Right Wingers Foam At The Mouth Over NEW Conspiracy Theory
Right Wingers Foam At The Mouth Over NEW Conspiracy Theory



@protosonic17 Says:
You don’t have to convince me. I'm already voting for her.
@mambojazz1 Says:
You guys are confused about why republicans think Biden would go after a democratic mayor Eric Adams because you forget Trump attacks republicans🤣! Its all projection.
@brianbrodkorb45 Says:
Why would Henry Cuellar take $$ from Azerbaijan -- they don't HAVE ANY!
@LowIQHarris Says:
They came after him because he was pissed about the illegals like we all should be pissed about the illegals almost a trillion dollars we should all be pissed off and going nuts in this country but we're too fat and lazy to care.
@LowIQHarris Says:
The countries in the gutter and the right is conspiracy clowns .. almost a trillion dollars for illegal to live here billions and billions from world War and killing.. can you bastards keep going after these people for no reason when they tell the truth. Talk about the real issues people. You're a bunch of frauds
@question-question Says:
You think the DNC is incapable of doing this type of lawfare? It was done to Jill Stein who was 'investigated' as being a foreign agent. Or how about how they usurped the primaries to eliminate chsllengers to Biden. GTFOH...
@duncanyourmate2433 Says:
Ex Sky News (Murdoch) from Oz , claim to fame , 3 part , (90) mins of how covid was leaked via lab deliberately ,
@bridaguy Says:
Now back to Left wingers losing it 🤣
@laryjohnson5736 Says:
Even a blind man can see that mayor cletus is in trouble because he refused to take a hint like brandon did.
@AtPlay22 Says:
Democratic NYC Mayor taking bribes and funding, somehow this is the republicans fault. Politicians and Pundants all deserve to be locked up for propaganda and violating oaths sworn in office and violating the oath of integrity as press.
@jjreider8668 Says:
New sponsorship! Insta-bul!
@Caitlin-c5o Says:
Did he..?
@MarkCletus Says:
Vance called Trump Hitler, openly lies about democrats supporting abortion up to the moment of birth, calls a pregnancy from rape an inconvenience, and lied about Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear saying he said he wished for a member of his family to get raped knowing he was referring to him having to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. Regarding his military service and the stolen valor accusations of Walz, it's nonsense. Vance wasn’t asked to "serve" in that ill-conceived war, he didn’t have a choice. JD served in public affairs rather than on the front lines. As a junior enlisted Marine at the start of the Global War on Terror (GWOT), his options were to deploy as ordered or face a Court Martial for desertion, dereliction of duty, and other charges, potentially landing him in Leavenworth at the USDB. Walz was close to retirement when 9/11 happened but delayed it for another four years. As a Command Sergeant Major, he wasn't going to be out on patrol; he was focused on performing the high-level duties expected of someone at the E9 rank. If there had been a significant need, he could have been placed under “stop loss” and prevented from retiring. At his age he was eligible to retire which is the typical retirement age that is a common decision for many, but more notably, he retired to run for Congress on a platform focused on ending the war. He campaigned by highlighting the devastation caused by the war and later voted to bring all troops home within 90 days. He could have retired earlier but he stayed in longer. He submitted his paperwork for his Congressional run in early 2005. A few months later he submitted his paperwork for retirement, a few months after that is when the deployment orders to go to Iraq for his Battalion came out so he didn't know in early 2005. Later that year there would be deployment orders. Trump is a literal draft Dodger. He avoided service in the Vietnam War through student and medical deferments. He said he got a medical deferment for a bone spur in a foot but couldn't remember which foot. When he talked about it in 2015 he reportedly called soldiers who died in war suckers and losers and he also called his sex life in the 80s his own personal Vietnam. Contrary to the right wing media lies and propaganda there is no policy requiring tampons in boys' bathrooms; instead, the law provides menstrual products in gender-neutral and girls' bathrooms. Democrats are never advocating for switching genders to those who do not want to. Consider this: Would you prefer being with a person who you dont know what is like on the inside because they are keeping it a secret? They will feel comfortable with who they are and you get to know what they are really like.
