Australian Speech Is UNDER ATTACK! A Very Important Video.
Australian Speech Is UNDER ATTACK! A Very Important Video.



@BearingBear Says:
Make a submission now at
@maxschuster1209 Says:
Strange thing is, that the free western democracies need to cut down free speech....
@TheNakedWombat Says:
While I agree that there needs to be criminalisation of disinformation seeking to cause harm, this Bill is horrific. It does not apply to MSM. It does not apply to politicians and political parties. It's very suspicious. Also, there is the restrictions of dissent created by the SA Labor Government and now the NSW Labor Government is moving to heavily restrict the right to protest.
@bdmenne Says:
“The Left could nEvEr be the baddies.” 🥴🤮
@bdmenne Says:
The Left are the “Fash” they Fear.
@samsalin Says:
The usual suspects at it again
@williambiggs9752 Says:
This is disgusting and why you don’t give up your guns
@williambiggs9752 Says:
Absolutely fascism
@druidpapi Says:
Literally a law that says "the government can lie to you, but you can't lie to the government"
@Pantherrrr Says:
Typical Youtube, I'm only just now seeing this video as recommended
@rumpleforeskin5064 Says:
Wow they stripped you guys of your arms then they intrude on your speech, tell you what is real and what is "misinformation. I wish I saw this a few days ago in September.
@marshallhuffer4713 Says:
Hate speech is speech they hate.
@Willox00 Says:
Classic.. didn't watch this until October 5th..
@jaysgamesroom4853 Says:
Country is shagged mate, we say the Americans are fucked but they are just aware of things.
@Dapryor Says:
Once your speech is limited, you’re fucked. It’ll come for the US eventually too but we have a society that will heavily push back.
@IggyTthunders Says:
The crisis isn't that the bill is "undemocratic". Frankly, if Australia were more of a federal republic, its States would just refuse to send their diplomats and no forum could be seated to vote; forcing a compromise. No, democracy is a Ponzi scheme to free the 51% by enslaving the 49. No, the crisis, and it's absolutely a crisis, is that bullshit bill oozes authoritarian intent. Any time a politician demands your complicity "because I said so!", no appeals to shared values through the transparent pursuit of facts through reason, they're evil, plain and simple. The Australian deep state is all but howling, with this latest salvo against human rights, 'Don't believe your lying eyes!' The politician's gnosis matters more than the eye of the citizen's camera unblinking, unedited, uploaded for free and subject to public scrutiny. That bill will never apply to the "disinformation" they spam through their alphabet agencies, just to catfish dissidents into committing terrorism to justify some bureaucrats' fucking cousin's paycheck. The rage bait the feds bitch about is a hydra of their own construction: and they know it!
@stuartgreves312 Says:
news outlets, education institutions and the government are already covered by other acts, but im sure you know that as your so well informed. your also not understanding the difference between opinion, which your really worried about them censoring, and mis and disinformation, both of which are well defined, but again im sure you know this already as you did all the research before making your OPINION piece
@whiterabit09 Says:
Notice the rise of channels promoting plan b countries for people that want to leave the west? 5 star tax price, 3 star freedom and governance
@user-su5lo8hr3c Says:
Nar felon musk they are communists pretending to be your friends😢australia is a soft Communist country 😢
@brodomagee7941 Says:
Dang wish I saw this sooner... Did anyone see that the bogan instagram page is banned in Canada as they've deemed it a news outlet and doesn't align with their laws ? Thatll happen here...
@thelilredhead7005 Says:
Im sorry this is happening to you guys over there. That's really fucked up.
@AlgoSurfer Says:
Will the government arrest them selves for the Disinformation during the last 5 years?
@b.calvinsaul1909 Says:
Fck. I'm watching this on October 1st.
@b.calvinsaul1909 Says:
The Australian government is guilty of far more mis- and dis-information that any other organization or outlet in Australia.
@christophersadri6464 Says:
It's to stop idiots spreading propaganda that things like the Covid vaccine were bad for you. The problem is the laws too ambiguous and can be used at this panels' discretion.
@p3189 Says:
Watching this on 2ed oct…😅
@Soulkeeper-tv8re Says:
I'm already shadow banned
@wizard2755 Says:
Dammit I’m a day late fk!! Anyway no law will stop me voicing my opinion
@wizard2755 Says:
Can’t wait for the next election, auntie Pauline all the way!
@animechan4361 Says:
The misinformation bill is very misleading and full of misinformation
@andrevaughan5646 Says:
"Misinformation" is just information that might "offend people" or "hurt people's feelings".
@cpater5397 Says:
When will we know if it passes?
@thinadlamini4671 Says:
Only totalitarians censor speech they don't like. 🚶🏾‍♀️
@alexfagyas9342 Says:
How about Albanese government misinformed Australian peoples about the covid vaccine and indigenous voice referendum. Albanese government deceived all Australians peoples and even now Albanese government does misinform and disinform Australians peoples about their laws and regulations. Albanese government wants Australia to become communism country and they copying China's comunism regulations and laws. SHAME ON ALBANESE AND HIS GOVERNMENT !!!!!!
@jeffmcintyre2091 Says:
Ozzy suck😂
@jeffmcintyre2091 Says:
Corrupt ozzys suck with they take from everyone😂
@bvon5630 Says:
Satan hates freedom of speech
@bvon5630 Says:
@feuryie Says:
wether it's europe, the us or australia it's all about our 'leaders' wanting to become dictators able to punish you for 'wrongthink'. and that's all these people are, dictators. plane and simple
@ShaawtyB Says:
Fuck. I'm one day late for a submission. This bill needs to fuck right off.
@deadshotbrahgaming786 Says:
Actual fascism
@bolster101 Says:
Typical government wanting to shut us up before the next election.
@TheBlackSeraph Says:
Goddam I wish I saw this video 1 day earlier... Fuck censorship, fuck the ALP (and this coming from someone who despises the coalition). It's time to make Albanese into calabrese.
@onlinegames4019 Says:
Free speech seems to be anything the gov approves of and whatever the currently-in-fashion minority group wants to protest about.
"I disagree with your opinion, here's more government, bigot."
@xxxKIDPWNxxx Says:
Who decides what hate speech is or disinformation ? The government
@UnvaxxedAssassin Says:
Missinformation and disinformation 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@dropbear430 Says:
dam I'm already late....
@dalamar2196 Says:
Oh yeh, let our government fact check us when they get confused between men and women.
@EliWintercross Says:
Our government is so damn determined to enact tyranny

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