Parliament at a standstill over scandal-plagued yet immune-from-liability Liberals
Parliament at a standstill over scandal-plagued yet immune-from-liability Liberals



@JPDeshaies-y3i Says:
No immunity he choosed to help them lol 😂😂😂😂😂He was warned😂😂😂😂😂😂
@loganpankiw8329 Says:
That’s why I stop paying my taxes .. stop paying taxes and 🎉🎉 they broke the contract
@carrie-lynn7797 Says:
Liberal greed has bankrupt Canadians while enriching themselves… absolutely immoral and completely disgusting 🤢 I want ANY employee of the government involved with this evil corruption put in jail! There should ALWAYS be accountability for ANYONE who has anything to do with Canadians tax dollars. STOP being complicit and compliant with robbing every Canadian 😡😡😡
@martincameron6568 Says:
Truckers in bikers need to take our country back
@martincameron6568 Says:
Too many of fing immigrants
@KDean22 Says:
@TheBogyy Says:
Has nothing to do with the charter. It’s over for the LPC.
@gingercatz5568 Says:
@SpeakTheTruthSTT Says:
Like i alwYs said ...corrupt corrupt politicians
@sandroandoes4787 Says:
Let's hope he is the first Canadian PM that goes to prison! Serious prison! For a long time!
@cbedford2699 Says:
Impeding an investigation is a charge of its own.
@cindystevemartin4020 Says:
Over half a trillion dollars added to the national debt with nothing to show for it. We are starting to see where a lot of it went. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
@-Ordinary-Average-Guy Says:
I'm very surprised Ferguson did this. Trudeau will have him flogged for this.
@John-pn7bh Says:
Investigate and then put Trudeau in Jail for life!
@LT-xo3dj Says:
@LT-xo3dj Says:
Good keep parliament suspended for as long as possible
@airborne_12v Says:
Ah this is what the carbon tax money is being used for Got it! Non confidence vote 🗳️ now
@teresawilson3893 Says:
How many scandals does this make nine?
@dionne8837 Says:
it is a good thing that the government is frozen at the moment at least they cannot do anything else harmful to canadians, while corruptly stripping canadians of our rights
@bissetttom1738 Says:
since covid when they had a chance to rule over us forcing us to do their bidding they now view them selves as rulers. the rules no longer apply to them. they got comfortable and cheated and stole tax payer money gave billions to their friends and supporters and think there should be any consequences. hopefully we will now have an election where we can show them they are not rulers and we can have a government that represents the people.
@ironmaiden8450 Says:
And this is how politicians get massive wealthy. Look at Obama and how he screwed the tax payers to become massively wealthy.
@darwinjohnsgaard2321 Says:
Of course this is unbelievable but the hundreds of millions stolen is a drop in the bucket compared to what this liberal government has intentionally done to Canada and Canadians to bring everything to its knees to aid in their WEF/ liberal agenda. Canadians are furious , this will never ever be forgotten.
@Soulventing Says:
The RCMP will never do what is right. Why would they start now? Trudeau owns them and he will never be held to account.. Another open corrupt problem here in Communist Canada. .
@John-u4l9y Says:
As prices rise,,the tax on them goes up too
@John-u4l9y Says:
Beyond shady,,,crimanals
@asmith8947 Says:
This is unacceptable. If the Liberals are hobbled like this then we must have an election.
@John-u4l9y Says:
Islam is invadeing canada as liberals get rich off our resources
@sandroandoes4787 Says:
Will he ever get to answer those accusations? Will he ever go to prison? That's all I want to hear of him from now on!
@jay1645 Says:
Grifter fest is on lol ! In one of the hearings think heard a WB saying the gov has a list of "outside consultants" who get a contract to clean up the mess like STDC e.g a report saying nothing much to see here and some recos. to improve processes ! Also chatter that Loblaws working on PP as the bread price fixing case still in court lol ! We are one of the few countries that does not have an anti corruption bureau only AG / RCMP ... guess Libs / Torys will not want to fix that lol
@richierich440007 Says:
Trudeau MUST GO —— to PRISON ASAP ⏰⏰⏰
@danyarwood1432 Says:
Name the traitors in the HOC, Call the election, and jail trudeau and try him for treason!!! FJT!!! FCG!!!
@claudetteplante9381 Says:
We have suffered enough,we want our country back capiche!One very concerned grandmother for our grandkids!Trudeau is a massive incompetent so called leader!
@claudetteplante9381 Says:
This is a crime against We the people,Canadians!We want justice!A repeat of The Nuremberg trial!We have been experienced the
@paulhofer1794 Says:
Trudeau must resign
@patriciabowman31 Says:
Put the governance of public office into trusteeship and have INDEPENT INVESTIGATIONS of all matters of our government and officials then independent tribunals. All political officials investigated and tried. Canada has had a COUP by any definition. Take back Canada time.
@royallan3717 Says:
We all know what has been happening and it’s time to stop it.good luck Canada
@allenfullerton6693 Says:
Is trudeau above the law ?????
@allenfullerton6693 Says:
He needs too be Removed out of Parlaiment hill !
@winterdock Says:
The liberals are just now discovering they are a minority government
@nicolelaferriere6193 Says:
Karina needs to be imprisoned also...
@nicolelaferriere6193 Says:
Prorogue parliament until November...we want the Bloc to also vote non confidence
@nicolelaferriere6193 Says:
Why that dumb jacka$$ was allowed to leave canada to go to France is beyond me...
@conway2121 Says:
Gould aught to be ashamed of herself, That women is completely incompetent, Only thing she seems to be good at is breastfeeding right in the house women is pathetic.
@ybaberat Says:
We as Canadians have known this for a while why does it take so long to get to this point??
@mattmann7076 Says:
@donettegroves1165 Says:
All liberal MPs should also have their pay checks frozen as well. No work no pay.
@420cheech Says:
Election NOW !!!!
@michaelcurrie4843 Says:
This explains his net worth of Blow your bag off $100 million Of taxpayers money heand the Rest of the libranos , are as bent as a dogs back leg.
@michaelcurrie4843 Says:
Are we sure its not the demands Of the bloc? Blocked
@beezee7691 Says:
your channel getting gross

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