Here's The HARD Truth About Devastating Storm Damage
Here's The HARD Truth About Devastating Storm Damage



@benvella5008 Says:
Corporations are never held responsible and accountable for any externalities they produce. What a shame 😢
@chrischin380 Says:
If you think it's bad in America then you should take a look at Africa where Western Corporations extract the wealth and leave Africans holding the climate change bag
@Reset_Life-x9e Says:
Why do you have a Trump advertisement on your screen in a story that has NO connection with Trump? Truly, a curious thing.
@hareth3911 Says:
They say “ science is in the lab “ , so unless they put the whole planet in a lab then we are not sure 100% of climate change.
@luashelton9320 Says:
This is a conversation that's ahead of its time at the moment. Not a single utility or recovery vehicle in western Carolina nor Florida, GA, TN, Va, operates without gas or diesel. Solar is very popular with mountain folks no matter what their political preference is. Rednecks love solar too, where it's applicable and income permits investment.. Mountain communities have limited access to sun . Sunset comes early when a mountain is blocking sun. Solar for many of them requires cutting down trees to let in sunlight. Come on over and help the recovery effort. It's all volunteer work. It's hard on the volunteers because of the stench of death. Dead animals, dead people, failed sewage systems. No mountain person Dem or Republican likes pollution. Some of the greatest environmentalists are the hunters and state wildlife folks. They plant cover crops tailored for native habitat. They'll be the ones pulling cars out of rivers for generations to come.
@cpinckard3702 Says:
EVs destroy the environment through resource mining, manufacturing processes & going to landfill in mass droves. Their pollution is unnecessary as is the urban space squandered on parking & other paved over autocentric wastes. They perpetuate urban sprawl & cities that aren’t navigable as a pedestrian or bicyclist & are inhospitable to humanity. Electric vehicles add to traffic congestion. Putting the financial burden of transportation inefficiently on the back individual is regressive & hasn’t been the norm for even 80 years. We need to invest in rail that’s properly implemented as it is overseas. We’re suffering from decades of trickle down economic austerity disenfranchisement & a lot of marginalization (eg Robert Moses’s racist urban renewal) is through divestment of public works/infrastructure, utilities & programs to help the American people. Commodification of societal needs & normalization of rampant consumerism for privatized profits is what put us in this mess. National Transcontinental High Speed Rail should integrate seamlessly w/ commuter rail networks so it can even function as one cohesive system & this will convert flyover country back into a thriving heartland which will reduce clustering on the coasts. Similarly, wholly integrated circuits of interurban commuter rail routes blended with light rail lines, streetcar grids & even trolleys prevent people from having to live on top of each other in city centers in order to have quick access to urban cores & local economies downtown. Our roadways are overcrowded & no amount of widening them w/ added lanes will help because it causes induced demand that inevitably grinds to a halt at snags & bottlenecks down the road. We can rebuild cherished structural heirlooms of civic pride destroyed by financial & environmental disaster on space reclaimed from motor vehicles to serve purposes of social capital & green initiatives. We can resurrect local landmarks with green technologies such as hempcrete.
@tonychinnery Says:
Unfortunately its only disasters, loss of life and property, that will persuade people about the climate emergency. And its no use blaming Esso, Exxon etc. It is voters who have the responibility of electing politians who will take the climate emergency seriously and steering us away from fossil fuels.
@freddyrodriguez4732 Says:
I am in a non-evacuation zone in st pete which is a fairly high ground city in florida. Im on the second floor (because Im not dumb or poor tbh) and I woke up to see a lake around me, the lake by my apartment had become an ocean. it flooded about 6-8” into the first floor. This was entirely due to the intense rainfall in a short period of time which was physically impossible for the earth and waterworks (reservoirs, dykes, berms) to actually absorb anymore- THIS WAS A 1 IN 1000 YEAR EVENT in st petersburg!!!! This was kind of traumatic tbh. But yeah..nothing compared to my poor neighbors who are throwing so much out. It breaks my heart for them… But yeah, the flooding itself was entirely a result of the immediate depressions of the earth, as one block that way and one block in the other, there was no flooding in the streets- and neither was the public building next door which is two stories as well but also, built on a berm.
@Koolasicewater Says:
Republicans fault? Your some ignorant as$ lunatics
@freddyrodriguez4732 Says:
These people are all crazy. Literally insane. As a Floridian, I know we get bad press but our culture is extremely strongly assimilated to not only the cyclicalness of disastrous weather but climate change itself. Even though the stupid republicans dont always back climate change funding initiatives they still largely do when it comes to solar energy and so on- more importantly however, we put huge amounts into our infrastructure to mitigate effects. I never lost power or 5G, wifi and water are back within 24 hours…I mean cmon. Our officials and emergency authorities , utilities and debris contractors are ON THE BALL here!!!
@ViceCoin Says:
US will need to close bases and end wars to save the south from climate change.
@thegreypath1777 Says:
It’s time for those who live in Florida to MOVE!
