Tamara Lich trial day 41: Chris Barber's counsel argues good faith, insufficient evidence of guilt
Tamara Lich trial day 41: Chris Barber's counsel argues good faith, insufficient evidence of guilt



@RebelNewsOnline Says:
What was it like helping organize the Freedom Convoy protest? Read Tamara Lich's story in her own words, get your copy of "Hold The Line" today, visit https://TheConvoyBook.com
@stubinski268 Says:
Thank you Sarah! You rock Tamara 🎉
@VioletGoddess306 Says:
Who is the women with the red skunk line hair? Why is she always recording ? why is she always there? What is her purposes ?
@paulbraine674 Says:
Is there a jury cos if not turdo will win political case
@lucianonotte1444 Says:
all he had to do sit down with the convoy and come to a resolution dicktater
@lucianonotte1444 Says:
must b. A liberal judge this case needs to b thrown out of court 😮
@lucianonotte1444 Says:
J.t needs to b on trail
@dustinherk8124 Says:
the mere fact this trial is still going for A MISDEMEANOR CRIMINAL OFFENSE, is absurd. waste of tax payer dollars. and highlights Canada's banana republic.
@Samayil_2024 Says:
Tamara Lich should be the Prime Minister of Canada. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
@electrondady1475 Says:
i just found out its Ontario that has laid the charges not the Feds .
@skinny1968 Says:
Its funny how these Canadians are on trial for standing up against mandates that have now been recognized worldwide as useless. Drop these ridiculous charges and make any one that voted for the envocation of the emergencies act personally responsible to repay damages to these citizens.
@MDaly-dx4gi Says:
@haroldrankin2683 Says:
Where is Omar Khadre?? Where is the political opposition to this farce???
@haroldrankin2683 Says:
This has become a political causation... ....SO GROSS 🤮
@solracromero Says:
It is so obvious the overreach of the government, its Censorship and persecution of anyone that dares to go against the narrative. A displayed of stripping of rights and freedoms and the intent to discourage anyone that wants to exercise them.
@WesWoychyshyn Says:
What a waste of taxpayers money! Trudeau and his corrupt government should all be charged and prosecuted for their fraudulent activities of taxpayers money!
@CanadianCrusherGuy Says:
Justin Trudeau should be in Prison for the rest of his miserable life. I’m ready for another Convoy !
@LCculater Says:
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, poop 🤫, really ?
@ladwigs Says:
Hasn't she been on trial, for over a year now ?
@Royelsworth Says:
I thought the prosecutors had already dropped the charges
@truecanadian1616 Says:
This is the tyrannical state of affairs that Justin and his cronies have imposed in Canada while giving real criminals from his favorite Peoplekind free rein. Persecution of anyone who does not support the Marxist ideology of the Liberal Party of Canada and corruption of our Justice Ministry by appointment of HIMSELF's toadies. Hopefully if Justin is unsuccessful in stealing the next election there will be consequences for the Crown attorneys who are leading this farce of justice. Nuremburg proved that "Just following orders" is not a defence.
@georgedavidson1221 Says:
Sarah. Is a shining star , smart and good looking. , Good job
@jenniferbarrette5444 Says:
Punishment in the court case itself!!
@jenniferbarrette5444 Says:
on ch ur ch prope rty..this seems like the d ev il talking..like the olym ics\ The words are being us ed as w ea pons..WOW. Yes its emotions of the dark side to the god saught justice!!!!! P eo ple wak e!!
@jenniferbarrette5444 Says:
using pooping with a witness in a court case..wow
@HypocriticYT Says:
Never seen such abuse of government power, it will be in the history books 📚
@HypocriticYT Says:
Trudeaus attempt to frighten Canadians from sticking up to democracy and the truth. This is an intimidation mechanism
@kevinklassen8199 Says:
@jimroy7839 Says:
What a waste of tax payers money. This communist government needs to be sued.
@kenfay8605 Says:
So many people hungry. This waist of tax dollars is criminal.
@kenfay8605 Says:
Trudeau should be on trial.
@samlivingston6375 Says:
Police created all the road blocks.
@michealGRuns Says:
This country is a disgrace
@bikerbarbie1964 Says:
The freedom convoy was one of the biggest events in Canadian history. To get people to travel thousands of kilometres to stand for Canadian rights was an amazing thing. One of the few things that have made me proud of my country in recent history. These charges are ridiculous.
@stephanh3319 Says:
What about all those Palestine protest still going on after 9 months? The freedom convoy was a Canadian movement to save our Country from tyranny, we have nothing to do with Palestine conflict.
@brucehailey Says:
klause schwabs HAWK THAW boy must go
@brucehailey Says:
she exposed trudeaus corruption,GOD bless tamara
@barbboulanger6765 Says:
This is so ridiculous!
@KMAN5433 Says:
Political punishment
@Tech-ru1zt Says:
I stand with anyone that's for freedom but it upsets me that Pat King was asked to help the convoy due to his following Pat was the 1 who spread the word he was the most vocal everyone stood with him but when sh*t hit the fan you guys all forgot about him like he never existed like he was never there but the truth is he is also fighting in the courts you guys used him and threw him out like trash to me thats a coward move we need to stand together united but how you don't even acknowledge Pat after the fact is disgusting and you should be ashamed.
@Tech-ru1zt Says:
The EA was deemed unlawful so why is Tamara and Chris still battling in court Trudeau is the 1 that should be on trial they said the convoy started building fires committed sex crimes steeling food from the homeless being violent and it was all lies I want my government to be held accountable.
@ChristianDevoin2 Says:
Textbook Fascism works best with Turds who cannot Define Fascism, trash the #NurembergCode and invite Jaroslav Hunka Turd into the House of Commons.
@deepbrit Says:
Anyone who goes against corrupt shameless tyrant Just “IN” is subjected to these fake cases and punishment
@RubyVideoFan Says:
There should be video evidences of Tamara asking supporters to be peaceful and law biding.
@erinfenton184 Says:
And yet Marlon Downey of Toronto has his human trafficking case thrown out for a second time this year, because of judge shortage. Shameful when mischief charges are more important than getting violent criminals of our syreets. Typical from Crimeminister Trudeau and Grifter Gagmeet Canada.
@jamesparker1071 Says:
Liberal "Justice". Guilty til proven innocent. Innocent til proven broke. Repeat until the desired effect is achieved.
@Maddie2u Says:
The idea that Canadians cannot express their opinions in their own country is ludicrous. A senior colleague just received a notice from the Property Manager threatening him with a $5K fine for daring to call the Condo Board (of his Condominium Complex) stupid, which, they are. Note, this gentleman is an long time owner paying $450/month in maintenance fees and, yet, has no say. Do we have a right to our opinions in this country or are we all being muzzled? What is happening???? One thing is for sure the CAO (Condominium Authority of Ontario) is simply another useless Government appendage. Sorry for inserting this side topic but, it just never ends, does it?
@deathsentence87 Says:
Canada you now need to explain what did happen here in reality if you lie im going to know right away.. this is not making any sense its fraudulent..
@deathsentence87 Says:
Release them and never target freedom convoys again ever or punishments these are law abiding citizens to destroy the agriculture of canada for russia says me..russia india intends to enslave also..
@randoir1863 Says:

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