The problem is where the state makes the accusation, the defendant must disprove it, even where the accusation is false.
@sharonhart9131 Says:
Tamara's and Chris's trial just show how corrupt our judges and court system is. Wickedness
@FierceTartan Says:
@dustyhedger380 Says:
Tyranny needs no excuse for political prosecutions .
@ns-oi9jx Says:
An alternative to human cattle farming has been born with math and science used at it's core to create freedom for all, slavery for none, freeing billions of generations of our species to go forth be fruitful and spread life universally.
No longer will you and I be farmed human cattle on a plantain called state. A universal free trade not for profit fraternal order has been built to destroy Slavedom once and for all, creating a true communal harmony of interest for all the members of the Tribe of Mankind!
I am the author of this book....let me explain this to the world!
You = human cattle farmed for taxes and power
State = plantation/ ranch/ farm
Politician = human cattle plantation manager
Elites/ human cattle rancher = Plantation Owners
Police = plantation enforcement
Military = paid mercenary slaves used to attack other plantations (countries) and their owners.
communism (micromanagers of their human cattle)
Capitalism (free range human cattle)
Are you seeing the problem yet?
The global rebellion for freedom is upon us...join the fight to remove the choke collar of slavery or forever be a commodity to those that farm you as human cattle.
@republicofariya on X