Youtube shocked me with this decision... WOW!
Youtube shocked me with this decision... WOW!



@joshuaslosser6988 Says:
“Hate should not be a career path” lol
@cmagee14 Says: still creeps me out to hear her say FREE SPEECH needs to be stopped, essentially...come on man 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
@HereIGooooo Says:
Democrats break it then they wanna be the ones to fix it. Women stop sacrificing a million babies a year it’s not a good like. We shouldn’t be deleting our own
@Jagg-p3o Says:
I get suspended from YouTube every week or so for 24 to 72 hours . YouTube says "you MAY have violated YouTube rules " . 😂
@RB-jf5ww Says:
They already have boots for the hike. That are black and knee high - and they are goose stepping to that hill right now.
@robertmeshew1935 Says:
You can say anything you want, as long as it is something the democrats agree with!
@LindaBartkowiak Says:
Can the goverment actually define who is lying and who is not online we all have opinions online we just agree to disagree at times the only people l see lying on these platforms from the ones l watch sre the mainstream media or platforms spreading poison in my opinion and there is a few poisonous ones on here wether they are proper journalists or not is another story but they never seem to get flagged while others do so youtube picks and chooses who's lying and who's not in there minds anyway humbug to them true journalists get facts and not all these platforms are not bringing true facts only when it suits them
@koolerpure Says:
youtube loves to hide behind their community standards even if the things they hide from dont violate the community guide lines at all. hivemind you sit here chuckling that its happening to the leftist idiots now forgetting we just went through 5 years of that against the right. its not a good thing just because the trendy ban hammer is protecting us now. it'll be used against us again in no time
@Venhili Says:
"hate cannot be a career path" meanwhile, Kamals Harris is campaigning on what, again? Oh, right, hating Donald Trump. Smh. The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me with the left. Trump Vance 2024
@gregsteele806 Says:
"Hate should not be a career path" Says the lunatic trying to spread hate against people they don't agree with.
@thexdatabase Says:
7:32 like how they've been hatefull towaards anything that's white,asian ,male and straight ?
@aelix56 Says:
Daily reminder they had to make up the term alt-right because people who weren't republicans were taking shots at their marxist agenda and they couldn't call em right-wingers.
@micahthompson3762 Says:
Never accept blatant perimeters from someone who doesn't understand how something works.
@GrimReaper328 Says:
Buddy I don't think it's fascism, it's just communism when you don't like how people criticize you when fascism is different...
@jarretlingle2553 Says:
People also choose to click on their videos. If you don't like the content, you have the right not to.
@DeathfulDevotee Says:
Typical leftist. Hating and trying to deplatform people that disagree with them.
@enterthegame1980s Says:
Antiwhite is the biggest it's ever been
@CrazehGaming Says:
This is western society, built off the ideas of the Constitution and Christianity, we are entitled to EVERYTHING the Constitution and Christianity permits, I hope the dumb people at RRP read this and realize they don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
@CrazehGaming Says:
Rare Youtube W
@CrazehGaming Says:
X's IP is still Twitter.
@Technichian462 Says:
Oh, I disagree. MY comments get me banned at least twice a week. Because of things like "There are only two genders" or "That person obviously has a mental disorder, think he is something he is not"
@SSGJohn Says:
Because you don’t agree with somebody doesn’t mean you can take the right way to speak that’s what call free speak I may not like what you say, but you can say what you want to say. that’s the time I was in the military I say all arm forces we defend your right to talk about us which many people do onto the shit hits the fan then they want us
@DougRayburn Says:
Privilege is a concept meant to keep you blind to your own potential. Because with the idea of its existence it will make you question whether what you do is really paying off or not when you see certain others get the W while you struggle to pay the light bill.
@madscrapmechanic4211 Says:
I would agree about the part about YouTube but they have become much more strict in gun YouTube content and now videos are getting demonetized and just getting strikes for videos from 8 years ago so it's not great in some areas
@CheeseChamberGaming Says:
My brother got banned for telling someone that just because it’s June doesn’t mean he has to be gay.
@theldraspneumonoultramicro405 Says:
Kamala and her goons took a look at the censorship in China, Russia, North korea and 1940's Germany and current UK, and thought "we need more of that, we need to censor and prosecute people i dont agree with" they scream "bigot, haters, racists, sexists, whatever-fobe" while in reality, the only ones that applies to, is themself.
@Mabra51 Says:
You should call it twitter instead of going between twitter and x.
@o9brian Says:
Kamala is not a good person let alone smart enough or strong enough to be the leader of the free world
@xaius4348 Says:
2:45 excuse me WHAT? I knew he was bad, but damn. What is the point of free speech if it doesn't apply to everything? There is either free speech or there isn't.
@yoopernow Says:
Who regulates the Washington Post, the Huffington post, and all the other "media"?
