Dock Worker Strike ENDS With HUGE Pay Increase... But It's NOT Over!
Dock Worker Strike ENDS With HUGE Pay Increase... But It's NOT Over!



@jeffrothenberger6608 Says:
Mexico is where they are planning to build the new canal. It will be brought north from there. The Bluetooth technology soon to arrive will bring everythingto a giant warehouse on the outskirts of your closet city to be distributed locally from there. Maybe you have seen theat type of building happening near you. Automation was what happened to the American auto workers
@teresacroft7409 Says:
Stock up NOW on personals and food. Better safe than short.
@teresacroft7409 Says:
Remember the personal item and some food shortages during COVID?? Well we've now got 15+ MILLION illegals to compete with now. NOT a good thing
@DiogenesDworkinson Says:
Still not even gonna cover inflation.
@TheRealKrillin Says:
39 dollars an hour is more than enough if you can spend it wisely.
@anthonythomas5054 Says:
If they didn’t pay the outrageous union dues they wouldn’t need a raise.
@DecalGuy77 Says:
62%???? Holy crap, these guys are greedy as F. This is one of the only jobs I'll be happy when it gets automated.
@kananisha Says:
I think they were pressured but the needs of hurricane victims
@Eric-cz3ij Says:
What a shit show. It’s a dirty, corrupt, greedy business that sadly seems pervasive these days. There’s a line between fairness and extortion. Guess what? Most of us are struggling out here, who don’t get anywhere near 62% pay increases. This sense of entitlement and wage/market manipulation is just going to feed into our already spiraling inflation. Fact.
@derekderekison3241 Says:
Am i the only one who is concerned when these Longshoremen are all replaced by robots and the power goes out we will have no one who is able to do this job?
@secondthought2320 Says:
Paper products are manufactured here in the United States.
@CaptainJess1994 Says:
The media is not going to tell us the real reason those workers went on strike: there were screaming children in those crates! This wasn't about wages but about child trafficking.
@chadh7005 Says:
Unions kill their jobs, buy costing too much, and cry too much.
@gregorybaldwin1658 Says:
Watch the prices of goods go even higher now.😮
@TheeRocker Says:
The thing with automation is, it can be hacked,,, Anything with a program (computer) can be hacked. People are less likely to be hacked, no computer lol.
@TheeRocker Says:
Just another division between Americans... The majority of us do not have Union to halt the lives of others so they pay more... Thier Wage increase will be paid for by them increasing shipping costs, and they will tag on a profit to it as well... Just driving the cost of goods up even higher. All bad just like Obama's Biden Harris Administration claim companies are price gouging, yet they've done NOTTA !!!
@chadh7005 Says:
Delete the unions they just make everything cost too much, and the ports aren't even in the top 50 best ports.... are they going to work more for that money? I highly doubt it....
@billieunderwood8303 Says:
Thank the union for the next bump in prices at the store. Because of unions, even if Trump lowers inflation, your prices will still go up.
@tgwazu Says:
Toilet paper is made domestically, thus unaffected by the docks, yet panicking people have cleared out the TP shelves at grocery stores.
@HSDarke Says:
Anthony, they make six figures due to the overtime of 18 hr days. you sound like a democract quoting inflation statistics. Google their hourly wage yourself for Christ's sake.
@AEStudt Says:
It's not over postponed until Jan 15
@nickcollins5653 Says:
ill do the job for $34hr
@Logan_Wolf_Online Says:
What I find ironic about the whole thing is they are claiming it is for a noble reason like protecting the dock workers from being replaced by machines. And in the same breath they are demanding more money on top of an already decent salary. So, if companies can purchase or lease machines to do the job more efficiently, safer, and for less of the cost, how is demanding more money helping you keep your jobs?
@bobstupaksvegasworld4098 Says:
Their pay increase equals a price increase for the consumer. Yay.
@mywifesboyfriend5558 Says:
As someone who has done factory and warehouse work most of my life, I can tell you automation is coming. The only thing we would be useful for is polishing the robots when that time comes. Unions will become a thing of the past. That said, most workers won't allow that. They will sabatoge equipment, destroy the robots, set fire to goods, etc. Steps will be taken to stop that, and a trade/ worker revolt /war will happen. It will get ugly. Think about it. What would you do to feed your family when desperate times hit? I'm telling you now, it will happen. Watch.
@xkhaoticgamingx9684 Says:
F these union workers they are lazy bums Don’t deserve that much
@cs4201 Says:
These (majority)port workers make 6 figures because they work a sh** ton of OT hours. Period.
