The RISE of Toxic Feminism
The RISE of Toxic Feminism



@keithstewart934 Says:
Spent their twenties 'getting educated' that what they're calling it now?
@konstantia1607 Says:
This is my humble opinion (since age 11 in sixth grade.) "Women's Lib" was about liberating women from everything that really and truly makes them happy. Women were deemed valuable to the degree that they became powerful breadwinners-- to the degree that they became like men. They should be honored just as they naturally are: daughters, wives, mothers, grandmothers.
@twosocks1976 Says:
Women have not yet recognized, what men have always known, collectively. Job and career are not the ultimate ends of our existence. They are merely a means to an end. What is that end? For men, we primarily want to protect and provide for our wives and kids. Women still believe that career advancement is the ultimate expression of feminist achievement, and by the time they realize how wrong they are, for most of them, they are best years are behind them. They also do not understand that men do not want a competitor, and if possible, we don't want both of the adults in the marriage to be working in careers. Our grandparents, and generations going back, all had the right idea. Let the man get the education and protect and provide, get the government off our back so that we can keep as much of what we earn as possible, and let the woman stay home and raise her kids, and take Joy in her feminine nature as a mother, a wife, and a homemaker. There is no shame in that, contrary to what the feminists have been selling for decades. The wife is not the slave to the man for doing those things, any more than the man is the slave to the wife for going out everyday and bringing home a paycheck. To make such an assertion is patently absurd. But this is what you get when you have several success of generations who have decided that everything that has been handed down to us out of the past, all the knowledge and wisdom that has distilled itself down through the centuries, must necessarily be tossed out on its ear. That's what happens when you throw all that out, and decide that you're going to reinvent the wheel. But it's already been figured out for us. We already know what the correct path is. But our ego, collectively, will not let us admit that those who came before us, knew much better the best path forward, then we will ever be able to figure out on our own. We don't need to put our hand in the fire to know that it's going to burn.
@macusaurelius1313 Says:
I concur
As a millennial man, I have accepted that I will _not_ die surrounded by family. The women of my generation have been so poisoned by social media and dating apps and liberal universities that it's a lost cause. I'd rather just get a dog.
@MerwinWren Says:
Even for men, corporate America could give a damn about you after you are no longer useful to them. Raise a family. Spend time with them. Grow relationships. Work to live. Don’t live to work.
@johnhodgson4591 Says:
PragerU fake University
@theoriginalmonstermaker Says:
So adopt. Or have kids and hire a nanny. Or find a husband willing to stay home. Or take off 5 years and return to work when the kids go to school... What's the problem? The solution CERTAINLY isn't "do nothing your entire life so you can crap out kids". ... and either way, now it's just your biology gaslighting you instead of society; just bc you have the urge, DOESN'T mean one path will result in greater "happiness" (meaningless term) in 40 more years.
@lindabell5534 Says:
We have realized that men need families and women have been working to give this to them as much as women parenthood and the child the most. However we tell we they should want only one of the two ,but not both.
@jcarp1776 Says:
32 and no husband or kids… sorry but you will probably not live long enough for great-grand-kids.
@Gracie12753 Says:
A smart young lady. She is correct!
@ryanchad8384 Says:
Feminism doesn’t exist, it’s the female objectification movement.
@ry2324 Says:
Just because you went to college doesn’t mean that you’re educated. More likely than not you’re indoctrinated. Academic credentials do not necessarily mean marketable skills. The youth are so frustrated because they drank the government Kool-aid & went to school & got a degree but didn’t know 90% of them are worthless & the government really just wanted to brainwash them more & ensure they’re full time slaves.
@aisecoohiocraft7337 Says:
She's talking about true fulfillment. She's on the grand journey.
@MysticOceanDollies Says:
The problem is that this current economy makes it almost impossible for the newer generation to raise a family on a single income, so many are marrying later and having fewer children out of necessity rather than choice.
@hiphopblows9490 Says:
@richardwang474 Says:
I don't even give a shit about becoming "important" in my line of work anymore. I just want to build the house and farm I've always wanted and live there with my family and work on the homestead.
@OscarMPG1 Says:
I have NO accolades or a kids or a family at 39 years old. No woman wants to date me and all I've ever wanted to be is a father. I've failed at life and it's too late for me. 😥
@omalley5005 Says:
Men don't want a boss bitch they want a lady. A major majority of you women are undesirable
@JayKay-ov8lu Says:
Good news: toxic feminism has lost and now is the mens suffrage movement. Men need equal rights! Is it not fair for men to have a say?
@Marlen-CruzCommercial_2023 Says:
The biological clock starts ticking by around age 23, and by age 26 to 29 it’s SCREAMING. 😂By age 30 to 35 it’s starts begging, crying 😢and losing hope. Women don’t have too much time before the reproduction gate closes.
