Trump just LAUNCHED his new talking point!!!
Trump just LAUNCHED his new talking point!!!



@jeremysteele3098 Says:
based Mr. Wonderful
@Notleft Says:
Thay are going to cheat
@jenniecotton2385 Says:
She makes me sick
@LordVader66 Says:
I know it’s cynical but it’s definitely a calculated plan by the Dems to drain our own resources and weaken our country from with in. It’s communism 101. That’s the goal on the left. It’s very obvious and all you have to do to see it is look at what happened in the past to all the other communist far left countries and see what happened they all weakens from within before either all falls apart. We cannot have that in our country. There a reason we’re a Republic. It NEEDS to stay that way forever. The left at this point is America Last. The Right is America first. It’s a easy choice
@gregbrownlow1034 Says:
Democrats are going to cheat....again!
@marybarbash5714 Says:
I really enjoy your potcast😊
@lebleb9501 Says:
Go Trump!
@Dr.GenevièveHuang Says:
Brilliant Maria Bartiromo of Fox asked a Dem to nane one company that practices price houging. Lol no response. Moron Comrade Commie Kamala-lamity lol
@betty8769 Says:
Its since you took office and Biden sold our fuel reserves.
@betty8769 Says:
This whole 2025 is not even a thing. The left came up with this, its not a thing.
@zobbycar2728 Says:
Nuclear is way cleaner energy and way more efficient, than all those millions and millions giants windmills. The windmills are a waste of resources.
@carlodefalco7930 Says:
The nation burying their own nuke waste , 👏 👏 👏..
@tonipaslay2539 Says:
All of the dems policies are intentional and designed to destroy America
@rpmrangerorange3112 Says:
Trump is right on the money. We need nuclear energy, natural gas because it. clean and safe. Trump is making his point heard. And the Democrats are panicking. Thanks for your dumb ideas, Democrats, but I'd rather go the trump way. Trump is making a lot of freaking sense. Common sense. Outweigh. the Democrats nonsense about the environment. and climate change. Trump's ideas. will compete the Democrats. Then Trump has made his point quite clear. The Democrats plans to get rid of the fossil fuel industry, or a bunch of nonsense. who is going to pay for it anyway and those giant windmills are annoying. They make a lot of noise. They disrupt migration A certain types of birds. and you know how expensive those windmills are? They're very expensive. and it's not Practical. to have those windmills. Trump is making freaking sense. We need more natural gas. We need more coal. Common sense will always prevail over climate change ideology. We don't need to be dependent on foreign oil We need to be energy independent and get ours. own get our own oil. That is how it is. from 2024 God bless Donald John Trump. at least Finland and Sweden. are using nuclear energy. other countries are advancing while we are stagnating. We need to be energy independent. and not rely on dirty oil from dictators. That's my opinion.
@steveisgood2go Says:
She fought to defund police, fought for lockdowns and fought for unrealistic wage increases and now claims she will fight against crime, fight for Democracy and fight to keep prices down 🙈🤦🏻‍♂️🤔🥴🤬
@andrewwalli1123 Says:
I work at the vit plant in Washington we’re trying to take the liquid toxic byproducts of making nuke bombs and turning them into glass but this is the first I’ve herd about this other clean up site then again there talking about spent fuel rods that’s significantly easier than these million gallon double layer tanks that are being eaten threw by this crap
@bobdefiglio2.045 Says:
The Democrats are driving us towards the WEF's vision. It has nothing to do with saving the environment. To pretend their strategy is stupidity is burying your head in the sand. Stop pretending this doesn't exist.
@Emanresuadeen Says:
The Marxist brainwashing through every level of education and most of popular media has certainly been very effective.
@gonzocom Says:
You have to vote her in to find out 🤤
@normanhechavarria152 Says:
People are insanely ignorant on the subject of nuclear waste. The truth is all of a nuclear waste generated by all the nuclear power plants that have ever existed would fit in a high school dionysium sized pit. Modern nuclear power plants are even more efficient and safe. Most people are afraid because they're going off of VERY dated information. Many years ago environmental group got together and put together a documentary about nuclear power. It's called Pandora's Promise. They set out to show the evils of nuclear power.By the time they were finished they were pro nuclear power. You should be free on YouTube.I don't know if it still is.
@TyroneBrown-z7x Says:
Shawn Ryan baby !
@charlesfountain3946 Says:
Well since K.H. is empty headed then all the head slappers will definitely not be falling / voting for her delusional leftist rhetoric word salad that only a three yr old could decipher... If you get my drift... If you don't need to know what her platform is all about then you're a prime candidate to belly up to the ballot lever and let her rip after which you get a coupon for a free pack of Koolaid to celebrate just how stupid you have been for all the world to see... Right on dudes...
