Apple Store in Philadelphia Gets LOOTED
Apple Store in Philadelphia Gets LOOTED



@drricemice2046 Says:
Wait till they found out they just stole display phones that don't work
@alteloscopeuranus7678 Says:
Looked like the jungle to me
@madlarkin8 Says:
Brothers come on.... you are jumping up and down shouting and cackling like the particular animal in the zoo they like to call us. Be better.
@John-w3v2d Says:
Ohh so the statistics of one group of people committing 70% of the crimes is wrong?
@Sdvillian-w1s Says:
Those are t black people those are king and queens 😂
@irenejuppe1980 Says:
Just plain awful! 🤬
@tayyibakilo601 Says:
Simple trump
@greenleavesofsummer9673 Says:
Why is this an option? Of course, if there’s no consequences, these criminals will continue to do this!
@siamakporazar2951 Says:
Look black people they are hungry again and they want to take necessities from the shops to stop their kids from Hunger and starvation this people is shameful
@alidittmar Says:
Horrible people. Not funny, just plain rude. Devils got em now 💩
@maryjaneothello78 Says:
Absolutely True
@williammorrow5479 Says:
Every stolen device will be bricked and made useless in a matter of hours.
@alexjackson936 Says:
Apple isn’t helping things by more or less letting this kind of thing slide. I learned from years of retail electronics that every serial number is very thoroughly tracked, and apple could most certainly go in and “kill” those serial numbers to make the devices a brick. They just choose not to?
@williamshepard81 Says:
Oh look more peaceful protesters nothing to see here.
@1911ninja24 Says:
Classy crowd.
@christhompson203 Says:
Usual suspects
@MCher2 Says:
Tolerating bad behavior = encourages bad behavior
@bananahammock9119 Says:
We need DEI white people hires for this looting. It’s far too overrepresented
@SebSeer Says:
These phones will probably be sold to buy drugs and so the cycle goes on and on and on......
@maryannesullivan8849 Says:
Animals 😡
@DJC3PO Says:
The truth was too offensive for Youtube.. so they took it down.
@saiyankai8598 Says:
But they just got kids to feed. Thats why theyre doing it to prevent the kids from starving. They're only thinking about the children
@auggies Says:
Designed all to destroy societies. These illeagals are a prime example.
@Scumfrog74 Says:
Got one! got one! got one!Blacks🤷🏻‍♂️ ever noticed a trend in these videos of people loading stores. It’s only ever one demographic.
@mikekenders5977 Says:
What kills me is, they don't know you cant just steal and start using the shit they stole. When they try to activate they will know.
@josephdillard9907 Says:
But remember folks, you're not allowed to notice the obvious commonality you see here. Just close your eyes and keep repeating the mantra, "diversity is our strength, diversity is our strength".
@StaviPorter Says:
Surprise, surprise..
@Oztinfrog Says:
Non of those phones and iPads will work lol any device stolen is automatically locked by apple 😂
@terrynichols8360 Says:
Ghetto rats
@BrendaOutman Says:
The voices sound exactly right
@jimbond670 Says:
Don’t cry about being in prison for the color of your skin when this is what you do
@glenmoss02 Says:
One thought that never, NEVER crosses their minds is, "How long can society exist with this kind of mob mentality"? They only think in the moment. The rest of us know the answer.
@LovenessLife Says:
Free iPhone. yeah..
@OsamaBinLooney Says:
black America doing their best to keep the stereotypes alive and well
@P2thaR Says:
They're not even smart enough to steal something that won't track where they are? Why am I even the least bit surprised? 🙄
@24yrukdesigner Says:
Their movements literally AI motion of jungle apes, literally. All thats missing from this Apple is the usual blm sign. 😅
@plagueday5395 Says:
Stolen groceries because they are too poor and need to eat I see 🙄
@Watusifarm Says:
Same old demographic
@ben_hell4437 Says:
The iPhone is not free, pretending it is makes the price of everything else around you skyrocket because businesses close, competition lessens, and the remaining stores can monopolize the market. In other words, these morons are incredibly short-sighted
@abcsandoval Says:
The voters are fine with it. The root is the voters. The politicians are just the manifestation of what the majority want. It's a spiritual problem. Kick God out of our government, schools, family and personal life and the vacuum will immediately be filled by demons. The demon "...finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first." Mttw 12:44-45 Either we return back to placing God above all else or brace for more. The worst is yet to come.
@vwr32jeep Says:
Usual suspects.
@pjfountaine7755 Says:
Criminals so Proud of ruining their own neighborhoods
@abigailboyd2534 Says:
And when “blank for brains” people are filming, laughing, cheering and celebrating it’s 10x more disgusting. Those SFB people who think it is awesome to raid and steal everything from any store are the very “oh, poor, marginal people who don’t have the common sense and selflessness to realize their behavior is one of the biggest reasons why the rest of the honest law abiding world (including working poor people of all races) has to pay exorbitant prices!! Dummies and criminals 👎👎👎👎 Do the responsible hard thing and get a job and set up a life that contributes to yourself and society not take away. Disgusting.
@laurenwood9084 Says:
The usual offenders. Nothing new to see. Some races have no shame and no self control.
@mikecarroll4735 Says:
Goofys, look at the dumbies.
@shrimpbayless3965 Says:
Why is there an angry bird squaking at the beginning of this short?
@seanpop2886 Says:
Living the stereotype. Democrat voters.
@TeufelHunden605 Says:
Liberal city....who would have guessed
@bobbyhale4599 Says:
I bet Dems think this video is racist because we didn’t include any other races in the looting….again.
@danguee1 Says:
Diversity is Our Strength.

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