@OceanSwimmer Says:
Do you live to work, or work to live? It's about priorities and values, and you never know when you run into a situation in life that causes you to reevaluate EVERYTHING.
@rheamiller148 Says:
Wow! Thank you for saying it!!! Now how are you going to come off your educated pedestal and SERVE? Serve your man, serve your family, serve the Lord? Can you do it?
@cdrad7770 Says:
If the only fulfillment I had in my life was my job, then I'd be depressed too. We work because we have to. We need money to live. But that's not what life is all about. There's so much joy in having a family and children.
@jose6566 Says:
The hatred of men that feminism has fostered
@danlozza Says:
In a hurry to make babies. Sounds like an environment where nothing can go wrong
@JohnPassio Says:
Many women in America have a chip on their shoulders
@dontpokethekenny Says:
All feminism is toxic.
@kd9749 Says:
There is no rise of toxic feminism as feminism has always been toxic. Feminism has never been about equality; since its inception, feminism has been driven by the desire to tear down men and prop up women, regardless of proportionality or merit. Feminists have never wanted an equal world, they have always wanted a world where men are second class citizens.
@bernardfurst9133 Says:
People are also becoming more self centered as they are freed up to have unlimited options. People are asking "what about me?". Which is the opposite of what's needed to build a family. It doesn't seem like any of these issues are going to improve on the whole. Hopefully some of us do learn from these failed social experiments.
@jeremyjohn1954 Says:
Strange how she calls it feminism and not femininity 😮
@NPC-iy5ih Says:
And when women aren’t happy being these boss bitches and are lonely they simply will blame men instead of themselves.
@ThePapaNitro Says:
@Heavyisthecrown Says:
They want us working to tax us. Always they can pay everyone less because there’s double the workers to pick from. So dumb
@NancySwass Says:
Talk about truth!
@laynetravis Says:
"why only take taxes from men.."feminism was born
@mindyourownfuukingbiz6737 Says:
I never had kids/couldnt really and spent my life working to build a career and business ......HOWEVER I ADMIRE women and support those who do it well. THAT SHOULD BE WHAT FEMMINISM SHOULD BE ABOUT......THE CHOICE to do what you want. However THERE SHOULD ALWAYS BE A HUSBAND INVOLVED WHEN WOMEN SPEAK OF HAVING CHILDREN !!! FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN !! CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAN FIRST AND FOREMOST AND STOP MARRYING THE GOV!
@dsample77 Says:
Brought in by NOW and Pelosi. Yeah, you go girl.
@dsample77 Says:
Ok. So, how many people's lives did you or any of your sisters destroy in this progress?
@TheGreatness-gg1jx Says:
She articulated this truth more perfectly than anyone I've heard. Thank you!!!!
@timwannell6477 Says:
Architects of their own demise. No wonder men are redpilling left right and centre. Thank God I have an amazing wife with traditional non-woke values.
@LaGataNegra3073 Says:
Thats the Holy Spirit talking.
@sterling557 Says:
People used to die by age 60 very often, 100 years ago. And they saw children die often from disease at young ages. People knew that life is fleeting, and pursuing a family was a PRIORITY, because you didn't have time to waste.
@jamesrobertson7100 Says:
She has just made positive proof that women have only themselves to blame!! And today's women need to listen!!
@d3ltaohniner261 Says:
@aaf6711 Says:
To desire a family and children is normal. I can’t tell you how many times I was bullied by other women because I was a stay at home mom. It’s really sick.
@shaneashby5890 Says:
Feminism is about destroying social cohesion between men and women. And it’s about destroying the nuclear family which it has done. Feminism is evil.
@lindamusser7370 Says:
A career doesn't keep you warm at night.
@Ezekiel336-16 Says:
It's really great that women are starting to realize this but as a 50 year old single man by choice (due to the lack of truly marriage worthy women out there), are women also making sure that they are marriage worthy and know what that means according to the Lord our God who is the author of marriage? Do you love and follow Jesus in all things, so a man who does the same will see that in you and be willing to build a family with you knowing that you'll allow him to lead you faithfully with the Lord or are you still trying to lead the Lord and men by doing it all your own way instead of Christ's? There's no point in looking for a man to marry ladies until you've allowed yourself to be married to the Lord first in your everyday words and deeds. Get right with Jesus, and then the Lord will bring you a good man if marriage and family is what He wants for you and from you. If not, be faithful to Him anyway, and don't fool around or play sinful games with your bodies and your salvation by taking what you can get or by playing around until the right man comes along. If you do the latter then the right man will walk away or repulse you when he does come into your life. There's no shortcuts or work arounds, just faithfulness and trust.
@Redtecho Says:
The rise? Where have you been for the last 150 years?

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