Conservative MPs slam Trudeau's broken immigration system
Conservative MPs slam Trudeau's broken immigration system



@RebelNewsOnline Says:
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@jay1645 Says:
Anand and Freeland are the 2 most useless and incompetent gov officials lol
@jay1645 Says:
It's not broken but a scam lol
@fernandosamf1185 Says:
As Environmental impact concernes from , by , Mass immigration : The first to go , forests , fish , soil . Air quality down , wastemanagement over loaded , water shortages & spoilage extrem , ground effect hight lowered , wild animals exterminated , -- example , Ganges River , considered a ' holy sight ' -- its a swere , deffication of canadian beachs with wild fowel destroyed is just a drope in the lake as to what trudeau and his inner circle have coming to Canada. The other factors to consider are garbage every where , it will seem not enough land fill around for a 3rd. World as Canada will be turned into , Farm lands ruined , there's not as much farmlands in Canada as one might think to begin with .IF YOU DO NOT GET RID OF THESE FOOLS CANADA look out . This is not junk science but actuality .
@saraiisleno7527 Says:
The muslim religious beliefs of those people are trying to take over, eventually they will try to have only english and arabic to be taught only in schools and also muslim belief on Canadians, yet we are a country that believes in God (Jesus). When people come to this country, it needs to be done the right way, whether from India, Arab, black, or any other countries.
@VS-ey1lj Says:
Bottom line is that we need to have very tough and strong immigration policies and rules for all Temporary residents!!
@marchadwick Says:
The UN Migration pact was signed by many countries . Designed to flood your country with immigrants that under the agreement you have to pay for them . Why would anyone sign such a agreement ? Solman
@ItsmeSheeila Says:
Please watch End Times Production He found a UN document that explains why this is happening Jaw dropping info !!!
@PaulGarand-zn7yj Says:
They are killing our culture and country sad treason
@AttyNoCase Says:
As an immigrant; I had arrive here as a skilled worker with Permanent resident status visa NOT as an International Student and now I am a Canadian Citizen. I was surprised when heard a news that they seem loosen the system to come here in Canada such as not a requirement for submitting police clearance from the country where came from. It is a failure/big mistake/risk and could or will create a problem.
@maximus.4656 Says:
Drill in background and you can’t drill a concern 🙁. Tone deaf or really deaf .
@Chillmindedpanther13 Says:
Deport. No more coffee pouring, no more top flight security guards of the world who cannot articulate English.
@UnknownCharacter-n9v Says:
The Conservatives will join in with the sh*t talk but they will still let in immigrants too. Always an attack, never a solution
@larrymacdonald4241 Says:
It's not broken, it's the same as it has been for 40 years Liberal* " are you going to vote for us ?? " Immigrant* " yes " Liberal *" OK your in "
@leonlecavalier5524 Says:
There's the former Defence Minister. She could not care less about security and terrorism. Embarrassing and shameful.
@1205DK Says:
Canada has become most favoured nation for criminals and gangsters and other outlaws to seek assylm. Our stupid immigration minister is complicit in a no verification no checks open gate entry system. NGOs, agents, consultants and lawyers coach the illegals what to say to stay in Canada. By allowing so much criminals in Canada, our immigration minister should be investigated and many heads should roll in the immigration department .
@reneprevost2943 Says:
That Anita Anand is a corrupt piece of work.
@OrdinaryCanadian-y6p Says:
Since 2015, there’s been a *massive scam* happening right in front of us in broad daylight, and it’s hurting all of Canada and every single Canadian—men, women, young and old alike. Trudeau’s *open-border mass immigration policy* has nothing to do with genuine diversity but everything to do with creating vote banks to continually keep him in power. This unchecked open-border approach has wreaked havoc. It’s heavily strained the housing market, severely overburdened our healthcare system, drastically suppressed wages, and irreparably damaged our once-pristine environment through overcrowding. If facts and figures are to be believed, this isn’t even about diversity—the mass immigration is heavily tilted towards a single source country, shattering any sense of genuine diversity. These policies have dragged down our overall quality of life and betrayed the values Canada stands for. The facts are clear: this is one of the biggest crimes against our country. IT’S HIGH TIME TO WAKE UP, STAND UP, AND DEMAND BETTER FOR OURSELVES, OUR CHILDREN, AND THE FUTURE OF CANADA!
