After reading Nietzsche, I think Peterson is probably just giving the dude way too much credit and reading into something that Nietzsche didn't really intend. The guy was a complete psycho.
@Letmedoubt Says:
Don’t think I get the idea. Doesn’t seem obvious. What is an advantage? Like if you have strong health. What’s the usual disadvantage to that? If you’re smart - that’s an advantage with no inherent disadvantages. If you learn a useful skill - that gives you an advantage. And I don’t think it also disadvantages you.
@larryhamikton99 Says:
Why is JP holding his fork like that😂
@ryanskol83 Says:
A knife is an extremely fine toothed saw.
@MarcWiedmann Says:
Petersons only disadvantage is his fork-skills. 😂
@ParadiseInHawaii0com Says:
😳Last month the DNC themed their Convention as “Joy”. Well, looks like they weren’t the First… ✅ “Strength Through Joy”, was a political Party-operated organization in Nazi Germany …
@jules4soni Says:
I like that..... Being in a community, being in a dialogue bouncing off each other aiming for something better.
Though,I would have to ask does, deep, eternal change pronoun happen ultimately with our heavenly Dad ?
@flower7022 Says:
That s an American way of using a fork?
Swapping hands
@thatguy1217 Says:
The older I get is the more I turn into my parents.
@songbirdson Says:
Oh Mr peterson, what have they reduced you to?
@rhughes3674 Says:
I want a seat at this table - I bet it was a great conversation.
@zhugeliang777 Says:
what the fk is this garden of eden plug at the end? so random. what a weird way to end a short clip.
@alexjbriiones Says:
This is certainly no fucking mystake.
@Matthew_Klepadlo Says:
Report the sex bots.
@BIGJONNN559 Says:
I’d like to see more videos with y’all eating.
@campnou69 Says:
Why are these gentlemen holding their forks that way? I have never seen it held like that.
@fathead97 Says:
Well your channel is going to be ruined by all these bots
@samclancy3031 Says:
The Garden of Eden We are Back There Now.
With All Authority Over the devil in Jesus Name 🙏 Let US Subdue the Earth 🌍
Love never Fails 💖