Navy SEAL Shows Up To A College Team Workout. It Didn't End Well.
Navy SEAL Shows Up To A College Team Workout. It Didn't End Well.



@zanep4002 Says:
so i am working on going to the medical and want to pass my classes i learned about this from my book study of whats going on. its call lactic acid. the level of acid in your body, generally increases during intense exercise, especially when pushing yourself beyond your aerobic capacity, causing the familiar "burning" sensation in muscles due to the buildup of hydrogen ions released during anaerobic metabolism the issue is u need to pump oxygen through the body to keep that under control well when ur running de hydrated and out of breath your body wont burn the acid and it can lead to internal injury's such as this.
@gbb82 Says:
The trainer must have been Dave Goggins.
@mathematicalmuscleman Says:
Some Navy Seals can even beat Bodybuilders at weight-lifting competitions. Imagine that.
@govinda102000 Says:
I was chosen on my college soccer team as nearly the worse/unexperienced player. My coach told me he had chosen me because I practiced and exercised with my all compared to the others. I only played a total of approximately 30 minutes to a season but no opposing player ever got a pass when I was defense in my position.
@robertdennis107 Says:
when I was in HS in the mid-80's some football players and wrestlers got into an argument about who had the tougher practice/workout, so it was decided that each would do the others workout, first up was a football player and he was working out with the wrestlers at a typical after school practice, about 15 minutes in the football player stopped, said we were nuts..., no way... and left, so we did not need to bother trying the football practice, fun times when you're young and dumb, p.s. Great movie about working out to the extreme "Vision Quest"!, thank you Mathew
@charleswomack2166 Says:
The other thing that can happen when you work out too hard for too many days is that your CK, or creatine amines(something like that) levels can get elevatedThis happened to me. I LOVE HIIT personally because I get "high" from it. So where is the line? I would say that when your heartrate is elevated to around 90%(220-age) for more 5 minutes. And electrlytes and water!!
@johnnorris1024 Says:
This doesn't surprise me at all. Gen Z is a bunch of pu**ies. Walk it off girly men. Yes, I'm old. But, when I was a kid we did "Bull in the Ring" in elementary school, middle school and high school football practices and I am still here with full mental and physical facilities. We also ran 50 fifty yard sprints at the end of every practice. Modern kids are clearly not as tough as past generations.
@trixietoodle2909 Says:
My niece is 110lbs n a Tough Mudder!!! Buck up Buttercup
@aleenaprasannan2146 Says:
Why the fuck would a Lacrosse team need training from a Navy Seal?
@Jeff-fv9rk Says:
Unless your sean strictland
@bongm6039 Says:
When you volunteer to participate with this activity, knowing that Navy Seal workout is brutal, you accept the risk. Come on, there are tons of videos and online resources that they can access prior to this activity. Safe to say, these guys are not SEAL material.
@gonzac36 Says:
F that go hard!
@deepsubmergence9357 Says:
A bunch of 20 YO dudes led by another 20 YO dude that had 6 months to get into the shape that he was in so that he could do a smoke session on the previously mentioned 20 YO dudes (i.e. a bunch of dumb asses).
@francobenevento7598 Says:
So, what was the workout? Literally everyone that clicked on video.
@Cohen.the.Worrier Says:
_Thanks for wrecking my team. Don't expect to be invited again._
@kencone6175 Says:
I don't think Anna is ever going to make it as a Navy Seal. 🤣
@ExodusPessoa Says:
You're training them for lacrosse not war!!!
@nailbanger2 Says:
Whatever you do, it's absolutely imperative that you never, ever, disclose what the workout was to anyone. Especially your audience that tuned in to find out.
@michaeljohn7398 Says:
Anna, love you as we do, your take on this is wrong. If we just gave up because it was hard, we would rarely achieve our athletic goals. Cheers from Michael. Australia.
@ericstephens3908 Says:
Don’t take advice from these two about fitness or athletics. They clearly don’t understand the mindset of an athlete.
@robertmathis4268 Says:
Anna wraps her kids in bubble wrap to go to school
@daguy5680 Says:
Anna, where were you for Marine Boot Camp? The interaction between you and the DI's would have been interesting. Also, I remember some marathon show where people hiked from one point to another in different countries and a Navy Seal Team competed once and didn't do well against some of the civilian teams. Almost seems like this guy was hazing them to "prove" how tough (he) was?
@guillotineblade999 Says:
Rhabdomyolysis: When you push people to obtain a level of training. Which took years to reach, in 45 minutes. Synonym: Ego tripping dumbassery.😅
@chuckgladfelter Says:
Those SEALS are tough as nails. A lot of their training is mental from what I understand. They also focus on teamwork and their teams must have people who get along in a group or they're given the boot supposedly.
