Donald Trump just won the 2024 election.
Donald Trump just won the 2024 election.



@forsetigodofjusticeexcelle7506 Says:
Still go out and vote, but we still need to acknowledge that the cheating still happened in 2020, it will happen again. I know it's forbidden knowledge that americans aren't allowed to admit noticing and absolutely can't discuss. But it still happened, they printed fake ballots, sent the volunteer counters home, dropped off the fraud ballots, massive spikes for democrats, loads of cases caught on camera with audio. With all that's happened, it's not plausible that Trump loses, but you are dealing with a criminal oligarchy who have a history of cheating and murder, you don't fairly vote out of that.
@MossyRock-g9i Says:
Don't be a fool!!!!! Remember who you are dealing with—these people start wars, overthrow governments, and liquidate leaders on a whim. It would be quite the strategy to get MAGA to become overconfident and let down their guard.
@InheritorIX Says:
If he wins then I guess I’ll sign another contract with the army
@revengeneutral8164 Says:
No, he didn't. Get out there and vote people. Vote Trump 2024!
@robertortega385 Says:
The Joe Biden build back better plan wars illegal immigration higher Taxes higher energy Bill's higher interest rate on your loan and mortgage higher food prices and let's not forget higher gasoline prices thanks to the build back better shutting down our own energy independence wow some buildings back better plan looking like the American taxpayers are getting the royal treatment even the seniors and the low income citizens are enjoying the Joe Biden plan
@jwright6059 Says:
Trum supports a communist
@genuinsanity Says:
@derekpotter4418 Says:
Let’s pull together. VOTE for what you believe! May the correct people win. Now or later. Justice is served for everyone. Let the people VOTE!
@johnnysmokes9145 Says:
Trump is putting on a good show cool 😅
@theswampfisher3253 Says:
I don’t think Ukraine wants to stop this war that’s why he was so terminated with Donald Trump because he had more of a smile on his face with Kamala Harris because he they get money from us
@latanyasolomon4981 Says:
That's right on the back of our children fighting on the backs of our child Souls
@latanyasolomon4981 Says:
He is our president to me and it seemed like the left wing wants this war to continue and continue
@dodgethis12 Says:
Stop writing headlines like this, people gonna think they don’t have to go vote, and let the Dems steal another one. Try this headline “ Trump can win the election if you go vote”.
@travisr9256 Says:
You guys are in the wrong fight. Trump had this election in the bag in 2020 and lost to election fraud. Now a lot of loop holes have been closed in some states but now they're registering illegal immigrants to vote and casting a mail-in ballot for them. Just this week in AZ, it was shown that 215,000 immigrants were registered to vote without proof of citizenship and they won't do anything about it. We are either going to dodge a bullet by presenting overwhelming numbers to vote for Trump to undo their rigging of the election or we're going to have to have a revolution to overthrow the globalists who are stealing our country. Be prepared.
@joebidenisnotmypresident7758 Says:
Democrats don't want this war to end because they are making millions of dollars by money laundry through Ukraine war. There goes Trump again taking away their millions of dollars of money laundry.
@williamdevito7253 Says:
trump won nothing yet. i dont wanna hear it. lets vote him in again,then say he won
@same_ole_lemonz4195 Says:
Ok, so have Zelenskyy forward the 9 bil to the people in N Caroline who were just told they could have $750 to survive on now that they have lost everything. What is going on here? How does this admin figure they can do this to US citizens just like the ones in Hawaii. It's a slap in the face.
@Hespeakstruth Says:
But the military contractors want it to go on.
@CosmopolitanFools Says:
Fair or not ..... Vladimir Putin has ALL THE POWER, ALL THE CHOICE & screw a despot, criminal Zelinsky "plan" ... he who banished the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Zelinsky a Russian jew who had to learn Ukrainian language - then an activated IA plant) & in Luhansk & Donbas murdered 40,000+ Russian identified citizens. ussia's Peace Plan? Ceasefire, then Zelensky's resignation & interim Ukrainian government to rule, NO NATO - EVER, Ukraine to be a neutral & demilitarized nation with 1 Russian General in the Defense Department to ensure compliance, de-Nazification of Ukraine, Russian seized & occupied lands integrated into Russia - Luhansk, Donbas, & Crimea (already citizen voted & UN overseen as fair but U.S. not recognizing). IF Ukraine is not demilitarized, Zelinsky out, & never to be NATO turf for IBM silos, more bioweapon labs (last count 27), strictly NEUTRAL. The USA, Western Europe - both are Neocon/Globalist run nations, that woke/Liberal Agenda BS & psy-op brainwashing for Mass-Psychosis ... check "The New World Order", "Agenda 21", & "The Great Reset". Russia MUST remain true to their absolute stance. The USA/EU have lied to & backstabbed Russia already (Minsk 1 & 2) - with sanctions, threats & mockery. Vladimir Putin will do what is BEST for Russia ... so F the U.S. & EU.
I hope people get out there and go vote!
@astronemir Says:
wtf why did I miss this
@Fred-x6z Says:
What about the warmongering Demoncrats and the human trafficking industry? Aren't we offending them? Indict him!
