Did This Guy Really MELTDOWN Over Having to Work?
Did This Guy Really MELTDOWN Over Having to Work?



@Silver77cyn Says:
Growing up and realising you have to work=Accepting your role as a corporate capilatist slave.
@Phlegmatic- Says:
Jesus Cristo that temper tantrum
@moyrml Says:
If you react this badly to work, take some time off. Have a vacation, consider a career shift, maybe move back with your parents. Have some fun.
@jahwoo6292 Says:
How much you wanna bet he voted for Biden.
@JGDD7190 Says:
To be honest I have felt the way he is acting. I have never acted it out and would certainly not post it online.
@oddish4352 Says:
I've seen better performances in elementary school musicals.
@tonkajahari3010 Says:
Yeah.. but little Max here prob had rich parents who sponsored him. Boot straps isn’t America anymore. Stop pretending it is.
@charlesward8196 Says:
Never use a pressure washer with exposed skin on your feet, you can end up with a serious injection injury right through your skin.
@meritholdingllc123 Says:
I'd fire him for being a child in my work force.
@miguelmedina1991 Says:
Bruh it's working for others the problem
@ttrevino167 Says:
Imagine setting up your 1k phone to record a tantrum in public then posting it online
@RichardsNickname Says:
reported for being pregeru take down this terrible channel you are awful people and should feel shamed just like that thing you are shaming just cuz hes a weirdo doesnt give you the right to kill people look this company up they have led to the deaths of countless
@RichardsNickname Says:
you are the death of american values stop killing people
@RichardsNickname Says:
you are a liar and a thief😂
@namansinghnegi8931 Says:
This happens when you don't have a family or responsibilities. Any work which helps in serving them is worship. It is extremely fulfilling...
@thanksfernuthin Says:
No... the guy didn't really meltdown. He was doing it for comedic effect and possibly mocking people who refuse to grow up. Maybe even himself.
@nsde5945 Says:
Kinda feels like loosely connected ideas, anyone else see it?
@MatE-yr5ud Says:
Genesis 3:18-19 “Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” People don’t understand why we work but once you do, embrace it and use it for good. Then to connect with God, you finally understand the work of salvation is already done on the cross through The Lord Jesus Christ. Truly repent and put your faith in Him and you begin to work for him with his commandants where your labors have meaning and purpose beyond this life.
@robo_t Says:
You know what? The man's freakout is extreme but how can you appreciate being an office drone
@YolandaPlayne Says:
me but I'm retired now
@sharoncarlisle7089 Says:
@GodBlessedAmerica Says:
There’s an old term “the sky is the limit.” Question is, how much do you want to make?
@GodBlessedAmerica Says:
It all starts at home.

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