@SBU292 Says:
Let's slow down this Mass Immigration until we can properly screen people who are coming into our Country
@doug6784 Says:
Wow the Liberals seem to have a stick up their arse, oh wait, Dic-taster Trudeau told them not to talk to Rebel.
@Maddie2u Says:
I'm so over the Liberal Government. So tired of fluffy stuff. In fact, I'm a Canadian for Trump'ism. Alexa is the best, wish all Quebecois were like her.... love how the one guy kept saying 'it was a good question' en about an evasive answer... Your the best Alexa!
@alexsdb9712 Says:
Canada since the late 80s has become the dumping ground of the third world. The truth hurts. Except in the 2000s is when it become an outright onslaught and just a free for all with no standards. Look at today, the FOREIGN and inferior practices by many on the roads in places where these "shouldn't be heres" are found. Here's the thing: if any of these foreigners with foreign road practices ever ever harm or God forbid worse than that to long-timer Canadians especially Canadian-borns, the blood is on the hands of those in the provincial halls and at the hill in Ottawa. Send the bill to them, they wanted these mass third world immigrants in here. It's on them.
@betharris633 Says:
Well spoken. This man is the kind of Canadian that made our nation so wonderful.
@Nicolas-Kage Says:
Before the liberals etc attack you guys, what was it last I checked.. something around 1200+ illegally immigrating from Canada to the USA who were plotting terrorist attacks? These people are in our country, so maybe worrying about rebel news is bullshit.
@sean367 Says:
Make them do two years in the army
@ArielsSky Says:
For years and years and years, immigrants came to Canada for the Canadian Canada is a NIGHTMARE!!!
@ericyeh1552 Says:
Go Hallan ~
@rd9973 Says:
Typical liberal, nothing to say about the mess happening in our country.
@Joe-c3w5u Says:
The sight of Annand makes me sick to my stomach 🤬
@Spider-g4z Says:
There you have it, turbantor soeaks
@carollehince8472 Says:
Pierre for PM 🇨🇦
@carollehince8472 Says:
Anita Arnaud she can not handle to answer a question she’s corrupt ‘
@margbattyanyi8469 Says:
Great reporting!!
@jeremythornton6090 Says:
So explain to me again why people voted for Trudeau? Do they actually like his policies and the way the country is now?
@D33Lux Says:
Our damn taxes are paying the salary for these sacks of crap politicians, they should be held accountable for aiding and abetting the terrorist and criminals they let in. Pox on them!
@SuperLuckyTa Says:
Can anyone explain to me why the conservative party of Parliament ALWAYS answers questions while the Liberal party turns away and pretends to be in a hurry??
@iamwesterncanadian570 Says:
The story is. What are we to do with these liberals after their kicked out of government, just let ride off into the sun set.
@VitoAnthonyD.-ow7oo Says:
They have given Canada and all our resources away to absolute strangers.
@HerculesCDN Says:
Kudos to the conservative MPs for stopping to talk to rebel news. Rude liberals won't give Canadians the time of day.
@artsy0930 Says:
Continué pose les dur question M Lavoia!
@beezee7691 Says:
Lavoix don't feel bad Anand neglected you
@beezee7691 Says:
Not just to terrorists
@Cali736 Says:
All by design🎉
@Joshua-hz8pm Says:
My former country, (A third world country) that I immigrated from to Canada, now stopped accepting Canadians coming for Tourism , they won't even let me enter with a Canadian passport. Reason stated: A lot of terrori*sts come to my former country from Canada. Let that sink in. This is how bad it has become.
@SunnyR-yi9te Says:
very good video .need to check backround Worse PM of Canada justin T . never vote NDP LIBERALS. A student visa is back door entry for criminals & GANGSTER
@Some826 Says:
Stop bringing in all new comers until Canadians can find work and jobs

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