@BrokenhornKT Says:
Ever hear of the saying " Worked into the Ground" ? It Comes from Examples like this !!
@cabie58 Says:
lol Anna never played competitive sports
@philliprichards3284 Says:
Just imagine the fitness level of the special forces soldiers. Truly super human.
@brian_atc Says:
Anna is right, if your body is screaming at you to stop or you'll pass out, etc.... "STOP".
@BrokenMedic Says:
People drop from seal training all the time, it’s hard and that’s the point.
@GrantMcLeod-Webster Says:
The seal team member probably trained probably trained over a long period of time not in one day.
@xRoeJogan Says:
They’ll be alright
@fr57ujf Says:
Whoever that Navy Seal is, he should be held accountable. As a trainer, your job is to take care of your students. You should be aware when they are being overstressed. If he is a new graduate of Seal School, it doesn't sound like he was a trained instructor.
@mathiasbartl903 Says:
Seal!=Seal Instructor
@philiprobinson4809 Says:
That's bad
@kani75 Says:
I have been sometimes in the moments when body starts giving warning sings. it begins low and can be easily ignored, as it does not give any trouble. you just know that you are outside your comfort zone. then some point it begins nagging and you could continue or have a small break. it is still tempting to ignore, if you have very clear and reachable goal. after that become point you might notice or not, that you are getting tired and your movements are not anymore accurate and you might start to fumble. i myself feel this is the last good point to stop, though it might be sometimes very tempting to continue if you are already reaching the final steps toward goal. So Anna, when do you stop? Is that first discomfort that you said?
@robertmcdonnold3038 Says:
Watch some of the films about Buds training. Your eyes will be opened.
@trwent Says:
Where was the head coach of the team when all of this was going on?
@jimbo92107 Says:
Guy might be a physical beast, but as an instructor, he was stoooooooopid. You don't subject people to an ultimate workout on the first day. You need to work up to it slowly, over a period of weeks or months, to avoid various physical problems, including rhabdo-whatever. Wanna get sick? Seriously overdo it. That goes for anybody, including a SEAL.
@DaveCM Says:
It wasn't hard because the SEAL was some super beast. It was hard because they made it hard and went overboard. I worked with SEALs when I was in the Marines. I was in better physical shape than pretty much all of the ones I worked with. I am very willing to bet that the SEAL didn't do the workout with the athleats. They just stood back and screamed at them the whole time.
@convexset Says:
This is why you don’t try to copy ex- commands/naval divers/other special forces folk in workouts. CrossFit has Rhabdo the Clown as their warning mascot… the idea that this could happen in lacrosse might be new.
@falcon010216 Says:
Do not mass with a SEAL. They are another breed.
@bluesdude02 Says:
Type A personalities, competitive military age athletes, and a Navy Seal…not a surprise that this happened. I was a medic in the Army and have witnessed this firsthand. It’s actually used as a teaching point that your body will follow your mind until it can’t. We had to literally teach soldiers how not to over work themselves because you no good to your family, the Army, or anyone else if you become a vegetable. You have to push yourself right up to the breaking point but not over the proverbial cliff.
@178fireman Says:
She is clearly not an athlete. She is assuming that they were pressured to go beyond their limit. We were not there. It's very possible that these athletes were willing participants from start to finish. I do believe that there should have been better supervision and prep before they started this workout. I have trained athletes, most WANT to hit their limit and go beyond their limit. As a trainer it's on me to make sure they do it safely. The problem with rhabo or a catabolic state is that it has a delayed onset. Meaning you don't know you're in trouble until you're already deep in trouble. In this situation, the coach and trainers should have asked questions prior to ther workout.
@dunhamjr5531 Says:
Rab doe my oh lie sis
@idiocratease Says:
Worse than a P. Diddy party I guess
@tonyritter4919 Says:
Get a tbi survivor army vet to talk to 8th and 9th grade football teams, instead. That'll flip the social stigma on it's head.
@fluentinbullsh1t Says:
Tuft it up, guys 😊
@ryoukosan11 Says:
"When the instructor is telling you to keep going, and your body is telling not to keep going...." Yeah, never been through Basic Training and have no clue whatsoever. That's the whole point, to discover what your true breaking point is and how to push past it. Because someone life may depend on it, including your own.
@samuelmellado553 Says:
I think she voted for Trump I think she's gonna go for Trump again
@jimmynickelz Says:
"I don't know how to push past what your body is telling you"- said no great athlete ever

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