


@MarkDice Says:
Subscribe to my channel if you're new here! And post links to https://www.YouTube.com/MarkDice on your social media feeds with a note encouraging people you know to subscribe here for truly independent, politically incorrect, and fun content! Let's get to TWO MILLION SUBS!
@umami0247 Says:
50 languages being spoken in school so how many interpreters are needed to get through the day? This is ridiculous and he should realize that. But it's obvious he doesn't. What an idiot!!
@garyfernandez8513 Says:
Joy Reid is Aunt Esther minus the charm.
@jasoncordova9507 Says:
It's disgusting just to hear Her speak....... :(
@justicelove9605 Says:
Trump! Trump! Trump!!!!
@AnthonyWariner Says:
Commie Kamala. Say it Mark! On a side note, Joy Reid is vile.
@MrMikedvs1 Says:
Right on Mark. I thought anchor babies was really a Mexican Opportunist smuggling In another Mexican to get it's Free Papers to Bring In the Other Invaders for Soros on the American Taxpayers Dollar. This has been going on since the 70's giving the illegals amnesty to create a Latino Community, that gives aid to the illegals NOW and We the People paid for it all.
@maryanntime9755 Says:
Even kids can see through her,,
@SigningWithTheByrds Says:
Her math comprehension is screwed up: quadrupled is not the same being cut in half .. can't coexist like that
@markb3756 Says:
I have to agree with the statement made about the illegal aliens who can't speak, write, or understand our English language! They should be deported IMMEDIATELY and not given a chance of doing so. Chances are they've been here long enough already to have learned and have been using our English language when in public. IMO if you're not willing to do these things then your not going to follow our laws and customs.
@mlauren629 Says:
Arrest the Biden Administration
@hughjass1274 Says:
Voting for Harris means you're not paying attention.
@JITProductions Says:
I had to laugh, at the campaign image of Harris/Waltz with how Waltz was lit for his photo and his big nose casting a shadow directly under it making him look like he has a Hitler mustache. PRICELESS!
@briankennedy5578 Says:
Kamala, you are the problem
@richardwells7330 Says:
She responded slowly wondering if she had an air piece with Obummer on the other end
@chaplainpaulvescio1417 Says:
Mark I like your show Ive watched many times its spot on, If you read this please let me know because I believe I have been shut down on twitter and youtube from people being able to see my posts heres why. During covid MILLIONS of Long Term Care Patients including many AZ Long Term Care Patients I loved dearly DIED ALL ALONE IN ISOLATION Denied their Constitutional Civil Patients and their HUMAN RIGHT to have someone who LOVES THEM be by their side to PROTECT AND LOVED THEM while sick and suffering dearly in an American Healthcare Facility. I fought day and night to re-open the doors in AZ Healthcare for visits by family and by Clergy I played a key part in re-opening the entire state of AZ... I testified in front of key committee hearings I protested and contacted many of my worthless ELECTED PISSANTS concerning this issue. Heres the stone cold truth of the matter 98% of our ELECTED PISSANTS BROKE THEIR OATH OF OFFICE BY REFUSING TO DEFEND AND PROTECT OUR LOVED ONES RIGHTS IN AMERICAN HEALTHCARE DURING THE PANDEMIC.... THEY ARE TRASH THE FACT IS OUR LOVED ONES LIVES AND OUR LOVED ONES RIGHTS MATTER IN AMERICAN HEALTHCARE.... STAND UP FOR WHATS RIGHT
@circuitdude1 Says:
TRUMP 2024
@asheland_numismatics Says:
It just blows my mind that people actually wanna vote for that woman. 😣
@PATRIOT1690 Says:
Good will triumph over evil. Trump will triumph over the Democrats.
@darraghmorgan3203 Says:
The greatest bullshitter and lier an absolute clown no other way to describe. I’m not American but I think it would be an absolute travesty if this bullshitting moron becomes president and the first woman president just crazy it simply must not happen.
@Ben-hw4vu Says:
50 plus year's of the same garbage every 4 years !!!! They say lower everything Never ever happened allways raise every thing but wages until you are broke no money then give Penny's for months and then raise taxes again
@QuantumOfSolace1 Says:
Finding out 60 minutes edited the interview and attached different answers to different question shows the level of corruption big media has with the Democratic party!
@gwenroney3972 Says:
I just recently found out Greg Gutfeld is the same age as tampon Tim, both 60. I'm almost 53. I'd date Greg but not a guy who looks my grandpa!