@MarkCletus Says:
Trump supporters have attacked figures like Nancy Pelosi's husband, an incident Trump later mocked, and even attempted to kidnap a Democratic governor after Trump publicly criticized her. Despite this, the claim is that Biden and Harris have been the true instigators of violence. Trump has encouraged and laughed at violent actions from his side numerous times. When he warns people about danger, he’s only concerned when it affects him. He jokes about Pelosi's husband being attacked with a hammer but takes offense if anything happens to him, showing clear hypocrisy in his reactions to political violence. Trump tweeted that Pence "didn't have the courage to do what should have been done" to stop the certification of the election. Which in 60 court cases later, failed to provide any evidence. Making Trump and the GOP the biggest threat to American democracy in modern US history. After Donald Trump learned that his supporters were chanting "Hang Mike Pence" during the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified that Trump showed indifference or even approval. According to Hutchinson, Trump reportedly said, "He doesn’t think they’re doing anything wrong" and expressed that Pence "deserved it." When told that his supporters were armed, Trump allegedly said, “They’re not here to hurt me,” further fueling concern about his stance on the mob’s actions. Most acts of terror in the US are caused by right wingers. Something the right wing media makes sure to not inform its viewers to distract them for the corporate elite.
@MarkCletus Says:
There's a man that engaged in an insurrection…. do you approve? And SCOTUS delays There is a man in New York that tried to hide his past before an election ... do you approve? Convicted on 34 counts There's a man that rapes a woman and molests others... do you approve? Adjudicated $92 mil What if a man keeps secret sensitive files in unsecured ways.... do you approve? And his judge delays indefinitely What if a man conspires to steal votes... do you approve? 4/19 plead guilty What if a man cooks the books and steals from the people... do you approve? Adjudicated $463 mil These are just 6 undisputed questions. Is this the type of person you will support at the sake of losing your own respect? Drumpf: three times this year he has been adjudicated as a sex offender, company fraudster, and now faces 34 class E felony charges with up to 4 years in jail for falsifying records to cover up his infidelities prior to the 2016 elections that may have changed the result of who would be president of the United States of America! So much for election integrity. 2016 election campaign: five of Drumpf's staff were found guilty of crimes that were used to help Drumpf become president, only to have Drumpf pardon them. 2020 election campaign: five of Drumpf's staff have pleaded guilty to their part in trying illegally to change the outcome of the election, and nearly 55 more people have been indicted in five states for their part in trying to overturn the election with the fake electors. In business: his personal lawyer was found guilty of crimes related to the 2016 election. The CFO of Trump Co. was found guilty of financial crimes in the company's name and has been to prison twice due to these. The GOP contender for president has announced that in the event that a delinquent NATO country gets invaded by Russia, he "would encourage them to do whatever they like." Article 5 has only been used once, and that was after the September 11 attack on the USA. Is this the true "Manchurian candidate" via the Kremlin? FAKE NEWS has found its father, Mr. Pecker of the "National Enquirer," and Donald Drumpf is its GODFATHER. I wonder what Daddy and Granddaddy would say about their prodigy turning their name into a term that will go down in history as rich people begging; let's call it "TRUMPING FOR MONEY." I think Little Donald, going by his latest rallies, must be using "Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo" to hype himself up with before the rallies, what do you think? Not that this has anything to do with the election (he is not a politician) or the computer from hell, but for the record, Hunter Biden was found guilty of three felony counts regarding his 2nd amendment by misreporting on a firearm license. 05/23/24: US Inflation Rate is at 3.36%, compared to 3.48% last month and 4.93% last year. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2024, January 2020 2.5%. The U.S. job market expanded in April for the 40th consecutive month, but at a slower pace. 175,000 new jobs were added in April, unemployment rate 3.7%, May 272,000 nearly 100,000 over expectation, January 2020 2.5%. The Dow posted its all-time high during trading on May 16, 2024, reaching a peak of 40,051.05 points making 401k higher, under Trump on January 2020 28,600. The reason you feel poor is that Drumpf and Lara at the GOP keep asking for your last dollar.
@jssamp4442 Says:
Reporters like this clown, Miranda Devine, with her rumors, feelings, and hunches replacing the facts that reporters used to work to uncover, are another reason for the demise of print media. Merging into monopoly is the biggest reason, but dumb, lazy reporters like her aren't helping.
@mahansolo108 Says:
Charlie Kirk looks like Butthead
@brettg4248 Says:
The woman at 10:30 works for Sky, Rupert's propagandists in Australia. They're despicable. Climate deniers, etc. On par with the worst of Fox News "pundits" in the US.
@SnarkyMalarkey-n4p Says:
TYT sucks
@xtscarfacem8255 Says:
Republicans, yall are just weirdos
@jub6432 Says:
They HAVE to be on Adams' side, because if they weren't, they'd have to admit that the DOJ isn't actually being weaponized
@Adangaras Says:
*Any name that starts or ends with a name "Devine" must take something with a grain of salt!*
@vPeteWalker Says:
"I have no proof of this" says it all.