@Ontharock Says:
We do know what kamel toe’s policies are. The same as Biden’s because the same people will be making the decisions
@bmo1878 Says:
That image Kamala tweeted is like the poster of every girl from when I went to high school
@charleswolfe810 Says:
It is NOT price gouging as they are claiming. It is the result of their policies and take a look at the states that do not do anything with shoplifters, which causes a loss to the company selling the goods, which in turn causes the rise of goods to all in order to recover the loss. Her plan is price controls, which is what you get in Russia and that leads to long lines and empty shelves.
@ultramagnus638 Says:
Thorium reactors would be better but I can dig it.
@williamburroughs9686 Says:
You know, it's kind of sad that the people who are the strongest in the Republican party were all past Democrats. Well, I think that Elon Musk was more like a Liberaltarian but left leaning. But anyway, it's sad because you would think that the Republican party would have people who had conviction in what they stood for. Not stand by and allow these bad things to happen. As for the election. Both Trump and Harris are running. But the difference is that Trump is running for president while Harris is running away. 😂 One thing that would help Harris is if she made good on her promises now. Sadly all they know how to do is to tear down and divide. Not unify and build. By the way, Trump started out as a builder. Let that sink in. Wait, Trump is many things but he is not a politician. If he was, do you really think that he would be able to do what he is doing now? No.
@patrickroche3366 Says:
God bless Russia.
@patrickroche3366 Says:
Harris IQ of room temperature.
@patrickroche3366 Says:
@stuckonstrobe Says:
It’s most definitely intentional..
@daniellester6111 Says:
Hey Dems...FAH-Q!!!!!!
@carpe_poon5761 Says:
She’s running on fixing the economy she destroyed?? And she’s up in the polls?? Please tell me this country aren’t that retarded
@abelcaine9519 Says:
Kamal ideas .woke woker wokest not plan to close border or stop inflation
@MessHallProd Says:
Why do we always have to wait for someone to get elected for change to happen?! Just thinking outside the box....
@AF2C2TG Says:
Make America SANE Again!
@GTSN38 Says:
My electronics teacher told me over 30 years ago that nuclear power is the best and that 1 day reactors will be everywhere
@daveyjoweaver6282 Says:
And the fuel the left buys from foreign sources? What about those countries producing it? What of their environments? Oh that’s right, they don’t count! It’s all so absurd and criminal! We must get back to The United States of America, Her Constitution and Bill of Rights that’s been the Hope of the world! It is Natural Law, Common Law, God’s Law! It’s all about WE THE PEOPLE INITED! TRUMP/VANCE-2024=1776!
@nasty4451 Says:
How has anyone fallen for this nonsense. Kamala is not someone who should be taken seriously for anything. She wasn't up to this point
@nack1963 Says:
There's already a use Baffle everyone
@0TheFather0 Says:
Is there a link to that Trump interview? I'd like to watch more of it.
@nack1963 Says:
@nack1963 Says:
Please assume i won't who stops you doing your shuff Adresses o kid's school
@nack1963 Says:
Put it where the kids where,
@MortenBendiksen Says:
Elections are always close. If people were ready for a change, that would not be the main issues of the election. The main issues are always the ones that divide the most amount of people into two camps. This time the issue is really, "are you ready to believe that the government is rotten to the core, or don't you". If you're not ready, youl vote for absolutely any evil that will let you continue to believe in government. If you are ready, you'll vote for whom ever appears to want to do something about it. In 1930s Germany, the real issue was, "do you want the guys who have wrecked Russia, who have almost broken you into dust, to rule you, or not". It doesn't matter if the side that appears to want to solve the issue had the ability to or not, or are insane. Half of people vote for it no matter what. The reaso one is in the current bind, is almost always precicely because the people are divided about the real issue. It's only when the bind is caused by arbitrary forces that are obvious, that you get a landslide for the one who seems most able to execute the solution. Parliamentary democracy sucks. There should be a mechanism for people to send trustworthy representatives from among their neighbours, without ideology being a factor, and those reps should elect further reps, all the way up. Voting for preselected groups of insane elitists is an insane system, worse that aristocracy.
@nack1963 Says:
The wonderful appointment?
@billbabbs3871 Says:
What the hell is project 2025, is this part of Harris's idea, oh yah she doesn't have two brain cells put together, really what the hell!?
@nack1963 Says:
❤ just love
@yeoharold4404 Says:
Don’t forget, Biden claimed he was going to be a president for all Americans and he was going to cure cancer. Democrat talk means nothing.
@jaystapes3086 Says:
Elon really pushed Nuclear power being good during that historic "X spaces". Elon and Trump said the word "Nuclear" has a branding problem and is usually associated with being bad when it's actually good.

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