Kamala Harris completely EXPOSES herself at latest rally! What a lie...
Kamala Harris completely EXPOSES herself at latest rally! What a lie...



@jasonkeigley6424 Says:
@frank88ster Says:
And of cause Tim took a bullet, actually he might have pocket that when no one was watching....
@frank88ster Says:
Candice exposed Harris is NOT BLACK at all. She is aiming for 'Queen of Lies' title?
@ChangeUp-z4v Says:
Bing lethal feels joyful. That's the new brat, no cap.
@JimAirborne25 Says:
3:35 “There’s like a lot of solid expertise and experience…” In what? Without naming the professions they supposedly were successful at, name what they’ve done in office that showed any expertise and experience.
@idesofmarch1375 Says:
A dei hire for McDonald's?
@dethhumful Says:
They learned all that from the best of them all. Joe Biden
@Dr.GenevièveHuang Says:
Re Harris hit n run I just watched a video of Gary Frenchi (?spelling) of Next News Media: a young woman claims Kama-lamity run her down in a one way street many years ago. The young woman’s mom who was probably paid to keep quiet has just died so the young woman is telling all. It’s alleged Harris was drunk at the time of the incident.
@lmarianiello4182 Says:
All dedicated liars
@rebeccagoede998 Says:
Her voice makes me want to throw up and so does Tim's. Their lies make me feel even worse.
@DHS956 Says:
You have been lied too something the democrats do all the time the lie to get elected they will tell you lies to stay in power and then they will lie to you to keep you in the dark.
@DHS956 Says:
Well that didn't end well did it,
@joshmccormack9375 Says:
That necklace, even though it’s insanely expensive, is interesting
@mitchpfeifer Says:
Joy doesn't get stuff done
@flatroc1 Says:
If I had a morsel of use for Kommy Harris, she destroyed that by saying she worked at McDonald's, As I have boycotted McD's since 1978 when I realized they had put all the great original mom & pop burger joints out of business in my home city. 🖕🏻
@danielmanuat1802 Says:
Yes Walz non of those in your class that you teach went to Yale simply because they do not qualify academically. Hummmm. I wonder what those guys learned from you. Yale doesn’t disqualify because you are poor. Those guys are there because they have brain.
@adorkmoreon3599 Says:
Kameltoe Hairyass doesn't know what a bag of Doritos is. Every who HAS worked at McDonald's would know what a dag of Doritos is.
@p.i.m.6008 Says:
She likes to call it Mickey Ds. She likes that there is more than one D. Mickey, let Kamala get on her Knees
@TontoGoldstein81 Says:
You guys misunderstood... "McDonalds" is just the nick name she gave Big Willie's Little Willie.
@1cariyoung Says:
@celiaspiropoulos7596 Says:
She squints her eyes when lying.
@amn1308 Says:
You know what stuck out to me? "summer job" wtf is a summer job? Did you not have to work for food and cloths the rest of the year? Mom and Dad met at 16 working at Hardee's. Dad was living in his car with a busted out window. Hardee's turned him down, so he cleaned until they had no choice but to hire him. He worked split shift to get to eat twice a day. Before they got married a year later Grandpa made Dad swear to put Mom through college and that her future kids would never go hungry. Before her uniform Mom had never worn cloths she hadn't made herself, her Hardee's name tag is next to some 28 year old frootloops I made into a necklace for her.
@silo1082 Says:
Kammala will say and do anything to get what she wants.If these people really give a shit she would had made our lives better
@trestongoodwin6059 Says:
Her necklace is worth more than my annual salary. Yeah, she's just like me.
@dalemanley9662 Says:
She worked the parking lot at McDonald's isn't that the same 😂😂
@youtubeismarxist5816 Says:
She didn't work at McDonald's. She worked behind the dumpster on her knees
@Cantwealljustgetalong916 Says:
Yeah Tim Walz is a regular people because regular people live in T Jin China regular people get married on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square. That’s a regular people Tim Walz is what an AI generator thinks is a regular person.
@danielkim4247 Says:
Always the weird hair lookin ones
@jonathaneldridge6611 Says:
It really seems like Tim Walz is such a habitual liar, he lies even when the truth would be in all respects easier.