@Frank-lf7yo Says:
Give these politicians more power
@Frank-lf7yo Says:
Tesla had the way to due that
@Frank-lf7yo Says:
Theses politicians say that they want to improve things then they should work for free
@Frank-lf7yo Says:
They due invest into there styling and profile
@Anna-ww4pv Says:
Let’s not forget when new areas are developed, it can change what areas flood.
@claybluegaming9616 Says:
I live in North Tampa, we got devastated with unprecedented flooding some areas very close with chest deep water and all roads surrounding cut off. Dowtown didnt get it to bad which is our evac areas. Our areas were not built for for this flooding
@salvadorcoling8403 Says:
The Inconvenient Truth of Al Gore is getting very obvious as time passes by. Florida is governed by the Republican Party most of the time, so people have to rely on themselves. No socialistic approach are acceptable.
@kirstencampbell2593 Says:
I have a headache. The truth is the saudis are shooting iodine missiles into the sky to make it rain. The middle east isnt to far from Africa where hurricanes are born. They aint never going to stop drilling for oil. Went i walgreens to pick up my scripts, and the amount of plastic they gave was crazy. Not only the pill bottle themselves, but they had to have each bottle in plastic bags. Just look around you're office an focus on all the plastic. Hospital need plastic to save lives.
@mere_cat Says:
The problem with cap and trade is that it puts all the costs into the backs of working people. CA and WA have some of the highest gas prices and what do you know, they both have cap and trade. With so much car dependency, those prices filter down to working people, while the rich are happy as long as their income taxes don’t go up. Same with heating fuel. Economists and technocrats love it because it gives them something to do (manage the “market” and spend the proceeds on dozens of complex overlapping means tested programs). Environmentalists took a poison pill agreeing to cap and trade as it will likely create a backlash and then we’ll regress back to our old ways of doing things. Instead of trusting the “free market” to fix climate change, we should be taxing the rich and investing in sustainable public housing, public transit and public owned utilities. Remove the profit motive and let people decide their future.
@jakeroth5809 Says:
You guys are want to regulate nature by implementing new regulation...The population of the planet is going to double by 2050 do you know the impact that what is going to have warming the planet. The amount of energy that we will have to produce to service that population will be out of control
@kennethgambill4751 Says:
If you never lived through a hurricane then you cannot fathom the destruction that a CAT 3-5 can levy on a pace in a matter of hours with sustained winds of 65mph or better. Now add the torrential downpours and it's complete reciepe for mudslides and soil erosion. Sheeting a house agianst winds won't do diddly squat if yoyur foundation gives way from being inundated with water. It's clear neither Cenk nor Ana have been on the ground in the aftermath of a hurricane on the Carolina coast or it's Western Mountains. Yet here she is lambasting North Carolina Republicans like she's informed as to what necessary to prevent destruction. You can gird a house for earth quakes. Tornado force winds and driving rain, not so much.
@clydecox327 Says:
FEMA has to becareful and check out a lot due to fraud.
@jennysteves Says:
Do the Math. Tom Murphy. Then begin a walk through ‘The Great Simplification’ podcasts and interviews. You may mean something different but I’ll assume you are referring to solar panels across the Sahara? All ‘renewables’ are ultimately dependent upon fossil fuels and materials beyond silica that are already limited in supply, and all renewables have a surprisingly short lifespan. Then there are the energy storage and conversion issues. Or do you have a different use for silica in mind?
@martyvanord984 Says:
Electric vehicles are not a solution unless they charge off of non-fossil fuels. This is another area where people are being deceived! It means nothing that they have the potential to use renewable energy unless it is used to operate the electric vehicles.
@jimtucker1631 Says:
I've been a professional environmentalist forf 50 years, but, I dislike t he propaganda about "fossil fuels" causing climate change. Look to ice core data, it is cyclic and linked to solar activity, not smokestacks. I do not believe oil in the ground comes ffom dead plants and animals (like coal), but rather is the earth's natueral abiotic lubricant. Extract it and places slip more violently.
@Pele-speak Says:
Good coverage
@ifixeditmyself1926 Says:
Politicians are always missing the priorities. Anna is absolutely right, when law makers ignore the inevitable we pay for it anyway and much more.
@Tmack034 Says:
Are the new technological advantages in the room with us?
