Coming Soon: The Void
Coming Soon: The Void



@angelac9575 Says:
@bethelshiloh Says:
Yeshua is my life
@thanosdoomjuggernaut2846 Says:
Society has turned away from God and has become apathetic.
@jacobp.2024 Says:
The messaging misses the point. I get what we're saying here, "technology is causing problems," but why is it causing problems? Why are people depressed when on paper, their quality of life has never been better? Well it has been better, because experience is relative. Think about it: people in squalor still smile, and laugh, and have well-rounded emotions. Having all these creature comforts won't diminish the truth of your experience as a human, that you will still feel bad. Things aren't sunshine, either, and with a new world comes new problems to replace the old. Anxiety over our economic future, and if we'll ever be able to own anything.. My generation is unsure if we even have a future unless we're exceptionally gifted or work to the bone, and even if we are, we feel powerless in the world. We understand there are issues, and we're interconnected, but in a most horrible way. We understand on a national level, we have no say in what our government does or what happens. Our generation has to address issues of data privacy, government control, and a corporate elite operating without oversight to protect its interests. We've just started playing the game, been on this Earth for one, two, decades.. And we know it's already hopelessly rigged against us. We're herded like cattle into demographics with shallow political messaging. That is depressing. Frustrating, even. Also, you don't really own things like you used to. It's all about subscriptions, services, intellectual property protections, and not so much about the end-consumer actually having something to call their own. What we are seeing is a break down in the concept of property. We are a far cry from John Locke's definition, and in a broader sense, many of us won't even dream of owning homes or our own space, and we know there are corrupt, financial interests being protected by our current government. Interests are partly responsible. That's really hopeless. I'd say that social media is one of the better outcomes of our generation and mislabeled as the core problem. Part of it's the government, and lack of oversight and regulation. These companies are playing by the rules, yet still eroding US principles. That's the government's failure to properly keep them in check, and levy punishments that actually make a difference. A fine that's 1%> of the company's gross revenue isn't a fine, it's just the cost of business. If we're getting technical, they're really in the pocket of each other in a way not unlike a nationalized industry, because when the US government comes knocking to take Google's servers and sift for US citizens' data, they're complying. Healthcare, too, and debt. When you know your country won't take care of you when your health fails you, or you know all you work for is going to be taken away by massive debts, you start to lose any sort of hope for the future. You might even stop working towards a future, just enjoying the moment because you know that when you get sick and frail, it's over. That's how I feel. Me and my mother took care of my Grandpa on my deathbed, and that was the worst moment of life. I don't think I can go back to seeing my country the same way after that. No one was there for him but his closest family, and he was such a hard worker. He lived in the hardest time and helped build this country, and that's the thanks he got for it all. Rushed to hospice as quick as possible. A well-oiled machine cycling out its used parts. I expect that when I land in the hospital for any serious medical condition, I'll be ruined financially. And there's this weird separation of financial health and real health in the minds of people, when.. let's be honest, your financial health and bodily health are one in the same. Good finances means you buy good food, a good home, have good healthcare, good treatment. I'd venture to say you could kill someone by destroying them financially, because, well, they're the kind of person who doesn't call an ambulance, or visit the doctor until they're coughing blood. They eat the worst food, they live in the most polluted dangerous places, and in aggregate, their life expectancy is going to go down because the top-line medical treatment the affluent get access to are locked out for them. It's not about working hard, either.. I know that first hand. It doesn't matter how hard you work. You'll end up like my Grandpa, too.
@kingkirby1394 Says:
As a 24 Christian man this is gratifying purely because it shows I’m not alone in we’ll ironically being alone where trying to make friends in places like college is nigh impossible since no one ever seems to want to open up about their personality, their interests, wearing themselves on their sleves as I try to, I want to be an extrovert but it feels like I’m in a labyrinth of phone enslaved introverts who don’t see an issue, top that off with being born at an awkward age where no one can ever get on my level for being too old or young, never feeling like I have a voice in my house and a stereotypical deadbeat dad + older brother on top of that and all I have left is fantasy when that’s not what I wanted my life to be defined by at all, how fitting I found this after getting into a heated argument any sign of hope for the future really is needed for us if we even want an iota of a chance for raising the future (Not that a have a gf 😞)
@RabbiKolakowski Says:
My anxiety stems from the possibility of losing everything if, God forbid, Harris and Walz win or otherwise steal our country from us. I know I still will have God and faith, but I have gotten so used to all this stuff.