@rocketman4787 Says:
That’s what DEI gets you! Anyone who would vote for here should have a permanent ban on voting due to shear stupidity.
@fmradio42 Says:
She has the same expression as William H Macy in Fargo when being questioned by Frances McDormand.
@vc7393 Says:
The only people she has been listening too!!! While teaveling all over this great country, is her bartenders asking if she's ready for another!!! Refill😂🎉😂🎉😂🎉
@tncavscout Says:
Why is raising taxes always a democrats first idea? Usually the only idea they have!
@SonnyGTA Says:
That's all FOLKS!
@lawrence2992 Says:
You know what, I kinda like Joey B. This woman has made me fervently nostalgic for Biden. It doesn’t get any worst than this, folks.
@WilliamGriffin-vy6mo Says:
She is so painful to watch ! Trump 2024, peace and love from Australia 🦘.
@DanCeen-c2b Says:
Dude Congress ? If we get a rogue leader, he/she make congress into swiss cheese.. Look at other countries, where the leaders have removed their congress.. Then it be the States to decide, how to fight the Fed.. Some would probably side with the rogue leader.. We are not that far off from it.. I don't think it be Trump, since he don't deceive as much as the LEFT.. But if th Pro-Hamas Left comes in to power and make congress his/her toy, and does this, the Jews of America is in deep trouble.. Once you get Pro-Hamas leader that is connected with Hamas very tight, USA is done for.. Heck this is where Hams is coming, because Isreal is destroying them in Gaza.. They got supporters here.. Mabye even Hezzbollah, they know Israel can't just blow them up in USA because of their relationships. If Israel does that, they lose more n more support to the Pro-Hamas or pro Hezzbollah.. Smart wise, this gives them a very good cover.. Even in Europe, it gives good cover.. That is why Europe already holds some of these leaders of terror - in UK..
@FiestyPatriot Says:
She is a vile , lying, ungodly woman! She’s has to be to get up there and lie about everything! You can almost feel the deceit thru the TV!
@dolamike584 Says:
All these scumbag news networks deserve prison time for all the propaganda.
@gregg9448 Says:
She’s so disingenuous! They cut the illegal immigration crossings by half? News flash! If you quadruple something then cut it in half (which I still don’t believe) you’re still up by double. I heard a guy at the gym say “well at least gas prices are coming down” yeah for an election. Coming down from an all time high is nothing special.
@silvermediastudio Says:
There used to be a time when everybody stood up when the President walked into the room.
@silvermediastudio Says:
Kamala has started doing more vocal fry when appealing to emotion. Throws in an accent when pandering to a demographic. Acts like a "girl boss" when trying to put down opponents. It's unbelievably fake, but scripted and practiced.
@edeptula2992 Says:
Where’s all the women and children running across the border??? Oh wait it’s all young army men waiting for the signal!!!
@MattG171 Says:
Tampon Tim and Kame a lot Harris are a disgrace to the United States
@alanmontoya7162 Says:
Lol carmelo hahddis completely falls apart at the slightest pushback...
@LM811 Says:
Democrats use the same line over and over. "Rich people must pay their fair share of taxes". That's their answer to everything. Raise taxes on the rich.
@silkysixx Says:
“If you do, indeed, save democracy and beat Trump, what would you do if the democratic process doesn’t allow your plan?” “We’ll, sweetie, we’re going to do it anyway.”
@TRGManagement Says:
She is a liar and would de a disaster for our country
@VotePaineJefferson Says:
@dizzitoast Says:
Mark Dice reporting is always on point but man…. He is hysterical as well! Reid used to make her hair like Trump got had me rolling.
@VotePaineJefferson Says:
HEY KAMALA, are you going to stop giving Free Homes to illegals and actually help the Hurricane victims? Didn't think so...
@adoral.libertucci2647 Says:
I am still getting notifications re new videos. 👍
@adoral.libertucci2647 Says:
Kamala doesn’t live in the real world. Her idiocy on display is hilarious!
@morbidfuckingangel5472 Says:
You’re the only one I watch religiously, Mark. Love ya man!! Thanks for everything and God bless you!!
@jasonlumpkin4732 Says:
So this is what true mainstream journalism is. Too bad the rest of the so-called media couldn't be like this. If Biden was on "60 Minutes" long before, he would've been toast long before that summer debate. Hopefully the "Harris administration" ended in "60 minutes."
@ChefBoyArbys Says:
She's a joke.

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