REAL CANADIN
@mysticnomad3577 Says:
Hate is a powerful motivator. That's the real reason they want to control it.
@DcrypTos Says:
Those seats look uncomfortable BUT love Rebel News.
@darrenpaches3731 Says:
2 of the best people in Canada.
@jaybortnik Says:
@monicasmall8631 Says:
Remember Smith and Pierre are still politicians and their 1st priority is.. THEMSELVES. DONT FOOL URSELVES
@watching-the-watchers55 Says:
Danielle Smith is a great common sense Conservative. Alberta made the right choice and that is why the MSM and the Alberta NDP wants to see her outed. Hate speech is free speech that Trudeau Hates!
@beezee7691 Says:
HATE CRIME with or without speech even if you hate with your heart
@abellseaman4114 Says:
The UGLY REALITY of the Human Rights - but too often wrong Commission is they set a VERY LOW BAR for taking cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The human rights Kangaroo Court deal TOO OFTEN IN HURT FEELINGS of the easily offended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The long held legal definitions of slander and libel ought to be the standard for judging hate speech........................... but OF COURSE LIE-berals will not accept such a standard as it would LIMIT their ability to silence and CENSOR political opponents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@MojoRisenesq Says:
A new hate speech complaint for Rebel? Shocking lmfao. Assholes hate speech is not speech we don’t like it’s speech that puts others in danger
@LB_59 Says:
Trudeau needs to eat dirt and just quit already!
@yannyloyer7177 Says:
2 faced smith

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