@davidwaynemain Says:
WHY?? Probably because they fall in line with this politically pressed agenda to behave in ways that has such as consequences. Hollywood and social and news media outlets tells everyone it is now OK and legal to behave in ways that perpetuate STDS and sewerslide statistics. It's in the numbers. Just because they say "love" doesn't mean they know what the word means as we know such behaviors to ACTUALLY be lust. And inhuman. Yeah... apes and monkeys may behave this way and we are indeed apes but do we want things like HIV and Aids running through our society? NO.... but apparently fed gov and Globalist leaders like Obama do. "WHY?" You ask? Stop behaving like apes and doing things because fed gov said it was OK. Operation DEPOPULATION is the agenda and you ALL are falling for it. As the STD and sewerslide and depression statistics are on the rise with these behaviors you should ask yourself if it's really "love" or is it "lust" Not to mention the depression spiking with the rate of prescriptions given.
@Mikeflorida7000 Says:
Social media at the thumb-tips constantly, all being influenced by the narratives they consume, along with the apocalyptic gaslighting they are ingesting from politicians and media, convincing them they are the last generation to live live on earth, how they “just can’t make it” with this evil capitalist society, being taught the founding of this nation was evil, etc. They are being brainwashed that even their gender is wrong. Gen Z is being brainwashed by the industrial gaslight complex. Our civilization is in peril by the left and media. Atlas will fall if we continue to allow this. Thank you, Prager U for making this film.
@hunterphilbrick7649 Says:
They need Jesus
@VedantaKesari Says:
"The modern technological advances that come to this world with newer and newer inventions, as well as those yet to come, make up a cyclone of 'Great Illusion' (Mahamaya). Be certain that you will be held captive by it. Who knows, to where, the one who is caught by this great cyclone, will be carried off? When the Saints see one who whose attention is taken up by these modern advances running here and there, struggling in his pursuits, they try their utmost to bring about an awakening of Self-Knowledge in him." Siddharameshwar Maharaj (d. 1936)
@heatherbowman9450 Says:
584 LIKES🎉❤✌ 0:53
@shadygremlin9702 Says:
When does the Movie come out? Put that on Blast and send it out for All to see
@mileslong9675 Says:
One thing that’s missing is cigarettes. Wait, wait, hear me out. Years ago, it was quite common for two folks stuck, say at a bus stop, and one pulls out a smoke. Back then, it would come quite natural for him to offer one to someone standing adjacent to him, and it would open up some conversation. Now, don’t get me wrong, Cigarettes are harmful to your health. I know that. But what’s missing is an icebreaker, similar to what smoking was, back in the day. Just saying.
@dcroxby Says:
Social media.
@IndependentThinker-l3x Says:
depression is real. thank u PragerU for bringing this to light.
@TheCanyonPod Says:
All Gen Zer’s should watch this! We have to save ourselves. PragerU videos like this change lives.
@oscarcorral1428 Says:
Hoping to help my kids face scary things early so they don’t learn to live in fear of others.
@elenag2965 Says:
It is the lack of God.
@MillerMeteor74 Says:
The last couple times I tried to watch this it was unavailable and marked private.
@garychaiken808 Says:
Social media. Facebook, twitter, TikTok and all the other platforms are destroying society.
@bettersteps Says:
Social media, pornography/OF and the American diet. Those are a few of the more impactful contributors to the decaying society we live in today. The quality of life will improve for everyone and society would begin to prosper if these issues could be retooled in order to be less harmful to human development. That, or eliminated them. Society would benefit greatly with the elimination of pornography and OF.
@You-Be-The-Judge Says:
This is going to get so much hate but the answer is turn to God.
@kingjames1586 Says:
But CNN said…
@cheapolegunguy Says:
If those people would just get outta their parents basement, put the phones, Ipads and laptops down and go physically MEET PEOPLE and just stop whining about how bad off you are.
@MrLemonbaby Says:
The country has entered The-Two-Donut-Rule. The rule is if you buy donuts for a meeting with 7+ or whatever people and you bring several kinds of donuts, there will always be donuts left over. If, in the same scenario you only bring two flavors, all the donuts will be eaten. Comparison is poison.
