HOLY BASED. These voters just straight up SAID IT!! 😂
HOLY BASED. These voters just straight up SAID IT!! 😂



@Linguiphile Says:
These are union members interviewed by a fellow Democrat, and they're still pro-Trump!
@tylerriojas6250 Says:
LOL She came out of her Bubble of Bitter women and the "How does it make you feel" question doesn't get the emotional response she wants. Notice a lot of the Happily Married women aren't falling for this crap
@thejewishrepublican Says:
These people are voting Trump but they’re afraid to say it for fear of getting attacked
@themudstar4999 Says:
"oh please voters.don't make us cheat too hard again!!!"
@bloodywellright4197 Says:
At this point if you're still undecided, just don't bother. It's obviously too much for you. Unburden yourself from thinking so much!
@snash970 Says:
When the left accuses their opponent of something 9 times out of 10, they're guilty of the accusation!
@philliphrobles325 Says:
This lady is trying so hard to find anything to get these people to see things her way. She's failing horribly.
@irontarkus190 Says:
There’s going to be massive riots if Kamala is elected and rightfully so.
@charcushman9507 Says:
LMAO again !!!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
@thomasduffy1028 Says:
@JB-kh7eb Says:
I'm still not convinced J6 was maga. It looked like every other occupy riot, except the people were maga larpers
@laughingvampire7555 Says:
when the corrupt say "democracy" they mean their corrupt oligarchy that allows them to steal everything they want from your taxes.
@legendary_soup4454 Says:
Most people just look a J6 as a riot. That is all. It happens all the time its not out of the ordinary.
I think it’s funny she didn’t realize how uncomfortable she was making them standing over them and questioning them like that. None of them look like they want to be there.
@chrisjessup7744 Says:
It was a riot that the Dems wanted to encourage. Some of the rioters fell for it and entered and the trap was sprung. And they gotten TONS of milage from it too
@Mike-sv2nu Says:
More like Cacklehead.
@guyguybohurst3304 Says:
Interesting 🤔
Trash reporter, garbage
@Poorboychickencoop Says:
😂😂😂reeducation camp funded by the Clinton administration!!!!! that KILLED me!!!!
@GUNNER67akaKelt Says:
While I've been paying attention, it's hard to keep track of all the charges brought against Trump. Most of which he's won. It's lawfare, plain and simple. Oh, and it was pretty obvious that most of the charges were made up bullshit.
@Dr_piFrog Says:
MSNBC, like Harris and Walz, never say anything truthful. Misinformation purveyors.
@kevinmayes8332 Says:
Looked like a scene from hunger games with the female character asking questions of the people and we know how that went basic commie bs
@jacknisen Says:
Completely uninformed because the mainstream media lies directly and lies by omission.
@racekrasser7869 Says:
If someone is undecided at this point in the race they shouldn't even be voting
@lesdoleague Says:
No offense, but I saw the footage, if Im honest more damage is done after certain sports events. Most the people I have met who had a problem with it honestly did not watch the footage. I think the largest issues was that it happened. I am not going to vote, Im pro choice. I just cannot vote for kamala so. If I am honest she was never a candidate to me that was put through the process. It does not feel like she was ever a candidate until bidden failed the debates.
@MikePatton-g6e Says:
Lol this crap with J6 never ends besides we have Nancy Paloci taking responsibility for it on video that her daughter shot. Not to mention General Mark Milley not following orders from his Commander and Chief. I’m hoping those 2 will be held accountable for their actions on January 6th and not to mention Paloci’ bodyguard tried for murder of Ashley Babbit that can’t be forgotten.
@on1yone1nchw1de3 Says:
Fun fact is she failed to execute a power move, standing over someone while asking them questions can be intimidating to the average person. Unfortunately for her they held their ground because she wasn’t scary enough.
