'Billboard' Chris Elston weighs in on rejection of gender ideology ahead of BC election
'Billboard' Chris Elston weighs in on rejection of gender ideology ahead of BC election



@saladgirl2062 Says:
And it’s not just the physical damage from hormones and surgery but the psychological damage of inflicting gender ideologies on already vulnerable children who really just need unbiased compassionate care.
@2ingrams Says:
Bill board Chris is awsome🎉
@markmaloney3140 Says:
The fact that BC continues to vote NEW DELHI PARTY is really sickening. I blame it on the imported demographics there. Its obvious china and india are hard at work to ensure BC installs a pansey government. The facts are clear.... Criminal activity is rampant in both communities. As far as im concerned, BC should be sold to the USA. Canada needs to be broken into regions. Sick and tired of policy that doesnt respect the majority and the law.
@bigrod1702 Says:
Bill board Chris is a smart man.
@maryhildreth754 Says:
Billboard Chris looks so young here!!!
@jackfrost8600 Says:
Thats the thing with Canadian conservatives they should have a strong stance against this woke crap and not be scared to get called names. Then the majority will support them and we can get rid of the libs/ndp
@canman5060 Says:
I can barely see any BC NDP signs.
@Brad-bx7dc Says:
I am looking forward to John Rustad as our next premier
@NobodySpecial509 Says:
God bless you, Chris! ❤
@andybee3785 Says:
Remember Ebys responsible for the junkies having rights better then tax payers
@lizanderson1669 Says:
What I would like to know is how the ARC Organization has any say with what should be taught in our school's
@david_fl507 Says:
i early voted BLUE for BC already.
@smexijebus Says:
Chris you are doing amazing work. Had I been born just a few years later, I have very little doubt I would've fallen victim to this insidious ideology and likely would've ended up destroying the rest of my life in the pursuit of some medical panacea that would 'fix' all the issues I felt at the time. You are saving lives.
@nwmama Says:
I’ve voted left for my entire voting life (I’m 64). I even worked for the Bob Rae campaign back in Ontario in the ‘80’s. I’m an atheist, pro-choice, pro carbon tax, public-school and public health supporter who is fed up with a “left” that has gone too far. If the BC Conservatives take a real stand on this insane issue of trans gender ideology, because I know the NDP and Greens won’t, I WILL VOTE RIGHT FOR THE FIRST TIME. I’m not even a grandmother yet but I do have immense compassion for young families with kids in school and young people who are being brainwashed into thinking they were “born in the wrong body”. I have too many friends whose kids have succumbed and I fear for their future physical and mental health. But if the BC Conservatives don’t take a stand on this - as bold a stand as Danielle Smith has taken - I will spoil my vote for the first time.
@AdamtheGrey02 Says:
You have to get rid of the kangaroo courts in BC as well. The same ones who call it "family violence" when a father opposes the transitioning or "pronouns" of his 14 year old girl who say she's a boy.
@russianstronglikebull7695 Says:
I'm leaning Roostad
@jurebozanic4488 Says:
Bravo Chris thank you for hard work
@jurebozanic4488 Says:
Canada under left wing radicals are not safe to bring family
@chillitesoro3538 Says:
@shipmcgree6367 Says:
Based billboard man is a hero
@rockzalt Says:
Conservative governments are good at being accountants but with social issues, it is like they have no clue or command of the talking points. Give Chris 1 or 2 hours in front of their party and he can teach these candidates all the information they need to expose the destructive nature found in the school system today. In my view, even the thought of being called homo or transphobic causes paralyses in the conservative accounting department like a deer caught in the headlights.
@janhd465 Says:
Vote BC Conservatives and vote early. We must ban SOGI and all other political ideologies from all of our classrooms!! Twenty YEARS of telling our kids that they are probably in the wrong bodies has caused most of the mental anxiety of children are experiencing!
@Fetsimo Says:
God bless you, Chris!
@Time2MoveOn Says:
That's BS its just a handful of progressive women behind the ideology push. It's mostly the gay community and they're heavily funded pride organizations. Many gay's are employed or directly connected to the top gov social and medical influencing positions or have personal involvement with those that are.
@kathyhenry2362 Says:
What about doctors giving children heroine and needles? Dr James Ketch @ Guisachan Family Medicine- Interior Health Authority
@ledacedar6253 Says:
Yes BC has Rustad and we must win and we must stop this push for surgical gender phukery that’s destroying children’s lives before they can actually think through the many complex impacts that are for life. Common Rustad, let’s hear you push for our freedoms and not silence our demands to LEAVE OUR CHILDREN ALONE! Why the hell are you using that pod language- they are far from “progressives” but clearly about loosing culture, Christianity & right to say and do whatever the F we want! Good for the Seiks & PARENTS PROTECTING THEIR CHILDREN. Great to see and hear you Chris. You are a courageous bold activist for sanity & common sense!!!!❤❤❤
@carolinebjerkelund767 Says:
What I have been finding is that the girls who change to "men", have huge regrets. Plus, girl to men, are not really talked about, unless it is about the regret.
@user-onpointe Says:
The "white progressives" represent the corporatocracy
@mysparky2011 Says:
It's insanity. Thank-you Chris and Ezra. Perhaps better days are ahead .
@mikebarbeau8569 Says:
It's because governments and bureaucracy run by perverts, thieves and liars!!!
@carlyatkinson4307 Says:
Maybe step it up with more gay parades.
@rorykennedy6293 Says:
Our cities are Rat Utopias
@jesse33cdn Says:
Let kids know it’s ok to be GAY and you’ll see the numbers of Trans kids drop! So let your children know you’ll still love them if they’re gay
@anthonycyr9657 Says:
School used to be all about education, not indoctrination and radicalism by a loud self serving minority.
@jilllowe7536 Says:
Eby has to go..
@ChantalBailey-o5n Says:
Couldn’t agree more! Teaching children to love thyself exactly how they were born is key to this spiritual battle……sharing this quote from the inventor of kindergarten 🙏 ‘Let us protect our children; and let us not allow them to grow up into emptiness and nothingness, to the avoidance of good hard work, to introspection and analysis without deeds, or to mechanical actions without thought and consideration. Let us steer them away from the harmful chase after material things and the damaging passion for distractions... Let us educate them to stand with their feet rooted in God's earth, but with their heads reaching even into heaven, there to behold truth.’
@ClodfelterUsman Says:
el gobierno realmente piensa que somos idiotas la tasa de desempleo se está volviendo desfavorable. Es obvio que nos dirigimos hacia la hiperinflación, lamentablemente tener un trabajo no parece garantizar una estabilidad financiera completa, pero tener múltiples flujos de ingresos que no dependan del gobierno sería una gran decisión,*
@gordonshields6091 Says:
conservative all the way ,these left wing wacko with this gender ideology got to go.
@philipsdeb Says:
Smith didn't go far enough...get them out of the bathrooms and prisons!!!!
@teacherreads1076 Says:
@philipsdeb Says:
❤ Chris!
@arsmaster Says:
They would be wise to mention how much this evil transgender cult that maims and mutilates children and makes sterile adults costs the tax payer. All for cosmetic changes but normal citizens who want cosmetic surgeries pay out of pocket. I think it’s all disgusting and I don’t want to pay for it.
@D-B-Cooper Says:
If people want to sterilize themselves and offspring , let them.
@d.flaherty227 Says:
Time to stand together and call out this gender BS.

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