@cmamabuhs1 Says:
A big piece is the chemicals in our food, because the minute I stopped eating processed food my depression and anxiety got so much better. I got off all my medication‘s for the first time in over 20 years.
@briannn7751 Says:
Parenting Parenting Parenting
@ishtarlew598 Says:
I blame this on the Lamestream Media. They know fear gets a lot more clicks than good news.
@Pack.Leader Says:
Where there is no clear right and wrong, no set boundaries for how to be, when our own sex/gender is in question, when we have to be accepting of everyone else's sensitivities and triggers, and when we can't freely speak our minds if it offends the loudest, most unhinged people around us, where is the happiness going to come from? And we are not SAFER than we ever have been. Good heavens, we are much more at risk of random violence than we have ever been in this nation. Society is going off the rails.
@johnames6430 Says:
Wokeness and feminism is a big part of the problem and everyone is afraid to mention it (especially feminism)
@PersonWithFace Says:
God is the solution.
@jairustheadventurer3935 Says:
Coming from an '01 kid here... I HAVE struggled with mental health previously. I want PURPOSE, a MISSION! I don't want to work a job that required a 4 year degree and not be able to get ahead. We need to revive the American Dream, take pride in our communities, and above all, RETURN TO CHRIST!! The revival is happening right now, and terms like "psyop" and "deep state" are now mainstream. I am a big history guy, and I KNOW what America means to all those who lived and died with no hope of a free and prosperous life! There has never been a better time to be alive! We just need to ensure our future rests on the principle of Christianity, limited government (the Constitution), and the American Dream! We have more to lose than anyone before, and our ancestors' ghosts are screaming at us to make the right decision! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC!! TRUMP 2024
@Sahmgirl Says:
They need Jesus!
@danhanson9101 Says:
CoVid response
PragerU promoting a film about the dangers of social media on kids is a new kind of bold! That's like a pyromaniac talking about fire safety.🔥😂
@patrickmchargue7122 Says:
My 0.02$ - People are continually comparing themselves to others; it's what we do. However, what they now consider is not how they are doing with respect to their neighbors or their friends, but rather to the superstars that regularly parade through life on their phones and computers. Instead of feeling gratitude for what they have now, they feel they are being left behind due to their unreasonable expectations for their own life.
@merlinwizard1000 Says:
15th, 17 September 2024
@PapaEnoch052 Says:
Too much tech, no more spirituality, too many single moms and dads, Internet addiction, phone addiction, very little socializing with real life friends, got themselves all worked up about issues that while in some cases do matter but go about it the wrong and unmeaningful way, most take life to seriously, not enough enjoying life, not going out with and doing things friends and family....etc.
@BrotherAdamHehr Says:
@7nflgirl Says:
Everything Is Important But That Which Is TRULY Important. - GOD !* Educated For Division, Isolation, & The Searing Of The Conscious Through Teaching This Generation That Their Lives Came From The "Magic Monkey" ! [ evolution is a glorified lie taught as science when it's nothing but the theoretical concepts of men ]
@gorequillnachovidal Says:
thanks Biden is whats happening
@jeffreysmith4196 Says:
Depression hasn't doubled their just being encouraged to have weaker minds...suck it up buttercup
@Sparkleface-gumdrop Says:
glad i'm gen xer
@NinjaKittyBonks Says:
❤ to see these theatrical releases about what is happening in society. PragerU[niversity] ❤
@fearthehoneybadger Says:
Family has broken down.
@renegademax Says:
This is only going to get worse and my initial thought is, is this part of the greater Darvos plan to control and subjugate humanity?
@tracezachdaniels4264 Says:
aaah yes on point and '''MAKE AMERICANS GREAT AGAIN'' and ''MAKE AMERICANS HEALTHY AGAIN''.. and ALL THE PEOPLE ON EARTH PASS IT ON ''us help us all always and expose evil always '' GREAT JOB ALL...THANX 4 MAKING Tee with LIONS NAMED LEO the music worldwide. LOVE YOU ALL...!!!....MUCH LOVE.!!
@brianchetelat6601 Says:
Just my 2 cents; a big problem is "social" media and the mobile phone. Turn it off and go meet or make new friends, face-to-face.
@waynemack3042 Says:
When will it be released???

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