


@hilariobuque2625 Says:
Send us back but please, help us combat corrupt leaders.
@badge5575 Says:
South Africa doesn't owe any African country anything we have to take of our own first
@salimstewart2234 Says:
Africa, the richest continent on the planet, has the resources to become an economic power. Uganda has discovered 13 trillion in gold, for example. African people need to get rid of their corrupt leaders and fight for a better future.
@xxxyyy5457 Says:
Bravo ! Send them back ! They are making mass all over !
@Q-Mac_ Says:
You made some valid points bro
@ejikemeonuoha3272 Says:
This your caption is deceptive. Finland government wants to stop free health care to undocumented immigrants and not those that have legal status in the country. If you have a legal status in Finland, it's mostly likely you are paying tax and it will be unfair not to allow you have access to health care. Secondly, the Finnish government didn't specify the race of immigrants but in your narration you emphasized Africans which is not correct. Trust me if you analyze these immigrants, you will be shocked to know that immigrants from Asia makes the highest list.
@mankgabanemantlaneni Says:
This doctors are being politically correct at the expense of the tax payers n citizens.The gov should propose a deduction of 50% from the Doctors salary to fund treatment of the immigrants and see if they agree to fund it.We need this in South Africa some1 must pay for that treatment at the end of the day.Is not racist is reality. All coutries need this
@patriciasmith364 Says:
American should do the same thing. What will Finland do about anchor babies? They are Finnish citizens.
@jonathansibanyoni9154 Says:
Its their country and its their rules. We can't complain about it. Why follow white people into their country and say their racist.
@DonnaCarter-v2p Says:
Good, get them out of your country.
@kojomensah7474 Says:
Untill we as black people put away our reptilian European mindset we will not and cannot move forward as a people we must stop calling down demonic forces on each other over land house and help each other where possible and stop showing off on each other because we have a few pennies more than some who has not, the reptilian mindset is to divide and conquer and we must put aside this mindset the politicians and the rich blacks are for themselves they are there to keep the poor people down poor people Should stop voting for the same parties I am speaking about where ever we are
@KazieD Says:
South African government need to do the same, illegal immigrants flock to SA for healthcare
@zamilemazibuko4167 Says:
Go back home, don't give them your resources. Regulate your riches to benefit the citizens first.
@zamilemazibuko4167 Says:
I like listening to your channel. Very balanced view of the topics.
@TheNismo777 Says:
Not gonna see africans going back to home and actually develope needed things indead of running around the world for what so ever reason. Stop being laxy.
@Bofsteel-e7y Says:
Send them to russia or china
@Visionstv-f5v Says:
Time to appreciate our Africa if you are in Europe please build back home as quick as possible
@jukkatiainen7313 Says:
On eräs asia jota ei yleensä muisteta. Suomi oli käytännössä täysin valkoinen maa vielä 1980-l. Lopussa. Jopa niin että mustahiuksisia ja ruskeasilmäisiä ihmisiä oli vain 5% väestöstä. Tietysti hekin valkoiseen rotuun kuuluvia. Sitten alkoi täysin systemaattinen maahanmuutto Lähi-idästä ja Afrikasta. Tarkoituksena oli valkoisen rodun hävittäminen. Kun esim. Musta ja valkoinen lisääntyy keskenään on lapsi mulatti, kun kaksi mulatti lisääntyy, on jälkeläinen.. Musta. Tämä näkyy mm. Haitissa ja Jamaikalla. Joku entiteetti siis haluaa valkoisen ihmisrodun katoavan Maailmasta. Tämä entiteetti on kyllä tiedossa, se johtaa globaalia velkarahasysteemiä. Kyseessä on eräs uskonnollinen ryhmä. Entä Afrikka? Afrikassa oli 60 vuotta sitten asukkaita n. 270 miljoonaa. Sitten kehitysavulla väestö on turvonnut miljardin suuruiseksi. Tämä tehtiin täysin tahallaan että saataisiin ylijäämäväestö pursuamaan valkoisen rodun asuttamiin maihin.
@nickyngwana Says:
I think Finland is xenophobic like us in South Africa 😂😂😂
@nickyngwana Says:
I agree with Finland, come back and fix Africa,busy calling yourself giant of Africa, for what. People are tired of you, it's too much.
@divineantiwokegangster Says:
good luck defending from Insane Russia and its Rainbownazi Mob that wants free stuff
@sbayiga Says:
No, they're not wrong. It's not right to take advantage of tax paying citizens. I l am African from Uganda and support the Fins.