@JF-qw4bd Says:
It's the same pathetic story over and over again. Republicans slash funding to programs, deregulate so business can make massive products for essentially crap products or services, and then blame Democrats when things go wrong because of their own actions. Bank failures of 2008 (though admittedly a lot of Dems were responsible for that, too), Boeing, train derailments, pollution of communities, etc. are just a few examples. They don't understand what investing for long-term growth and sustainability means, nor do they care. It reminds me of the time my sister had an 'epiphany' of sorts. She was a nurse who worked long and grueling hours, and was always frustrated that her cheap go-to dollar store socks would get holes in the toes or unravel in the middle of a already stressful shift. She said people would try to tell her to just fork out a little more cash for better socks, but she was being stubborn and somehow couldn't justify it in her mind. After years, she finally broke down and bought some decent socks for just a few dollars more, and was astonished at 1)not only how much comfortable they were, making her shifts a little bit nicer and easier, but 2) how much longer they lasted. 3!!!) She did the math and realized how much MORE money she was actually spending on buying cheap dollar store socks by the dozens every couple of months compared to just a few pairs of even just average run of the mill quality socks. Republicans are the 'cheap socks' party. Edit/More: (Yes, I have a lot to say about this - it's one of my pet peeves) Cenk is right - It's corporate 'socialism'. Not only do they get subsidies, they don't pay (hardly any if at all) taxes, and so WE end up exponentially paying for not only the devastation they cause, but ...ALSO THEY PROFIT FROM DEVASTATION CAUSED BY THEM!! ...And though I do think SOME building codes (at least in my area) are kind of over the top, there needs to be common sense. I live in an area by a river that was straightened in 1913 to make shipping by boat more efficient. It was, before that, mostly marshland and the occasional farm on dryer ground. ...Essentially a flood plain. There have been the occasional historical floods an average of every several decades or so, but they are becoming increasingly common. A couple years ago we had 2 in one year! Just as families were able to move back in after drying out and repairing their homes, they got hit again. The city was a bit more quick to sand bags and shore up 'leaky spots' on the bank of the river so the damage wasn't quite as bad 2nd time around, but still... ...What other things is the city doing? PUTTING MARSHLANDS BACK!!! I'm not saying massive nature reserves, but mini ones any and everywhere they can. ...In the wasted spaces around on and off ramps of highways, in some areas of parks, they even give homeowners tax rebates for installing 'rain gardens' (essentially tiny 'march lands' with native grasses and foliage) on curb strips. Even putting out PSAs asking people to attend to street drains and culverts and clear them of blockages. One doesn't have to be a tree-hugging environmentalist to understand that maybe draining swamp lands and replacing them houses surrounded by cement and asphalt with a few holes poked in here and there for drains will maybe make for a few quick bucks for developers, but will be an impending disaster, especially for the poor families who don't have the wherewithal to look up the geology of where their home was built. Again, 'cheap socks'. We need to think more long-term.
@jennysteves Says:
I’m new to this channel so I’m unfamiliar with the depth and breadth of your analysis. I’d like to suggest that you consider discussing what many environmentalists have been warning: We cannot assume this human civilization will continue in its present form. Our ever-growing energy demands are scientifically impossible. We are in ecological overshoot, and many natural systems are showing signs of impending collapse. It’s past time to simplify our ‘needs’. Technology will not save us.
@jennysteves Says:
Corruption all around. Please speak more about the ignored myriad externalities that allow corporations to pollute, harm and kill, forever free from blame.
@alasdairwhyte6616 Says:
so why dont you sue the companies and lobbists!
@beckyschnrider7540 Says:
Research how corporations qualify for loqns its not a fica score its how well they conform to the agenda
@beckyschnrider7540 Says:
Bblackrock vanguard go green climate change and more you are being manipulated for greed and control do some research
@Boiling_Seas Says:
Externalities exist. This is a problem for many corporations, so they foist the responsibilities for those externalities off to individual people.
@ThuKang Says:
Cenk you made fun of these victims you blubbering imbecile
@AlWagner-ju7iv Says:
Harp is climate change.
@natehunter2961 Says:
How building codes are adopted is very problematic, method and that its state by state. The way it used to happen was a systemic failure occurred in built homes and then the government came in and tried to adjust the rules to fix that. I did a quick search and it seems that NC has been unable to even keep the new construction up to code and there's claims of many defects getting sold to unsuspecting buyers.
@davidmelnyczenko9499 Says:
Chenk you are spot on and every political party is responsible! Corrupt companies bribe both political parties! This is why I love TYT you hold both political parties accountable! It’s just not one party but it’s both political failures! I can understand how USA is is so strained. Just focus on the truth below the ile.
@conrradotorres4653 Says:
Before hurricane season. Republicans literally voted against FEMA funding bill. Now look what's going on
@scott4482 Says:
Climate emergency is bullsh*t. Call it what it really is power grab
@stefanbonev8411 Says:
That is not true that about Biden .And fema blok aids and block helpers and helicopters to help save more people which burocrats and the 750$ turned out to be a loan please help.😢
@AdamSahr-cj4kf Says:
America's top priority is IsraHell...
@marcoose777 Says:
Forces of nature are not political, that sad sack governor that the Floridians elected should be putting his constituents first. Too bad for Florida that they appointed such a deeply flawed individual.
@RidgeWalker-jw1rr Says:
Well thankfully it's not climate change, it's just a once in a century storm. I once in a lifetime event, a once in a generation storm, once every 5 years, unprecedented, La nina, El nino..... anything other than human created climate change
@Bosay831Gaming Says:
A real question here concerning climate change. Even if the USA kind of does what it needs to do concerning CC but the rest of the world does not, how much of an impact will it have? Just Thinking out loud.
@yountune9799 Says:
I did my part by holding in my farts today. So that some dude in India or China can fart away. Green house gasses produced over there won't affect us over here sounds similar to flat earth "theory".
@zdhl30 Says:
Remember when it was just an "inconvenient truth"? Those were the days

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