@Fred-x6z Says:
OMG! Impeach Orange Man Bad again, he's going over the head of the U.S military complex led by Obiden!
@garygoldman9429 Says:
My bro. Not hating but saying things like that is exactly why we lose elections
@MavHunter20XX Says:
IT's not over until we can overcome against the cheating factors of the dead, illegal and duplicated votes
@MarcoPolo-nw6lk Says:
Zelensky looks terrified of Trump 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Turbogto_guy Says:
HE JUST WON? HECK YEA! I DIDN"T EVEN NEED TO VOTE! (obviously I'm being sarcastic, YOU SHOULD NOT POST STUFF LIKE THIS!!! People will get complacent!) NEVER count your chickens before they hatch. The democrats will cheat.
@cdratton Says:
Okay, I can see where the title could be better; but people know that the election has not been held yet so obviously Trump cannot make any kind of deals with anyone until then. But I see your point on the title thing.
@cdratton Says:
Actually, Zelenskyy has tried to make peace with Russia several times. Zelenskyy and Russia had a peace deal worked out at one time; but once USA found out, the administration put a stop to that.
@cdratton Says:
@FTDragneeel001 Says:
Do me a favor and don't be a click baiter. He didn't win yet. Are you actually a new age Democrat disguised as a supporter for trom to get more views and subs? Kinda starting to make sense. You are hiding in that hoody picture and it's black
@kleetus92 Says:
I'm surprised Trump didn't slap Zelinsky when he started bitching about Putin.... because he knows that Putin was pushed into it BY OUR INSTALLATION ZELINSKY who is pro NATO and Putin doesn't want NATO on his back door.
@Crux_Riajuu Says:
Whey he said "Putin killed so many people" yeah but you started the war and wanted a blank check from the democrats. Also Putin would have never considered it if they didn't stop his trade (via the NATO interfering crap) so Russia being cut off from trade and then the pipeline got blown up.. We're lucky as hell we don't have nukes being dropped on us!
@ashtonbull5758 Says:
Every time I see the president of Ukraine I just imagined him as an actor and wearing like a gimp suit... Ukraine war once it ends and he spend months and months and months on some yacht that he owns but he doesn't own do to a private corporation.. don't forget that all the young have died and they're sending the old the mentally challenged to die next he's out of options. He's just trying to save face because Trump's going to end the money train
@qmwolfe Says:
Love the video!
@kidlast4154 Says:
Putin has to save's unfortunate, but necessary...
@via_negativa6183 Says:
The idea that anyone on the democrats side thinks Russia is getting defeated without full blown world war 3, if even that is completely insane... You all live in a twisted fantasy world of the democrats Design.
@DanDanNoodls Says:
You need to look into RFK’s videos on the war in Ukraine and why Russia even started it. Would love to see some coverage of why Biden sent 113BB over to the war effort and how it’s actually going to Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street.
@NitrousDragon Says:
It's been said before: "I don't know what weapons will be used for WW3... but sticks and stones will be used in WW4."
@yermanoh Says:
why would the dems and uniparty want the war or any war to stop, how else could they steal billions of taxpayers dollars
@gilbertcouto8537 Says:
Zel is a puppet, see how hes like a little runt next to trump with a frown. The crook is not getting money 💰
@keklord5817 Says:
Dude stop coping, trump ain't the answer, he's another zionist golem, they all are
@Jimmy-qc5lb Says:
Not only is Donald Trump a great leader he is good man. You can see he follows Jesus Christ.
@ringmasterzeke Says:
Either Trump has dirt on that puppet to get him up there or it's all fake.
@billkellyhornswoggletheGreat Says:
You BETTER KISS OUR ASS! Where our MONEY??????????
@billkellyhornswoggletheGreat Says:
But the system has been rigged since before jackson............
@raymondtrinidad-b9b Says:
Citizens, the TRUTH about climate change that the Word leaders do not want you to know about. Earth has these two "NATURAL EVENTS" Ice Ages followed up with Global Warming cycles that happen every 50,000 years for each event. GOD set it up this way so during the Global Warming cycle our earth could produce lush plant speeches 'that enrich our soil so life can flourish but unfortunately microorganisms abound and some of these are very deadly to animals and Mankind, so GOD produced ICE AGES that KILL these harmful organisms which allow us to live and thrive on this beautiful Planet. In short, GLOBAL WARMINGS and ICE AGES have been going on for MILIONS of YEARS and Mankind has had NOTHING to do with or cannot stop either one of these "NATURAL EARTH EVENTS! So, grow up Children and stop listening to the World leaders who only want you to become their SLAVES under a ONE WORLD COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT out of GERMANY.
@DioSfak Says:
Vote! vote! vote! Do Not let the blue get their corrupt fingers through. Countries around the world are LITERALLY relying on red to win so that war isn't at the doorstep. I'm not even kidding, this is information directly from intelligence.
@gorasul12 Says:
Nooooooo 😱 think about poor Nato and EU! how will they be able to keep encouraging war without USA 😢 But nice to see that even Zelensky can see reason eventually and so what IF it could be seen as a surrender, sometimes its better with a good deal surrender then total annihilation 😑
@willischwabe1324 Says:
You are an amazing political commentator, LHM

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