@swarley39 Says:
Trump has more money than I will ever see in my lifetime but he is more relatable to the people than the vast majority of politicians and damn near all Democrats
@rustyshackleford7282 Says:
repeal the 19th
@bamahama707 Says:
Does ANYONE trust this turkey?
@jeanwoodman3847 Says:
Harris and walz are not saying anything at their rallies
@rpmrangerorange3112 Says:
People are realizing that the Democrats do not care for them They're the party of the elite. The party of the rich. not the party of the middle class. Like they once were. even Chris Cuomo knows it. and that young lady knew it. and she became disillusioned. With the Democrat Party. and she said she was done with the Democrat. and I do not bring that young lady at all. It's like when you have an epiphany. and you're waking up from your stupor. No, we know. that the Democratic Party doesn't care for anybody but themselves. How can they enrich themselves? And I know. that the Democrats are shedding voters left and right. The Democrats are done at this point. They don't care about the middle class like they used to. They don't care for African American voters. They don't care for the LGBTQ Community. They don't care for any American for all that matters. And let me tell you, the Democratic Party does not care for anyone with my disability or anyone at all. This is why lift the Democratic Party, because they. let people like me behind people like you. Kamala Harris did not work at McDonald's There's no records to prove that. all Kamala Harris's is a total Liar. and I. know that. People are waking up. People are seeing the truth, and I know. people are waking up. Do you know what the Democrats kryptonite is? when they get hit with the facts and they break down. Do you know how you make me angry as a Republican? when the liberal media lies to me? and pedals propaganda nonsense. That's how you anger a Republican. How you anger a Democrat is by telling them the truth, giving them the straight facts. That's their kryptonite. They always lie to you. If it's not about Tim Waltz military service. it's all about Kamala Harris working at McDonald's. Give me a freaking break. Donald Trump would not lie to you; He would tell you the truth. even though it's raw. an uncensored, he tells it the way it is. Trump 2024.
@wesleysabin4078 Says:
Her Foreign policy will be known as Blowjob Diplomacy!
@GATE21QNZ Says:
And yet…she’s still going to vote for Kamalah. As long as we keep the election clean, real Americans will show up and vote for the right candidate.
@doingusa Says:
Another lie not surprising
@manuelmelchizedek4309 Says:
Why i left democrap to republican TRUMP 2024
@bradpatton6855 Says:
If they really cared then why all the lies people
@bradpatton6855 Says:
I wonder why not going to Yale is better than going to yale??? That's pretty good accomplishment to me
@johnt.4947 Says:
At 2:44, that meme is hilarious!! It gave me a big laugh, almost all over my keyboard! Many thanks.
@Jthanson88 Says:
3:45 this 70 year old woman has a 12 year old girls haircut. No one’s listening to her 😂
@rokavelli Says:
Sadly most far leftist dont realize the most normal candidate is actually trump. Thats why they made fun of him orginally. Remember. He too normal. No exeprience. He isnt qualified. Thay are attempting to steal Trumps platform as their own now. But they are extremely disingenuous. Thank God they are not good actors. Whoever is falling for it is just plain stupid.
@rokavelli Says:
Shes absolutely right. We arent a democracy. We are a constitutional republic.
@Missmarple007 Says:
They just lie to lie. Its grotesque
@charlesosbun9381 Says:
Hurrah!, We can have a POTUS whose only Job experience is flipping burgers at MickeyD’s! 🤮🤢
@charlesosbun9381 Says:
Hurry, We can have a POTUS whose only Job experience is flipping burgers at MickeyD’s! 🤮🤢
@rosefagerness3432 Says:
She's so totally disrespectful & a habitual liar that she can't even make up good, plausible lies.
@rosefagerness3432 Says:
They show, expose what they are. Unfortunately, too many people don't want to see it.
@gusvonstupen1897 Says:
60 Minutes had a piece on the fundraising that Congress does. They have a tote board with leaders. Congress spends more time on the phone fund raising than they do anything else. That tiktok girl at the end? Hit the nail right on the head!

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