Ontario mayors demand action on homelessness and opioid crises as chaos descends on Canadian streets
Ontario mayors demand action on homelessness and opioid crises as chaos descends on Canadian streets



@RebelNewsOnline Says:
Canada’s major urban centres are in a state of decay and chaos. All levels of government appear to be blaming each other, and no one is stepping in to take a stand and help restore public safety. Add your name here to demand our politicians take steps to restore safety: http://FixOurCities.com
@salty-biscuit Says:
Can't believe what's happened to Canada Trudeau and his clan has destroyed it Canada is being run by mental patients and pedo's
@cellphone7223 Says:
Quick! Another 2 billion to Ukraine will end homelessness and the opioid crisis. 😉
@crazyralph6386 Says:
Meh, the mayors and councillors are more concerned about painting the sidewalks with rainbows, than the homeless people that occupy it.
@suzukirider8715 Says:
justin has an evil agenda........ TO BURN CANADA TO THE GROUND........and its going FULL SPEED AHEAD!!! If we want all of the problems in Canada to be resolved, then trudeau has got to go !!!! (to prison) !!
@Checkit12 Says:
It’s not the just mayor your streets your groups have all become activists wanting hate and division all your social services go to these activist groups and it’s just $$ for hate and bs nothing from the top or the streets. The culture also has a lock on the leadership
@DavidEm-zd9fg Says:
Thanks ladies. But you are a big part of the problems today.
@Incognito-fe8cw Says:
If you can help prevent what causes all this, then you have less mess to clean up !
@evaeva007 Says:
Shameful how our society has become !!!!!
@aeronmorson3519 Says:
Get then treatment, to hell with your drug dens
@davidanderson7460 Says:
If someone wanted you dead They may use this as a method to achieve their goal
@davidanderson7460 Says:
we need more immigration diversity is are strength,,, with that everyone will be happy
@EleAn-d9r Says:
You have money for your pay big pay but poor humans left homles they start drugs sleepingvon strets
@EleAn-d9r Says:
Yes becase you live them homles 145 is not a income for injured at job 21 years
@Shukaikim Says:
Trubleaus Canada, another paid liberal schmuck, who doubles down on idiocy!
@jeffhillstead3302 Says:
The book of the gate keepers.. These Mayers helped create the drug and homeless problem.. Should have built more homes huh..!
@SpidermanWebster Says:
100 thousand! Think Not! Wait till Trudy brings in a few more million immigrants in the next couple of years, you wont need houses ,you will need bigger jails cause crime will be out of control.
@SpidermanWebster Says:
Good luck😂, this government is only going to bring more immigrants to Canada and they will be the only ones who get treated like a human beings, to bad for candians this government doesn't give a 💩 about you!
@paladancray7242 Says:
Well when yha base your whole Health Care system on Big Pharma Drugs and potions expect total failure and way to costly!
@Ass-pw5mf Says:
Maybe the premiers will get some balls and tell TRDeau to f... off!!! Take control of your provinces and f... the feds!!!!
@BlacktopAngel66 Says:
The government makes money off crime.. NGO's are making loads off this scam and others, and no doubt politicians have their fingers in the pie!
@DouglasJBoyd-fz9fb Says:
Never let a crisis go to waste to much money to be made from it even when created by the Government and I mean all levels of Government and all Parties LMFAO WAKE UP PEOPLE FFS
@JohnMackay-kn3rl Says:
Canada's money is wasted on foreign aid and special interest groups. We have no money to help Canadian taxpayers
@roadstar92220 Says:
I cannot stand seeing and listening to the clown known as Trudeau.
@annakoncz9413 Says:
Evil governs this country.
@stevethomson696 Says:
Caused mainly by immigrants
@Jon-Doe34 Says:
Their ie this leftist government are doing this deliberately sabotaging their own it's satanic all because we don't agree with them taking men's packages in their backporch I say we really switch globally and tell them to step down their fking us all literally treudo starmer and biden will not win believe me
@adrianlawson5491 Says:
Encampments all over my city Thunder Bay....Canada never use to be like this....Immigration ruined this once great country...thanks trudeau for your failed leadership...
@Fyyt Says:
Just keep voting, Trudeau, back in!!! He'll fix it !!!
@chasenicholson3927 Says:
If you look at the homeless on the streets 90 percent of them are old stock Canadian ( white or native ) . You will never see these immigrants on the streets .hmmm now I wonder why that is ???