@brendanshea2246 Says:
I have no proof that ______________(fill in the blank) is a servant of Satan, but everyone is saying that, so it must be true. God help us.
@Spermstain_657XD Says:
L. 🤡 🤓 🫏 🏳️‍🌈😭💀💩🤥👁️🖕
@990mustang Says:
Democrats hate facts and are willing to imprison the people who question them.
@Lastpatriotshope23 Says:
C'mon man..if Adams was cooperating with the immigrant invasion and replacement plan.. He would be top dog. Full on media worship for Adams
@TheAndysim66 Says:
Is Adam’s a right winger? He started it.
@xgronox Says:
Never thought id see miranda divine on here. Unfortunately shes a conservative "reporter" and murdoch sycophant from australia. Absolute bottom of the barrel person who im sure only spouted that nonsense to gain appeal in the US.
@ASaund-qb6wy Says:
They're literally using that "the fact that it makes sense really makes you think" argument about shit that is wrong otherwise.
@t3tsuyaguy1 Says:
This tracks. If the FBI is enforcing the law against sitting Democratic officials, the narrative that Trump is being targetted politically is undermined. Claiming the prosecution of Democrats is also somehow political, is really the only move, that doesn't involve admitting the truth.
@Matthew-c6v Says:
I hate conspiracy theories! I can't wait for the Left to stop conspiring.
@Lzzeb Says:
Eric Adams frauds just like Trump, so they identify with him.
@carnegieblack1609 Says:
"Democrats would never attack their own. It's inconceivable!" - Katie Porter 😂 #independentme
@interiorattack8331 Says:
Most inaccurate channel on YouTube full of crybaby Karen’s 😂😂
@ChrisRosenberg-p1s Says:
If a politician is indicted on something, it goes without saying that it is politically motivated. They aren't going after one of their own and risking the drama, bad headlines etc. if there isn't something considerable in it for them.
@tsunami2447 Says:
They have attempted to kill Trump twice. If anyone has the right to be a conspiracy theorist, it's Trump. Are you forgetting that Trump has been near assasinated twice?
@brettt141 Says:
We know its true. Stay in line with the Democrats or you face the DoJ. How much evidence do you need before you admit the DoJ is a democrat attack dog. Tyt always falls in line with the Democrats just in time for the election. They pretend to be rebels, but are really just nice little puppies that do what mommy says
@Phoenix-m7t Says:
tRump shitz his pants and that's no conspiracy.
@lordsoros627 Says:
Where is my cat?
@lordsoros627 Says:
The Geneva Conventions ban, among other exotic things, weather based weapons, geo stationary weapons and lasers ie SPACE LASERS! MTG/Alex Jones: 1 Media/leftists: 0
@chato12377 Says:
So is it not possible that this "conspiracy theory" is right?
@searchandsave142 Says:
Conservatives love Trash tabloid gossip just as trump loves the national inquirer and David Pecker. Falling for cons is their best attribute for it identifies who they are. Too bad the Dems can’t create a conspiracy that Republican law makers would get passionate about so they’d make a positive law that would improve things. Hey did you hear that making a law to protect kids from gun violence is being blocked because Alien gangs from outer space are trying to take over America, it’s all over the internet and the government is trying to cover it up. Come on Republicans pass universal background check laws and stop the secret alien invasion.
@AntiGlobalist-o1s Says:
Democrats, and the UN's number 1 goal above all others....mass immigration into Europe and America. Anyone that speaks against that....will be indicted for something. Those are just facts.
@searchandsave142 Says:
Conservatives love Trash tabloid gossip just as trump loves the national inquirer and David Pecker. Falling for cons is their best attribute for it identifies their weaknesses Too bad the Dems can’t create a conspiracy that Republican law makers would get passionate about that they’d actually make a positive law that would improve things Hey did you hear that making a law to protect kids from gun violence is being blocked because Alien gangs from outer space are trying to take over America, it’s all over the internet and the government is trying to cover it up. Come on Republicans pass universal background check laws and stop the new alien invasion.
@jamesfrank3213 Says:
Jesse Watters likely roofied a lot of women in college...
@mannygutierrez7654 Says:
Can't wait to watch Mayor Adams' right wing shift 😂 His "I didn't leave the Democrat party the Democrat party left me" speech is incoming lol
@OnRoadsLessTraveled Says:
lol Mark 3:25-26
@NoName-cn3cp Says:
He's so foolish. He should have served on the Supreme Court and he would have been ok.
@Averagetim Says:
Have no proof of this. But I think JD Vance had an affair with a sofa. .. and an ottoman !

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