EXCLUSIVE: Veterans Affairs Canada tried to hide euthanasia scandal paper trail
EXCLUSIVE: Veterans Affairs Canada tried to hide euthanasia scandal paper trail



@RebelNewsOnline Says:
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@paladancray7242 Says:
Seem’s Veteran AFFAIRS OFFICiAL’s and The Doctors /CLINIC’s and OLE FOLKS HOMES NEED CITizens WATCH dog’s a High PRIORITY! NOW! Along with FIRING’s SHAME SHAME SHAME!
@carolharquail9131 Says:
Mkultra worked with Jesuit priests at Residential Schools, Remote Neural Monitoring, Voice of God Technology, actually pushes people to Suicide, according to Dr Robert Duncan who worked on the Voice of God Technology, claims, the Suicide Program is called the SATAN Program! Pretty concerning considering the Hisotry of the Jesuit order and them beginning as a terrorist Organism! Even Targeted Justice in the USA is having a Lawsuit against the USA, while Canada denied victims of mkuutras mind control programs the right to justice!
@reneprevost2943 Says:
Can’t share, Thanks yet again Trudeau!
@ianrasmussen9203 Says:
What why would our liberal, NDP GOVERNMENT do this who's next us old people sick this is sick beyond belief 😢😢
@leemaynikora4892 Says:
It doesn’t surprise me with Turdo💩 in power every DOG has its day!!
@frostedpanda Says:
We have no "Forces" all hi-jacked by the "special training" from Israhell...
@johnboutilier8206 Says:
This is trudope's and his gang of liberal misfits new and improved Canada. Do the world a favour trudope and do a test run of the M.A.I.D. program.
@markwilliams3994 Says:
Nazis! Now they’re paid for it and they don’t have to steal.
@kirstenferreira3008 Says:
Trudeau should be treated with MAID!
@SnowWhite-hr4ho Says:
All life has value
@johnbrown303 Says:
Veterans fighting for a cause that discards them like trash! Horrifying to hear these men and women are told to commit suicide pretty much. All because they dont want to do their jobs to helping these veterans who help keep other countries free. Unlike at home, where they arent free.
@basketthound2133 Says:
How dare the corrupt, treasonous coalition government undern Crime Minister Trudeau and useless Singh offer our Veterans anything else but; HELP! My family fought and died for Canada in WW1 and WW2. I as well was trained. Trust me when I say you may not have the help of our military when you need it? Do you really think they are not paying attention to this? Again, HOW DARE YOU?
@jihomet7607 Says:
Share ..cbc gets 17 million dollars for its managers Bounous. Vets need to justify thire need of a 5$ bandages
@MrTunden Says:
So if you try watch this on tv first it says sure u want to play this then it becomes very small in top right corner reble news videos is only ones i see this happen to so 55 inch tv will only show top right 7 inch video
@e8iMm7KE999 Says:
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 2 Timothy 3:1-4
@MRoley885 Says:
Disgraceful Liberal Government, this has to end, JT MUST GO!
@robertboyle255 Says:
I think most Canadians would try to save someone in crisis rather than assist them in their death!
@chickensoup44 Says:
Sheila, the comment was, "IT IS from Rebel News", not, "IS IT from Rebel News?". A misunderstanding there.
@scottwheeler6113 Says:
Absolutely disgusting
@ElizaB-pp5zq Says:
Where is the video?
@G.I.N.N Says:
C.A.F ...Is corrupt. Anyone who joins will be brainwashed, Total toxic culture. Sent to fight in conflicts based on lies.
@BellaVagnini-mf6hj Says:
This is the lowest a government can go. 🥸
@robertboyle255 Says:
Turdeau should receive his own kind of justice that he handed out to the truckers freedom convoy!that includes 2years in jail,all assets frozen ,including the Trudeau foundation!Then Canadians get to decide what to do with him!
@DanBarksey Says:
This is just another reason why the Liberal/NDP government wanted the M.A.I.D service to begin with .
@kevinarmstrong6957 Says:
Horrific . It’s Trudolf appeasing his masters with their eugenics agenda .
@winniefindstheway Says:
It's truly disturbing that the Canadian government rather wipe out people than provide any real help
@kakarotprime69 Says:
The government has to make room for their new Canadians
@dougiep2769 Says:
Don't ever sign up to Canadian military..in fact don't ever work in Canada. Unless it's for cash or barter..
@dougiep2769 Says:
It would be the only thing our psycopath healthcare would do right..
@glenrobinson916 Says:
This is so wrong and horrific beyond words. Any one in veterans affairs who participated in this should be fired. Their political masters must be held accountable. This practice of MAID is totally unacceptable and must stop.
@ceciliacrocker390 Says:
What i have learnd of friends and family during the pandemic is how much we have become a me too society and no longer stand with others in need...😢
@johannaholmgren8088 Says:
To everyone here: I was an RN for 40 years. When MAiD was brought in, i WARNED my co-workers that it was just the first step towards the government and doctors applying "death on demand" (and not even on demand) across the board and that it was only a matter of time before it was abused. The response was disbelief from my co-workers. But in the Netherlands, where euthanasia has been legal for decades, people in all walks of life and of all ages are being euthanised, without family being told and without the consent of the victim.
@CarmelaWain Says:
This liberal government are so Un Canadian. So so sad. So so hurtful So so disgusting Does JUSTIN TRUDEAU have ANY ...ANY empathy for a fellow human being??? Is he really this COLD ??? Like seriously? Is this even human? Is there no humanity..sympathy...dignity...left in our government? Then I say....please step aside AND..let the adults in the room take over ! PERIOD
@jeffhillstead3302 Says:
And we're worried about Doctor's.. Very..! Who said medical kill's more Canadian's then anything else.. 🤔 I just did.. Prove me wrong..
@kippie80 Says:
most vetrans fought for their country, those that survived came to understand the scam and how they were played for patriotism to a crime ring. now they try to X the wise.
@Myopinion789 Says:
They fought for us, and died for us. We should be supporting them in their time of need because they went to war and died at their greatest years of their lives…for us. They are heroes.
@Myopinion789 Says:
This truly is one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard. Thank you for your service. We are tired of supporting you in the place you put your life on the line for….so I can give you the opportunity to save us money and sign up for MAID. Those liberals wouldn’t like me in the Prime Ministers chair. The Climate Cult would be illegal like a terrorist organization. Which they are.
@Myopinion789 Says:
All these liberals should be sent to the front lines in Ukraine.
@vancguy9204 Says:
Only loathing for any remaining supporters of justinas cult.
@fernandosamf1185 Says:
This is a curse on us, self harm , immigrants flooding us, evil leaders , food shotages , earth quakes Dishonest police, fires , bugs infestations , disease etc. Because of the killing of the unborn
@laureenbrandon7209 Says:
Water boarding is not better then anything,who gets there life insurance?my 27 year old was suggested
@eternalmistress Says:
What happens to all the money that they don't have to pay out in disability or pensions?
@julielariviere9248 Says:
The nazis program is back.
@deathsentence87 Says:
Worst part of this is russia created the abomination to god lgbtq and russians putin supports biden.. thats weird..
@fptshop2614 Says:
@ledacedar6253 Says:
Not surprising yet abhorrently disgustingly unprofessional & PHUCKED and they get paid to do this to the desperate!!! Sure systemic euthanasia even pushing their Extinctionism Agenda WEF POS!
@johnbuffett5650 Says:
Our cannon fodder deserve better.
@lynntremayne7213 Says:
Trudeau shamful
@NorthernHDrider Says:

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