Why Has Depression increased in Gen-Z at Such a High Rate? Watch The Void at Link in Bio.
Why Has Depression increased in Gen-Z at Such a High Rate? Watch The Void at Link in Bio.



@hyacinthlynch843 Says:
Too much social media and very little real-life social interaction.
@mikkelstrmvig3118 Says:
That's why i started playing guitar.
@ddcs0s Says:
If you give a hamster an unlimited amount of food it will eat itself to death ... You created a perfect world where nobody has it nearly as hard as their parents did and you allow them to have access to instant gratification so what are they doing ... eating themselves to death A person must face some amount of adversity they have to have something to work towards ... What's this generation working towards
@callmewes5121 Says:
We all need to unplug the whole world.
@Rabbithole11 Says:
This generation doesn’t know how to make sacrifices. The minute they asked to compromise they act like someone asked them for a kidney. Stop coddling and hovering your children. When they get to adulthood, they don’t know how to make a decision because someone else has always done that for them. They have no endurance and no resilience and that brings about depression in a really bad way.
@bethelshiloh Says:
Help someone else
@droberts7859 Says:
Try Jesus…a life in eternity with no sorrow and no pain! Think long term!
@ndb232 Says:
Source of depression for Gen Z: Faith leaders who turn out to be massive hypocrites.
@meziembamara4004 Says:
Better quality of life? *Inflation of off the charts* ! In '95 I remember buying and egg 🍳 for NGN 5. But in 2024, an egg 🍳 is NGN 500 per one. Also, people's salaries in past 29 years only rose marginally, as compared to geometrical rise of inflation.
@freespeech7747 Says:
Wars make strong men, peace makes weak men, weak men fight in wars……. Repeat
@soulchristen Says:
I saw JBP talk about this the other day. The reality of your life doesnt match the protential of which you know youre capable. Depression. Potential must be converted to kinetic energy to get anywhere in life. This means you have to get off your butt and move in the direction you know you should go (and often feel the most resistance).
@jonnyw82 Says:
Eating too much processed food Addicted to phones and entertainment Not enough time outside Helicopter parenting No spiritual connection Social media Insufficient sleep No sense of purpose Pornography Too much comfort
@MatE-yr5ud Says:
Immediate physical gratification and living for this world will always disappoint because there is no sense of value or meaning. When you rise above it to a higher spiritual calling, you will find true meaning. Christ is calling you, will you pick up.
@themoonsea9893 Says:
Why is there such a big focus on gen z while gen y was rarely observed?
@maness2112 Says:
Diet and doom scrolling.
@toddlee9245 Says:
They don't play outside, and get dirty. They sit in their room and won't take a shower for days and eat crappy food. They can even cook for them selves.
@Jchillerkriller Says:
Life is TOO easy for them so they r weak and they create and imagine problems where there r none.
@wstavis3135 Says:
Because they do not believe in anything outside themselves. If my whole world was me, I'd be miserable, too. I know what goes on inside my head. You're flawed. Accept it. Improve it, and you'll be happier. Ignore or nurture those flaws, and you'll be miserable.
@JS-wy6uw Says:
Depression and other mental illnesses are lauded by society. We have become weak.
@luisr.3855 Says:
That’s what happens when you become your own God but you can’t even tie your shoes
@Couldhavebeensomeone Says:
It doesn't matter what I say, nothing I've ever done has helped anyone. The world has only gotten worse, and most of you profit off the despair
@CarportCarl Says:
GenZ has been brainwashed by social media, taught to reject God. No long term goals
@defendyourclam1682 Says:
Because they all want to be billionaires without effort.
@SalvableRuin Says:
It's not a paradox. Luxury and comfort are not the keys to joy, meaning, or fulfillment. Jesus is.
@jackbutler1038 Says:
Lay off the weed, too…it ain’t helping
@emilyanne3973 Says:
born to athiest parents and raised an athiest i had anxiety early in life amd a complicated mh diagbosis by 22. psych meds caused obesity and diabetes. when trying to put diabetes into remission i also put bipolar into remission and i was able to take charge of my life. one of the first things that happened after was that i begun to believe in God and went on an 18 month journry in which i became a Christian. had to stop eating my healthy diet and do a standard diet for a medical test. within 4 days mh symptoms returned and by day 6 i questioned my belief in God. thabkfully i got back to my low carb and unprocessed (seed oil free) diet and things became more or less normal within another 5 to 7 days. our food is killing us and making us miserable to the point that God does not seem possible.
@bobby4tw Says:
Objectively more developed?? What a lie
@hoghs1 Says:
Ownership..... lowest of all time
@mickallanson9357 Says:
This is what happens when a society kills God and destroys family and creates a world where people have no hope for a life of purpose and meaning
@strivingforheaven Says:
That's easy: they don't believe in God and instead choose to believe that they are cosmic accidents, and that this life is all that there is. They choose to believe this despite the overwhelming evidence in the world and universe around us which indicates quite clearly that God exists. If I thought that I was nothing more than an accident and that there was nothing beyond this life, I'd be depressed, too.
@bakekay21 Says:
Poor Nutrition.
@susanmunoz7688 Says:
My hope is that people hear this and take advantage of the advice, God bless you all.
@meritholdingllc123 Says:
It's it over diagnosed? Or just the mental games and participation trophies?
@santinojozefmiller7721 Says:
The left has ruined it for Gen-Z.

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