ABC's biased reporting on Bangladesh crisis DISMISSES Hindu victims
ABC's biased reporting on Bangladesh crisis DISMISSES Hindu victims



@RebelNewsOnline Says:
@kenzilla1323 Says:
We have the same problem in Ireland and the uk . Muslims killing innocent children and women
@dee74raz Says:
Very true video
@ireneiota Says:
If you know muslim, then you're wrong ! Their book tells them to make non beleiver women sex slaves and killing who refuse to convert to Islam
@mafu3344 Says:
U are biased too my dear u didn't report anything about Indian Muslim lynching vandalise their mosque by Hindu extremist run by modi govt ,I am from Bangladesh one or two incident happens but by large Muslim protecting hindu n Christian place of worship n their houses ,these fake news run by indian govt as Bangladesh pm ousted by people these things are not getting well with Indian media as huseena wajid is friend of modi n Indian govt 😢just do neutral reporting sir 😮
@lorij3786 Says:
ABC is owned by Disney DEIsney is part of WEF, not a far stone to theow
@lorij3786 Says:
Here’s the biggest thing, 85% of all our linens/clothing come from there and are now muslims ran… build back better
@zibano1939 Says:
Weird, you should see how the indian news coverage is biased towards the former pm as “angry protestor mad cuz the other 2 parties were riling them up” then proceeded to ignore the context to subvert the narrative At 1:55 u said msm is covering stuff up, and followed by “believe indian msm” bruh
@pdude1911 Says:
You are a hero, Avi and Rebel News! The MSM is a joke. Free speech = power. Salute from Holland ❤😊
@SuperLuckyTa Says:
Thanks for truth Avi and Rebel News.
@dlcarbonneau3750 Says:
thank you for covering this.
@regularjoe9032 Says:
Thank you for talking about this.
@RajwinderDhillon-p2q Says:
Can I coverage in Punjabi langue’s in Caneda many people our community don’t know English your coverage very good
@canden-t7w Says:
Mainstream media now is often bias. CBC Radio One extremely promotes secular left liberal political correctness over reality and good common sense !.
@EBooksForMe Says:
Muslims have suffered most from these extreme Islamists. Why not post about that? We've had Muslims in our neighborhood for years, they're friendly and hospitable, and there are some that are not. Just like with any other group of people, there's always some bad apples. There are many other factors that contribute to violence. Educate yourself and make better informed content instead of dedicating your channel to spreading hate. Find a hobby or something to do in your free time instead of coming on here blaming others for your shortcomings in life.
@SUlutas Says:
Zionist Rebel News pits people against each other again. Christians against Muslims, Hindus against Muslims. And sometimes Christians against Hindus by implying that Indian students in Canada are leeches. Your mask is off Rebel News. You are an Israel-First propaganda organization.
@333coyotel Says:
Yes. The CIA-infiltrated, Operation Mockingbird, MK Ultra, fake news propaganda media is a worldwide phenomenon.
@sham27007 Says:
Thank you for telling the truth.
@Craig8633 Says:
Where ever Muslims go trouble follows
@Thisisaweirdthing2makeusdo Says:
Hindus are the nicest people 😢
@barronridge5613 Says:
When do we stop calling the majority minorities?
@ilysestariq Says:
Apparently victims of Muslim’s aren’t aloud to complain.
@garrithjoynt3018 Says:
We watch Rebel News and other caring journalists on the ground reporting truth and fact. We do not watch fake news media or support regimes and tyrants backed by the WEF.
@maxnovax3948 Says:
Pakistan was created by the British to separate the Muslims from the Hindus because the Muslims were slaughtering Hindus in an attempted Islamic takeover of India. The history books call it the Indian civil war of the mid twentieth century. it was just what the Muslims have done in every country they could, and it continues. They see it as Allah's will.
@epockismet76 Says:
I wish I didnt have to say it, but in many situations we have been misinfirmed of in the past, leading us all to bias, it has been as ABC suspects. It's why God reached down to save us from ourselves. We have lost control of our karma, because we act without the truth, and believe our emotions are a power, when they have become a disability, and a tool to opress and control.
@john-fr5yd Says:
Boycott bangladesh made clothes around the world
@SandiKlein Says:
🙏 for the Hindu people 😢 why can’t people just leave others that think different or have different religions alone????? We need peace in this world, badly.
@AR-hj7sm Says:
It cuz hindus do the same thing
@Dayz3O6 Says:
The woke liberals west is now on the islamist terrorist side now
@yabadabad00000 Says:
The world needs to unite against islam, there may be 2 billion of them, but there are 6 billion of us. Wake up!
@nightcrawleroriginal Says:
ABC, they still around ?
@drowningin Says:
No one ever accurately reports on Islam
@mofo5206 Says:
Muslim majority there.
@AbdulAlhazred-l2l Says:
All Abrahamic religions are garbages.Yahweh, son of EI is just a usurper
@deang.ferris4618 Says:
ABC is irrelevant now as a source of News. And guess who dodges paying taxes. Those whom practice sedition.
@sumstuff6956 Says:
The religion of peace again
@Faith_Jesus_Christ Says:
I don’t watch MSM. Thank you for your work rebel
@valeriewalker954 Says:
Muslims will pay for the evil that they do. Yahweh sees all.
@user-lc5km9xs5c Says:
Thanks Avi and Rebel - Hindus are slaughtered everyday by Muslims and the West does not report it.
@stevewashere4122 Says:
Hindus being attacked by Muslims? Hindus being attacked by Muslims ? Nah, nothing religious about that. Not like Hindu & Muslim is a religion.
@Dan-x8f3u Says:
@colinheadrick98 Says:
The MSM has proven itself again that they lied about everything from the couf to Ukraine to UK to Canada and beyond. They have committed self suicide.
@HigzyTeflon Says:
@trumpingtonfanhurst694 Says:
US media is trash and garbage, all of it. Ignore them.
@marknalberta Says:
Don't they also have children slaves
@marknalberta Says:
@suemontgomery3250 Says:
ABC should be held accountable seeing they get so much money from our government which is what our tax pays for. WT F
@donaldtrumpthesonofperdition Says:
Germanic ancestral full name D(1)o(2)n(3)a(4)l(5)d(6) J(1)o(2)h(3)a(4)n(5)n(6) D(1)r(2)u(3)m(4)p(5)f(6)...666 Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding calculate the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is χξς 666. Chizayon/Revelation 13:18
@pattytoscano9569 Says:
Thanks for truth, from New York!
@KathiWildo Says:
We all know the words "misinformation" and "disinformation" now actually mean "the truth".

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