@vintagespeed Says:
why is the 'hard path' so difficult? cuz it's worth it. 👍
@Vulpine407 Says:
If I understood this correctly (please correct me if I'm wrong on some details) -the average dock worker was making approximately 80K per year. They were offered a 50% increase, so about 120K per year. And they turned that down. A lot of non-professional people have to get by on less than half of what those workers earned before the pay increase offer. I sure know that if I had been making that money, and offered a 50% raise, I would have been extremely grateful.
Unions = legal extortion. The greedy unions and their greedy workers are the reason why companies move off shore. "Right to work" states don't have to eat union extortion bullshit.
@firemasterx23 Says:
the least effecient ports in the world got a huge raise lol
@jtc1947 Says:
I wonder how many people got really mad about the "FAT CAT saying, "I WILL CRIPPLE AMERICA!" ???
@lauramiller6294 Says:
A Walmart worker told me toilet paper is made in the USA and that he didn't understand people buying toilet paper but I said it's because people still remember Covid and the shortages then.
@JamesAllen-xk8bc Says:
I was all for the fight against automation. I believe 90 percent of existing jobs could be automated. But what kind of economy would that create? But the dock workers are already well paid. They lost me there.
@ctrlaltdel138 Says:
1/3 of these employees made over 200,000 dollars a year with extra shifts. Now they get a 62% pay raise? Crazy.
@rodneyarmstrong3813 Says:
ABL this is just the beginning of horrible times coming to America, you haven't seen anything yet. And you are already complaining about people stocking up on toilet paper. There will be mother's so hungry they will eat the flesh of their own children to survive.
@AmazingStoryDewd Says:
Underwater welding really pays well because the morality rate is high compared to most jobs. I already taught myself business skills and learning engineering. Hands on skills can be learned on your own time. Ive had a blue collar job ... never again
@carolynjones4663 Says:
When I first moved to Delaware from midwest, I was amazed how TP disappeared from the shelves when snow was in the forecast. Never understood the thinking then or now. I keep backups of everything and stock basics yearround. Save my panic mode for other things.🙃😂
@flpolskiskifl8709 Says:
Wipe you butt with water. It's better than smearing it with paper.
@toneymc2674 Says:
I have a feeling the Democrats plan on stealing the election then making the illegals citizens then hire them as they fire these greedy aholes.
@knightofdarknes87 Says:
Lets not forget they are not the Welders, pipefitters, skilled tradesman. Surgeons get paid less to save your life. Only the crane operator and the truck driver are needed. These dockworkers are also the reason your goods are so expensive. Low Education Job. Getting paid more than the actual poeple who build and fix this world
@noelvoss6744 Says:
Those folks are greedy, I think this will spell the death knell for shipping. McDonald's has shown that automation works over hiring people.
@binkwood Says:
These labor unions aren't doing right by their members. Members are easily lured by a big raise but don't realize they are much more likely to lose their jobs in exchange for their raises. I get that these companies are making record profits but it's naive to expect them to share that with employees. When companies that are making record profits are forced to spend substantially on wages that incentivizes them to cut the number of employees through automation. What that accomplishes is; less people making more money (and in most cases work load going way up). The same thing is happening right now in the auto industry, the UAW demanded crazy wage increases for employees rather than negotiating a more modest raises BUT negotiating to avoid layoffs and plant shut downs. A large percentage of these dock workers will never keep their jobs long enough to see $63 an hour, short term greed will bite them in the ass.
The only thing they proved is why automation is so important.
@BrianSimmons-c3n Says:
Over paid bums , they ain’t worth that
@kkampy4052 Says:
Therein lies the biggest problem with unions. They all got a raise regardless of whatever they put out at their job. Maybe if they rewarded excellent Behavior with pay raises instead of just handing them out for nothing then we might get a more efficient Union and better products
@tayloralexis1504 Says:
They were already paid extremely well... Abolish all unions... All of them
@bprosperie Says:
Great news on the strike ending, Daggit, the hero won 50,000 people better wages to feed their families, at very minimal expense to the economy or the employers. These dock workers doing 90-100 hour weeks making nearly $15/hr will be much better off. The media tried to paint him as greedy for wanting better for his fellow hardworking blue-collar Americans, but we all knew better. Those of us who see passed the media propaganda know this is a win for humankind.
@Yvette...24FM Says:
they already made alot of money
@QueensWino Says:
Aaaand...this kind of pay increase will not help inflation...forgive me for stating the obvious.

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