@NnamdiEchekwu Says:
Guy you should shout up i don't think you live in Europe. White people also have bad people you just judge from one angle wake up men
@svendahlsten3132 Says:
Well i can tell you ouer goverment in Finland dont like ouer own people and im thinking of moving out from my home country Finland is corrupted just like ukraine
@Jolo25387 Says:
Deport all Freeloaders
@patrickgcabashe1916 Says:
You definitely no funny with your sarcasm. Anyways as a matter of fact we SAns are well knowledgeable with our geography. Finland is regarded as one of the wealthiest and happiest countries in the world. If such a country is buckling under the strain of foreign strangulation on their services, then who are we as SA a developing third world country to carry the continent. Rightwing or not it is infact their right to look after their heavily taxed citizens. This action by Finland should actually galvanize Africans to stay put in their countries and focus on fixing politics of their respective countries instead of running at the least provocation. Finland despite their wealth have little or no meaningful minerals under their grounds. It is a dull and miserably cold country with practically little to show prospective tourists. Yet they are first world and filthy rich. HOW??? As it is poor Africans are drowning in the high seas daily running to them for a better life living their richly mineral endowed lands to few corrupt politicians. This shouldn't be. AFRICANS STOP RUNNING. Live running rightfully to Usain Bolt. He knows how to do it, hence it paid him handsomely .
@patrickboateng746 Says:
Good job Finland, it's a high time we as African realise nobody will build Africa but us.
@howardmoss7522 Says:
If there western MF would stop there interference in Africa they wouldn't have to leave
@donbrown2974 Says:
[:"What happens if Afrika orders all Findlanders off Afrika?"]
@KateJetram Says:
Africa has everything it needs to survive but sadly they love to go to western countries to be abuse
@jenniferw1956 Says:
Time to stop the free loading. Go back and fix your own Governments in Africa. Get treatment however pay for it yourselves.
@vanessaedwards54 Says:
America's crazy. 😂😂😂😂😢😢 You're right we are not scared. 😅
@mziwethumbotho3354 Says:
It's their country, their rules so who are we to complain
@lee-annsmith5436 Says:
To the content creator can you please tell me what is the role of these people’s governments, who are they looking after when most of their citizens are displaced how thick of a skin must one have to just rock up uninvited and unwanted and make demands to be looked after shooo this is bad and annoying 😩😩😩
@abdullahmohamed165 Says:
U are amazing Zack
@margaretgreenwood4243 Says:
The NHS should charge non Brits for health care
@BBoldGaming Says:
That’s a nice thing
@KC238-o1g Says:
This is theharsh truth. Every country has the right to close thier border because they protecting thier own people. And for immigrants i encourage them to do the right thing to go to other countries with proper documents.
@mostlovedyoutuber3258 Says:
11:27 we need more honesty bro fair pal hello from Dublin
@mostlovedyoutuber3258 Says:
Sorry bro it's mostly Muslims that take f*** up for everyone else
@mostlovedyoutuber3258 Says:
Have no one else seen the videos of immigrants testing people standing in the middle of the streets and trying to intimidate people take kindness for weakness
@mostlovedyoutuber3258 Says:
They can't take your diabetes medication or asthma human rights laws I have asthma very bad asthma
@mostlovedyoutuber3258 Says:
Always normal people that suffer the most on all sides immigrants and natives
@mostlovedyoutuber3258 Says:
this is going to sound bad but until people respect people in the west and stop taking kindness for weakness and then use magic words this is just going to keep happening
@africaisking7817 Says:
Everyone go home. South Africa needs to do this these illegal people don't pay tax always expecting free everything.
@myriam9731 Says:
😂😂😂 Finland is right. Why people has to pay for immigrates ? Finland is not african hospital. Absolutely not.
@thenecessarygood Says:
Western world is a sick deluded mentall ill society
@ogezie Says:
I agree with ALL that you have said, but the way you bring out this message will not encourage someone to comeback to your channel. Example, paraphrasing: here is a map of Finland. I know you guys don't know where it is or how to read maps. No no no, I am joking. You used this type of language 7 times in your video which tells me you are not joking. Just an advice from someone who does not know anything you are talking about.
@elijahshort1590 Says:
Africans are very very poor. White Americans and Europeans have sooooooo much money that sharing the pie feels like nothing.
@demitriwelling1348 Says:
There are many talented and qaulified African healthcare professionals inthe West and Europe if the African think about it they can build a strong health care system in some of thhe African countries. All countries have the right to close their borders, and protect their own people. Your video is very accurate and honest.

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