The Communist Takeover of America's Schools
The Communist Takeover of America's Schools



@VSastrocompasss Says:
Yay I don't know much; I do know ⛪️(🏠 the battle of faith) and my absence with element.
@stevenyesrre3145 Says:
I didn't go beyond public basic schooling. Yet I'm smart and informed enough to know what's going on. I know by my own learning.
@missaelcastillo5154 Says:
“Communists” PragerU isn’t even trying to hide their purpose.
For the people who want to insert Christianity into schools: Have you not learned that when you do that you open the door for every other religion? If you want Christianity in the classroom then you're also going to get Islam, Satanism, Wicca, etc. Your options are: NO RELIGION IN SCHOOLS or EVERY RELIGION IN SCHOOLS Choose wisely.
On the contrary, people who go to college know even less than people who stopped at high school.
@duhdoy08 Says:
Im fine with not having a family. Western women are entitled and materialistic with unreasonable standards, and divorce courts love f**king men over because they get tax money from divorce. Good riddance to marriage and family, i say.
@mythicfolfi4652 Says:
As a communist, no
@Gracie12753 Says:
@timothy22c Says:
Communists meaning Jews
@jamesalexander5783 Says:
It is no Common Sense my sister-in-law Retired College Professor praises Communism stupid is as stupid does
@pp1838 Says:
I rather be dramatic than a resentful incompetent communists! To me they are just a bunch of envious, resentful with a scarcity mindset people that have benefited from a free open capitalist society but now that they”have” a little want to break the process so no one else can have it!
@amynazza Says:
Calling someone uneducated isn’t an insult; it’s a fact. And it’s double-layered, schools aren’t focused on teaching logic and reasoning and facts because they’re too busy teaching emotions and social justice issues 🙄
@cantyousee142 Says:
The communist" the democrats".
@rdwakefield Says:
The Lord God is still the one bringing down this house of cards... Psalm nine-seventeen
@travisdempster4693 Says:
Whatever you hear on Prager U or other Conservative sources is 5-10 years behind what is currently going on in liberal school districts.
@nope24601 Says:
Schools are starting to require new age medication. Inner Harmony in Scranton.
@mikey4g Says:
She had that response as a mic drop moment lol. Community is the new term for communism, don't fall for it.
@theoriginalmonstermaker Says:
Who are these "communists"? What a ridiculous blanket generalization to make without any actual evidence. Is it possible some ppl just don't agree with you?
@theoriginalmonstermaker Says:
Fine, then YOU provide all those things, lol. "Hey, someone else is trying to wrestle the control we have from the populace away!" - some religious leader probably
@angelhurtado55 Says:
sadly many persons who've gone beyond public school haven't learned anything, or got the wrong learning from yet again communist propaganda and programs
@okboomer6201 Says:
The Communists are all Jewish remember that.
@zeptepiantraveller Says:
Apathy & complacency enables Communist subversion. Everyone should know their opposition!
@LollipopCandyBoom Says:
I don't believe in God. So, I would rather not have God in our institutions because it's a bunch of cult brainwashing. But I do believe government has too much over reach.
@perrylc8812 Says:
Of course they are what else would you expect them to do?
@Chris-b5n5z Says:
Soros is behind this. Just like in Canada
@christinaakatia75 Says:
Unfortunately the colleges are completely ran by Marxists too!
@Groovy-z3x Says:
Don't confuse education for intelligence. You can have a masters degree and still be considered an idiot.
@vhutchins1759 Says:
Free college so they can indoctrinate however they please!! Don’t fall for it! Cheap…free….you get what you pay for. And sometimes the cost is too high!!
@benharrison1069 Says:
Bring back daily in every classroom in every school, the Pledge of Allegiance with an American flag and a prayer.
@kellyinfanger9192 Says:
It is sad that the communist have induced Native American activists to erase their cultural influences upon American institutions. Example: taking a cultural icon away from the NFL "Redskins". It was an honorarium in essence - not a cultural misappropriation.
@aldonapolitano5979 Says:
“Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent.” John Dewey, father of American public education. From his 1898 essay "The Primary-Education Fetish". Brainwashing is real. Homeschool, please.
@therovingrobin5938 Says:
Spot on except that the services, offered under that Marxist 💩 are sub standard, ineffective and absolutely horrible with you having no say, in which way they're applied to you....
@chakkakon Says:
15 minute cities
@texmex658 Says:
Yep. She's right on. Even a community whisky bottle should be questioned. 👍
@TrapShooter68 Says:
Anyone who has studied Mao's takeover of China, even at the most basic level, will see his plan being adapted for 21st century America.
@mikepounds8055 Says:
Community and Communism share the same root.
@chucklesthered2338 Says:
Our downfall started when we took prayer out of the schools.
@BenjaminChesney-Lang-dp6rf Says:
Ok Joseph McCarty
@deborahbuchanan3238 Says:
True, felt it for about 3 years now!
@Pewpro Says:
The separation of church and state stops fundamentalist ideals. I'm down for both but... they must be kept separate. Americans should be worried about education and the content within it. Facts gained through pier review is what makes America great. And the freedom to worship freely. Don't forget your roots yanks.
@josephdavis4956 Says:
Then they're tainting Hollywood and media to further that divide of God and family.
@blakejames61 Says:
Funny because one of the first things I was introduced to at my college was stoicism granted it was by another student but still they had some books on it
@odacruz4986 Says:
Well who was asleep at the wheel when these commies penetrated all of these government agencies?
@HollyDutton-wz8fe Says:
My Ukrainian grandmother was only 8 or 9 years old when Communist Russia swallowed her country. The Communists raided her parents' family farm and stole everything. My grandmother was watching this through a window when her mother snatched her away and ran out the back door to join her husband in fleeing to the Carpathian Mountains. For the next 8 years, they hid in fear of Communist spies. Finally, my grandmother and her family escaped to America and freedom. By now, my grandmother was 16. She strongly advised me NOT to support Communism, saying that it was too terrible to even contemplate.
@eltonron1558 Says:
Whenever I hear the word, "community", I'm old school it's potential communism. You should too.
@trumpsmum9210 Says:
Says the people that wants to dictate my life 😂😂😂
@iamjustsaying4787 Says:
This country owes a huge posthumous apology to the late Senator Joseph McCarthy.
@salazarmandragora Says:
She must be delightful on Thanksgiving 😬
@brianr8581 Says:
Since the 40s....
@johnsumampau3145 Says:
Teachers always been commie bias.. theyre peoples who doesnt do well out in the marketplace...

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