@mauricesalce21sttheaaandan48 Says:
The politicians don't care especially Trudeau and Jughead. These criminals should be in jail
Mass immigration and inflation is causing 'homelessness" as well as the drug use...
@rickmsc5130 Says:
Horrible jow Trudeau demolished Canada. You need to vote for a real leader 🇨🇦
@devinangola3458 Says:
Homelessness doesn’t lead to drug addiction.. it’s the complete fukn opposite. Drugs being handed out like candy to addicts who will not go to your facilities even if you build a million .. is beyond stupid. These are people with problems that need treatment and interventions , you can’t ignore the problem and hand out more free drugs and naloxone forever. If you don’t put boots on the street to get them into treatment or a mental hospital you’re part of the problem…🤡🌎
@thomasmacdonald8248 Says:
Im so sick of this,the simple fact is nothing is getting done
@Et_2_Brute Says:
Ukraine seems to be more important to our leaders than the live of the people here. We pay the most tax in the world so money is not the issue.
@abellseaman4114 Says:
Canadian mayors are HYPOCRITES who are key player in CREATING the problems that inhabitants of their cities now face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need only look to city of Toronto that has now LOST is wonderful special relationship with ONTARIO LIE-beral govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That special relationship with Ontario Lie-berals was SO BIASED that LIE-beral provincial govt was doling out TEN DOLLARS TO TORONTO FOR EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR THEY DOLED OUT TO OTHER RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO MUNICIPALITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is NO JUSTIFICATION for such one sided funding in favour of Toronto - OTHER THAN THE SHAMELESS LIE-beral effort to BUY VOTES AT ANY PRICE - at the expense of tax payers who DO NOT SUPPORT LIE-beral values!!!!!!!!!!!! And it is this now cancelled and grossly one sided LIE-beral funding arrangement and general LIE-beral CORRUPTION that is ensuring that Doug Ford and his Conservative govt REMAIN AS THE PREFERRED GOVT OF ONTARIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@davidlundquist Says:
My home is directly on the Thames Parkway near downtown London and these mayors have no clues what they are doing. In our community we have finally taken matters in our hands because the City would destroy our homes if we don't. Enough fake compassion
@ScalesOfaRam Says:
These municipalities have been evicting and refusing citizens for immigrants and illegals for more funding. They did this. They should all be in prison! No shelters for men with families. 487 buildings in Ontario for women with families. Equality, right?
@Jimmyjones-y1w Says:
The GTA is the reason we're in the mess we're in .....no thoughts and prayers for you loser liberals😂😂
@garyd5622 Says:
Trudeau and Freeland are focused on using taxpayer funds to give Zelensky whatever he wants to attack Ukrainians who peacefully oppose him and Russians who are trying to protect them.
@charlieneil5596 Says:
I'm different.I think that the people that created this problem should be the ones that pay for it
@tomirwin8220 Says:
Is Hamilton's mayor at this conference or is she playing the sunny days sunny ways theory? Mostly left wing ideology. So glad I got out of there it's really bad for businesses and seniors. No protection for them and nobody wants to travel to these areas, just causes urban blight. Forget about LRT and building condos downtown who wants to step outside their units or houses to witness craziness . Not the cities we grew up in ,thank God.
@timcorbett5853 Says:
Trust the plan, the Kalergi plan.
@dmet5810 Says:
Clearly this is what Trudeau and his fools wanted. Why else legalize hard drugs in Vancouver with a hidden plan to expand the crisis countrywide? Canadians have lied-to by these goofs and it's obvious their intent was divide and distract . It's so moronically bizarre that many are incredulous.
@Petey17564 Says:
Ahhhh same crazy create the problem then come out with terrible ways to fix it!! Oh and charge us for it so we pay for it at the same time
@Duncangonefishin Says:
Sunny ways...
@michaelhribljan284 Says:
Give me a break, ask for more money that we don’t have! Most, all these mayors are NDP and liberal supporters, we did not have these issues before the federal liberal government. There is clear causal relationship between liberal/NDP policy, call out the policies that are at the root of the problem. Unsafe supply of opioids, explosive immigration, money printing, enforcement of the laws.
@frankc-k3q Says:
Mentally ill left commie government 😂
@mannyradzky493 Says:
But the federal government is prepared to buy hotels to house asylum seekers, feed them and give them spending money. WTF!!! Make sure to vote Trudy….OUT!!!

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