The Map Stopping a Ceasefire
The Map Stopping a Ceasefire



@madderz952 Says:
Oh, I thought he didn’t want a ceasefire because he wasn’t done killing Palestinians. Thanks for clarifying.
@luqmanhaider14 Says:
What about billions of dollars worth weapons supplied and still suppling to idf to eliminate innocents mostly children and women. That should be banned also.
@KailanBissell-iy9sx Says:
Crazy how this all started as a revenge act from both sides like Hezbollah done it casue they was fed up with Israel settlers pushing out Palestinians and Israel done it casue there defence force took a holiday insted of defending their borders like they should have
@starsevenyoutubechannel6463 Says:
@rock70035 Says:
Just lies 😂
@dannydannyl Says:
That's not the reason, the zionist leaders want to extend the occupation. You phrase it in terms of two equal sides, this is an oppresor and people resisting with what they have, Israel will never have peace until they realise this and stop pretending to be a victim
@artmonkey4047 Says:
We should be sending chocolates and kisses. Not bombs and hatred. How lost are we that in 2024 we still don’t understand each other.
@shellydrelly Says:
@Tápértéke-hu Says:
Gotta love the propaganda
@juqnlopez7272 Says:
It's just a jew wanting to still more land.
@AlferisMagnanimus Says:
Se ven mejor algunoa cientos secuestrados que miles de inocentes muertos o cientos de miles desplazados.
@artseidner2427 Says:
Get rid of the tunnels
@RoloBonghanoy Says:
GOD BLESS ISRAEL the descendance of jacob
@JimmyFalcone-l8o Says:
Satanic minds
@Tambdubillota Says:
Netanyahu is a liar
@yooyo8303 Says:
“Managed by Egypt” you think?
@chaithanyakiranjetti4416 Says:
@PathwaysOfPrinciple Says:
Isreal should take that border
@nerymarro5636 Says:
Bb let october 7th happen... The MOSSAD kwew about the attack, but bb le it happen.
@TjThorns Says:
Either way is real has the right to secure it's own border and protect it's citizens from terrorist
@jaogaimer Says:
Remember the hostages ...
@giuni2492 Says:
Wait but Israel only gained control over that border in May, so how come there wasn’t a cease fire before then? Also, I think hamas’s terms for a cease fire were a total retreat of the idf from the Gaza and releasing like 500 terrorists per hostage or something like that
@sbadaro Says:
Are you ok Johnny? What happens to Netanyahu the minute he no longer has immunity? What happens with the investigation into the shortfalls of October 7th and the standing corruption charges waiting for him to be prosecuted? Does he sign a cease fire, or does he go to jail... 🤔 decisions decisions 🤔
@eitandagan244 Says:
That is such a distortion of the facts. Many other issues are preventing a resolution like allowing Hamas to remain in power and return of the hostages. Disappointing.
@awesomeguys2863 Says:
I don't think this war will end soon.
@lindsey7951 Says:
So they want to keep killing children until every gun in gaza is gone? And they wonder why the Palestinians turned to hamas in the first place🙄
@damagelethal7171 Says:
We are beyond that and now we talking about controling libaneese and syrian borders ... Natanyahu will never stop his crimes because he will finish in prison as soon as the operations will finish... palestine will be free sooner than yo think ✌️🇵🇸
@Giovanni1980-f2k Says:
Free Palestine
@petereid8850 Says:
Israel pulled out of Gaza 2005. Gaza was given a golden opportunity to develop itself into a self-sufficient territory. Experiment FAILED.
@Alisharifat-Co7 Says:
@mr0belker Says:
Not quite right israel hold this line because israle dont want hamas get supplies from Egypt that really dont want to keep the peace and stop smuggling under or over this line just to remind u gaza was under hamas from 2005 befor ethat was clean of wopen when was under israel control so how they got some meny wopen ???
@remus2533 Says:
@MsSNVable Says:
You forgot to mention that Netanyahu thinks he is a Messiah and is responsible for creating the Greater Israel and bringing the end of times
@concepts8778 Says:
Couldn’t be more incorrect you are illiterate in war and combat
@senapantrs2426 Says:
Why establishe a big wall like germant did?
@danielstroikin7979 Says:
So you support a ceasefire and let hamas continue thrive? I'm disappointed of you. Loved your channel.
@Casoda Says:
This dude is such a tool with all of his conflict coverage. He can’t be taken seriously
@XhevaTonuzi Says:
@yossefhaimberdugo9516 Says:
They are there to destroy the tunnel They can't destroy the tunnel if they are not there 😔 And also they have technology to know if there is some suspect thing hundergaund
@saadmhdiz Says:
@userofyoutube123 Says:
I think if they didnt made a prison of gaza and people just could go where they wanted, and live like in west bank, they wouldnt be so in to fighting. But they would also do the same if they didnt were in a prison in gaza but be bullied by the settlers like in west bank now.
@DoomedBruh Says:
Can all of the western behind computer reports shut there mouth and stop saying bs?
@adnanalam8967 Says:
Then why netanyahu pushed all the palestinians to the same location.
@husamaskhusam Says:
وفقا للقانون الدولي يحق لكل شعب محتل ان يدافع عن نفسه ضد الاحتلال وان يقاوم الاحتلال
@roamansparrow8585 Says:
No more reasons ... Get Out from Gaza .
@charlieb9064 Says:
Unseen enemies and unseen tunnels. Sounds convenient.

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