@serpentinious7745 Says:
J6 was the biggest instance of mass entrapment in American history
@reatcas Says:
She got completely owned
@GameAGuy Says:
Jan 6th was all the work of Nancy and Chuck stop blaming Trump
@jvbutalid8316 Says:
The silence is palpable
@jvbutalid8316 Says:
Walz: Knucklehead Kamala: Chucklehead Joe: Deadhead Hunter: Crackhead
@thepopeofkeke Says:
Bro, they looked at that lady like that didn’t want to catch with whatever she had hahahaha
@milan33 Says:
"Thousands of Illegal Immigrants" try millions! Like 20 Million lol
@WarDog793 Says:
I just hope these undecided, uninformed unionist DO NOT just vote how the union leadership tell them to. Notice that the only ones with an opinion on abortion were the women. You're so right, LH. The media wants to motivate voters with hot-button issue that most either don't care about or regard from an emotional pov, and so, they won't *think* about it and analyze it as well as they can.
@Jonno2summit Says:
Jan 6th was a Leftwing movement! Dang people, wake up.
@Yatta317 Says:
All the talk about Jan 6 is always frustrating. Thomas Jefferson, a founding father, literally expected riots against the government, warranted or otherwise, to happen "I say nothing of its motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion." This was in regards to Shays rebellion, which was orders in magnitude larger than the capitol hill riot Jefferson's thoughts on what the consequences of such a rebellion should be? "Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them." Funny how the BLM rioters who caused death and millions of dollars in damages to public and private property are being pardoned, except for that time a teenager used lethal force to defend himself against said rioters. While the "offense" Jefferson deemed pardonable is being criminalized
If its your first election you ought to know... THE UNITED STATES IS NOT A "DEMOCRACY". Im so sick of hearing that evil word. And lets be honest... you can tell that kids not a Kamala supporter _becsuse he looks like he has a job and knows what gender he is_ .
@johnc.3791 Says:
Nobody with a functioning brain believes Jan 6th was an insurrection. And honestly, 90% of Americans don't care about the abortion issue. What they do care about is the cost of groceries, gas prices, inflation and the millions of illegals pouring into the country. All of the current problems facing the average citizen are because of failed Democrat policies. People are smart enough to realize this. At least most people are.
@dangtoons1760 Says:
It's odd that they'd expect these voters to know supreme court cases but would also hope that a person curious enough to find out wouldn't also find out what a fiction it is to hold DT responsible for J6 or that the J6 protestors were being falsely & indefinitely imprisoned. What they wanted to know was if the DNC/MSM had been successful in conditioning these voters with their fictional narratives to the exclusion of facts. (They should've interviewed my idiot brother).
@RoleReverse Says:
Stupid ass google keeps showing me anti Trump ads. I’m not even from America! I’m Canadian! And even if I could vote, I wouldn’t vote for that bitch that ruined California!
@msd5808 Says:
January 6 was ugly? It looked fun
@EllenExton-m6p Says:
@Wiinnk Says:
4 citizens died on J6. We only heard about Ashley. Unbelievable
@Sean_Plays_Guitar Says:
You should do a full episode on how the Left uses one single word...during every single argument to try to force the assumption of correctness. I am talking about "Right?" and how it is used in the middle of someone trying to make their point. They say things like "Donald Trump is in favor of a nation wide abortion ban, right? So we really can't elect this man because he is a threat to our democracy." Like...no...we have not all agreed as a society that your assertion is correct. Stop saying "Right?" every time you think you are on point. Saying the word "Right" and putting a question mark after it in the middle of the point you are trying to make does not actually make your point correct. It drives me absolutely insane and if I were a online "debate person" I would literally interrupt every single lefty that used that sentence structure during a debate with "Not necessarily". I would never ever let someone frame a point to me by requesting confirmation of correctness in the middle of it. It's a trick/tactic that seems to have become a complete social contagion. It would be interesting to see AAALLL of the clips of this instance you could find over the last 5-6 years. See: Every Episode of Piers Morgan that has a lefty on the panel LOL! Kamala does it CONSTANTLY as well. Sorry for ranting.
@enliam3849 Says:
Trump 2024. It’s the only way America can survive
@HKST51R Says:
Msnbc quickly realizing no one is falling for their propaganda😂
@vickivitanza5940 Says:
Been listening to Hivemind since he came on the scene…love that he gets to the point w/o a long intro!!! Many that started at the same time are gone!!! Love u Hivemind!!!❤❤
@obornyi2407 Says:
that is important to them but when blm destroyed whole cities, that's forgotten?
@BrendanSchmelter Says:
Men: The Economy, Illegal Immigration, Inflation, War... Women: Abortion Media: J6

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