@silverbloodborne9495 Says:
Democrats: your a threat to our democracy Me : thats a werid way to say you want to destroy our Constitutional Republic
@Yurindeep Says:
I've said it before, I'll say it again. "I'm responsible only for what I say, not how you feel" I'm Canadian, so the United States constitution doesn't apply to me. I'm fairly certain someone will politely correct me if I'm misrepresenting any point in my post. However, from what little I understand about it, the 'freedom of speech' is something that protects you from government punishment for speaking against the current government. You can stand on the street and shout whatever you want about any topic. The only people you have to worry about is the guy in the dress that is triggered by your Trump shirt. This amendment to the United States constitution does not apply to private property or businesses. So you can't just walk in to a restaurant and start screaming about meat. Well, you can, but you'll be removed from the property. Also, on places like YouTube and Twitter (it will ALWAYS be twitter to me) you are subject to the rules and regulations set forth in the terms of service. If those terms limit what you can say about certain topics without punishment, and you post something that the current moderator disagrees with, they can remove your post and give you a strike (I don't know how that kind of thing works on Twitter, I don't use social media). I personally feel like people should be free to say whatever they want so long as it doesn't put anyone in direct harms way (don't tell people to beat up old ladies). it's okay if someone disagrees with you, that's how we get conversations going. Everyone - mostly directing this to one side of the political spectrum - just needs to remember that they are adults, and resorting to childish behaviour and physical attacks will just prove how weak your mind is when confronted with an opposing view.
@Ayns.L14A Says:
I thought bullying, and threatening behaviour was against the terms and service??? surely these spurious claims and attempts to get the channels shut down is both???
@mojo6524 Says:
youtube getting better.......bullcrap
@JosephDeLuna-yj8vg Says:
The DemocRats Have Always Used "Fabricated Facts" To Forward Their Agenda!!! They Lie All The Time!!! Screw Them And Their Devices!!!
@Anonym-yr4qn Says:
0:01 I haven't really been following this since i am Not from america, but: What Kind of illegals are in the USA? Islamists Like in Europe, or is it just people from Mexico?
@arcadealchemist Says:
tech platforms have no transparency of how they MINIPULATe us.
@KeyoLuna1314 Says:
The only reason YouTube is doing their job properly right now is because Elon Musk is buying them 😂
@madeintheusa1776 Says:
Sometimes, you gotta scroll way down on youtube in order to find any truth
@mdc8889 Says:
i find it funny that they struggle with ability to simply not watch or engage with something they disagree with, its easy for us and YouTube because we are not mentally and emotionally challenged
@patrickmusson4571 Says:
This is why I'm not too fond of groups like Antifa. Antifa is supposed to be anti-fascist, but they say nothing when groups like Rewriting Ripley Pod go totally fascistic, calling for mass demonetization of anti-woke YouTube channels. Whatever happened to "I wholeheartedly condemn what you say, but I'll fight for your right to say it."
@rpmrangerorange3112 Says:
I always talked about counterculture YouTube is getting better at seeing both sides. Conservatives need to continue to counter the Liberal's narrative. Regardless. of the circumstances Who is getting better with that? But when it comes to people it's an uphill battle. They cancel you because they hear something that they don't like. We should go tell them to pound sand. The kick rocks. And we should not be afraid to say what we want. Because this is what America is all about. I'm giving YouTube. The credit that they deserve It's all about letting people have their speech Then we should not stifle our censored people's speech because people may not like it, I tell it the way it is If you don't not like what I say go kick rocks. Talk about getting stopped in your tracks and basically saying go pound rocks. YouTube did not find anything violent or hateful. According to their content, then, according to their guidelines Cancel, culture is dying. People are standing up for themselves. Left-wing people can make all the noise that they want but we are winning the culture war. So, he disagrees with the decision. But you don't have to be all hateful, take the big L they need to move on. Some shows I do not care for but may like them. That's the beauty of having an opinion. But you don't go off on people because they have a different opinion Can I disagree on shows that I dislike? Other people might say they're good, but I'm with it. That doesn't mean I'm going to try to cancel you. Because you don't think like I do. But some people might like the new cake. But I'm with it. You're ruining the Star Wars franchise. Also. if they did that to the Power Rangers, I would be disgusted. They added a gay Ranger to it, and I disagreed with it. Congratulations did the right thing.
@emperortrevornorton3119 Says:
I find it hilarious that anyone who considers themselves as a Lord of The Rings fan would be like Rings of Power is so good we need to defend it when it goes against the novels lore completely you know the cartoons were more lore accurate the movies from a few years back were more accurate maybe because they actually had people who were fans of the novels working on them not fake activists and bad actors/actresses & bad directors
@cosmological7773 Says:
@9:18 Rule of Acquisition #76: Every Once In A While, Declare Peace. It Confuses The Hell Out Of Your Enemies.
@juanitahenry1827 Says:
Call Miller wants to take our free speech, but we will not let her
@fuhreaks Says:
Just call it twitter, X is a stupid name anyway.
@moemonkee9399 Says:
Uh, i was unsubscribed...stupid games...
@WhydoIneedahandle1111 Says:
Same shit happens on Facebook. Friend of mine found someone was using his name for a fake account, and when he reported it, he got the same response. Fucking lazy bastards
@samseddmedia Says:
This is absolutely unbelievable! Apparently, it seems like Rewriting Ripley was trying to get YouTube to not just take down the videos, but demonetize the channels! That takes it too far (especially when you consider that the videos don't violate YouTube's Terms of Service) and I'm glad the YouTube Team actually sees that.
@lesterheath537 Says:
The wicked doesn't like the light, they thrive in darkness, which is lies and when we speak the Truth it beings them into the light. And as the Bible says the Truth will become fire to their souls.

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